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雷达反射率因子数据中的亮带自动识别和抑制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了减轻雷达反射率因子数据中的亮带污染对雷达降水估计的影响,一种基于新一代天气雷达体扫资料自动识别零度层亮带平均高度、厚度和区域以及对亮带进行抑制的算法被提出。该算法首先利用近距离分层平均方法建立视反射率因子垂直廓线,然后基于亮带VPR曲线在融化层高度的显著弯曲特征来识别和抑制亮带。比较该方法识别的零度层亮带的平均高度和实测0℃等温层高度表明,前者比后者平均低0.5km。亮带的厚度大多在1~1.25km。亮带区域识别算法能合理地识别亮带反射率因子高值区,用经过亮带抑制后的体扫资料得到的组合反射率因子和反射率因子垂直剖面上的高值区被抑制掉,用经过抑制后的亮带区的所有反射率因子库建立的平均VPR在融化层高度的显著弯曲消失。通过亮带抑制后的雷达体扫资料将用于雷达降水估计。  相似文献   

利用2013年8月北京C波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达体扫数据、探空资料和地面雨量站资料,获得反射率因子垂直廓线(vertical profile of reflectivity,VPR)识别零度层亮带,比较平均反射率因子垂直廓线(mean VPR,MVPR)、显著反射率因子垂直廓线(apparent VPR,AVPR)和显著相关系数垂直廓线(apparent vertical profile of correlation coefficient,AVPCC)3种零度层亮带订正方法的效果,并利用地面雨量站资料进行定量降水估计(quantity precipitation estimation,QPE)验证订正效果。结果表明:采用MVPR和0℃层高度能有效识别零度层亮带,零度层亮带厚度为0.8~1.5 km;经3种方法订正后,零度层亮带影响区得到了不同程度的抑制,其中MVPR法订正效果最差,基本未能减弱零度层亮带的影响,AVPR法和AVPCC法的订正效果较好,明显减弱了零度层亮带影响区的回波强度,订正后回波更均匀。利用地面雨量站数据进行QPE验证表明:经零度层亮带订正后雷达估测的降水与地面雨量站实测降水更接近,也表明AVPR法和AVPCC法效果更好。  相似文献   

风廓线雷达探测零度层亮带的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
黄钰  阮征  葛润生  陈钟荣 《高原气象》2011,30(5):1376-1383
L波段风廓线雷达采用相干累积技术提高雷达探测灵敏度,用于对降水云体垂直探测,能获取高分辨率的云体返回信号的全谱信息。应用它对2009年5月14日层状云降水过程中出现的零度层亮带进行了连续探测研究,得到零度层亮带附近区域中返回信号的谱参数(功率、平均多普勒速度、速度谱宽)和回波功率谱密度分布随高度的变化和演变特征。在零度...  相似文献   

不同于体扫雷达探测降水系统,垂直指向雷达可探测降水云中粒子垂直演变的微物理过程。C波段调频连续波垂直指向雷达 (C-FMCW) 采用收发分置天线,数据垂直分辨率达15~30 m,时间分辨率达2~3 s,利用其2013年6—8月在安徽定远探测数据对降水云垂直结构特征及亮带中融化微物理过程进行研究。6次降水过程共计46 h中的39.1%数据具有清晰的亮带结构特征,期间降水占地面总降水量的15%;江淮雨季层状云、对流云和混合性降水系统中均出现零度层亮带,层状云中亮带长时间维持,对流降水系统移出后减弱阶段的亮带结构稳定,混合降水系统中的对流扰动加强冲破了亮带结构。以融化层中最大回波强度Zp所在高度进行融化层的粒子碰并增长和破碎减弱分层分析,上半层融化过程主要表现为碰并增长,下半层则是粒子破碎减弱。剔除了介电常数、下降速度引起的粒子浓度改变影响后,层状云和对流降水后期的回波强度加强表明融化增长程度接近,后者略强,混合降水云的融化增长最强。  相似文献   

基于SimRAD平台的零度层亮带特征模拟试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在作者先前开发的SimRAD软件平台上添加了融化层中融化粒子散射特性的计算,从而在给定雷达发射频率,大气状态参数(高度、气压、气温、相对湿度)以及水成物相态、滴谱分布、含水量等信息的条件下,定量模拟出含有融化层的层状云的雷达反射率因子。模拟结果与大量雷达观测资料得出的层状云零度层亮带的回波特征相符合。并在此模拟的基础之上进行了零度层亮带对粒子融化速度和粒子群谱分布的敏感性试验,发现零度层亮带的雷达反射率因子廓线对二者均有一定的敏感性。   相似文献   

