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柴北缘超高压变质带:从大洋到大陆的深俯冲过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
    柴北缘超高压变质带同我国大别- 苏鲁造山带类似,同属典型的大陆型俯冲碰撞带。柯石英在榴辉岩和片麻岩中均 有发现,且石榴橄榄岩锆石中含有金刚石。本文从岩石学、温压计算、地球化学和年代学四个方面,对此带中的鱼卡、绿 梁山、锡铁山和都兰4 个榴辉岩和石榴橄榄岩出露地区近些年的研究进展进行了系统详细的综述。与典型的大陆型俯冲碰 撞带不同,柴北缘超高压变质带保存了早期陆壳俯冲前发生的洋壳深俯冲的证据。因此,结合现有数据,本文对柴北缘超 高压变质带从大洋俯冲到大陆俯冲碰撞的构造演化模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

柴北缘超高压变质带沙柳河蛇绿岩型地幔橄榄岩及其意义   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
本文报道了柴北缘大陆型超高压变质带沙柳河地区发现的蛇绿岩型地幔橄榄岩,其原始矿物组合为橄榄石+斜方辉石+铬铁矿。方辉橄榄岩中识别出两个世代的橄榄石,第一世代橄榄石7、(O1^1)残晶发育扭折带,化学成分与现代大洋地幔橄榄岩的橄榄石一致,第二世代橄榄石(O1^2)Fo值高达94~97,其内部含有细小的流体包裹体,是第一世代橄榄石蛇纹石化后再次变质的产物。斜方辉石残晶的成分具有高Al和Ca的特征,与大洋地幔橄榄岩中斜方辉石的成分一致。温压条件的估算反映该橄榄岩体属于典型的尖晶石相方辉橄榄岩。其围岩是由堆晶辉长岩变质的条带状蓝晶石榴辉岩,二者构成了大洋蛇绿岩套的下部层位,并且与区内具有N—MORB和OIB性质的榴辉岩共生。这些特征表明该方辉橄榄岩应代表洋壳下伏地幔橄榄岩,从而揭示大陆造山带从早期的大洋俯冲消亡到大陆俯冲碰撞的完整过程。  相似文献   

柴北缘超高压带中锡铁山榴辉岩的变质时代   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
宋述光  张聪  李献华  张立飞 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1191-1197
锡铁山地体位于柴北缘超高压变质带的中部, 是柴北缘超高压变质带的重要组成部分。该地体由花岗质片麻岩、泥质片麻岩和相对较少的榴辉岩透镜体组成。大部分榴辉岩都经历了不同程度的后生合晶和角闪岩相退化变质改造。虽然近年来进行了大量的锆石U-Pb年代学研究,但榴辉岩相高压-超高压变质的时代一直存在争议,并且以前对锡铁山榴辉岩相变质时代的认识一直与相邻的绿梁山、鱼卡和其东部的都兰等地区的超高压变质年龄有明显的冲突。本文通过锡铁山榴辉岩锆石U-Pb年代学的研究,获得榴辉岩相变质锆石的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为433±3Ma,与鱼卡地区榴辉岩的形成年龄一致,代表大陆俯冲时期的高压-超高压变质年龄。该研究对进一步了解锡铁山榴辉岩地体的变质演化和大陆地壳深俯冲有重要意义。  相似文献   

高展  张贵宾 《岩石学报》2017,33(6):1775-1788
柴北缘超高压变质带作为中国西部深俯冲的一个研究热点,对其变质泥质岩的碎屑锆石年龄研究对了解此区内深俯冲大陆的前寒武纪演化历史,及与华北克拉通及华南克拉通的亲缘性讨论具有重要意义。本文选取柴北缘超高压变质带中绿梁山和都兰的变质泥质岩,筛选锆石利用LA-ICP-MS进行定年并讨论其地质意义。实验结果表明碎屑锆石年龄分为三个组别集中,分别是1100Ma、1000~800Ma和800~500Ma,并分别代表了古老的结晶基底、与Rodinia超大陆相关的碰撞和裂解事件以及古祁连洋的演化。板块亲缘性分析表明柴达木-祁连地区可能与扬子克拉通西缘具有亲缘性,可能作为扬子克拉通西缘的延伸而与扬子克拉通相连。通过结合碎屑锆石数据及板块亲缘性分析并对比现今西太平洋边缘的演化模式,本文提出了一个在早古生代北祁连为主动大陆边缘,柴北缘为被动大陆边缘;在祁连地体北侧的古祁连洋闭合后柴北缘转变为主动大陆边缘的构造演化模式。  相似文献   

