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燃油和燃煤电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的物理化学特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分别对燃烧重油与烟煤两个电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的显微结构、颗粒类型及重金属在可吸入颗粒物中分布特征进行研究.研究表明,燃煤电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的形态都以球形颗粒为主,而燃油电厂排放可吸入颗粒物由一些絮状物和类似于燃煤飞灰中球形颗粒组成.根据可吸入颗粒物的化学组成,发现燃油电厂排放可吸入颗粒物的颗粒类型有硅铝质和钙-硅铝质...  相似文献   

为验证二氧化碳排放量的测试技术适用性及可行性,获取燃煤电厂机组碳排放特征,系统比较不同测试方法之间碳排放量的差异,对某典型火电机组二氧化碳排放开展测试,结果表明,不同测试原理及设备二氧化碳排放实测体积分数均较为接近。测试机组CO2实测体积分数为11.28%~14.21%,与负荷变化呈一定的正相关关系,不同负荷下基准氧含量(体积分数6%)基本无变化。测试机组排放量与负荷正相关,使用了缺省值的指南排放量最高,与其他方法排放量相对偏差均值为31.6%;使用入炉煤实测数据的指南排放量差异不大,相对偏差为0.1%;使用入炉煤实测数据的2版指南排放量高于直接测量法,相对偏差均值为4.9%;直接测量各类方法间相对偏差均值为1.0%,其中在线法与手工法间相对偏差均值为1.2%。CO2排放强度与负荷负相关,实验条件下,机组负荷越高,碳排放强度越低。  相似文献   

对上海市8台燃煤机组开展了石膏雨和相关污染物排放监测,考察部分燃煤电厂石膏雨排放对周边居民生活和电厂生产造成的影响。结果表明,采用GGH并加热到一定温度,同时对除雾器进行优化的机组烟尘和可凝结颗粒物浓度均较低,石膏雨沉降和液滴均未检出,无冷凝回流液;虽然装有湿式电除尘器和GGH的机组石膏雨沉降未检出,但液滴浓度较高;仅装有湿式电除尘器的2台机组中1台检出石膏雨沉降;对照机组石膏雨沉降和液滴浓度均较高。建议电厂提升排烟温度,同时采取措施消除烟气中石膏夹带,彻底消除石膏雨,在标准制定时应充分考虑目前燃煤电厂多种污染物排放情况及其对环境的影响,尤其是石膏雨和可凝结颗粒物,制定相应的监测方法和评价体系,将其纳入火电厂排放标准中。  相似文献   

为探究燃煤电厂周边大气环境中重金属的污染特征与来源,对广东某山区燃煤电厂周边地区环境和污染源的重金属进行测定,分析其污染特征,采用因子分析法和Pb同位素示踪法对环境中的重金属进行来源解析。结果表明,研究区域室内积尘中重金属浓度水平明显高于土壤重金属,污染空间分布与当地气象条件相关。环境空气TSP中重金属主要来自2个污染源,Cd、Pb、As主要来自电厂燃煤,Ca、Mn、Al、Mg主要来自土壤扬尘。TSP、降尘、积尘样品所含的Pb均与电厂采集的煤、炉渣、粉煤灰样品所含的Pb具有同源性,与其他污染源同源性不明显,说明研究区域大气中Pb污染主要来自电厂燃烧所排放的烟尘,其他污染源影响不大。  相似文献   

对南京市8家国控污染源13台(套)燃煤锅炉进行监测,结果表明,燃煤电厂烟气中汞主要以气相部分汞形态存在,其排放值均达标,为0.16~15.9μg/m3,均远低于标准限值;煤质中汞含量与电厂烟气中汞浓度变化曲线的趋势是大致相似,相关系数为0.91;燃煤电厂机组容量、发电负荷越大,汞平均排放因子呈变小趋势;静电除尘器、湿法脱硫和选择性催化还原法的净化配置对汞的脱除效率最高,达到95.4%。  相似文献   

燃煤电厂锅炉排放颗粒物浓度的连续测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了燃煤电厂锅炉排放颗粒物质量浓度的连续测定。将美国环境系统公司生产的P5A仪安装在125MW锅炉静电除尘器的出口,与USEPA方法17进行比较,确立两种方法之间的关系,实现了用P5A仪在线监测排放颗粒物的浓度。  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂超低排放气态污染物监测系统的采样系统和分析单元,分析了其各自的优缺点。对稀释抽取式、冷干抽取式和热湿抽取式3种采样方法,以及非分散红外吸收法(NDIR)、非分散紫外吸收法(NDUV)、紫外差分吸收法(DOAS)、紫外荧光法(UVF)和化学发光法(CL)5种分析方法进行对比。结果表明,冷干抽取式+紫外差分法以及稀释抽取式+紫外荧光法+化学发光法可以较好地符合燃煤电厂超低排放监测的要求。  相似文献   