多普勒雷达实时反射率因子垂直廓线观测研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
使用2002年6~7月长江中游地区宜昌S波段多普勒雷达在两次大范围混合性强降水过程中部分时段体积扫描强度数据以及周边100km范围内的7个雨量计整理成10min记录一次的雨量资料,分析了实时雷达反射率因子垂直廓线的特征。研究表明:反射率因子垂直廓线可反映出所选区域上空零度层亮带高度位置、回波的垂直变化规律等信息,以此分析降水的类型、云中粒子的发展变化;从雷达连续体扫得到的中、低仰角对应高度上的实时反射率因子垂直廓线的变化规律、PPI图像上对应雨量站点上空的回波变化情况及10min记录一次的地面雨量的变化趋势对比来看,发现三者能很好地统一起来,可用来较细致地分析降水云体的变化,有利于在无地面雨量计的地区分析降水量的大小、确定降水类型、估测降水的发展;对无亮带、反射率因子值较大而且越低仰角值越大的反射率因子垂直廓线的区域,对应地面上常有对流性强降水出现。  相似文献   

黄钰  马建立  阮征  葛润生  嵇磊 《气象》2013,39(6):704-709
零度层亮带对研究层状云降水机理和人工影响天气作业具有意义,应用风廓线雷达对北京2010年4-9月不同类型的降水进行观测,提出了针对北京地区的亮带识别算法,通过订正的亮带识别算法对降水数据进行亮带识别,得到了延庆地区亮带出现的高度、持续时间以及和降水量、降水类型的对比等数据.根据统计结果得到了2010年夏季北京延庆地区融化层的分布特征,回波强度最大值主要出现在36~40 dBz之间,亮带厚度主要为1000~1500m,上下边界速度差值主要为4~5 m·s-1.  相似文献   

雷达定量估测降水的亮带自动消除改进方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
层状云降水中,0 ℃层融化效应会引起雷达反射率因子局部增大,若不进行订正,则会高估雷达估测的降水.本文提出一种基于新一代天气雷达反射率因子垂直廓线的0 ℃层亮带自动识别与订正算法,以减小因亮带造成的降水高估.本研究首先对降水类型进行分类,在SHY95的基础上增加了垂直方向的反射率因子三维特征,避免亮带的反射率因子高值区被误识别为对流云区;其次,在层状云区识别出一个可能的亮带影响区,在其中查找亮带,采用旋转坐标系法精确的识别亮带的顶、底高度;最后,利用最小二乘法拟合亮带上、下层的斜率,平滑垂直廓线(VPR,Vertical Profile of Reflectivity)的显著突出部分.将该方法应用于北京地区2010—2011年10次包含亮带的降水过程,得到的亮带订正后的均方根误差ERMS、平均绝对误差ERMA、平均相对误差BRM值较初值均有显著减小(分别减小1.538 mm,0.417和0.468).结果表明,该方法能够有效地识别与订正亮带,使得定量测量降水精度有所提高.  相似文献   

黄旋旋  朱科锋  赵坤 《气象》2017,43(10):1198-1212
文章发展了一种利用雷达垂直反射率因子廓线改进复杂地形下台风降雨的雷达定量估测方法。该方法通过全局与区域最优拟合的垂直反射率因子廓线(VPR)获取近地面的最优反射率,并获取最优的动态Z-R关系。该方法充分考虑了复杂地形下的垂直降雨结构特征以及地形增雨增幅影响,因此有效弥补了雷达在复杂地形下VPR监测不完整问题。利用浙江地区三个典型登陆台风对方法进行检验,结果表明,反演的VPR能够较好地反映洋面、平原与山区的低层反射率因子结构差异,符合实际降水系统低层结构特征。相比传统的定量降水估计方法.改进算法较好地解决了复杂地形区域的强降水低估问题,其估测的小时降水与地面检验的雨量站观测相关系数达到0.85~0.94,降水累积估测误差减少约50%。  相似文献   

