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本文提出了一种新型轨道角动量模(OAM)传输的光子晶体光纤(PCF)结构,该光纤由最中心空气孔、高折射率环形层和外包层构成,其中外包层由一圈椭圆形空气孔和多圈呈周期排列的扇形空气孔共同组成,无需通过额外的掺杂,就可以使中心空气孔和外包层空气孔之间形成一个用来传输OAM光束的等效高折射率环形区。通过对该PCF的传输特性进行仿真分析,发现在1.55μm处,各模式的限制损耗维持在10^-6 dB/m-10^-10 dB/m,在C波段的色散值均维持在310 ps/(nm×km)以下,HE2,1模在1.55μm-1.6μm波段内的色散变化为3.1 ps/(nm×km)。在1.55μm处最大的Δnneff能够达到4.83×10^-3,大的有效折射率差可有效地抑制了模式间的简并,避免HE模和EH模耦合成LP模。验证了该光纤具有大带宽、小而平坦色散、大有效折射率差、低限制损耗和低非线性系数等优良性能。在1.25μm-2.0μm波段内共可以支持34个OAM模式的有效传输,每个模态都可作为独立的信道传递信息,适合用于大量数据的传输,大幅提高了光通信的系统容量和频谱效率。  相似文献   

长周期光纤光栅用于EDFA的增益平坦展宽   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于EDFA的能级结构和粒子转换理论,分析了EDFA的各种参数和性能,并通过实验得到EDFA达到最佳效果时,抽运能量不易过大的结论。从理论和实验上研究了长周期光纤光栅用于掺铒光纤放大器自发发射谱增益平坦展宽的特性、自增益谱的荧光峰和可用带宽。实验上利用抽运能量的改变,可以控制吸收波长的峰值位置,得到长周期光纤光栅用于EDFA自发发射谱增益平坦展宽的结果。  相似文献   

For the PANDA ring-core polarization-maintaining few-mode fiber (RC-PM-FMF) with the given supported eigenmodes, the minimum effective refractive index difference min(Dneff) between the adjacent eigenmodes decreases with the RC size. Consequently, we propose a PANDA RC-PM-FMF assisted by a ring-sector (RS) structure, which can be used to mainly increase the Dneff values between the adjacent even and odd eigenmodes with the same polarization. The RS-RC-PM-FMF with an appropriate choice of the parameters can support 10 linearly polarized (LP) eigenmodes, which have min(Dneff) values higher than 1.9´10-4 for the adjacent eigenmodes over the whole C + L band. Furthermore, the fiber is characterized by the low group velocity dispersion (GVD) (?40—20 ps.nm-1.km-1) and effective mode areas (63—104 mm2), while the total losses are within the range of 0.19—0.23 dB/km over the whole band.  相似文献   

S-C-L三波段传输新型单模光纤的设计和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着光通信技术的发展,各种现有的单模光纤已不能满足宽带光传输密集波分复用(DWDM)系统传输的要求,S C L三波段传输新型单模光纤是在1460~1625nm的波长范围内具有足够大的色散以抑制四波混频效应、交叉相位调制等非线性效应,又使色散及斜率尽可能低,从而使色散管理成本降到最低的新型单模光纤.我们设计和计算了这种新型的光纤的结构并对其性能参数进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

提出一种利用多模光纤的多模干涉效应在自由空间中获得多个局域空心光(Bottle beam)的新方法。单模-多模光纤结构是一段多模光纤无偏心地连接到一段单模光纤上,光由单模光纤传输到多模光纤激发产生一系列的LP0,n 模,由于多模干涉效应在多模光纤中相互叠加,当入射到自由空间后形成了多个Bottle beam。文中对光束传输过程进行理论分析并利用Matlab 进行仿真实验, 结果表明在自由空间中可以获得系列Bottle beam。当多模光纤纤芯直径分别为45 m,60 m 和90 m 时所选择的光场段内的Bottle beam 的尺寸大小基本相同(约400 m20 m),而第一个空间暗域沿轴向两侧相对光强差值分别为0.62,0.41 和0.11,可见当多模光纤的纤芯直径越大时所得到的Bottle beam 暗域的轴向两侧光强越相近,因此也越有利于囚禁微粒。  相似文献   

Optical isolators using coiled single-mode fibers with controlled birefringence have been thoroughly analyzed and tested experimentally. Isolation ratios as high as 44.5 dB with insertion losses (excluding coupling and polarizer losses) of 0.3 to 0.4 dB have been obtained at 633 nm. Analysis indicates that these devices will have >20-dB isolation over a spectral range of 2.5 nm or a temperature range of 36°C.  相似文献   

