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Observations of the Labrador Sea eddy field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is an observational study of small-scale coherent eddies in the Labrador Sea, a region of dense water formation thought to be of considerable importance to the North Atlantic overturning circulation. Numerical studies of deep convection emphasize coherent eddies as a mechanism for the lateral transport of heat, yet their small size has hindered observational progress. A large part of this paper is therefore devoted to developing new methods for identifying and describing coherent eddies in two observational platforms, current meter moorings and satellite altimetry. Details of the current and water mass structure of individual eddy events, as they are swept past by an advecting flow, can then be extracted from the mooring data. A transition is seen during mid-1997, with long-lived boundary current eddies dominating the central Labrador Sea year-round after this time, and convectively formed eddies similar to those seen in deep convection modeling studies apparent prior to this time. The TOPEX / Poseidon altimeter covers the Labrador Sea with a loose “net” of observations, through which coherent eddies can seem to appear and disappear. By concentrating on locating and describing anomalous events in individual altimeter tracks, a portrait of the spatial and temporal variability of the underlying eddy field can be constructed. The altimeter results reveal an annual “pulsation” of energy and of coherent eddies originating during the late fall at a particular location in the boundary current, pinpointing the time and place of the boundary current-type eddy formation. The interannual variability seen at the mooring is reproduced, but the mooring site is found to be within a localized region of greatly enhanced eddy activity. Notably lacking in both the annual cycle and interannual variability is a clear relationship between the eddies or eddy energy and the intensity of wintertime cooling. These eddy observations, as well as hydrographic evidence, suggest an active role for boundary current dynamics in shaping the energetics and water mass properties of the interior region.  相似文献   

The variability of two modes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) (upper and deep Labrador Sea Water) and their respective spreading in the interior North Atlantic Ocean are investigated by means of repeated ship surveys carried out along the zonal WOCE line A2/AR19 located at 43–48°N (1993–2007) and along the GOOS line at about 48–51°N (1997–2002). Hydrographic section data are complemented by temperature, salinity, and velocity time series recorded by two moorings. They have been deployed at the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in the Newfoundland Basin during 1996–2004. The analysis of hydrographic anomalies at various longitudes points to a gradual eastward propagation of LSW-related signals, which happens on time scales of 3–6 years from the formation region towards the MAR. Interactions of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) with the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) close to Flemish Cap point to the NAC being the main distributor of the different types of LSW into the interior of the Newfoundland Basin. Comparisons between the ship data and the mooring records revealed that the mooring sites are located in a region affected by highly variable flow. The mooring time series demonstrate an elevated level of variability with eddy activity and variability associated with the NAC considerably influencing the LSW signals in this region. Hydrographic data taken from Argo profiles from the vicinity of the mooring sites turned out to mimic quite well the temporal evolution captured by the moorings. There is some indication of occasional southward flow in the LSW layer near the MAR. If this can be considered as a hint to an interior LSW-route, it is at least of minor importance in comparison to the DWBC. It acts as an important supplier for the interior North Atlantic, distributing older and recently formed LSW modes southward along the MAR.  相似文献   

Time series of profiles of potential temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and planetary potential vorticity at intermediate depths in the Labrador Sea, the Irminger Sea, and the Iceland Basin have been constructed by combining the hydrographic sections crossing the sub-arctic gyre of the North Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Labrador to Europe, occupied nearly annually since 1990, and historic hydrographic data from the preceding years since 1950. The temperature data of the last 60 years mainly reflect a multi-decadal variability, with a characteristic time scale of about 50 years. With the use of a highly simplified heat budget model it was shown that this long-term temperature variability in the Labrador Sea mainly reflects the long-term variation of the net heat flux to the atmosphere. However, the analysis of the data on dissolved oxygen and planetary potential vorticity show that convective ventilation events, during which successive classes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) are formed, occurring on decadal or shorter time scales. These convective ventilation events have performed the role of vertical mixing in the heat budget model, homogenising the properties of the intermediate layers (e.g. temperature) for significant periods of time. Both the long-term and the near-decadal temperature signals at a pressure of 1500 dbar are connected with successive deep LSW classes, emphasising the leading role of Labrador Sea convection in running the variability of the intermediate depth layers of the North Atlantic. These signals are advected to the neighbouring Irminger Sea and Iceland Basin. Advection time scales, estimated from the 60 year time series, are slightly shorter or of the same order as most earlier estimates, which were mainly based on the feature tracking of the spreading of the LSW94 class formed in the period 1989-1994 in the Labrador Sea.  相似文献   

