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Mishra  Minakshi  Abhishek  Yadav  R. B. S.  Sandhu  Manisha 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(1):313-338
Natural Hazards - The Andaman–Nicobar–Sumatra (ANS) region is a very hazardous area on the globe, which has witnessed a megathrust earthquake of Mw 9.2 on 26 December 2004 and several...  相似文献   

Modeling of tide–aquifer interaction plays a vital role in the management of coastal aquifer systems. A novel and robust methodology is presented in this paper for estimating aquifer parameters of coastal aquifers from tide–aquifer interaction data using tide–aquifer interaction model and genetic algorithm (GA). Two stand-alone computer programs were developed to optimize hydraulic diffusivities of unconfined and confined coastal aquifers at multiple sites using GA technique and tide–aquifer interaction model and considering two approaches (‘lumped tidal component approach’ and ‘multi-tidal component approach’). Five sets of real-world tide–aquifer interaction data at two sites of an unconfined aquifer and one set of tide–aquifer interaction data at three sites of a confined aquifer were used to demonstrate the efficacy of the methodology. The analysis of the GA-based inverse modeling results indicated that the ‘multi-tidal component approach’ yields more accurate and reliable hydraulic diffusivities for the unconfined aquifer (RMSE = 0.0129–0.0521 m, NSE = 0.70–0.97, and d1 = 0.91–0.99) as well as for the confined aquifer (RMSE = 0.0204–0.0545 m, NSE = 0.95–0.97, and d1 = 0.99) compared with the ‘lumped tidal component approach’. A comparative evaluation of data-size revealed that the short-duration datasets of the unconfined aquifer provide more reliable estimate of hydraulic diffusivity than the long-duration datasets. Further, it was found that the spring and neap tidal data yield unreasonable values of hydraulic diffusivity with considerably high values of RMSE and very low values of r 2, NSE, and d1, thereby suggesting that spring and neap tidal data are not suitable for aquifer parameter estimation. Overall, it is concluded that the GA-based tide–aquifer interaction model following ‘multi-tidal component approach’ is the most efficient tool for estimating aquifer parameters of unconfined and confined aquifers from tide–aquifer interaction data. The developed methodology is also applicable to other coastal basins of the world irrespective of hydrogeological settings.  相似文献   

Two moderate magnitude earthquakes (M5.5 and M5.4) occurred in January 2010 with their epicenters at a distance of about 5?km between them, in the western part of the Corinth Gulf. The recordings of the regional seismological network, which is dense locally, were used for the location of the two main events and aftershocks, which are concentrated in three clusters beneath the northern coasts of the Gulf. The first two clusters accompany each one of the two stronger earthquakes, whereas the third cluster comprises only low magnitude aftershocks, located westward of the two stronger events. Seismic excitation started in January 18, 2010, with the M?=?5.5 earthquake in the area occupied by the central cluster. Seismicity immediately jumped to the east with numerous aftershocks and the M?=?5.4 earthquake which occurred four days later (January 22, 2010). Cross sections normal to the long axis of each cluster show ruptures on north dipping faults at depths of 7?C11?km. Focal mechanisms of the stronger events of the sequence support the results obtained from the spatial distribution of the aftershocks that three different fault segments activated in this excitation. The slip vectors of all the events have an NNW?CSSE to NNE?CSSW orientation almost parallel to the direction of extension along the Corinth Gulf. Calculation of the Coulomb stress changes supports an interaction between the different clusters, with the major activity being coincided with the area of positive induced stress changes after the first earthquake.  相似文献   

Analysis of the carbon isotopic composition in aryl carotenoid derivatives, including isorenieratene, in bitumen from domanikoid rocks of the sections cropping out along the Chut River revealed that they contain anomalously heavy carbon, which is determined by the formation of these compounds from green sulfur bacteria of the family Chlorobiaceae. These bacteria use the peculiar process of carbon fixing as HCO3? in the reversed tricarboxilic acid cycle. The fact of hydrosulfuric contamination of the photic water layer in the Domanik basin is confirmed by the plurality of data. Anoxity in shelf water of the middle Frasnian Timan–Pechora basin is evident from lithological features such as, for example, lamination of some rocks and mass death of the fauna.  相似文献   

Limanov  E. V.  Butvina  V. G.  Safonov  O. G.  Van  K. V.  Aranovich  L. Ya. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2020,494(1):713-717
Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of experimental studies are presented for reactions in the orthopyroxene–garnet–phlogopite system in the presence of H2O–KCl fluid at...  相似文献   

The rupture process of the disastrous Sumatra–Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 was analyzed by array processes for teleseismic P-waves recorded by a dense broadband seismic array in Taiwan with epicentral distances of close to 31°. The azimuthal variation from the BATS array center to both ends of the rupture fault is approximately 21°, which is larger than that reported previously for seismic arrays used to image the rupture process of this earthquake, thereby providing a high spatial resolution in studying the source rupture behavior. Two array-processing methods were used to analyze teleseismic P-wave trains. Both analyses were based on data recorded by a broadband network, covering a region of 200 × 400 km, with the aim of evaluating the rupture behavior of the earthquake. Consistent results from both analyses indicate that the earthquake had a rupture duration exceeding 500 s, with major asperities encountered at 80, 260, and 330 s after the initiation of rupturing. We traced the ruptured fault for more than 1200 km from the point of initial rupture. The average rupture velocity was approximately 3.0 km/s and the major northward rupture propagation began at 80 s after the initiation of rupturing.  相似文献   