北祁连山和柴北缘是典型的早古生代大陆造山带,分别发育有北祁连山大洋型俯冲缝合带和柴北缘大陆型俯冲碰撞带.作为早古生代大洋冷俯冲的典型代表,北祁连山经历了从新元古代-寒武纪大洋扩张、奥陶纪俯冲和闭合及早泥盆世隆升造山的过程.高压变质岩变质年龄为490~440Ma,证明古祁连洋经历了至少50m.y.的俯冲过程.柴北缘超高压变质带是大陆深俯冲的结果,岩石学、地球化学和同位素年代学表明,柴北缘超高压变质带中榴辉岩的原岩分别来自洋壳和陆壳两种环境.高压/超高压变质的蛇绿岩原岩的年龄为517±11Ma,与祁连山蛇绿岩年龄一致.榴辉岩早期的变质年龄为443~473Ma,与祁连山高压变质年龄一致,代表大洋地壳俯冲的时代,而柯石英片麻岩和石榴橄榄岩所限定的超高压变质时代为420~426Ma,代表大陆俯冲的年龄.从大洋俯冲结束到大陆俯冲最大深度的转换时间最少需要20m.y..自420Ma起,俯冲的大洋岩石圈与跟随俯冲的大陆岩石圈断离,大陆地壳开始折返,发生隆升和造山.北祁连山和柴北缘两个不同类型的高压-超高压变质带反映了早古生代从大洋俯冲到大陆俯冲、隆升折返的造山过程.  相似文献   

陈仁旭  郑永飞 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4095-4101
俯冲带是地壳与地幔之间物质交换的主要场所.前人对大洋俯冲带壳幔相互作用进行了大量研究,但是对俯冲带壳幔相互作用的物理化学过程和机理仍缺乏明确认识.在大陆俯冲带出露有造山带橄榄岩,它们来自俯冲板片之上的地幔楔,是解决这个问题的理想样品.通过对大别-苏鲁和柴北缘造山带橄榄岩进行系统的岩石学和地球化学研究,发现地幔楔橄榄岩由于俯冲地壳的交代作用而含有新生锆石和残留锆石,它们能为地壳交代作用时间、交代介质来源、性质和组成提供制约.地幔楔橄榄岩在大陆碰撞过程的不同阶段受到了俯冲大陆地壳衍生的多期不同性质流体的交代作用.地幔楔橄榄岩还受到了陆壳俯冲之前古俯冲洋壳衍生流体的交代作用.深俯冲陆壳衍生熔体与橄榄岩反应形成的石榴辉石岩具有高的水含量,能提供高水含量的地幔源区.   相似文献   

都兰榴辉岩地体位于柴北缘—南阿尔金超高压变质带的东端,是唯一确定含柯石英的超高压变质地体,约700 km,其特点是含有两个特征不同的变质亚带,并经历了不同的折返过程。柯石英假像和温压计算表明两带榴辉岩峰期变质的压力都在柯石英的稳定域(2.8~3.3 GPa),但它们退化变质的p–T 轨迹具有明显不同的特征。北带榴辉岩经历了两个阶段的折返:早期从地幔深度快速折返到中部地壳层次,伴随岩石的等温降压,并发生角闪岩相退化变质;晚期抬升到地壳浅部。都兰南带榴辉岩折返过程中经历了高压麻粒岩相变质的改造,高压麻粒岩阶段的p–T条件为p=1.9~2.0 GPa,T=873~948℃, 并进一步经历了角闪岩相退化变质,说明都兰南带榴辉岩折返速率较慢,发生了壳幔过渡带(或加厚的深部地壳)层次的强烈热松弛。这种热松弛发生在许多大陆俯冲带的超高压岩石的折返过程中,并且是榴辉岩发生深熔作用的主要机制。都兰两个变质带不同的变质演化轨迹反映了俯冲的大陆地壳具有差异折返的特征。  相似文献   

