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如何管理编辑部的电子函件   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
王丹  王军文 《编辑学报》2004,16(5):376-377
随着网络化建设的不断推进,编辑部与外界的网上交流日益增多.如何高效、快速地处理大量的电子函件,提高工作效率,成为编辑部迫切需要解决的问题.以具有较强函件处理功能的软件Foxmail为例,重点介绍日常电子函件管理中一些行之有效的处理方法.  相似文献   

Most of the researchers collaborating with different institutions and involved in a number of international projects would be happy to have only one place where information about their academic activity could be stored, and everyone around the world could check it in a transparent way. In mid‐2013 to early 2014, an online survey of researchers was conducted, and 8,554 fully completed questionnaires were analysed. The respondents represent all age and experience groups, fields of science, and continents in different proportions. The aim of this article is to discuss the topics touched upon in the survey: methods and software used by researchers to manage the list of their activities; outputs recorded by researchers, institutions, and the outputs which should not be part of an academic record according to the respondents; whom researchers entrust with the management of their public profile and the most important attributes that could make an author identification and academic record storage system attractive for researchers.  相似文献   

论图书馆的公共关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章就图书馆公共关系的概念、构成要素以及图书馆公共关系内容和基本原则、如何强化“公关”意识等进行探讨。  相似文献   

陆建松 《中国博物馆》1998,(1):24-27,43
一般认为,博物馆的基本职能有收集、整理、保管、研究、展览和教育普及等。已故日本博物馆学家鹤田总一郎则进一步将之概括为内部职能、外部职能和综合职能(见下图)。并认为,仅仅从事文物标本的收集、整理、保管和研究工作的机构不是真正的博物馆,而只能称之为保管所、资料馆、考古研究所或文化研究所。若想使博物馆不成为上述机构而成为真正意义上的博物馆,就必须进一步开展展览和教育普及工作,即将内部职能扩展到外部功能。内部职能是外部职能的基础,而外部职能则是内部职能的目的和结果。博物馆工作是一项系统工程,博物馆追求的…  相似文献   

公共图书馆危机公关处理探析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张滢 《图书馆学研究》2006,(5):37-38,44
同所有机构一样,图书馆系统也会面临公关危机。在当前媒体开放透明的大环境中,图书馆也要有敏锐的公关危机意识。同时因为公关危机突发性、意外性和紧迫性的特点,面对已经发生的公关危机,如何展开危机公关,尽可能减小其潜在的危害,也是图书馆系统有必要研究的新课题。  相似文献   

Academic libraries worldwide use social media to inform and connect with users. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries is no different and must keep up with rapidly evolving platforms and user expectations. When our presence stretched across twenty-two channels, we needed to ensure that social media efforts were managed in the most effective and efficient manner possible. To develop a research-based, unified vision for communication for new media, we scanned the literature in the library and public relations fields and then surveyed librarians to address identified gaps. Based on results, we offer recommendations focused on best management practices and strong content strategies.  相似文献   

阐述如何建立并维护科技期刊良好的社会关系,从而树立良好的公众形象,提高期刊的社会知名度和美誉度。  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive update of Chinese public relations education. Particularly, it (1) examined the challenges facing Chinese public relations education and (2) explored the positive changes that have emerged in Chinese public relations education. Researchers conducted 49 face-to-face in-depth interviews with Chinese public relations educators, students, and professionals supplemented with a content analysis of 22 Web sites of Chinese universities with public relations programs. Major findings include: (1) absence of doctoral programs, (2) rigid public relations curriculum structure, (3) dominance of traditional public relations pedagogy, (4) lack of qualified public relations educators, and (5) inadequate institutional recognition. In addition to these key challenges that Chinese public relations education confronts, it has also been undergoing some promising changes. For example, public relations education is adjusting to meet the needs of students. Educators are developing both educational and professional expertise. Moreover, there has been a rise of government public relations in the context of China's rapid economic and political reform.  相似文献   

儒家文化与中国公共关系的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究业已证明远东国家的公共关系实践中普遍存在着一个“个人影响”的模式。本文探讨了中国的传统文化在“个人影响”模式发展中的作用 ,特别是“关系”的影响问题。通过对照性的比较研究 ,在考查西方国际公关理论的基础上 ,作者试图建构当代中国的公共关系哲学准则。  相似文献   

