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We previously reported thatPolygonum aviculare has a strong allelopathic action againstCynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and other test species. Moreover, we found that several phenolic compounds appeared to be important allelochemics in this activity. We have now isolated other potential inhibitors fromP. aviculare residues and soil underPolygonum stands, and none of these occurred in soil underC. dactylon stands. GC-MS analysis revealed that these additional inhibitors are long-chain fatty acids with 14–22 carbons. Nine were identified inP. aviculare residues and seven in soil underP. aviculare. Sodium salts of all the identified fatty acids inhibited seedling growth ofC. dactylon and at least some test strains of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria,Azotobacter andRhizobium.  相似文献   

Polygonum aviculare was observed to spread rapidly into heavy stands ofCynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. resulting in death of the latter. This indicated a strong interference againstCynodon dactylon. Measurements of selected soil minerals and physical factors indicated that competition was probably not the chief cause of that interference. Soil collected under deadPolygonum was very inhibitory to all test species exceptSporobolus pyramidatus (Lam.) Hitchc., suggesting the presence of inhibitory compounds. Tops and roots ofPolygonum, root exudates, and leachate of the tops inhibited seed germination and seedling growth of most test species. Therefore, allelopathy apeared to be the dominant component of the interference, with competition probably accentuating its effects.Polygonum aviculare was inhibitory toGossypium barbadense L. andSorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, indicating that allelopathy is an important component of the interference byPolygonum against crop yields.  相似文献   

In earlier work, we found thatPolygonum aviculare had pronounced allelopathic effects against several test species. Four inhibitors were isolated from livingPolygonum plants, three of which were glucosides. Four different inhibitors were isolated fromPolygonum residues and soil underPolygonum stands, and none of these occurred in soil fromCynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. stands. Three of these were glycosides containing both fructose and cellobiose as the sugars. Color reactions of all the inhibitors indicated that they are phenolic in nature. All the inhibitors reduced seed germination and/or seedling growth ofChenopodium album L. Moreover some of them inhibited growth of different strains ofRhizobium andAzotobacter.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts ofNuphar lutea (L.) Sibth. & Sm. leaves (blades plus petioles) and roots plus rhizomes were tested for allelopathic activity using lettuce seedling andLemna minor L. assay systems. The 12.5, 25, 125, and 250 parts per thousand (ppt) treatments of both extracts killed the lettuce seedlings. At 2.5 ppt of extract, radicle growth of lettuce was 29% of the control for leaves and 31% of the control for roots plus rhizomes.Lemna minor frond number was reduced to 34% of the control by the 25 ppt leaf extract and to 43% of the control by the 25 ppt roots plus rhizomes extract.L. minor was killed by concentrations of 125 ppt and above of both plant part extracts. As expected, the frond number and total chlorophyll content measured by theL. minor assay were highly correlated. Osmotic potentials below 143 mOsmol/kg had no influence onL. minor growth. Neither the osmotic potential nor the pH of the undiluted extracts ofN. lutea were in the range known to influence the growth of either lettuce seedlings orL. minor. Nuphar lutea extracts were many times more inhibitory than 16 other hydrophytes we previously examined.  相似文献   

Field observations indicated thatEuphorbia prostrata strongly interferes withCynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Analysis of some physical and chemical soil factors indicated that competition was not the dominant factor of that interference. Soil collected from underE. prostrata stands was very inhibitory to seed germination and seeding growth of some of the test species including C.Dactylon. This suggests the presence of inhibitory compounds in soil ofE. prostrata stands. Subsequent experiments showed that aqueous extract, decaying residues, and root exudates ofE. prostrata were inhibitory to most of the test species including C.Dactylon. Thus, it appears that allelopathy is the major component of the interference, with competition probably accentuating its effect. It also was found that allelopathy is an important component of the interference byE. prostrata againstAmaranthus retroflexus, Medicago sativa, andGossypium hirsutum.  相似文献   

