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The structural response to high‐frequency ground motions is complicated due to the involvement of local‐mode vibration. At present such a characteristic is not well recognized and this can cause confusion over the analytical and experimental modelling of the corresponding response and damage. The fact that most existing regulatory guides for limits on allowable construction vibrations are necessarily simplified for administrative reasons calls upon the derivation of more sophisticated approaches for special cases. This requires accumulation of pertinent experimental evidence. This paper attempts to provide some insights into the local‐mode dynamic response characteristics, with emphasis on appropriate modelling techniques and experimental measurements. A preliminary testing program is reported, in which efforts were made to reproduce high‐frequency response with a reduced scale reinforced concrete model with shaking table facilities. The results demonstrate the dependence of the response amplitudes with the excitation frequency. On a ppv‐basis, the current test results indicate that a substantial increase of the allowable ppv value from those specified by various standards may be considered for structural damage to reinforced concrete building structures. More analytical and experimental data are needed for further evaluation of the local‐mode effects and to quantify their impact on the structural damage process. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Earthquake ground motion records are nonstationary in both amplitude and frequency content. However, the latter nonstationarity is typically neglected mainly for the sake of mathematical simplicity. To study the stochastic effects of the time‐varying frequency content of earthquake ground motions on the seismic response of structural systems, a pair of closely related stochastic ground motion models is adopted here. The first model (referred to as ground motion model I) corresponds to a fully nonstationary stochastic earthquake ground motion model previously developed by the authors. The second model (referred to as ground motion model II) is nonstationary in amplitude only and is derived from the first model. Ground motion models I and II have the same mean‐square function and global frequency content but different features of time variation in the frequency content, in that no time variation of the frequency content exists in ground motion model II. New explicit closed‐form solutions are derived for the response of linear elastic SDOF and MDOF systems subjected to stochastic ground motion model II. New analytical solutions for the evolutionary cross‐correlation and cross‐PSD functions between the ground motion input and the structural response are also derived for linear systems subjected to ground motion model I. Comparative analytical results are presented to quantify the effects of the time‐varying frequency content of earthquake ground motions on the structural response of linear elastic systems. It is found that the time‐varying frequency content in the seismic input can have significant effects on the stochastic properties of system response. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of utilizing advanced ground motion intensity measures (IMs) to evaluate the seismic performance of a structure subject to near‐source ground motions. Ordinary records are, in addition, utilized to demonstrate the robustness of the advanced IM with respect to record selection and scaling. To perform nonlinear dynamic analyses (NDAs), ground motions need to be selected; as a result, choosing records that are not representative of the site hazard can alter the seismic performance of structures. The median collapse capacity (in terms of IM), for example, can be systematically dictated by including a few aggressive or benign pulse‐like records into the record set used for analyses. In this paper, the elastic‐based IM such as the pseudo‐spectral acceleration (Sa) or a vector of Sa and epsilon has been demonstrated to be deficient to assess the structural responses subject to pulse‐like motions. Using advanced IMs can be, however, more accurate in terms of probabilistic response prediction. Scaling earthquake records using advanced IMs (e.g. inelastic spectral displacement, Sdi, and IM 1I&2E; the latter is for the significant higher‐mode contribution structures) subject to ordinary and/or pulse‐like records is efficient, sufficient, and robust relative to record selection and scaling. As a result, detailed record selection is not necessary, and records with virtually any magnitude, distance, epsilon and pulse period can be selected for NDAs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究了随机地震动作用下基于MR阻尼器的结构振动控制振动台试验设计的若干问题。首先,由原型结构按动力相似关系进行了模型结构的设计,基于ANSYS模态分析的结果识别出了其结构参数;其次,基于物理随机地震动模型生成了试验地震动样本,根据试验要求调整了各地震动样本的加速度峰值;然后,基于MATLAB对试验模型进行了随机地震动作用下无控与主动控制数值仿真分析;最后,结合ANSYS弹塑性动力时程分析,研究了试验模型的动力稳定性。介绍的振动控制试验设计方法可供进行类似试验设计的研究人员参考。  相似文献   