A European Space Agency' s ENVISAT advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) image covering Zhejiang coastal water in the East China Sea (ECS) was acquired on 1 August 2007. This image shows that there are about 20 coherent internal solitary wave (ISW) packets propagating southwestward toward Zhejiang coast. These ISW packets are separated by about 10 kin, suggesting that these ISWs are tide-generated waves. Each ISW packet contains 5-15 wave crests. The wavelengths of the wave crests within the ISW packets are about 300 m. The lengths of the leading wave crests are about 50 km. The ISW amplitude is estimated from solving KdV equation in an ideal two-layer ocean model. It is found that the ISW amplitudes is about 8 m. Further analysis of the ASAR image and ocean stratification profiles show that the observed ISWs are depression waves. Analyzing the tidal current finds that these waves are locally generated. The wavelength and amplitude of the ECS ISW are much smaller than their counter- parts in the South China Sea (SCS). The propagation speed of the ECS ISW is also an order of magnitude smaller than that of the SCS ISW. The observed ISWs in the ECS happened during a spring tide period.  相似文献   

刘斌  刘胜旋 《海洋学报》2017,39(9):83-89
利用2016年在南海西北部陆坡琼东南海域采集的多波束水体数据,发现了海底气体渗漏至海水中形成的羽状流。在多波束数据上, 羽状流成火焰状,直径大约为30~50 m,从1 380多米的海底延伸至大约650 m的深度,高度超过700 m。在经过羽状流的浅剖剖面上,存在显示浅层气存在的声学空白区域,并识别出断裂和裂隙区域,但在水体中并无明显的异常。这可能是由于浅剖数据的分辨率不够未能捕捉到水体异常,或者气体渗漏具有间歇性。该海域存在明显的似海底反射显示,气体渗漏可能与水合物系统之间存在复杂的相互作用。由于缺乏经过羽状流的多道地震数据,难以对羽状流的形成机制进行进一步的推测。南海北部陆坡羽状流的发现对于理解被动大陆边缘的甲烷渗漏机制、水合物的形成与分解具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Hydrographic changes in the Labrador Sea, 1960–2005   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Labrador Sea has exhibited significant temperature and salinity variations over the past five decades. The whole basin was extremely warm and salty between the mid-1960s and early 1970s, and fresh and cold between the late 1980s and mid-1990s. The full column salinity change observed between these periods is equivalent to mixing a 6 m thick freshwater layer into the water column of the early 1970s. The freshening and cooling trends reversed in 1994 starting a new phase of heat and salt accumulation in the Labrador Sea sustained throughout the subsequent years. It took only a decade for the whole water column to lose most of its excessive freshwater, reinstate stratification and accumulate enough salt and heat to approach its record high salt and heat contents observed between the late 1960s and the early 1970s. If the recent tendencies persist, the basin’s storages of salt and heat will fairly soon, likely by 2008, exceed their historic highs.The main process responsible for the net cooling and freshening of the Labrador Sea between 1987 and 1994 was deep winter convection, which during this period progressively developed to its record depths. It was caused by the recurrence of severe winters during these years and in its turn produced the deepest, densest and most voluminous Labrador Sea Water (LSW1987–1994) ever observed. The estimated annual production of this water during the period of 1987–1994 is equivalent to the average volume flux of about 4.5 Sv with some individual annual rates exceeding 7.0 Sv. Once winter convection had lost its strength in the winter of 1994–1995, the deep LSW1987–1994 layer lost “communication” with the mixed layer above, consequently losing its volume, while gaining heat and salt from the intermediate waters outside the Labrador Sea.While the 1000–2000 m layer was steadily becoming warmer and saltier between 1994 and 2005, the upper 1000 m layer experienced another episode of cooling caused by an abrupt increase in the air-sea heat fluxes in the winter of 1999–2000. This change in the atmospheric forcing resulted in fairly intense convective mixing sufficient to produce a new prominent LSW class (LSW2000) penetrating deeper than 1300 m. This layer was steadily sinking or deepening over the years following its production and is presently overlain by even warmer and apparently less dense water mass, implying that LSW2000 is likely to follow the fate of its deeper precursor, LSW1987–1994. The increasing stratification of the intermediate layer implies intensification in the baroclinic component of the boundary currents around the mid-depth perimeter of the Labrador Sea.The near-bottom waters, originating from the Denmark Strait overflow, exhibit strong interannual variability featuring distinct short-term basin-scale events or pulses of anomalously cold and fresh water, separated by warm and salty overflow modifications. Regardless of their sign these anomalies pass through the abyss of the Labrador Sea, first appearing at the Greenland side and then, about a year later, at the Labrador side and in the central Labrador Basin.The Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (2500–3200 m), originating from the Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water, reached its historically freshest state in the 2000–2001 period and has been steadily becoming saltier since then. It is argued that LSW1987–1994 significantly contributed to the freshening, density decrease and volume loss experienced by this water mass between the late 1960s and the mid 1990s via the increased entrainment of freshening LSW, the hydrostatic adjustment to expanding LSW, or both.  相似文献   