Salsola kali L. is one of the species that invades during early successional stages on mine-spoil material, but tend to disappear rapidly from the weedy stage. What controls its rapid disappearance from the weedy stage becomes a logical question.Salsola was found to be an allelopathically active species, which also decreased the growth of selected associated species during its decaying process. However, leaf leachate did not play an important role in depressing the growth of associated species.Salsola was autotoxic, but its germinatoin was not inhibited by any of the isolated phytotoxins applied. The phytotoxins identified fromSalsola leaves were caffeic, ferulic, chlorogenic, isochlorogenic, and neochlorogenic acids, and quercetin. Allelopathy may play an important role in the rapid disappearance of the weedy stage, similar to what is established for old farm lands. However, further studies are desirable.Contribution No. R780402 from Project Reclamation, University of North Dakota supported by Grant No. 0264001 from Bureau of Mines, Department of the interior to Dr. M.K. Wali.The work was partially completed when the author was a visiting research associate professor at the University of North Dakota.  相似文献   

The allelopathic effects of wormwood plants (Artemisia princeps var.orientalis) and their possible phytotoxicity on receptor species were investigated. The aqueous extracts of mature leaf, stem, and root of wormwood plants caused significant inhibition in germination and decreased seedling elongation of receptor plants, whereas germination of some species was not inhibited by extracts of stems and roots. Dry weight growth was slightly increased at lower concentrations of the extract, whereas it was proportionally inhibited at higher concentrations. The calorie value of the organic matter in receptor plants measured by bomb calorimeter was reduced proportionally to the extract concentration. However, results with extracts of juvenile leaf did not correlate with inhibition or promotion of elongation and dry weight.  相似文献   

Robinia pseudo-acacia L. (black locust) is a nonindigenous species currently invading the central part of Japanese grasslands. Several allelochemicals were identified and characterized from the leaf tissue. The growth of both radicle and hypocotyl in the tested species (barnyard grass, white clover, lettuce, and Chinese cabbage) was reduced when grown in soil mixed with the leaves of R. pseudo-acacia at various concentrations. Aqueous leaf extracts, when bioassayed, exhibited a significant suppression of radicle growth. Chromatographic separation of an ethanolic extract of R. pseudo-acacia leaves resulted in isolation of three compounds, identified as robinetin (1), myricetin (2), and quercetin (3) by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy. All inhibited root and shoot growth of lettuce. Robinetin, found in a large amount, caused 50% suppression of the root and shoot growth of lettuce at 100 ppm. The presence of these bioactive substances in leaf tissue suggests a potential role for flavonoids in R. pseudo-acacia invasion in introduced habitats.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts obtained from young green tops ofChrysanthemum morifolium inhibited the germination of six flowering plants, including chrysanthemum itself, provided for experiments. The same phenomenon was also clearly observed when powder made from young green tops and old leaves of chrysanthemum was used. Moreover, the growth of seedlings planted again in garden soil which was once used for the culture of chrysanthemum was greatly interrupted. Chrysanthemum cultured in used garden soil showed far less dry weight than that cultured in fresh garden soil. The weight of chrysanthemum cultured using its root exudates was also less than that cultured with water leachate of fresh garden soil, and therefore these results may be considered to indicate allelopathic effects. In order to find the allelochemicals related to this phenomenon, benzoic acid and phenolic acids such as salicylic,p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, gentisic, protocatechuic, syringic, gallic, ferulic, and caffeic acids were identified by gas chromatography.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the variables affecting the supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction of non-polar compounds from Anastatica hierochuntica using the Central Composite Design technique (CCD). Independent variables were temperature (32–46 °C) and pressure (22–46 MPa). Dependent variables were the percentage of the content of hexadecanoic acid, 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, heneicosane and heptacosane. Pressure was the most significant parameter that affected the content of the compounds. The hexadecanoic and 9,12-octadecadienoic content decreased while heneicosane and heptacosane increased with pressure. A number of choices can be run either at low pressure and low temperature or at low pressure and high temperature in order to optimize extraction of the selected compounds. Extraction either at low temperature (33 °C) and low pressure (25.6 MPa), or at high temperature (42 °C) and low pressure (22.0 MPa) maximized the yield of hexadecanoic, 9,12-octedecanoic, heneicosane and heptacosane.  相似文献   