The bright band, a layer of enhanced radar reflectivity associated with melting ice particles, is a major source of significant overestimation in quantitative precipitation estimation(QPE) based on the Z–R(reflectivity factor–rain rate) relationship.The effects of the bright band on radar-based QPE can be eliminated by vertical profile of reflectivity(VPR) correction. In this study, we applied bright-band correction algorithms to evaluate three different bands(S-, C-and X-band) of dual-polarized radars and to reduce overestimation errors in Z–R relationship–based QPEs. After the reflectivity was corrected by the algorithms using average VPR(AVPR) alone and a combination of average VPR and the vertical profile of the copolar correlation coefficient(AVPR+CC), the QPEs were derived. The bright-band correction and resulting QPEs were evaluated in eight precipitation events by comparing to the uncorrected reflectivity and rain-gauge observations, separately. The overestimation of Z–R relationship–based QPEs associated with the bright band was reduced after correction by the two schemes for which hourly rainfall was less than 5 mm. For the verification metrics of RMSE(root-mean-square error), RMAE(relative mean absolute error) and RMB(relative mean bias) of QPEs, averaged over all eight cases, the AVPR method improved from 2.28,0.94 and 0.78 to 1.55, 0.60 and 0.40, respectively, while the AVPR+CC method improved to 1.44, 0.55 and 0.30, respectively.The QPEs after AVPR+CC correction had less overestimation than those after AVPR correction, and similar conclusions were drawn for all three different bands of dual-polarized radars.  相似文献   

The traditional algorithm for hybrid radar scans uses standard terrain digital elevation model (DEM) data and the latitudes, longitudes and altitudes of contributing radar stations. While radar station location information is often inaccurate, signal blockages due to trees, buildings, and other surface objects are not included in the DEM data. Accordingly, hybrid scan elevations derived using this traditional algorithm are prone to errors. Here, reflectivity climatology data (the frequency of occurrence of reflectivity) are used to improve the algorithm for hybrid scans. Three parameters are introduced, then applied to evaluation of signal blockage for every radar bin using a fuzzy logic technique. This new algorithm provides an improved determination of the lowest unblocked elevation for hybrid scans. The new algorithm is validated by examining the scope and continuity of the calculated hybrid scan reflectivity in a case study, and the performance of this climatology-based algorithm is evaluated relative to the traditional terrain-based algorithm. The climatology-based hybrid scans are then used to examine the spatial coverage provided by the operational weather radar network over the Tibetan Plateau. The results indicate that the terrain-based hybrid scan algorithm introduced errors that caused obvious V-shaped gaps in hybrid scan reflectivity. By contrast, the climatology-based hybrid scan algorithm more accurately determined the lowest unblocked elevation and reduced the impacts of blockage. The coverage map illustrates the limitations of the weather radar network over the Tibetan Plateau. These limitations inhibit the usefulness of the radar data. Additional radar or observational data are needed to fill these gaps and minimize the impacts of signal blockage.  相似文献   

CINRAD-SA/SB零度层亮带识别方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
该文提出一种使用S波段多普勒天气雷达回波三维特征和反射率因子垂直廓线(vertical profile of reflectivity,VPR)来自动识别零度层亮带的方法(简称3DVPR-BBID),并利用2003年6月22日—7月11日和2007年7月合肥雷达资料、2008年6月广州雷达资料以及相应的探空资料,同仅使用VPR识别零度层亮带的方法(简称VPR-BBID)进行比较。结果表明:VPR-BBID和3DVPR-BBID在大部分情况下能够有效识别零度层亮带的存在,而且3DVPR-BBID能够减少VPR-BBID产生的误识别。在同探空资料观测的零度层高度的比较中,两种方法确定的零度层高度同实况比较接近,进一步分析表明:3DVPR-BBID确定的零度层高度比VPR-BBID确定的更接近观测值。  相似文献   

杨柳  袁俊鹏  孙囡  傅云飞 《暴雨灾害》2022,51(3):276-289

针对青藏高原东南坡降水云内大气温湿结构缺乏认知的情况,利用TRMM PR资料、ERA5再分析资料和IGRA等资料,分析了青藏高原东南坡三个降水个例水平分布特征、垂直结构特征及天气背景特征。结果表明:(1) 高原东南坡以冰云及混合云降水为主,近地表降水率及回波顶高度分布不均;地表雨强越大,回波顶高度越高,云顶温度越低。虽然对流降水样本数较少,但其降水强度集中在10~50 mm·h-1,对总降水量的贡献较大。(2) 从降水垂直结构来看,降水率自高空至6 km高度较为均匀的增大,体现了粒子的碰并增长过程,在4—6 km高度,降水释放潜热最大,粒子尺寸也更大,大于40 dBz的反射率因子多分布在此高度范围内。(3) 雷达反射率因子的垂直变率在5 km附近有一狭长大值区,反映了融化层的存在,融化层会随着回波顶高度的变化表现出轻微的抬升或下降。(4) 三个降水个例均发生在低层辐合高层辐散的流场中,降水落区水汽充沛,且云体对流有效位能较大,有利于降水系统的产生和发展。