采用打孔取芯新技术去除掺镱芯棒石英表皮,有效地解决了大模面积掺镱光子晶体光纤有源区面积难以增大的难题,提高了加工的精度与效率;采用加压拉丝新技术,解决了光子晶体结构容易变形的问题,得到了完整、规则的双包层光子晶体光纤。最终制备出纤芯直径70 μm的光子晶体结构大模面积有源光纤,并实现了激光输出。  相似文献   

Characteristics of thermally expanded core fiber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermally expanded core (TEC) fiber is expected to reduce fiber-to-fiber and fiber-to-laser diode connection loss. This paper describes the characteristics of TEC fiber theoretically and experimentally. We reveal theoretically that when fabricating TEC fiber the mode field diameter (MFD) is enlarged more effectively by increasing the heating temperature rather than the heating time. In the 1300-1600°C temperature range with heating times between 0 and 60 min, it is necessary to control the temperature accurately so that no deviation from the target temperature is more than ±30°C. This is in order to ensure that any connection loss caused by MFD mismatch is less than 0.1 dB. We show experimentally that the propagation loss of TEC fiber is dependent on the heating region and wavelength by using a micro burner with a propane/oxygen flame. Based on the relationship between the loss characteristics and the expanded MFD, we suggest a method for nondestructively measuring the MFD in TEC fibers  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel ultra-high-density optical fiber cable that employs rollable optical fiber ribbons. The cable has great advantages in terms of cable weight and diameter, and fiber splicing workability. Moreover, it will be easy to install in a small space in underground ducts and on residential and business premises. The structural design of the rollable optical fiber ribbon is evaluated theoretically and experimentally, and an optimum adhesion pitch P in the longitudinal direction is obtained. In addition, we examined the performance of ultra-high-density cables with a small diameter that employ rollable optical fiber ribbons and bending-loss insensitive optical fibers. The transmission, mechanical and mid-span access performance of these cables was confirmed to be excellent.  相似文献   

基于GG-IAG光纤理论模型,设计了掺Nd3+ 磷酸盐GG-IAG光纤玻璃材料配方;采用管棒法制备了GG-IAG光纤 预制棒,在530℃下拉制了不同直径(200μ m-500μm)的掺Nd磷酸盐GG-IAG大模场光纤;测试了光纤的光谱 参 数与增益性能,然而,由于光纤存在模式泄漏损耗,导致其增益性能不高。为了提高GG-IA G光纤的增益性能,采 取磁控溅射方法,分别在芯径为130μm、160μm和200μm的GG-IAG光纤包层表面蒸镀200 nm的Ag膜作为全反射膜, 使得泵浦光被束缚在光纤中,从而提高了光纤的泵浦效率。实验结果表明,在光纤参数相同 的情况下,镀Ag膜后光 纤的放大效率分别为50%、41.88%、24.33%;而未镀Ag膜光纤的放大效率分别为26.87%、22.8%、 15.87%。说明光 纤表面镀膜能够显著改善GG-IAG光纤的增益性能,研究结果对GG-IAG光纤的应用具有指导 意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a completely new method able to characterize polarization mode dispersion (PMD) properties of randomly birefringent single-mode fibers, using polarization sensitive backscattering technique. We show analytical relationships between evolution of polarization state of backscattered signal with respect to state of polarization of forward one. Our technique allows one to measure differential group delay, beat length, and correlation length at the same time over long single-mode fibers using only one fiber end. Experimental data fit very well with numerical results, confirming the capability of our technique for fast routine characterization of PMD during cabling, before and after installation  相似文献   

在光纤激光通信系统中,为了克服准误差、随机角抖动误差、大气湍流像差对单模光纤耦合效率的影响,本文设计了单模光纤章动跟踪耦合系统。首先基于模场匹配原理,分析了径向偏差和光斑大小对耦合效率的影响。其次在理论分析的基础上,对激光章动跟踪系统进行了设计,主要包括激光器、准直镜、快速反射镜、耦合透镜以及光电探测器,并以光电探测器的能量反馈完成了激光章动跟踪算法设计。最后搭建了实验平台,对系统进行了实验测试。通过实验测试得到,在激光章动跟踪时单模光纤的耦合效率为53.5%,并测试了径向偏差以及光斑大小对耦合效率的影响,得到了相应的曲线。耦合效率满足系统要求,并且实验测试曲线与理论分析的仿真曲线基本一致。  相似文献   