The impact of bio-optical heating on the properties of the upper Labrador Sea water was investigated by considering changes in light attenuation in water associated with the seasonal change of chlorophyll distribution. The time- and depth-dependent attenuation coefficients were obtained from remotely sensed SeaWiFS ocean-colour data. Sea-surface temperature (SST) and mixed-layer depth (MLD) were computed from a three-dimensional ocean circulation model. The model was integrated from 1999 to 2003 with 6-hourly atmospheric forcing. The changes in SST and MLD attributable to bio-optical heating were determined by comparing the model results using the observed attenuation coefficients (chlorophyll) to those using a weak and constant attenuation (clear water). The model results show that bio-optical heating is controlled mainly by chlorophyll concentration and MLD. The increase in SST is around 1 °C in most parts of the Labrador Sea and the shelves, and up to 2.7 °C in areas of shallow MLD and high chlorophyll concentrations (the Grand Banks and Northeastern Newfoundland Shelf). The increase is much higher than that found in previous studies, which was typically a fraction of a degree. Bio-optical heating also can enhance the stratification of the upper ocean and reduce the MLD by 20–50%.  相似文献   

本文根据“中日黑潮合作调查”在东海的调查资料,探讨了硝酸盐的分布特征,以及水文条件对其分布的影响,并比较了不同年份夏季硝酸盐的分布差异及其原因。分析表明,表层海水中硝酸盐分布明显受长江冲淡水影响,陆架区测值高于外海,冬季测值高于夏季; 50m ,100m 层上陆架、黑潮锋区存在着硝酸盐锋面,黑潮主干的摆动可能是影响锋面位置的主要因素  相似文献   