The seismic capacity of beam‐to‐column connections in steel high‐rise frames is a matter of concern, particularly when they are subjected to long‐period ground motions. A previous full‐scale shaking table test conducted at the E‐Defense National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention in Japan disclosed cracks and fractures in such beam‐to‐column connections. This paper examines the effects of three types of beam‐to‐column connection retrofit: supplemental welds, wing plates, and a haunch. Quasi‐static member tests and a series of shaking table tests applied to a full‐scale specimen are conducted to quantify the respective performances of the retrofit schemes. The performance of a total of 28 connections tested by the member and shaking table tests is evaluated together with that of an additional 12 unretrofitted connections tested in the previous test. When the supplemental welds are applied only to the shear tab to the web, the connection fractures at the same instant as the connection without retrofit. The corresponding cumulative plastic rotation is not improved. When the supplement welds are further applied to the web‐to‐column connection, strain concentration at the bottom flange, primarily promoted by the presence of the RC floor slab, is significantly reduced, and the cumulative plastic rotation capacity is increased to eight times that of the connection without retrofit. For the wing plate connection and haunch connection, the critical section is moved from the beam end to the beam cross‐section corresponding to the tip of the wing plates or haunch, resulting in an improvement of ductility by eight times that of the unretrofitted connection. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近断层地震动作用下钢筋混凝土桥墩的抗震性能   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对满足规范延性要求的12根典型钢筋混凝土桥墩试件的线性和非线性地震反应分析,指出在近断层地震动作用下满足延性需求与延性能力比小于1.0的桥墩仍可能发生严重破坏和倒塌,若考虑桥墩的地震损伤性能,允许的延性需求与延性能力比不宜超过0.6-0.8。讨论了桥墩延性抗震设计中强度折减系数Rμ和设计基底剪力系数BSC取值问题。  相似文献   

选择了集集地震中三条含有大脉冲的脉冲型近场地震记录,并截取其加速度峰值所在的脉冲及相邻两个脉冲部分形成新的记录,将其作为地震输入,对两个完全相同的钢筋混凝土模型进行振动台台模拟试验,对试验结果进行了分析,比较两个模型的宏观破坏、模态、顶层位移,得出近场脉冲型地震动会引起钢筋混凝土结构严重的破坏,截取的主震脉冲时程对结构的影响效应在一定程度上完全可以等同于整幅地震动时程。  相似文献   