中国西部祁连山柴北缘地区和南阿尔金地区存在一条被阿尔金断裂错开 4 0 0km ,但构造上相连的早古生代超高压变质带。通过对柴北缘地区大柴旦、锡铁山、都兰和南阿尔金地区且末一带榴辉岩的岩石地球化学研究 ,发现榴辉岩原岩主要由玄武岩和苦橄岩两类岩石组成 ,进一步分为高Ti型 (w(TiO2 ) =2 %~ 5 % ) ,中Ti型 (1%~ 2 % )和低Ti型 (<1% ) 3种类型 ,识别出榴辉岩的原岩类型有洋脊玄武岩、岛弧拉斑玄武岩和洋岛玄武岩类等产在不同环境的岩石类型。榴辉岩的Nd同位素组成与现代洋脊玄武岩类相似 ,ε(Nd ,0 )主要为正值 ,少量为轻微负值 ,表明榴辉岩的原岩曾是海底玄武岩 ,并且经过了消减俯冲作用 ,混入了部分的地壳物质。榴辉岩的超高压变质年龄为 5 0 0~ 4 4 0Ma,原岩年龄分别为 80 0~ 75 0Ma和~ 10 0 0Ma。研究表明 ,柴北缘滩涧山群中存在两套时代不同的基性超基性岩 ,一套为产在绿梁山的新元古代时期形成的蛇绿岩组合 ,新获得的年龄值为 (76 8±39)Ma(Rb Sr)和 (780± 2 2 )Ma(Sm Nd) ,另一套主要为产在赛什腾山的晚寒武世岛弧火山岩 ,形成时代约在 5 15~ 4 86Ma。榴辉岩的岩石化学成分和Nd同位素组成 ,以及 80 0~ 75 0Ma的原岩时代与其中的新元古代基性岩类可以对比。初步认为它们是同一套岩石?  相似文献   

榴辉岩作为俯冲带中重要的岩石类型保存有丰富的地球动力学信息。对榴辉岩及其退变质岩石的研究有助于建立俯冲带演化的p-T轨迹,了解俯冲岩石在折返过程中温压条件及矿物相的变化,从而对俯冲带折返的动力学机制进行限定。对柴北缘锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩及含多硅白云母榴辉岩进行了详细的岩石学研究。在NC(K)FMASH体系中对两类榴辉岩进行变质相平衡模拟,得到双矿物榴辉岩的峰期温压条件为745~790℃,大于2.8~3.0GPa(M1),后经历等温降压过程达到角闪石榴辉岩岩相(670~770℃,1.6~2.2GPa,M2),与含多硅白云母榴辉岩经历了相同的折返过程。锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩的原岩具有N-MORB的地球化学特征,而含多硅白云母榴辉岩则显示E-MORB或者OIB特征,二者原岩成分存在明显差异。两类榴辉岩的p-T演化过程和地球化学特征表明.锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩与含多硅白云母榴辉岩矿物学特征的差异是其原岩的多源性造成的,而与俯冲后折返过程中的退变质作用无必然联系。  相似文献   

张聪  田作林  张立飞  黄杰  陈梅 《地质通报》2013,32(12):2044-2054
榴辉岩作为俯冲带中重要的岩石类型保存有丰富的地球动力学信息。对榴辉岩及其退变质岩石的研究有助于建立俯冲带演化的p-T轨迹,了解俯冲岩石在折返过程中温压条件及矿物相的变化,从而对俯冲带折返的动力学机制进行限定。对柴北缘锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩及含多硅白云母榴辉岩进行了详细的岩石学研究。在NC(K)FMASH体系中对两类榴辉岩进行变质相平衡模拟,得到双矿物榴辉岩的峰期温压条件为745~790℃,大于2.8~3.0GPa(M1),后经历等温降压过程达到角闪石榴辉岩岩相(670~770℃,1.6~2.2GPa,M2),与含多硅白云母榴辉岩经历了相同的折返过程。锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩的原岩具有N-MORB的地球化学特征,而含多硅白云母榴辉岩则显示E-MORB或者OIB特征,二者原岩成分存在明显差异。两类榴辉岩的p-T演化过程和地球化学特征表明,锡铁山双矿物榴辉岩与含多硅白云母榴辉岩矿物学特征的差异是其原岩的多源性造成的,而与俯冲后折返过程中的退变质作用无必然联系。  相似文献   

The Luliangshan garnet peridotite massif is an ultramafic complex in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China. The strongly layered complex comprising garnet-bearing dunite, garnet-harzburgite, garnet-lherzolite and garnet-pyroxenite and garnet-free dunite, occurs together with eclogite embedded in various continental gneisses. The geological setting, the internal structure, bulk-composition, rare earth elements, isotopic and mineral composition data show that the garnet peridotite derives from a middle Ordovician Alaskan-type layered sub-arc cumulate intrusion of ascending mantle wedge melts. An abyssal peridotite protolith can be excluded. During the Ordovician-Silurian continental collision, thickening and foundering, the Luliangshan peridotite complex was exposed to ultrahigh pressures (UHP) reaching 5.5 GPa possibly >6 GPa at temperatures of 900 °C (perhaps up to 1000 °C) corresponding to a depth of ∼200 km. The extreme pressure conditions have been derived from thermobarometry using mineral compositions of the garnet peridotite assemblages, but they are supported by a wealth of decompression-induced mineral exsolutions in UHP minerals and by diamond inclusion in zircon. The Luliangshan garnet peridotite has experienced four stages of retrograde overprint during exhumation that lasted into the Devonian: (i) decompression-induced unmixing of the UHP minerals; (ii) garnet kelyphitisation; (iii) amphibole overprinting and (iv) serpentinization. Hydrous minerals occurring within peak metamorphic assemblage represent pseudo-inclusions, that is reaction products of reactions related to various stages of decompression and cooling rather than prograde inclusions during porphyroblast growth.  相似文献   