超低排放下燃煤电厂颗粒物排放特征分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取6家经过超低排放改造的燃煤电厂,对湿法脱硫(WFGD)和湿式电除尘器(WESP)进出口烟气中TPM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1进行测试,分析研究超低排放下燃煤电厂颗粒物的排放特征及电除尘器后净化设备对颗粒物的脱除效果。结果表明,6家电厂TPM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1排放浓度分别为0.75~2.36、0.71~2.12、0.65~1.96、0.51~1.57 mg/m~3。分析烟气中颗粒物粒径分布可知,除尘器后,PM10占TPM质量比低于40%,且比例随烟气经过WFGD和WESP而逐渐降低。WFGD对PM2.5有较好的脱除效果,而WESP对PM1脱除效果显著。为满足超低排放标准,6家电厂除尘器后脱除设备综合除尘效率大多在85%以上。计算得到6家电厂TPM、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PM_1排放因子,与超低排放改造之前同等级燃煤电厂相比,6家电厂不同粒径颗粒物排放因子均显著降低,也远低于西方发达国家燃煤电厂颗粒物排放因子。  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂烟气排放过程(工况)监控系统的架构,排放过程监控子系统、参数监测子系统和数据采集传输子系统的实现方式,过程监控采集参数选择方法,模型建立步骤与验证方法。结合实际应用,分析如何判定脱硫设施运转正常,烟气参数监测是否正确,并提出了做好过程监控系统工作的相关建议。  相似文献   

杭州市燃煤废气中重金属排放清单建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用基于燃料消耗的排放因子法,以污染源普查动态更新数据为基础,建立了2010年杭州市燃煤废气中重金属(汞、砷、铅、镉、总铬、镍、锑等7种)排放清单。结果表明,2010年杭州市燃煤废气中汞、砷、铅、镉、总铬、镍、锑的年排放量分别为194.2、252.9、1 915.7、53.9、3 390.4、1 465.4、101.0 kg。燃煤废气中重金属的排放主要集中在燃煤消耗较高的拱墅区和江干区,其次是上城区,这3个区燃煤废气中重金属的排放量之和超过全市的95%。燃煤废气中重金属的排放量与燃煤量密切相关,但锅炉燃烧方式、除尘脱硫设施对重金属排放也起到了决定性作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, awareness has risen that the total soil content of pollutants by itself does not suffice to fully assess the potential ecotoxicological risks involved. Chemical analysis will require to be complemented with biological assays in a multidisciplinary approach towards site specific ecological risk assessment (SS-ERA). This paper evaluates the potential use of the plants' antioxidant response to metal-induced oxidative stress to provide a sensitive biological assay in SS-ERA. To this end, plants of Phaseolus vulgaris were grown for two weeks on 15 soils varying in contamination level. Morphological parameters and enzymatic plant responses were measured upon harvest. Foliar concentrations of the (heavy) metals Al, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn were also determined. Metal mobility in the soil was further assessed by determining soil solution and NH4OAc extractable levels. In general more significant correlations were observed between plant responses and foliar metal concentrations or exchangeable/soluble levels than between plant responses and the total soil content. The study demonstrates the potential use of the plants' antioxidant defence mechanisms to assess substrate phytotoxicity for application in SS-ERA protocols. However, the system, based on calculation of a soil Phytotoxicity Index (PI), will require adaptation and fine-tuning to meet the specific needs for this type of environmental monitoring. Large variation was observed in phytotoxicity classification based on the various test parameters. The thresholds for classification of the various morphological and enzymatic response parameters may require adaptation according to parameter stress sensitivity in order to decrease the observed variation. The use of partial PI's (leaves and roots separately) may in addition increase the sensitivity of the system since some metals show specific effects in one of both organs only. Loss of biological functionality of enzymes, as was observed for ICDH in one of the more strongly contaminated soils, may also be recognized as an additional stress symptom when assigning phytotoxicity classification, whereas the current system only considers increasing enzymatic capacities. Other easily distinguishable parameters, which could be added to the current indexation are: failure to germinate and the incapacity to develop roots in the toxic substrate.Additional research will be required to determine the possible application range of soil properties for this biological assay and to further improve its performance in SS-ERA.  相似文献   

电厂周围土壤重金属空间分布与风险评价研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
对宁夏地区大武口电厂周围土壤中铜、锌、铅和铬进行测定分析,利用不同的评价标准来评价其环境质量状况,同时借助GIS软件研究了污染指数的空间分布状况并解析了其重金属污染来源.结果表明,以自然背景值为评价标准,则大武口电厂周围土壤中的重金属都超过污染指标,其中铅和铬的污染较重;以国标二级为评价标准,则四种重金属的单项污染指数值全都小于1,其综合污染指数小于0.7,尚未受到污染.大武口电厂、大武口市区的公路交通及人为活动等可能是主要污染源.  相似文献   

