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Global competition and declining margins have made enterprises in diverse industries increasingly aware that assuring low cost, product performance and high quality is no longer sufficient for long-term success. Integrating products and services to customized solutions can help firms to differentiate from their competitors. Based on 11 in-depth interviews with managers from solution providers and an exploratory survey with 45 solution providers we derive a four-step process of value creation as well as a set of critical activities and pitfalls within each step. Selling solutions require customer-supplier relational processes comprising analysis/consulting, design/configuration, implementation/delivery, and support/operation. To get a better understanding of the relational process we adopted this perspective on creating solutions in order to identify crucial routines and activities. Two main capabilities within this process can be identified: customer interaction and project management. Both capabilities are required in order to deliver more effective solutions at profitable prices.  相似文献   

论文参考借鉴客户感知价值理论和人工免疫系统的进化思想,提出了"客户感知价值导向"的定价策略,并给出不确定云计算服务复杂环境下的客户感知价值模型及评价方法;然后采用情感倾向性分析技术设计客户感知价值动态识别与抽取算法,实现对客户网络评价服务产品信息动态抽取和实时挖掘,并随时量化跟踪客户态度倾向趋势,为解决客户感知价值的动态识别、评价方法的随机鲁棒优化问题将提供一种新的思路和解决方案。  相似文献   

人工成本永远是企业运营预算的重中之重,数据挖掘可以有效发现数据中包含的客户价值,提供不同客户群体的针对性服务,合理布局和提高现有客服人员的资源效率.基于RFM模型提出了LRFMC客户价值评价模型,通过对比特征值的权重,利用K-means聚类算法,将客户群体按不同特征进行分类,根据客户价值等级,针对高价值优质用户和低价值...  相似文献   

面向客户集成的产品网络化定制模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生产力及社会需求的发展驱动了人类生产模式的变革。客户是企业激烈争夺的生存资源,蕴含着巨大的创新力。提出了一种面向客户集成的产品网络化定制(NCFC)应用模式,以集成客户创意,提高企业新产品开发能力,同时增强企业获得和保持客户的能力。客户是该应用模式的核心要素之一,对客户对象进行了深入研究,不同的客户,应采用不同的客户集成策略。建立了NCFC的业务过程模型,强调了该应用模式与企业内部工程设计分系统、管理信息系统、制造分系统集成的重要性。建立了以客户、制造商为角色主体的运行模式,并适用于多层定制的情形。  相似文献   

在分析传统企业应用集成方案的基础上,提出了面向业务过程的企业应用集成EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)架构模型。给出了J2EE平台下面向业务过程EAI架构模型的结构,并讨论了如何用虚拟组件、EJB组件和WebServices组件实现过程对象、业务对象和领域对象;最后给出了集成案例,验证了该架构模型的可行性。  相似文献   

邱云芳 《福建电脑》2009,25(8):107-107,66
企业应用集成(Enterprise Application Integration,简称EAI)是近年来企业信息技术建设的热点。EAI旨在连接企业中相关的应用系统和数据源,改变企业内应用系统孤立的现状,在企业中实现数据流和过程流的自由移动,实现一个集成统一的企业应用系统。EAI本身并不是一种新的技术、方法或体系结构,而是包括技术、方法和体系结构在内的综合的企业级解决方案。  相似文献   

最近我去上海襄阳市场买手表。在去之前,咨询了一些行情,知道店主的底线是标价的30%左右,而我最喜欢的那款手表标价是500元,目标成交价也就是150元。有一天,我就到了那家店,假装随便逛逛,却漫不经心地多看了这块手表几眼。当店主问我心里价位时,我已知道游戏规则—先开一个离谱  相似文献   

基于多中间件的数据集成方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张德文  徐孟春  马慧 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(21):5081-5083,5107
为了实现分布的异构数据集成,解决"信息孤岛"问题,结合J2EE架构的优势和许多成功的数据集成方案,提出了基于数据访问中间件、消息中间件、数据源集成中间件的数据集成方案.详细讲述了该集成方案的架构和实现,实现结果表明该方案明显提高了数据集成的效率.最后,结合最新技术发展趋势对数据集成的研究前景做出了展望.  相似文献   

本文在客户生命周期价值的基础上,运用贝叶斯、决策树等数据挖掘算法,挖掘出客户的现有价值、潜在价值和客户忠诚度,并以这三项指标为维度对客户进行分类,对不同类型的客户制定不同的营销策略.  相似文献   

为了解决集成供应链的定价问题,应用博弈论方法,对单一制造商和零售商构成的R/M(再制造/制造)集成供应链系统中同类产品的三种不同形式进行了差别定价策略研究,得出了斯坦克尔伯格均衡,并对最优定价策略进行数值仿真和分析.研究结果表明:新产品、再造产品、二手产品三种产品形式存在的R/M集成供应链系统更符合实际情况,而且新产品的价格敏感系数与废旧产品的价格弹性指数对制造商的批发价格、利润和零售商的零售价格、利润均有影响,要想使自身利润最大化必须综合考虑二者的影响.  相似文献   