张贵宾  张立飞 《地学前缘》2011,18(2):151-157
在柴北缘超高压变质带东端的沙柳河地区蛇绿岩剖面中,首次发现了与蛇纹石化方辉橄榄岩共生的异剥钙榴岩。该异剥钙榴岩主要由钙铝榴石、透辉石、绿泥石、碳酸盐及少量葡萄石和黝帘石组成。异剥钙榴岩通常被认为是洋底变质作用的标志性产物。因此,此异剥钙榴岩的确定,为柴北缘超高压变质带曾经存在过洋壳俯冲提供了又一证据。  相似文献   

A combined petrological, geochronological and geochemical study was carried out on felsic veins and their host rocks from the North Qaidam ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane in northern Tibet. The results provide insights into partial melting of deeply subducted continental crust during exhumation. Partial melting is petrograpically recognized in metagranite, metapelite and metabasite. Migmatized gneisses, including metagranite and metapelite, contain microstructures such as granitic aggregates with varying outlines, small dihedral angles at mineral junctions and feldspar with magmatic habits, indicating the former presence of felsic melts. Partial melts were also present in metabasite that occurs as retrograde eclogite. Felsic veins in both the eclogites and gneisses exhibit typical melt crystalline textures such as large euhedral feldspar grains with straight crystal faces, indicating vein crystallization from anatectic melts. The Sr–Nd isotope compositions of felsic veins inside gneisses suggest melt derivation from anatexis of host gneisses themselves, but those inside metabasites suggest melt derivation from hybrid sources. Felsic veins inside gneisses exhibit lithochemical compositions similar to experimental melts on the An–Ab–Or diagram. In trace element distribution diagrams, they exhibit parallel patterns to their host rocks, but with lower element contents and slightly positive Eu and Sr anomalies. The geochemistry of these felsic veins is controlled by minerals that would decompose and survive, respectively, during anatexis. Felsic veins inside metabasites are rich either in quartz or in plagioclase with low normative orthoclase. In either case, they have low trace element contents, with significantly positive Eu and Sr anomalies in plagioclase‐rich veins. Combined with cumulate structures in some veins, these felsic veins are interpreted to crystallize from anatectic melts of different origins with the effect of crystal fractionation. Nevertheless, felsic veins in different lithologies exhibit roughly consistent patterns of trace element distribution, with variable enrichment of LILE and LREE but depletion of HFSE and HREE. There are also higher contents of trace elements in veins hosted by gneisses than veins hosted by metabasites. Anatectic zircon domains from felsic veins and migmatized gneisses exhibit consistent U–Pb ages of c. 420 Ma, significantly younger than the peak UHP eclogite facies metamorphic event at c. 450–435 Ma. Combining the petrological observations with local P–T paths and experimentally constrained melting curves, it is inferred that anatexis of UHP gneisses was caused by muscovite breakdown while anatexis of UHP metabasites was caused by fluid influx. These UHP metagranite, metapelite and metabasite underwent simultaneous anatexis during the exhumation, giving rise to anatectic melts with different compositions in various elements but similar patterns in trace element distribution.  相似文献   