西藏高原汛期降水类型的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
周顺武  普布卓玛  假拉 《气象》2000,26(5):39-43
利用西藏高原26个测站26年(1973 ̄1998年)汛期(5 ̄9月)降水量资料,采用主成分分析和旋转主成分分析方法,对高原汛期降水空间分布型进行了分析。结果表明,主成分分解得到的降水空间分布形式较为集中,前3个特征向量场的分布型具有十分明确的物理意义,可表示降水场部方差的63.14%。旋转主成分分解生前6个载荷向量的累积方差贡献达76.67%,可较好反映西藏高原汛期降水6个异常敏感区:东南部、东北  相似文献   

Yafei YAN  Yimin LIU 《大气科学进展》2019,36(10):1089-1102
Cloud is essential in the atmosphere, condensing water vapor and generating strong convective or large-scale persistent precipitation. In this work, the relationships between cloud vertical macro- or microphysical properties, radiative heating rate, and precipitation for convective and stratiform clouds in boreal summer over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are analyzed and compared with its neighboring land and tropical oceans based on CloudSat/CALIPSO satellite measurements and TRMM precipitation data. The precipitation intensity caused by convective clouds is twofold stronger than that by stratiform clouds. The vertical macrophysics of both cloud types show similar features over the TP, with the region weakening the precipitation intensity and compressing the cloud vertical expansion and variation in cloud top height, but having an uplift effect on the average cloud top height. The vertical microphysics of both cloud types under conditions of no rain over the TP are characterized by lower-level ice water, ice particles with a relatively larger range of sizes, and a relatively lower occurrence of denser ice particles. The features are similar to other regions when precipitation enhances, but convective clouds gather denser and larger ice particles than stratiform clouds over the TP. The atmospheric shortwave (longwave) heating (cooling) rate strengthens with increased precipitation for both cloud types. The longwave cooling layer is thicker when the rainfall rate is less than 100 mm d?1, but the net heating layer is typically compressed for the profiles of both cloud types over the TP. This study provides insights into the associations between clouds and precipitation, and an observational basis for improving the simulation of convective and stratiform clouds over the TP in climate models.  相似文献   

石明远  赵平  刘舸  陈权亮 《气象科技》2020,48(2):200-208
利用1979—2016年CMAP(CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation)和GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project)的降水数据以及ERA-Interim再分析资料,通过统计方法研究了夏季青藏高原地区对流层中上层温度年际变率与同期西北太平洋副热带地区降水的关系及其相关的物理过程。结果表明,在年际变化尺度上,夏季高原对流层温度与同期西北太平洋副热带地区降水存在显著的正相关,即当高原对流层温度偏高时,西北太平洋副热带区域的降水偏多,反之亦然。分析研究指出,当夏季高原对流层温度偏高时,高原上空南亚高压显著增强并且向东扩展至日本地区,高原北部对流层出现异常的上升运动,这一异常上升气流随着高度增加逐渐北偏,并在中高纬度地区沿着异常西风气流向东扩展至日本地区,随后向南下沉至日本南部;受该异常下沉运动影响,日本南部对流层低层出现异常反气旋,其东侧的异常北风与西北太平洋低层的异常气旋、反气旋环流存在紧密联系。西北太平洋地区这种异常环流特征为西北太平洋副热带区域的降水提供了有利的动力和水汽条件,从而使该区域降水增多。  相似文献   

The non-hydrostatic global variable resolution model (MPAS-atmosphere) is used to conduct the simulations for the South Asian Summer monsoon season (June, July, and August) in 2015 with a refinement over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) at the convection-permitting scale (4 km). Two experiments with different topographical datasets, complex (4-km) and smooth (60-km) topography, are designed to investigate the impacts of topographical complexity on moisture transport and precipitation. Compared with the observations and reanalysis data, the simulation can successfully capture the general features of key meteorological fields over the TP despite slightly underestimating the inflow through the southern TP. The results indicate that the complex topography can decrease the inward and outward moisture transport, ultimately increasing the total net moisture transport into the TP by ~11%. The impacts of complex topography on precipitation are negligible over the TP, but the spatial distributions of precipitation over the Himalayas are significantly modulated. With the inclusion of complex topography, the sharper southern slopes of the Himalayas shift the lifted airflow and hence precipitation northward compared to the smooth topography. In addition, more small-scale valleys are resolved by the inclusion of complex topography, which serve as channels for moisture transport across the Himalayas, further favoring a northward shift of precipitation. Overall, the difference between the two experiments with different topography datasets is mainly attributed to their differing representation of the degree of the southern slopes of the Himalayas and the extent to which the valleys are resolved.  相似文献   

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