Customer Lifetime Value Models for Decision Support   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present and discuss the important business problem of estimating the effect of marketing activities on the Lifetime Value of a customer in the Telecommunications industry. We discuss the components of this problem, in particular customer value and length of service (or tenure) modeling, and present a novel segment-based approach, motivated by the segment-level view marketing analysts usually employ. We describe in detail how we build on this approach to estimate the effects of retention campaigns on Lifetime Value, and also discuss its application in other situations. Our solution has been successfully implemented by the Business Insight (BI) Professional Services.  相似文献   

客户价值评价体系是CRM(CustomerRelationshipManagement,即客户关系管理)系统的核心,通过对高尔夫行业客户价值评价体系的分析,建立了高尔夫球场预定服务业客户价值评价体系模型,介绍了应用层次分析法计算该模型的客户价值.根据不同的客户价值把客户分为四种类型,建议针对不同类型的客户采用不同的营销、销售以及服务策略.最后介绍了该模型在CRM系统中的应用.  相似文献   

Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value have become the priority of both manufacturers and service provider in the increasingly intensified competition for customers in today's customer-centered era. However, findings regarding service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value are rather divergent and related studies are fragmented, especially for the complicated interrelationships among them. Thus, less is known about the relative impacts of quality-related factors on customer value and customer satisfaction up to now and the moderating role of customer value in the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction has been neglected. Further, it is very difficult to find related studies, supported by evidence, that focus on service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value, and their influences on customer behavior intentions in the telecommunication industry. In this paper, much attention is paid to the measurement model of service quality in China's mobile communication market based on the well-known SERVQUAL model, but with reasonable modification on the basis of focus group discussions and expert opinions to reflect the specific industry attributes and the special culture of China. By taking a disaggregated approach, the key drivers of service quality, customer value and customer satisfaction are first identified and the impact of customer perceived sacrifice on customer value is emphasized. Then attention is given to the systematic study of the dynamic relationships among them, especially the moderating effect of customer value on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, which is followed by the examination of their influences on behavior intentions of customers. Results are based on the development of structural equation models using Partial Least Square technique.  相似文献   

江东  袁野  张小伟  王国仁 《软件学报》2023,34(3):1396-1424
在大数据时代,随着信息技术的发展,各行各业都在收集海量数据.数据是数字经济的基础,蕴含有巨大价值.但是由于缺乏高效可行的共享机制,数据拥有方彼此之间缺乏沟通,形成了一个个数据孤岛.这不利于大数据产业的健康发展.因此,给数据分配一个合适的价格,设计高效的数据交易市场平台成为消除数据孤岛、使数据充分流动的重要途径.系统梳理进行数据定价与交易时涉及的技术性问题.具体来说,介绍数据定价与交易的难点和相关准则;将大数据在市场中的生命周期分为数据收集与集成、数据管理与分析、数据定价和数据交易4个环节;在大数据管理研究的基础上介绍适用于前两个环节的相关方法;然后对数据定价思路和方法进行分类,分析各类方法的适用场景以及优势和短板;介绍数据市场的分类,以博弈论和拍卖为例研究了数据交易中市场类型和参与人行为对交易过程及价格的影响.最后,对数据定价与交易的未来研究方向进行展望.  相似文献   

一种基于市场机制的网格资源调价算法   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
针对基于市场机制的网格资源调度中的资源调价问题,结合集中式同步调价算法速度快,以及分布式WALRAS算法可扩展性优点,提出一种分布分组调价算法.首先,描述了实现资源调价的系统框架:资源域Agent,资源组调价器;其次,阐述了分布分组调价算法:根据资源价格的相关性将资源分成若干资源组,当资源供需发生变化后,各资源组调价器分别根据供需均衡调整价格到均衡价格;最后,通过实验比较了分布式WALRAS算法和提出的分布分组调价算法的性能,实验结果表明提出的算法可以获得更好的性能.  相似文献   

利用数据挖掘方法分析客户生涯价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对客户生涯价值分析这一客户关系管理系统的重要问题,在分析已有工作的基础上,经过多级数据归约,提出了多商品配送企业适合工程计算的客户生涯价值公式。进而对客户进行了高速聚类挖掘,找出了客户群的特点,对公司有针对性地制定客户策略起到了一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

近几年,随着高带宽需求、高QoS要求应用的不断涌现,人们开始越来越多的关注QoS及网络效率问题,根据不同业务对QoS需求的不同可以将网络服务类型分为尽力而为服务和满足QoS要求的服务,因而ISP在制定价格时必须考虑网络的服务类型,制定与服务模型相符合的定价机制。针对多钟网络服务模型,考虑现有基于服务模型的定价研究,并进行分析与评价。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a valuation model of international pricing in the presence of political risk. Shipments between countries are charged with shipping costs and the country specific production processes are modelled as diffusion processes. The political risk is modelled as a continous time jump process that affects the drift of the returns in the politically unstable countries. The valuation model gives rise to a singular stochastic control problem that is analyzed numerically. The fundamental tools come from the theory of viscosity solutions of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation which turns out to be a system of integral-differential Variational Inequalities with gradient constraints.  相似文献   

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