Three types of eclogite, together with a serpentinized harzburgite, coexist as blocks within granitic and pelitic gneisses along the Shaliuhe cross section, the eastern part of the North Qaidam continental-type ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, NW China. The olivine (Ol1) and orthopyroxene in the harzburgite are compositionally similar to present-day abyssal peridotites. The kyanite–eclogite is derived from a troctolitic protolith, whereas the epidote–eclogite from a gabbroic protolith, both having distinct positive Eu anomalies, low TiO2, and high Al2O3 and MgO. The kyanite–eclogite shows inherited cumulate layering. The phengite–eclogite has high TiO2, low Al2O3 and MgO with incompatible trace elements resembling enriched-type MORB. Sr–Nd isotope data indicate that the protoliths of both kyanite–eclogite and epidote–eclogite ([87Sr/86Sr]i ~ 0.703–0.704; εNd(T) ~ 5.9–8.0) are of mantle origin (e.g., ocean crust signatures). On the other hand, while the lower εNd(T) value (1.4–4.1) of phengite–eclogite is more or less consistent with an enriched MORB protolith, their high [87Sr/86Sr]i ratio (0.705–0.716) points to an additional enrichment in their history, probably in an subduction-zone environment. Field relations and geochemical analyses suggest that the serpentinized harzburgite and the three types of eclogite constitute the oceanic lithological section of an ophiolitic sequence from mantle peridotite, to cumulate, and to upper basaltic rocks. The presence of coesite pseudomorphs and quartz exsolution in omphacite plus thermobarometric calculations suggests that the eclogites have undergone ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (i.e., peak P ≥ 2.7 GPa). The harzburgite may also have experienced the same metamorphism, but the lack of garnet suggests that the pressure conditions of ≤ 3.0 GPa. Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP dating shows that the eclogites have a protolith age of 516 ± 8 Ma and a metamorphic age of 445 ± 7 Ma. These data indicate the presence of a Paleo-Qilian Ocean between Qaidam and Qilian blocks before the early Ordovician. The ophiolitic assemblage may be the relics of subducted oceanic crust prior to the subduction of continental materials during Ordovician–Silurian times and ultimate continent collision. These rocks, altogether, record a complete history of ocean crust subduction, to continental subduction, and to continental collision.  相似文献   

张聪  刘晓瑜  杨经绥  李鹏  张立飞 《岩石学报》2016,32(12):3715-3728
同一造山带中所包含的多期造山作用信息是研究不同时代区域构造演化的重要依据,对理解不同时期造山过程中岩石组合及其地球化学演化有重要的指示意义。但由于晚期造山作用往往会部分或者完全抹除岩石中保存的早期造山作用信息,使得对记录多期造山作用的岩石中早期造山带变质作用及年代学信息的研究变得十分困难。独居石为一种副变质岩中的常见副矿物,由于其具有很高的U-Th-Pb体系封闭温度和对流体及变质温压条件的敏感性,使其可以记录多期造山过程中丰富的年代学信息。电子探针独居石原位化学定年方法使得年代学信息与岩石中矿物学信息及变质反应相联系,从而得到不同时期岩石记录的P-T-t轨迹。我们利用独居石电子探针原位U-Th-Pb定年手段与岩石学研究相结合的方法,在柴北缘早古生代加里东期超高压变质带锡铁山地区的含石榴石蓝晶石/夕线石黑云斜长片麻岩基质矿物及石榴石变斑晶的独居石中获得886±18Ma格林威尔期的年龄等时线。独居石稀土元素配分特征与新元古代变质独居石相吻合。通过传统矿物对温压计计算得到格林威尔期现存矿物组合记录了高角闪岩相变质温压条件607~727℃,6.5~10.0kbar,略高于区内记录古生代变质作用的副片麻岩。与记录古生代加里东期变质年龄的副片麻岩相比,格林威尔期副片麻岩在微量元素地球化学上具有高的稀土总量和明显的Eu的负异常特点(Eu/Eu*=0.50),并相应的亏损Ba、Sr元素,表现出活动大陆边缘沉积岩的地球化学特征。结合全球格林威尔期造山事件及罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成及裂解过程,我们认为柴北缘地区在新元古代时期应为与罗迪尼亚超大陆形成有关的活动大陆边缘地区。  相似文献   

A Paleozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt extends along the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau. Eclogites in the Yuka eclogite terrane, northwest part of this UHPM belt, occur as blocks or layers of varying size intercalated with granitic and pelitic gneisses. These eclogites have protoliths geochemically similar to enriched-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (E-MORB) and oceanic island basalts (OIB). On the basis of Ti/Y ratios, they can be divided into low-Ti and high-Ti groups. The low-Ti group (LTG) eclogites exhibit relatively low TiO2 (most <2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (<500) but comparatively high Mg# (48–55), whereas the high-Ti group (HTG) eclogites have high TiO2 (most >2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (>500) but lower Mg# (46–52). Zircons from two eclogite samples gave a magmatic crystallization (protolith) age of ∼850 Ma and a UHPM age of ∼433 Ma. The occurrence, geochemical features and age data of the Yuka eclogites suggest that their protoliths are segments of continental flood basalts (CFBs) with a mantle plume origin, similar to most typical CFBs. Our observation, together with the tectonic history and regional geologic context, lend support for the large scale onset of mantle plume within the Rodinia supercontinent at ∼850 Ma. The Qaidam block is probably one of the fragments of the Rodinia supercontinent with a volcanic-rifted passive margin. The latter may have been dragged to mantle depths by its subducting leading edge of the oceanic lithosphere in the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

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