徐明霞 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):354-355
科技学术期刊在以往的运营当中,出于期刊的功能,重视学术性建设,忽略公共关系的维护和发展。在信息量极速膨胀的现代社会,科技学术期刊也该高度重视公共关系的发展策略,通过树立全员意识、构建互动交流平台、整合内外部资源、采用危机管理等策略来维护和加强公共关系,最终实现"内求团结完善,外求和谐发展"的目标,达到获得良好的社会效益和经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

Over a six-month time period a school board and its community discussed their district's strategic plan goals about diversity. This article analyzes that discussion within the practical theory frame articulated by Craig. Meeting talk and documents were analyzed to determine how the group's policy deliberation became an argument over what words to have (or avoid) in the strategic plan document. Proposals about document language were framed as technical editing, as inadvertent changing of a policy, and as wordsmithing. In addition to each frame being used, each was also challenged as to its being used to advance some group members' interests at the expense of others. Moving back and forth between using and resisting wording proposal frames, we suggest, is a reasonable way for groups to manage a dilemma they face in crafting policies about controversial, abstract issues. The paper concludes by identifying implications for dilemma theorizing and future study of groups.  相似文献   

Over a six-month time period a school board and its community discussed their district's strategic plan goals about diversity. This article analyzes that discussion within the practical theory frame articulated by Craig. Meeting talk and documents were analyzed to determine how the group's policy deliberation became an argument over what words to have (or avoid) in the strategic plan document. Proposals about document language were framed as technical editing, as inadvertent changing of a policy, and as wordsmithing. In addition to each frame being used, each was also challenged as to its being used to advance some group members' interests at the expense of others. Moving back and forth between using and resisting wording proposal frames, we suggest, is a reasonable way for groups to manage a dilemma they face in crafting policies about controversial, abstract issues. The paper concludes by identifying implications for dilemma theorizing and future study of groups.  相似文献   

介绍在新冠肺炎疫情期间,金属加工杂志社快速反应、快速决策,以高度的社会责任感和使命感,策划抗疫专题,组织在线讲堂,统一规划部署,充分发挥全媒体平台特别是强大的数字媒体平台优势,主动向制造业企业、专家和作者约稿,利用网站、微信、微博、今日头条等数字媒体平台发布专题,并对在线讲堂进行宣传推广,以实际行动践行科技期刊在重大突发公共卫生事件中的社会责任、发挥引领作用。  相似文献   

裴欣 《北京档案》2001,(11):24-26
近年来,随着互联网的迅速普及,电子邮件文件已逐步应用于政府部门及企事业单位的行政事务处理、信息交流和相关业务活动中,现实了异地办公.人们利用其传输速度快、效率高、能实现异地通信、多种信息交流和费用低廉等特点,作为网上传递文件、协调工作、办理事物的主要手段,从而简化了工作环节,提高了工作效率,缩短了文件运行周期,成为现今使用范围较广、覆盖面较宽的一类特殊电子文件.但由于其格式松散、形式任意、类型多样等特点,使如何管理电子邮件文件成为档案机构亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

This study compared readability levels for PR releases used and not used by newspapers to determine if they differ in reading difficulty. Flesch scores and other readability measures were calculated. Releases used were easier to read. However, releases with longer paragraphs were more acceptable with shorter paragraphs.  相似文献   


Applying four generic principles that are most relevant to strategic public relations management, this study examines the extent to which public relations is strategically managed in China. Public relations practitioners from four types of organizations participated an online survey (N?=?92) and an interview (N?=?20). It was found that public relations mainly contributes to routine operations rather than strategic policy-making. While typically given a direct reporting line with top management, public relations departments are not trusted to handle government relations and are considered inferior to the marketing department. Practitioners in the survey indicated the use of all four models to various degree in their organizations, despite that interviews revealed the difficulty to implement symmetrical communication model as compared to the other three models. In addition, practitioners were more proficient in fulfilling technician roles than managerial roles.  相似文献   

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