Water properties measured by the central mooring in the Line W mooring array southeast of Cape Cod document a large character shift during the period of November 2001 to April 2008. The observed temperature, salinity and planetary potential vorticity (PPV) anomalies manifest changes in the formation region of the water masses present at Station W, specifically upper Labrador Sea Water (uLSW), deep Labrador Sea Water (dLSW) and Overflow Water (OW). During the observation period, the minimum in the PPV anomaly field relative to the record mean PPV profile migrated from 1500 m, where it was originally found, to 700 m. Temporal changes in the vertical distribution of temperature and salinity were correlated with the PPV changes. This suggests a dLSW-dominated first half of the record versus an uLSW-dominated second half. The structure of these anomalies is consistent with observations within the Labrador Sea, and their transit time to Line W agrees well with tracer-derived times for signals spreading along the western boundary. In that context, the observed water properties at Line W in the early 2000s reflected the intense deep convection in the Labrador Sea in the mid-1990s, with less intense convection subsequently affecting lighter isopycnals. The observed velocity field is dominated by high-frequency (periods of days to months) fluctuations, however, a fraction of the velocity variability is correlated with changes in water mass properties, and indicate a gradual acceleration of the southwestward flow, with a corresponding increase in Deep Western Boundary Current transport.  相似文献   

This study describes the first year round observations of the outflow from Hudson Strait as obtained from a moored array deployed mid-strait from August 2004–2005, and from a high-resolution hydrographic section conducted in September 2005. The outflow has the structure of a buoyant boundary current spread across the sloping topography of its southern edge. The variability in the flow is dominated by the extreme semi-diurnal tides and by vigorous, mostly barotropic, fluctuations over several days. The fresh water export is seasonally concentrated between June and March with a peak in November–December, consistent with the seasonal riverine input and sea-ice melt. It is highly variable on weekly timescales because of synchronous salinity and velocity variations. The estimated volume and liquid fresh water transports during 2004–2005 are, respectively, of 1–1.2 Sv and 78–88 (28–29) mSv relative to a salinity of 34.8 (33). This implies that the Hudson Strait outflow accounts for approximately 15% of the volume and 50% of the fresh water transports of the Labrador Current. This larger than previously estimated contribution is partially due to the recycling, within the Hudson Bay System, of relatively fresh waters that flow into Hudson Strait, along its northern edge. It is speculated that the source of this inflow is the outflow from Davis Strait.  相似文献   

Variability of Sea Surface Circulation in the Japan Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Composite sea surface dynamic heights (CSSDH) are calculated from both sea surface dynamic heights that are derived from altimetric data of ERS-2 and mean sea surface that is calculated by a numerical model. The CSSDH are consistent with sea surface temperature obtained by satellite and observed water temperature. Assuming the geostrophic balance, sea surface current velocities are calculated. It is found that temporal and spatial variations of sea surface circulation are considerably strong. In order to examine the characteristics of temporal and spatial variation of current pattern, EOF analysis is carried out with use of the CSSDH for 3.5 years. The spatial and temporal variations of mode 1 indicate the strength or weakness of sea surface circulation over the entire Japan Sea associated with seasonal variation of volume transport through the Tsushima Strait. The spatial and temporal variations of mode 2 mostly indicate the temporal variation of the second branch of the Tsushima Warm Current and the East Korean Warm Current. It is suggested that this variation is possibly associated with the seasonal variation of volume transport through the west channel of the Tsushima Strait. Variations of mode 3 indicate the interannual variability in the Yamato Basin.  相似文献   

Sea ice can attenuate wave energy significantly when waves propagate through ice covers.In this study,a third-generation wave model called simulating wave nearshore(SWAN)was advanced to include damping of wave energy due to friction in the boundary layer below the ice.With the addition of an eddy viscosity wave-ice model,the resulting new SWAN model was applied to simulate wave height in the Bohai Sea during the freezing winter.Its performance was validated with available buoy data near the ice edge,and the new model showed an improvement in accuracy because it considered the ice effect on waves.We then performed a wave hindcast for the Bohai Sea during a freezing period in the winter of 2016 that had the severest ice conditions in recent years and found that the mean significant wave height changed by approximately 16.52%.In the Liaodong Bay,where sea ice concentration is highest,the change reached 32.57%,compared with the most recent SWAN model version.The average influence of sea ice on wave height simulation was also evaluated over a five-year(2013-2017)hindcast during January and February.We found that the wave height decrease was more significant in storm conditions even the eddy viscosity wave-ice model itself showed no advantage on damping stronger waves.  相似文献   