The response of low‐ductility reinforced concrete (RC) frames, designed typically for a non‐seismic region, subjected to two frequencies of base excitations is studied. Five half‐scaled, two‐bay, two‐storey, RC frames, each approximately 5 m wide by 3.3 m high, were subjected to both horizontal and/or vertical base excitations with a frequency of 40 Hz as well as a lower frequency of about 4 Hz (close to the fundamental frequency) using a shake table. The imposed acceleration amplitude ranged from 0.2 to 1.2g. The test results showed that the response characteristics of the structures differed under high‐ and low‐frequency excitations. The frames were able to sustain high‐frequency excitations without damage but were inadequate for low‐frequency excitations, even though the frames exhibited some ductility. Linear‐elastic time‐history analysis can predict reasonably well the structural response under high‐frequency excitations. As the frames were not designed for seismic loads, the reinforcement detailing may not have been adequate, based on the crack pattern observed. The effect of vertical excitation can cause significant additional forces in the columns and moment reversals in the beams. The ‘strong‐column, weak‐beam’ approach for lateral load RC frame design is supported by experimental observations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that real‐time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is an effective and viable dynamic testing method. Numerous studies have been conducted for RTHS during the last 2 decades; however, the application of RTHS toward practical civil infrastructure is fairly limited. One of the major technical barriers preventing RTHS from being widely accepted in the testing community is the difficulty of accurate displacement control for axially stiff members. For such structures, a servo‐hydraulic actuator can generate a large force error due to the stiff oil column in the actuator even if there is a small axial displacement error. This difficulty significantly restricts the implementation of RTHS for structures such as columns, walls, bridge piers, and base isolators. Recently, a flexible loading frame system was developed, enabling a large‐capacity real‐time axial force application to axially stiff members. With the aid of the flexible loading frame system, this paper demonstrates an RTHS for a bridge structure with an experimental reinforced concrete pier, which is subjected to both horizontal and vertical ground motions. This type of RTHS has been a challenging task due to the lack of knowledge for satisfying the time‐varying axial force boundary condition, but the newly developed technology for real‐time force control and its incorporation into RTHS enabled a successful implementation of the RTHS for the reinforced concrete pier of this study.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the degrees of structural damage suffered by high‐rise residential buildings after being subjected to strong ground motions is extremely important to the development of life continuity planning for building residents. However, these evaluations cannot be based on strong‐motion records alone, because earthquake observation equipment is not installed in most such buildings in Japan. In this study, we propose simple equations for estimating the stiffness degradation rate and the peak inter‐story drift ratio (PIDR) by using ambient vibration records instead of strong‐motion records when high‐rise RC buildings are subjected to a severe earthquake. More specifically, we propose one equation that relates the square root of the stiffness degradation rate, which is the ratio of natural frequencies at the maximum response to the preliminary tremor response (elastic state), in strong‐motion records with the ratio of natural frequencies identified from ambient vibrations before and after damage was suffered. We also propose an equation that relates the PIDR with the stiffness degradation rate on the basis of the stiffness‐degrading bilinear restoring force characteristic derived from the strong‐motion records of 13 high‐rise buildings for the 1995 Hyogoken‐Nanbu Earthquake (Mw 6.9) and the 2011 Tohoku‐Oki Earthquake (Mw 9.0). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The range of response frequencies for which spectral ordinates obtained from accelerograms may be considered reliable is limited by several factors, primary among them being the effects of filters that are routinely applied to remove noise from the records. Considerable attention has been focused on the low‐frequency limit of the usable spectral ordinates because of various engineering applications requiring long‐period spectral accelerations or displacements but only recently have rational approaches to selecting the high‐frequency limit been proposed. Since there are applications for which the high‐frequency spectral ordinates are important, the approaches to this issue presented in the recent studies are reviewed and their application to the ground‐motion database from Europe and the Middle East is explored. On the basis of the results of these analyses, it is concluded that a large proportion of this dataset can be used to provide reliable estimates of response spectral ordinates at much shorter periods than may have previously been considered feasible. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Column shear‐axial failure is a complex response, which lends itself to physical experimentation. Reinforced concrete structures built prior to the mid‐1970s are particularly susceptible to such failure. Shear‐axial column failure has been examined and studied at the element level, but current rehabilitation practice equates such a column failure with structural collapse, neglecting the collapse resistance of the full structural system following column failure. This system‐level response can prevent a column failure from leading to progressive collapse of the entire structure. In this study, a hybrid simulation was conducted on a representative pre‐1970s reinforced concrete frame structure under severe seismic ground motion, in which three full‐scale reinforced concrete columns were tested at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. The analytical portion of the model was represented in the computer program OpenSees. Failure occurred in multiple physical specimens as a result of the ground motion, and the hybrid nature of the test allowed for observation of the system‐level response of the tested columns and the remaining structural system. The behavior of the system accounting for multiple column shear‐axial failure is discussed and characterized. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Self‐centering reinforced concrete frames are developed as an alternative of traditional seismic force‐resisting systems with better seismic performance and re‐centering capability. This paper presents an experimental and computational study on the seismic performance of self‐centering reinforced concrete frames. A 1/2‐scale model of a two‐story self‐centering reinforced concrete frame model was designed and tested on the shaking table in State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering at Tongji University to evaluate the seismic behavior of the structure. A structural analysis model, including detailed modeling of beam–column joints, column–base joints, and prestressed tendons, was constructed in the nonlinear dynamic modeling software OpenSEES. Agreements between test results and numerical solutions indicate that the designed reinforced concrete frame has satisfactory seismic performance and self‐centering capacity subjected to earthquakes; the self‐centering structures can undergo large rocking with minor residual displacement after the earthquake excitations; the proposed analysis procedure can be applied in simulating the seismic performance of self‐centering reinforced concrete frames. To achieve a more comprehensive evaluation on the performance of self‐centering structures, research on energy dissipation devices in the system is expected. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most current methods of design for concrete structures under earthquake loads rely on highly idealized ‘equivalent’ static representations of the seismic loads and linear‐elastic methods of structural analysis. With the continuing development of non‐linear methods of dynamic analysis for the overload behaviour and collapse of complete concrete structures, a more direct and more accurate design procedure becomes possible which considers conditions at system collapse. This paper describes an evaluation procedure that uses non‐linear dynamic collapse–load analysis together with global safety coefficients. A back‐calibration procedure for evaluating the global safety coefficients is also described. The aim of this paper is to open up discussion of alternative methods of design with improved accuracy which are necessary to move towards a direct collapse–load method of design. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a total of 115,246 ground motions recorded during earthquakes of Moment magnitudes ranging from M_w 5.0 to M_w 9.0 are analyzed statistically. A total of 21 ground motion parameters characterising the recorded acceleration time histories are used in the analysis. Classification of these parameters through statistical correlation is reported and a parameter called "distance from zero-amplitude axis," or dZ-A, is formulated in the principal component space. The ability for dZ-A to rate the damage potentials of strong motion records is evaluated through correlation of dZ-A with Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) instrumental seismic intensities. This parameter can be used to rate damage potential of any strong motion record irrespective of the magnitude and location of the earthquake. It can also be used in selecting ground motion records of appropriate damage potential in seismic design and probabilistic analysis.  相似文献   