土壤中有效态重金属的化学试剂提取法研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
土壤重金属污染是国内外关注的热点问题,针对采用全量重金属评价土壤污染存在的问题,本文综述了近年来土壤有效态重金属的化学提取方法研究进展,比较分析了各种单一提取法和影响土壤重金属提取率的因素。在此基础上,评价了各类提取方法的特点及其在应用上的优势和局限,指出了筛选通用提取剂的原则和依据。结合实验初步提出以去离子水作为通用提取剂的可行性及尚需研究解决的问题。  相似文献   

土壤重金属快速监测技术研究与应用进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤重金属污染已经日益成为社会的主要环境污染问题之一,土壤重金属快速监测技术对于土壤重金属污染的快速有效筛查与监控具有重要意义。介绍了近年来国内外土壤重金属快速监测方法,并阐述了相关土壤重金属快速监测仪器的研究现状。在土壤重金属快速监测领域,X射线荧光光谱技术优势明显,激光诱导击穿光谱技术亦发展迅速,基于免疫学、酶抑制原理的快速监测技术正处于发展阶段。随着快速监测技术理论和方法的不断完善,土壤重金属快速监测仪器朝着高精度、小型化、智能化的方向发展,在区域性土壤重金属含量评估方面的应用将逐步拓展。  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals (Cr, Ni and Fe) in soil and accumulated by herbs, shrubs and trees regenerated naturally on the minewaste-dumps of Sukinda chromite mines (TISCO sector) were investigated. There was significant correlationship between Cr and Fe in the soil where a tree species (Catunaregam spinosa) occurred. Guazuma ulmifolia and Diospyros montana also did show significant correlation between leaf, stem and soil for Cr, Ni and Fe. Among the shrubs (Calotropis gigantea, Chromolaena odorata, Phyllanthus reticulatus and Woodfordia fruticosa) significant and positive correlations were obtained for Cr and Ni in soil and iron and nickel in leaf and chromium and nickel in stem. Among the annual herbs, whole plant of tephrosia purpurea and Borrevia articularis showed significant and positive correlation with chromium and nickel with the maximum correlation coefficient value. It was concluded that the above information would be useful in revegetation programmes in subtropical regions having seasonal rainfall.  相似文献   

Chemical and physical size fractionation of heavy metals were carried out on 20 soil samples from the scrap yard area. Tessier method was used in sequential extraction. Cadmium showed the highest levels among the other elements studied in the exchangeable fraction (about 33%), while other elements showed low levels in this fraction (≥1%). Lead and manganese were mostly found in the Fe–Mn oxide fraction, zinc and iron were mostly in residual fraction, while copper was mostly found in the organic fraction of the soil. Soil samples were size-fractionated into four sizes: 1000–500, 500–125, 125–53, and less than 53 μm. The highest levels of Fe, Cu, Pb, Mn, and Cd were found in the medium fraction (500–125 μm), while zinc showed its highest levels in the fine fraction (125–53 μm). The order of heavy metal load in the size fractions was found to be medium > fine > coarse > silt for Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Cd, where it was found as fine > medium > coarse > silt for zinc.  相似文献   

鞍山市郊蔬菜基地土壤重金属污染状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鞍山市郊蔬菜基地土壤中重金属含量的分析表明,所采集的菜地土壤中Cd的超标率为44.4%,Cu、Pb、Cr、As、Hg无超标现象。大田菜菜地土壤中As、Hg、Pb含量比大棚菜菜地略高,Hg、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd含量超背景值。  相似文献   

以江苏沿海滩涂作为研究区,通过采样检测,结合统计分析方法和潜在生态风险指数,研究不同滩涂围垦类型下土壤/沉积物重金属总量、有效态含量及其潜在生态风险。研究结果表明:滩涂土壤重金属总体呈轻度污染,高值区位于养殖区和行道树林;不同土地利用类型下的重金属以中等偏下变异为主,空间异质性弱;重金属有效态与总量呈显著正相关;潜在生态风险主要由Cd、Hg贡献,64.78%和35.21%的土壤点位呈现Cd强度和中度生态风险,养殖池塘和农田重金属潜在生态风险最严重。  相似文献   

Heavy metals and organochlorine contamination were analyzed in tissues of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from the Province of Siena (central Italy). Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) concentrations were assessed in liver tissues and the data were analyzed for differences in relation to sex and age. Overall Hg, Cd and Pb mean values were 0.16, 0.62 and 0.64 g g_1 d.w., respectively. HCB, DDT and PCB concentrations were assayed in fatty tissues and muscle. The highest levels of those pollutants were found in muscle (0.47, 1.16 and 20.2 g g_1 lipid basis of HCB, DDTs and PCBs respectively), rather than in fat (0.23, 0.49 and 7.2 g g_1 l.b. of HCB, DDTs and PCBs respectively). Pollutant accumulation was analyzed in relation to sex, age and sexual maturity of females.  相似文献   

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