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We present a streaming method for reconstructing surfaces from large data sets generated by a laser range scanner using wavelets. Wavelets provide a localized, multiresolution representation of functions and this makes them ideal candidates for streaming surface reconstruction algorithms. We show how wavelets can be used to reconstruct the indicator function of a shape from a cloud of points with associated normals. Our method proceeds in several steps. We first compute a low‐resolution approximation of the indicator function using an octree followed by a second pass that incrementally adds fine resolution details. The indicator function is then smoothed using a modified octree convolution step and contoured to produce the final surface. Due to the local, multiresolution nature of wavelets, our approach results in an algorithm over 10 times faster than previous methods and can process extremely large data sets in the order of several hundred million points in only an hour.  相似文献   

We present a new technique to implement operators that modify the topology of polygonal meshes at intersections and self‐intersections. Depending on the modification strategy, this effectively results in operators for Boolean combinations or for the construction of outer hulls that are suited for mesh repair tasks and accurate mesh‐based front tracking of deformable materials that split and merge. By combining an adaptive octree with nested binary space partitions (BSP), we can guarantee exactness (= correctness) and robustness (= completeness) of the algorithm while still achieving higher performance and less memory consumption than previous approaches. The efficiency and scalability in terms of runtime and memory is obtained by an operation localization scheme. We restrict the essential computations to those cells in the adaptive octree where intersections actually occur. Within those critical cells, we convert the input geometry into a plane‐based BSP‐representation which allows us to perform all computations exactly even with fixed precision arithmetics. We carefully analyze the precision requirements of the involved geometric data and predicates in order to guarantee correctness and show how minimal input mesh quantization can be used to safely rely on computations with standard floating point numbers. We properly evaluate our method with respect to precision, robustness, and efficiency.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of approximating an arbitrary generic surface with a given set of simple surface primitives. In contrast to previous approaches based on variational surface approximation, which are primarily concerned with finding an optimal partitioning of the input geometry, we propose to integrate a model selection step into the algorithm in order to also optimize the type of primitive for each proxy. Our method is a joint global optimization of both the partitioning of the input surface as well as the types and number of used shape proxies. Thus, our method performs an automatic trade‐off between representation complexity and approximation error without relying on a user supplied predetermined number of shape proxies. This way concise surface representations are found that better exploit the full approximative power of the employed primitive types.  相似文献   

Many shapes resulting from important geometric operations in industrial applications such as Minkowski sums or volume swept by a moving object can be seen as the projection of higher dimensional objects. When such a higher dimensional object is a smooth manifold, the boundary of the projected shape can be computed from the critical points of the projection. In this paper, using the notion of polyhedral chains introduced by Whitney, we introduce a new general framework to define an analogous of the set of critical points of piecewise linear maps defined over discrete objects that can be easily computed. We illustrate our results by showing how they can be used to compute Minkowski sums of polyhedra and volumes swept by moving polyhedra.  相似文献   

Polyhedral meshes consisting of triangles, quads, and pentagons and polar configurations cover all major sampling and modeling scenarios. We give an algorithm for efficient local, parallel conversion of such meshes to an everywhere smooth surface consisting of low‐degree polynomial pieces. Quadrilateral facets with 4‐valent vertices are ‘regular’ and are mapped to bi‐cubic patches so that adjacent bi‐cubics join C2 as for cubic tensor‐product splines. The algorithm can be implemented in the vertex and geometry shaders of the GPU pipeline and does not use the fragment shader. Its implementation in DirectX 10 achieves conversion plus rendering at 659 frames per second with 42.5 million triangles per second on input of a model of 1300 facets of which 60% are not regular.  相似文献   

Feature preserving Delaunay mesh generation from 3D multi-material images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generating realistic geometric models from 3D segmented images is an important task in many biomedical applications. Segmented 3D images impose particular challenges for meshing algorithms because they contain multi-material junctions forming features such as surface patches, edges and corners. The resulting meshes should preserve these features to ensure the visual quality and the mechanical soundness of the models. We present a feature preserving Delaunay refinement algorithm which can be used to generate high-quality tetrahedral meshes from segmented images. The idea is to explicitly sample corners and edges from the input image and to constrain the Delaunay refinement algorithm to preserve these features in addition to the surface patches. Our experimental results on segmented medical images have shown that, within a few seconds, the algorithm outputs a tetrahedral mesh in which each material is represented as a consistent submesh without gaps and overlaps. The optimization property of the Delaunay triangulation makes these meshes suitable for the purpose of realistic visualization or finite element simulations.  相似文献   