Allelopathy due to humus phenolics is a cause of natural regeneration deficiency in subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies) forests. If inhibition of spruce germination and seedling growth due to allelochemicals is generally accepted, in contrast there is a lack of knowledge about phenolic effects on mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, this work tested effects of a humic solution and its naturally occurring phenolics on the growth and respiration of two mycorrhizal fungi: Hymenoscyphus ericae (symbiont of Vaccinium myrtillus, the main allelochemical-producing plant) and Hebeloma crustuliniforme (symbiont of P. abies, the target plant). Growth and respiration of H. crustuliniforme were inhibited by growth medium with the original humic solution (–6% and –30%), respectively, whereas the same humic solution did not affect growth but decreased respiration of H. ericae (–55%). When naturally occurring phenolics (same chemicals and concentrations in the original humic solution) were added to the growth medium, growth of H. crustuliniforme was not affected, whereas that of H. ericae significantly increased (+10%). We conclude that H. ericae is better adapted to the allelopathic constraints of this forest soil than H. crustuliniforme and that the dominance of V. myrtillus among understory species could be explained in this way.  相似文献   

The allelopathic interaction between sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and 10 species of grass and broadleaf weeds was investigated. Germination of weed seeds was slightly inhibited or stimulated, depending on species, when incubated in closed Petri dishes with germinating sorghum. Subsequent radicle and hypocotyl or coleoptile elongation of weeds was significantly inhibited by the germinating sorghum. For weeds interplanted with sorghum and grown under greenhouse conditions. The inhibitory effect on some weed species was still evident after 2 months of growth. Significant differences were found in the dry matter per weed plant grown in pots in proximity to sorghum vs. weeds grown in monoculture. Aqueous leachates from pots planted with sorghum alone or from a system in which sorghum roots protruded into water had strong allelopathic activity. These results indicate that water-soluble allelochemicals are produced by germinating sorghum seeds and that production of these substances continues during seedling growth.Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted to determine whether the allelopathic effect (inhibition of oxygen consumption) of mull- and mor-type humic solutions on ectomycorrhizal fungi was due to the solutions' phenolic contents. In the first experiment, two concentrations (10–3 M and 10–7 M) of binary equimolar phenolic mixtures were tested on the oxygen consumption ofLaccaria laccata andCenococcum graniforme. The high concentrations of most of the mixtures induced an increase of fungal respiration, whereas the 10–7 M treatments all reduced the rate of respiration. In the second experiment, the effects on respiration of the phenolic mixture reproducing mull- and mortype humic solutions were compared with the effects of natural humic solutions. The resulting data suggest that allelopathic effect of humic solutions can at least in part be attributed to their phenolic contents.  相似文献   

The allelopathic potential of eight aquatic plants associated with wild rice was investigated using lettuce and wild rice seedling bioassays. Rhizome aqueous extracts of Scirpus acutus, Potamogeton natans, Nymphaea odorata, Nuphar variegatum; shoot extract of Eleocharis smallii; whole plant extract of Myriophyllum verticillatum; and leaf extract of P. natans significantly reduced the root length of lettuce and wild rice seedlings. The lettuce seedling bioassay was more sensitive than the wild rice bioassay. Shoot growth was less affected than the root growth. Water extract of sediments associated with the aquatic plants had little growth inhibitory effect on wild rice. Our study did not yield any conclusive evidence that the wild rice-associated aquatic plants have allelopathic effects on wild rice. We emphasize the use of target species as a bioassay material in allelopathic studies. Further investigation on allelopathic effects of lake sediments associated with the neighboring plants of wild rice is necessary to evaluate their ecological significance.  相似文献   

The allelopathic weed Russian knapweed (Centaurea repens) was found to contain polyacetylenes VIII–XIV in the roots. Dose vs. response of the root length elongation against lettuce, alfalfa, barnyard grass, and red millet showed IX to be active. Closely related isomers were not active. Examination of the soil surrounding the Russian knapweed roots revealed the presence of IX in sufficient concentration to have an appreciable effect on the surrounding plant community.  相似文献   