1988-2002年黄海和渤海风浪后报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对黄海和渤海风浪开展长期后报实验,时间范围覆盖1988至2002年,并分析相应的区域波候特征。首先,模式输出的月平均有效波高和卫星数据比对一致。其次,我们讨论了气候态月平均有效波高和平均波周期的时空分布特征。有效波高和平均波周期的气候态空间分布都呈现出西北-东南、或由近岸向深水区增加的趋势,这种空间的分布特征和局地的风强迫和水深密切相关。同时,海浪参数的季节变化也较显著。进一步,我们统计分析了风场和有效波高的极值,给出并揭示了黄海和渤海多年一遇有效波高的空间结构,并讨论了有效波高极值和风强迫极值之间的联系。  相似文献   

We collected mesozooplankton samples in the upper 100 m in spring or early summer each year between 1995 and 2000 along a section from Hamilton Bank (Labrador) to Cape Desolation (Greenland), and along additional sections in spring 1997 and early summer 1995. The North Atlantic waters of the central basin were characterised by the presence of the copepods Calanus finmarchicus, Euchaeta norvegica and Scolecithrocella minor and euphausiids. Calanus glacialis, Calanus hyperboreus and Pseudocalanus spp. were associated with the Arctic waters over the shelves. Amongst the other enumerated groups larvaceans were concentrated over the shelves and around the margins. Amphipods, pteropods and the copepods Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp. showed no definable relationships with water masses or bathymetry, while the diel migrant ostracods and chaetognaths were confined to deep water. Metrida longa, also a strong diel migrant, and Microcalanus spp., a mainly deep water species and possible diel migrant, were both sometimes quite abundant on the shelves as well as in the central basin, consistent with their likely Arctic origins.Analysis of community structure along the section across the Labrador Sea indicated that stations could be grouped into five different zones corresponding to: the Labrador Shelf; the Labrador Slope; the western and central Labrador Sea; the eastern Labrador Sea and Greenland Slope; and, the Greenland Shelf. The boundaries between zones varied spatially between years, but community composition was relatively consistent within a given zone and a given season (spring versus early summer). The relationship between community composition and water masses was not entirely straightforward. For example, Labrador Shelf water was generally confined to the shelf, but in spring 2000 when it also dominated the adjacent slope zone, the community in the Labrador Slope zone was similar to those found in other years. Conversely, in spring 1997, when Arctic organisms were unusually abundant in the Labrador Slope zone, there was no increased contribution of shelf water. In addition, North Atlantic organisms were often found on the shelves when no slope or central basin water was present.Although other organisms were sometimes very abundant, the mesozooplankton preserved dry weight biomass was dominated everywhere by the three species of Calanus, which together always accounted for ≥70%. One species, C. finmarchicus, comprised >60% of the total mesozooplankton biomass and >80% of the abundance of large copepods in spring and summer throughout the central Labrador Sea. In western and central regions of the central basin average C. finmarchicus biomass was ca 4 g dry weight m−2 and average abundance, ca 17?000 m−2 over both seasons. Highest levels (ca 7 g dry weight m−2, >100?000 m−2) occurred in the northern Labrador Sea in spring and in eastern and southwest regions in early summer. C. hyperboreus contributed ca 20% of the total mesozooplankton biomass in the central basin in spring and <5% in early summer, while C. glacialis accounted for <1%. Over the shelves, C. hyperboreus contributed a maximum of 54% and 3.6 g dry weight m−2, and C. glacialis, a maximum of 29% and 1 g dry weight m−2, to the total mesozooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