We present a geometry processing framework that allows direct manipulation or preservation of positional, metric, and curvature constraints anywhere on the surface of a geometric model. Target values for these properties can be specified point-wise or as integrated quantities over curves and surface patches embedded in the shape. For example, the user can draw several curves on the surface and specify desired target lengths, manipulate the normal curvature along these curves, or modify the area or principal curvature distribution of arbitrary surface patches. This user input is converted into a set of non-linear constraints. A global optimization finds the new deformed surface that best satisfies the constraints, while minimizing adaptable measures for metric and curvature distortion that provide explicit control of the deformation semantics. We illustrate how this approach enables flexible surface processing and shape editing operations not available in current systems.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the reconstruction of 2‐dimensional geometric shapes from unorganized 1‐dimensional cross‐sections. We study the problem in its full generality following the approach of Boissonnat and Memari [ [BM07] ] for the analogous 3D problem. We propose a new variant of this method and provide sampling conditions to guarantee that the output of the algorithm has the same topology as the original object and is close to it (for the Hausdorff distance).  相似文献   

We present a novel and effective method for modeling a developable surface to simulate paper bending in interactive and animation applications. The method exploits the representation of a developable surface as the envelope of rectifying planes of a curve in 3D, which is therefore necessarily a geodesic on the surface. We manipulate the geodesic to provide intuitive shape control for modeling paper bending. Our method ensures a natural continuous isometric deformation from a piece of bent paper to its flat state without any stretching. Test examples show that the new scheme is fast, accurate, and easy to use, thus providing an effective approach to interactive paper bending. We also show how to handle non-convex piecewise smooth developable surfaces.  相似文献   

The usual approach to design subdivision schemes for curves and surfaces basically consists in combining proper rules for regular configurations, with some specific heuristics to handle extraordinary vertices. In this paper, we introduce an alternative approach, called Least Squares Subdivision Surfaces (LS), where the key idea is to iteratively project each vertex onto a local approximation of the current polygonal mesh. While the resulting procedure haves the same complexity as simpler subdivision schemes, our method offers much higher visual quality, especially in the vicinity of extraordinary vertices. Moreover, we show it can be easily generalized to support boundaries and creases. The fitting procedure allows for a local control of the surface from the normals, making LS3 very well suited for interactive freeform modeling applications. We demonstrate our approach on diadic triangular and quadrangular refinement schemes, though it can be applied to any splitting strategies.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for the efficient and reliable generation of offset surfaces for polygonal meshes. The algorithm is robust with respect to degenerate configurations and computes (self‐)intersection free offsets that do not miss small and thin components. The results are correct within a prescribed ε‐tolerance. This is achieved by using a volumetric approach where the offset surface is defined as the union of a set of spheres, cylinders, and prisms instead of surface‐based approaches that generally construct an offset surface by shifting the input mesh in normal direction. Since we are using the unsigned distance field, we can handle any type of topological inconsistencies including non‐manifold configurations and degenerate triangles. A simple but effective mesh operation allows us to detect and include sharp features (shocks) into the output mesh and to preserve them during post‐processing (decimation and smoothing). We discretize the distance function by an efficient multi‐level scheme on an adaptive octree data structure. The problem of limited voxel resolutions inherent to every volumetric approach is avoided by breaking the bounding volume into smaller tiles and processing them independently. This allows for almost arbitrarily high voxel resolutions on a commodity PC while keeping the output mesh complexity low. The quality and performance of our algorithm is demonstrated for a number of challenging examples.  相似文献   

We present a method for calculating the boundary of objects from Discrete Indicator Functions that store 2‐material volume fractions with a high degree of accuracy. Although Marching Cubes and its derivatives are effective methods for calculating contours of functions sampled over discrete grids, these methods perform poorly when contouring non‐smooth functions such as Discrete Indicator Functions. In particular, Marching Cubes will generate surfaces that exhibit aliasing and oscillations around the exact surface. We derive a simple solution to remove these problems by using a new function to calculate the positions of vertices along cell edges that is efficient, easy to implement, and does not require any optimization or iteration. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that the error introduced by our contouring method is significantly less than is introduced by Marching Cubes.  相似文献   

We provide a method for improving the parameterization of patching schemes that approximate Catmull‐Clark subdivision surfaces, such that the new parameterization conforms better to that of the original subdivision surface. We create this reparameterization in real‐time using a method that only depends on the topology of the surface and is independent of the surface's geometry. Our method can handle patches with more than one extraordinary vertex and avoids the combinatorial increase in both complexity and storage associated with multiple extraordinary vertices. Moreover, the reparameterization function is easy to implement and fast.  相似文献   