Water extracts of giant foxtail grass inhibited germination and radicle elongation of loblolly pine seed in a laboratory test. Most of the toxic effects came from extracts of dried foxtail tops, with lesser amounts from fresh tops and roots. Soil texture affected the phytotoxicity of the extracts. Eight chemical compounds known to be phytotoxins inSetaria were identified in extracts of foxtail leaves but could not be found in soil samples under the leaves.  相似文献   

Allelopathic effects of entire shoot extract, plant part extracts, and shoot residue of parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) on corn (Zea mays L.), ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.), and soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] growth were examined. Parthenium shoot contained water-soluble materials that were toxic to root growth of velvetleaf and wheat. At 4% (w/ v) concentration, root growth of velvetleaf and wheat were reduced by 60 and 75%, respectively. The order of increasing sensitivity to parthenium was ryegrass, corn, wheat, and velvetleaf. There was a strong correlation between extract concentration and increased toxicity to test species. The toxicity of plant part extracts was also concentration dependent. At 1 and 2% (w/v), the inflorescence and leaves caused more root inhibition than stem extract. Parthenium shoot incorporated in soil at 1% (w/w) caused significantly more root inhibition of wheat than soybean, corn, and ryegrass. At 4% (w/w), root growth of all the test species was inhibited compared to the control. Toxicity of parthenium residue to wheat diminished with increasing periods of decomposition. Residue decomposed for four weeks was less toxic than the undecomposed residue.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 7506.  相似文献   

Bioassay of naturally occurring allelochemicals for phytotoxicity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The bioassay has been one of the most widely used tests to demonstrate allelopathic activity. Often, claims that a particular plant species inhibits the growth of another are based entirely on the seed germination response to solvent extracts of the suspected allelopathic plant; few of these tests are of value in demonstrating allelopathy under natural conditions. The veracity of the bioassay for evaluating naturally occurring compounds for phytotoxicity depends upon the physiological and biochemical response capacity of the bioassay organism and the mechanism(s) of action of the allelochemicals. The possibility that more than one allelochemical, acting in concert at very low concentrations, may be responsible for an observed allelopathic effect makes it imperative that bioassays be extremely sensitive to chemical growth perturbation agents. Among the many measures of phytotoxicity of allelochemicals, the inhibition (or stimulation) of seed germination, radicle elongation, and/or seedling growth have been the parameters of choice for most investigations. Few of these assays have been selected with the view towards the possible mechanism of the allelopathic effect.  相似文献   

Allelopathic potential of menthofuran monoterpenes fromCalamintha ashei   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A reversed-phase HPLC analysis was used to separate and quantify five menthofuran monoterpenes inCalamintha ashei leaf soaks and washes. (+)-Evodone and desacetylcalaminthone were the major constituents of both soaks and washes. Concentrations of (+)-evodone and desacetylcalaminthone were as high as 0.66 and 0.74 mM, respectively, in leaf soaks. The highest concentration of monoterpenes in leaf washes obtained by misting was 0.021 mM. Aqueous solubilities of the menthofurans were determined to exceed concentrations required for growth inhibition. Bioassays of individualCalamintha monoterpenes demonstrated effects on germination as low as 0.05 mM for (+)-evodone. An equimolar mixture of desacetylcalaminthone and (+)-evodone reducedRudbeckia hirta germination by 17% at a combined concentration of 0.025 mM forLeptochloa dubia. Confirmation of allelopathic effects byCalamintha ashei will require long-term bioassays ofCalamintha menthofurans on the growth of native sandhill species under conditions comparable to the harsh environment of the Florida scrub.  相似文献   

In laboratory tests the allelopathic potential ofErica vagans, Calluna vulgaris, andDaboecia cantabrica was determined. Aqueous extracts of flowers ofD. cantabrica and leaves ofC. vulgaris inhibit root and hypocotyl growth of red clover, the former causing 51% inhibition of germination. Intact aerial parts of the Ericaceae here studied drastically reduced the growth of red clover and 100% inhibition of germination was caused by flowers ofD. cantabrica. Inhibition of aqueous extracts remains after Chromatographic separation, and two well-defined inhibition zones may be observed. Hydrosoluble organic compounds (phenol-like compounds) could probably be responsible for the inhibitions detected.  相似文献   

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