曹辉  陈国杰 《激光技术》2004,28(4):383-386,430
近年来,光纤参量放大的发展非常迅猛。分析了提高光纤参量放大增益、扩展带宽、降低偏振灵敏度的几种重要方法,并就光纤参量在分立式集中放大、透明的波长转换、归零脉码生成、OTDM开关、全光抽样、可擦除全光缓存、3R再生等方面的典型应用进行了全面综述。光纤OPA在DWDM系统、全光网等领域将有非常广泛而重要的运用。  相似文献   

Semiconductor laser mode partition noise (LMPN) can impair analog optical systems, but this phenomenon has not previously been well-characterized. Theoretical expressions for the noise spectra that result when light from a nearly single-mode or strongly multimode semiconductor laser is passed through a length of dispersive optical fiber are presented and have been tested experimentally. A widely used model is found to greatly overestimate the partition noise of a DFB laser; a model for the strongly multimode case is found to match experimental results for a multimode laser. It is observed that partition noise can be significant even for multimode lasers operating near the fiber dispersion minimum  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2014,20(3):224-227
We present an in-fiber mode converter that changes the propagation ratio of two core modes. A dynamic long-period grating is constructed in a two-mode fiber by the combination of an electromagnet with a nonmagnetic spring coiled around a stiff iron rod. The fundamental mode is converted to the LP11 mode according to the voltage applied on the electromagnet. The mode-conversion wavelength can be tuned by stretching the coil spring. Compared to the coupling result with leaky cladding modes, the mode-conversion bandwidth expands from 5 nm to 90 nm and the drive voltage decreases almost by half.  相似文献   

Photolithographic processing of hybrid glasses for microoptics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hybrid glass materials are used in the photolithographic fabrication of optical and optomechanical structures. Two different photolithographic hybrid glass processing methods are described. The first one is referred as photolithographic patterning and the second as direct photolithographic deforming of hybrid glass materials. No etch transfer of the photoimaged structures is needed. In the latter method even the chemical development step can be excluded from the fabrication. Fabrication of lens-arrays, gratings and other binary structures is presented. The synthesized hybrid glass materials feature minimum optical transmission of 97% at wavelengths ranging from 450 nm to 1600 nm and refractive index of, e.g., 1.53 at 632.8 nm. The photolithographic patterning resulted in structure heights in excess of 180 /spl mu/m with rms surface roughness values ranging from 10 to 45 nm. The direct photolithographic deforming resulted in structure heights in excess of 27 /spl mu/m with rms surface roughness values ranging from 1 and 15 nm.  相似文献   

硅光集成的优势在高速光电子领域不断凸显,被广泛应用于各种通信场景中。在硅基集成技术发展过程中,其面临的一个典型技术难点是硅波导与单模光纤的耦合。本文设计了波导边缘集成的硅微透镜结构,经BPM法(Beam Propagation Method)计算验证该结构可实现3μm厚SOI波导与纤芯直径86μm单模光纤90的近场耦合效率,具备高集成度、高耦合效率、多场景适用等优点。  相似文献   

A nonmetallic optical fiber cable which contains fiber ribbons inserted into slots is proposed. The cable has a high-impact-resistant sheath which affords protection against shotgun pellets. The antiballistic performance and cable diameter are investigated experimentally, and an optimum combination of thicknesses for the protective layer and outer polyethylene sheath is obtained. Based on the results, a nonmetallic 100-fiber cable with a high-strength protective sheath was manufactured, and its performance was evaluated. Excellent transmission, mechanical, and antiballistic characteristics were confirmed.<>  相似文献   

设计了一种基于硬件电路的RS-485光电收发器.对光电收发嚣模块的原理及使用场合进行简要论述.比较了工业控制领域中3种常用的光电收发器实现原理,对波特率自适应方法进行了详细介绍并给出原理说明.模块使用硬件电路搭建方向控制及整形电路,与软件控制相比更加实时.可靠,同时降低了通信系统的复杂性.经现场验证表明,相关性能指标完全满足要求.  相似文献   

A high performance single mode OTDR has been constructed at 1.55 mu m using a DFB laser diode, laser diode pumped fibre amplifiers and a coherent detector, all suited to integration into a robust and portable instrument. A dynamic range of 33 dB has been attained with 1 mu s launch pulses, 1 MHz receiver bandwidth and 10/sup 4/ integrations. This result represents an increase of about 13 dB in performance over the standard version of the OTDR using a laser diode as a light source. It is comparable to the best previously reported value attained using a high power glass laser and a cooled detector.<>  相似文献   

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