With the rapid advancement of 3D scanning devices, large and complicated 3D shapes are becoming ubiquitous, and require large amount of resources to store and transmit them efficiently. This makes shape compression a demanding technique in order for the user to reduce the data transmission latency. Existing shape compression methods could achieve very low bit‐rates by sacrificing shape quality. But none of them guarantees the preservation of salient feature lines that users care. In addition, many 3D shapes come with parametric information for texture mapping purposes. In this paper we describe a spectral method to compress the geometric shapes equipped with arbitrary valid parametric information. It guarantees to preserve user‐specified feature lines while achieving a high compression ratio. By applying the spectral shape analysis – Dirichlet Manifold Harmonics, in the 2D parametric domain, this method provides a progressive compression mechanism to trade‐off between bit‐rate and shape quality. Experiments show that this method provides very low bit‐rate with high shape‐quality and still guarantees the preservation of user‐specified feature lines.  相似文献   

We present a system for creating and manipulating layered procedural surface editing operations, which is motivated by the limited support for iterative design in free‐form modeling. A combination of sketch‐based and traditional modeling tools are used to design soft displacements, sharp creases, extrusions along 3D paths, and topological holes and handles. Using local parameterizations, these edits are combined in a dynamic hierarchy, enabling procedural operations like linked copy‐and‐paste and drag‐and‐drop layer‐based editing. Such dynamic, layered “surface compositing” is formalized as a Surface Tree, an analog of CSG trees which generalizes previous hierarchical surface modeling techniques. By “anchoring” tree nodes in the parameter space of lower layers, our surface tree implementation can better preserve the semantics of an edit as the underlying surface changes. Details of our implementation are described, including an efficient procedural mesh data structure.  相似文献   

Typically, flow volumes are visualized by defining their boundary as iso‐surface of a level set function. Grid‐based level sets offer a good global representation but suffer from numerical diffusion of surface detail, whereas particle‐based methods preserve details more accurately but introduce the problem of unequal global representation. The particle level set (PLS) method combines the advantages of both approaches by interchanging the information between the grid and the particles. Our work demonstrates that the PLS technique can be adapted to volumetric dye advection via streak volumes, and to the visualization by time surfaces and path volumes. We achieve this with a modified and extended PLS, including a model for dye injection. A new algorithmic interpretation of PLS is introduced to exploit the efficiency of the GPU, leading to interactive visualization. Finally, we demonstrate the high quality and usefulness of PLS flow visualization by providing quantitative results on volume preservation and by discussing typical applications of 3D flow visualization.  相似文献   

We present an unsupervised algorithm for aligning a pair of shapes in the presence of significant articulated motion and missing data, while assuming no knowledge of a template, user‐placed markers, segmentation, or the skeletal structure of the shape. We explicitly sample the motion, which gives a priori the set of possible rigid transformations between parts of the shapes. This transforms the problem into a discrete labeling problem, where the goal is to find an optimal assignment of transformations for aligning the shapes. We then apply graph cuts to optimize a novel cost function, which encodes a preference for a consistent motion assignment from both source to target and target to source. We demonstrate the robustness of our method by aligning several synthetic and real‐world datasets.  相似文献   

We present a registration algorithm for pairs of deforming and partial range scans that addresses the challenges of non‐rigid registration within a single non‐linear optimization. Our algorithm simultaneously solves for correspondences between points on source and target scans, confidence weights that measure the reliability of each correspondence and identify non‐overlapping areas, and a warping field that brings the source scan into alignment with the target geometry. The optimization maximizes the region of overlap and the spatial coherence of the deformation while minimizing registration error. All optimization parameters are chosen automatically; hand‐tuning is not necessary. Our method is not restricted to part‐in‐whole matching, but addresses the general problem of partial matching, and requires no explicit prior correspondences or feature points. We evaluate the performance and robustness of our method using scan data acquired by a structured light scanner and compare our method with existing non‐rigid registration algorithms.  相似文献   

Rationalization and construction‐aware design dominate the issue of realizability of freeform architecture. The former means the decomposition of an intended shape into parts which are sufficiently simple and efficient to manufacture; the latter refers to a design procedure which already incorporates rationalization. Recent contributions to this topic have been concerned mostly with small‐scale parts, for instance with planar faces of meshes. The present paper deals with another important aspect, namely long‐range parts and supporting structures. It turns out that from the pure geometry viewpoint this means studying families of curves which cover surfaces in certain well‐defined ways. Depending on the application one has in mind, different combinatorial arrangements of curves are required. We here restrict ourselves to so‐called hexagonal webs which correspond to a triangular or tri‐hex decomposition of a surface. The individual curve may have certain special properties, like being planar, being a geodesic, or being part of a circle. Each of these properties is motivated by manufacturability considerations and imposes constraints on the shape of the surface. We investigate the available degrees of freedom, show numerical methods of optimization, and demonstrate the effectivity of our approach and the variability of construction solutions derived from webs by means of actual architectural designs.?  相似文献   

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