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Feasibilities of the Fat Chemistry for the Lubricant Industry Animal and vegetable fats and oils have been used for centuries as lubricants. Only the industrialization and motorization led to an immense increase of the consumption of the lubricants which amount today about 1.3 million tons a year only in the Federal Republic of Germany. The mineral oil represents now the most important raw material. Therefore the question arises what contribution the fat chemistry can give today for the lubricant industry to accomplish its various tasks. Feasibilities of the fat chemistry to refine oils and fats furtheron to suitable formulation components for the lubricant industry are pointed out. Thereby actual problems and development tendencies are discussed, which are correlated with the matter of lubricants and are nowadays generally discussed.  相似文献   

Processing Opportunities by the Use of Electronic Metering Devices in the Manufacture of Detergents Metering devices, especially, electronically controlled belt-weighers for the gravimetric metering of solids are described. These devices permit the control over a wide region and enable automatic production through the necessary connection between the individual aggregates. The requirements to be met in the practice are given with an example and their possible solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

The Possibilities of Refining Sunflower Oil with Molecular Distillation The experiment on the deacidification of sunflower oil with molecular distillation was extended to the total refining of the oil. The elimination curve of cold pressed oil is determined, the region of deacidification found out, the distillates and the residues, obtained after distillation, analysed and also the vitamine-E contents of the same are examined. The possibility of refining the cold pressed oil by repeated distillations in a small laboratory apparatus as well as in a semi-industrial plant was studied. The sunflower oil can be refined by molecular distillation in a one step process even at 40° to 50° C. At this temperature, the acid value of the oil remains under 1 and the peroxide value under 10.  相似文献   

Potential of Vegetable Oil as a Fuel for Diesel Engines Vegetable oils seem, not only under agricultural aspects, to be an alternative fuel because of their properties similar to Diesel fuel. For such renewable resources there exists principally an almost closed and also fast CO2-cycle. For the time being rape oil methyl ester which will not be competitive from the economical point of view in a medium term range is predominantly used in small scale projects. The less expensive raw rape oil can only be used in special Diesel engines which was the result of special investigations carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology. There are only small advantages in the emission of air pollutants of vegetable oil engines at the place of operation. Because of the limited availability of vegetable oils there is only a limited potential for the substitution of Diesel fuel. Under long term aspects such bio fuels can contribute, however, to a substitution of the limited crude oil resources.  相似文献   

Possibilities and Problems Related to Incorporation of Fungicides and Insecticides into Primers and Lacquers Used for Treatment of Wood The number of primers and lacquers belonging to the group of organic solvent-based wood preservatives has enormously increased during the past years. These preparations must be suitable both as agent for surface treatment and as wood protecting agent acting in the interior of the wood. These requirements are not fulfilled just by incorporating fungicides and insecticides to the common primers and lacquers. Therefore new recipes containing binders and pigments below 15–20% must be worked out. If the solvent, binder and pigment are unsuitable and the solid content of the preparation is high, the active principles are deposited at the surface of the wood, and therefore depth of efficacy is insufficient. The determination of the depth of efficacy of wood protecting primers and lacquers is carried out by a planing technique. Sufficient activity of insecticides may exist even at a depth of 4 mm from the wood surface. In comparison, similar depth of fungicidal efficacy has been found so far only in a few preparations. With wood stored in water, an additional problem arises due to excessive absorption of primers at certain parts, which might lead to discoloration of the coating.  相似文献   

New Feasibilities for Lowering of the Energy Consumption in Extraction Plants of Soya Bean The fundamental news is a procedure for waste air recycling of the seed dryer for prewarming of the seed before flaking. The steam consumption for a complete soya bean extraction plant (without hull separation) is less than 150 kg per ton of worked soya beans at simultaneous reduction of the total electricity consumption. The fundamental equipment parts for this energy reduction consists in a technically altered toaster-dryer-cooler system, expander and reuse of steam containing waste air of drying and cooling systems.  相似文献   

Possibilities of electrochemical conversion of coal . Coal as a macromolecular organic substance can principally undergo electrochemical conversions. Presently three main directions are under investigation: electrochemical gasification with the formation of hydrogen and carbon dioxide; modification of the chemical composition of coal; and degradation to low-molecular substances. A historical survey as well as the present state of the art is given and the electrochemical reactions of the coal and their mechanisms are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

New converter systems for methanol synthesis. Far-reaching energy savings in equilibrium reactions requires development not only of better catalysts but also processes with higher conversions in the reactor; wherever possible, so high that recirculation of residual gases is unnecessary. With this aim in mind, two new processes have been developed for methanol production and this paper represents the first report about the second of these processes. The two new reactor concepts are based on the gas/solid/solid-trickling film reactor GSSTFR and the reactor with intermediate product removal RSIPR. In the case of the GSSTFR, the product formed at the catalyst is removed directly from the reactor with a solid adsorbent which moves down through the catalyst bed. Conversions of 100% are achieved in the simplest way – recirculation becomes unnecessary. Savings in investment costs, energy, and raw materials are discussed and compared with the Lurgi process. With the RISPR, high conversions are achieved by selective absorption of the methanol at the temperature of reaction. Tetraethylene glycoldimethylether, TEGDME, is selected as solvent for this purpose. A possible flow scheme is also shown for this process and savings are estimated. Possible savings are so promising that further development on a semi-industrial scale is recommended.  相似文献   

New Methods for Process Analysis in Chemical Production Processes . Process analysis provides methods and techniques for the continuous and automatic measurement of the composition of the substances handled in chemical production processes. Due to the growing automation of the processes and the necessity of on-line product quality control as well as the increasing demands on safe and environmentally compatible processing the importance of process analyzers has been steadily growing during the last years. Therefore, existing techniques of on-line analysis had to be improved, new applications have been realized and new on-line methods have been established. This paper gives some insight into these fields and illustrates trends by means of some examples.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production possibilities for future energy systems with reduced carbon dioxide emission. All possible hydrogen production methods which are of technical importance or could become technically important have been systematically classified. The conventional processes based on fossil raw materials, as well as hydrogen production from biomass, are considered with a view to the separation of CO2 or the minimization of CO2 emission by using nuclear energy or solar energy, or by using electric energy generated from these primary energies. In addition, possibilities of hydrogen production with carbon separation are investigated. The nonfossil processes using thermal, electric or radiation energy are treated briefly, and water electrolysis is described in more detail. Finally, the hydrogenation of fossil raw materials is discussed, which would lead to mixed carbon-hydrogen energy systems.  相似文献   

Fatty acid intake of men and possibilities to influence the intake by animal nutrition. About 70% of total fat intake (≈ 100 g per person per day) are from fat of animal origin in Germany. Animal nutrition may influence fat content and fatty acid pattern in animal products. This paper summarizes the influence of feeding on fatty acid pattern of meat (pork, beef, poultry, rabbit, fish), milk and eggs. Fatty acid intake is demonstrated under consideration of fat intake of men and variation of fatty acid pattern of various fats of animal origin. Daily fat intake of men amounted to 43 g saturated, 37 g monoen and 13 g polyen fatty acids. It may vary between 38 and 46 g saturated, 33 and 45 g monoen and 11 and 17 g polyen fatty acids if variation of fatty acid pattern of animal fats is considered. By combination of lower fat intake and changed fatty acid pattern of animal products fatty acid intake may be changed to more monoen and polyen fatty acids.  相似文献   

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