We have tried to estimate the yield shear strengths of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings based on the damage statistics in Kobe surveyed after the Hyogo‐ken Nanbu, Japan, earthquake of 1995 and the non‐linear response analyses for synthetic waveforms calculated from a complex seismic source and a three‐dimensional basin structure. First, a set of building models that represented the RC building stock in Kobe was constructed and plausible non‐linear multi‐degree‐of‐freedom models with four different numbers of stories were created based on the current seismic code and construction practice. For response analysis the damage criterion and the strength distribution should be assumed a priori. When the damage ratios for these standard models were calculated it was found that the damage ratios were so high that we had to increase the average yield strengths in order to match the calculated damage ratios to those observed. After searching the best models it was found that the estimated average yield strengths should be much higher than those based on the code, especially for low‐rise buildings. Using this set of building models we succeeded in reproducing the belt‐shaped area with high damage ratios in Kobe. One can apply the proposed methodology to different countries if there is enough damage data, strong motion records, and building statistics. If there is sparse damage data at several locations only, then our models can be adjusted to reproduce observed damage data and used for damage prediction as a first‐order approximation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

估计和比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评述   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
如何估计和比较地震动对结构的破坏作用,一直是国内外抗震研究中的一个至关重要的问题。本主要篇幅用于介绍这一领域迄今所取得的成果并作了简单的评述,并在此基础上,提出了一种可用来比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评估法,提出该方法的目的并不在意去确定什么量更能代表地震动在潜在破坏势,而只是在考察现有的各种被认为能代表地震动的潜在破坏势的各种参数基础上,考虑采用什么方法才能更合理地判定和比较地震动的破坏势,为此本将通常作为地震动潜在破坏势的地震动参数分成两类:一类为直接由地震动本身得到的参数,另一类为地震动通过结构反应得到的参数,并分别对此进行了讨论和分析,在此基础上得出了一种在目前可认为是研究地震动潜在破坏势押送为合理的方法-地震动潜在破坏势综合评价法。  相似文献   

This study proposes an improved energy‐based approach for quantitative classification of velocity‐pulse‐like ground motions. The pulse amplitude is determined, in its value and in time location, by the amplitude of the half‐cycle pulse having the largest seismic energy. After conducting statistical analyses, a newly‐determined threshold level for selecting pulse‐like ground motions is derived; and then what followed is a comparison analysis of three pulse‐detecting schemes, one using the wavelet analysis, the other two using the energy concept. It is believed that other than providing a useful way of classifying pulse‐like ground motions for structural demand analysis, knowledge of this work could also benefit the development of the ground motion prediction equations accounting for pulse effects, and further to aid the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in a near‐fault environment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了在众多参数中挑选其中最有代表性的参数,来解释和反映脉冲型地震动对结构的潜在破坏能力,以338条脉冲型地震动记录作为研究对象,分析地震动参数与中低层结构响应的相关性。选取了14个常用地震动参数,对各地震动参数之间的相关性进行分析,从中选出7个代表性地震动参数;并将脉冲型地震动输入中低层结构模型中计算结构响应,分析代表性地震动参数与结构响应的相关性,与基于非脉冲型地震动的相关性计算结果进行对比。选用了3层和7层2个RC框架结构作为中低层结构代表,其基本周期为0.62s和0.89s。结果表明:对于脉冲型地震动,对于3层结构时与结构响应相关性最好的为EPV,对于7层结构时与结构响应相关性最好的为PGV,因此可以用PGV和EPV作为表征脉冲型地震动对中低层结构潜在破坏能力的参数;而对于非脉冲型地震动,与结构响应相关性最好的参数为PGV,可以用PGV作为表征脉冲型地震动对中低层结构的潜在破坏能力的参数。因此,通过地震动参数来解释和表征脉冲型地震动对结构的破坏能力是可行的。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of nonstationary frequency content variations, nonlinear response analysis for origin-oriented type hysteretic model is carried out and results are presented by applying two different SI and SII ensembles with varied frequency contents. The theoretical background of strong motion simulation is explained briefly depending on frequency parameters of stiff soil data. Based on models and applying Monte-Carlo's simulation mean values and standard deviations of displacement ductility demands for both ensembles are calculated. Required strength levels are investigated in probabilistic sense adopting light and heavy (but controlled) damage criteria. It is concluded that the nonlinear behaviour of the structure is greatly influenced by the nonstationary frequency content deviations as being shown that larger strength requirements for the SI type strong ground motion ensemble than the SII, although both ensembles have almost the same acceleration response spectra.  相似文献   

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