以南海气泡羽状流赋存特征为参考,本文继续研究冷泉活动区气泡羽状流的地震响应。为使羽状流建模方案更合理,根据水中气泡在上升过程时其半径的变化情况,修改原建模方案,重新建立了羽状流水体模型。通过正演模拟得到了羽状流炮集地震记录,单炮记录上显示出明显的散射波场特征和模型的周期特点。通过叠前深度偏移处理炮集地震记录,得到边界收敛效果较好的成像剖面,且成像精度较高。以上研究又一次奠定了羽状流地震响应进一步研究的基础,也逐步探索出更适合羽状流地震资料的处理方法,为识别羽状流提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the analysis of the drift of tabular iceberg observed in 2009 in the marginal ice zone of the North-West Barents Sea. Momentum balance equations are derived from the Kirchhoff equations describing plane motion of solid body in an ideal fluid. Field works performed on the drift iceberg and on the drift icenear the iceberg are described. Results of the field works and numerical simulations of the iceberg drift and rotation are performed and discussed. It is shown that acceleration of water flow around the iceberg has visible influence on the iceberg drift. Kinetic energy balance of drift iceberg is used to estimate the forces applied to the iceberg by the drift ice.  相似文献   

作为一种新的地球化学指标方法,多参数生物标志物法已被广泛应用于重建浮游植物生产力及群落结构。本文对北黄海-渤海表层沉积物中浮游植物生物标志物的分布进行了研究。通过对北黄海-渤海60个站位的调查研究发现,硅藻、甲藻和颗石藻这3种浮游植物的生物标志物含量高值区主要分布在泥质区,同TOC的分布模式类似。为了消除粒度和沉积速率对含量的影响,将这3种生物标志物含量分别与TOC做比值,结果发现相对含量高值区与高生产力区相对应。以这3种生物标志物的相对比例来分别指示浮游植物在北黄海-渤海的相对贡献变化,结果表明近岸区硅藻相对贡献高,这主要与硅藻在高浓度硅的情况下具有竞争优势有关;而由于对营养盐的竞争关系,甲藻相对贡献高值区处于远岸区。在北黄海中部发现高的颗石藻相对贡献,与黄海暖流入侵路径相对应。  相似文献   

黄渤海海域波浪时空变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF)第五代再分析数据集(ECMWF Reanalysis v5,ERA5),对中国黄渤海海域2000—2019年的波浪进行了统计分析.得到如下的结论:1)黄渤海海区波浪具有明显的季节性,渤海区域有效波高呈现出周边小,中间大的特点;黄海海域有效波高呈现由南向北降低的趋势;研究区域冬季有效...  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that an along-track mean sea surface (MSS) model estimated with TOPEX altimeter data, including the large 1997-1998 El Niño event, is slightly less accurate than a MSS model calculated from less data where El Niño signals are small. The manner in which true sea level variability corrupts the estimation of MSS gradients is discussed. A model is proposed to reduce the error, based on scaling climate indices such as the Southern Oscillation Index, while accounting for phase shifts using a Hilbert transform. After modeling and removing the seasonal and interannual sea level variations, parameters to a plane MSS model are estimated using TOPEX altimeter data from January 1993 to June 2000. Results indicate an overall improvement over the earlier model based on four years of data, and no apparent degradation due to aliasing of sea level variability.  相似文献   

提出了海洋沉积物热释光的测量方法。对南黄海和东海350个表层沉积物样品进行了热释光测量,研究了它们的热释光强度和发光曲线特征,探讨了沉积物热释光强度与其他指标之间的关系,讨论了热释光作为海洋沉积物的一个研究参数的原理和可行性。研究发现,沉积物热释光强度与砂、粘土和平均粒径有很好的相关关系;根据发光曲线的特征对研究海区进行了分区,发光曲线有明显的区域特征,这与各区的沉积环境有关。因此,热释光特征有可能成为研究海洋沉积物和沉积环境的一个替代指标。  相似文献   

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