Pudukkottai region in the northeastern part of the Madurai Block exposes the garnetiferous pink granite that intruded the biotite gneiss. Charnockite patches are associated with both the rock types. Rb–Sr biotite and Sm–Nd whole-rock isochron ages indicate a regional uplift and cooling at ~550 Ma. The initial Nd isotope ratios (\(\varepsilon _{\text {Nd}}^{\mathrm {t}}=-20\) to ?22) and Nd depleted-mantle model ages (TDM = 2.25 to 2.79 Ga) indicate a common crustal source for the pink-granite and associated charnockite, while the biotite gneiss and the charnockite within it represent an older crustal source (\(\varepsilon _{\text {Nd}}^{\mathrm {t}}= -29\) and TDM = > 3.2 Ga). The Rb–Sr whole-rock data and initial Sr–Nd isotope ratios also help demonstrate the partial but systematic equilibration of Sr isotope and Rb/Sr ratios during metamorphic mineral-reactions resulting in an ‘apparent whole-rock isochron’. The available geochronological results from the Madurai Block indicate four major periods of magmatism and metamorphism: Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, mid-Neoproterozoic and late-Neoproterozoic. We suggest that the high-grade and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism was preceded by magmatism which ‘prepared’ the residual crust to sustain the high PT conditions. There also appears to be cyclicity in the tectono-magmatic events and an evolutionary model for the Madurai Block should account for the cyclicity in the preserved records.  相似文献   

Koyna–Warna region in western India is known to be the largest case of the reservoir-triggered seismicity in the world with M6.3 earthquake in 1967. This region continues to be seismically active even after 45 years with occurrences of earthquakes up to M5.0. The porous crustal rocks of Koyna–Warna region respond to changes in the prevailing stress/strain regime. This crustal section is highly fractured and is being fed by rivers and reservoirs. It is also subjected to fluctuating plate boundary forces and significant gravity-induced stresses due to crustal inhomogeneities. These changes induce variations in the water level in bore wells before, during and after an earthquake, and their study can help in understanding the earthquake genesis in the region. The ongoing seismicity thus requires understanding of coupled hydrological and tectonic processes in the region. Water table fluctuations are a reflection of the ongoing hydro-tectonics of the region. The fractal dimension of water levels in the bore wells of the region can be used as measure of the nonlinear characteristics of porous rock, revealing the underlying complexity. In this paper, we present values of correlation dimensions of the water level data in the bore wells using the nonlinear time series methodology. The spatiotemporal changes in the fractal dimensions have also been determined. The results show that hydro-seismically the region behaves as a low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system.  相似文献   

The formation environments of stratiform ore deposits in the Neoproterozoic Baikal–Patom region (BPR) have been considered. A model for the formation of the Sukhoi Log gold ore deposit in the Bodaibo zone has been put forward. The first stage is gold concentration by a chemolithotrophic bacterial community. Independently established facts suggest that bacterial communities may also have contributed to initial metal accumulation in the sediments of the Kholodnaya Pb–Zn deposit. The ore beds occur in the high-carbon sediments of the side and trough of a back-arc basin. Sedimentation (Dal’nyaya Taiga and Zhuya regional horizons) took place during the “back-arc basin–foreland basin” transition. This transition is characterized by increased sediment bioproductivity, which is clearly evidenced from the increased biophile-element content and taxonomic diversity of organic remains. Hundreds of microfossil sites in the Neoproterozoic BPR host littoral benthos (cyanobacteria and brown algae) and plankton (green algae). Most microfossils in the outer shelf, on the basin side, and in its trough belong to chemolithotrophic bacteria. These bacteria are assumed to have accumulated metals in the vent field of the back-arc basin. Studies showed the ability of microorganisms (bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.) to accumulate Fe, Mn, Au, Pb, Zn, and other metals. Bacterial communities are particularly important for metal accumulation in the vent fields of rift zones and areas of arc volcanism. All these conditions were observed in the Neoproterozoic BPR.  相似文献   

The validity of the thermodynamic cBΩ model is tested in terms of the experimentally determined diffusion coefficients of He in a natural Fe-bearing olivine (Fo90) and a synthetic end-member forsterite (Mg2SiO4) over a broad temperature range (250–950 °C), as reported recently by Cherniak and Watson (Geochem Cosmochim Acta 84:269–279, 2012). The calculated activation enthalpies for each of the three crystallographic axes were found to be (134 ± 5), (137 ± 13) and (158 ± 4) kJ mol?1 for the [100], [010] and [001] directions in forsterite, and (141 ± 9) kJ mol?1 for the [010] direction in olivine, exhibiting a deviation of <1 % with the corresponding reported experimental values. Additional point defect parameters such as activation volume, activation entropy and activation Gibbs free energy were calculated as a function of temperature. The estimated activation volumes (3.2–3.9 ± 0.3 cm3 mol?1) of He diffusion in olivine are comparable with other reported results for hydrogen and tracer diffusion of Mg cations in olivine. The pressure dependence of He diffusion coefficients was also determined, based on single experimental diffusion measurements at 2.6 and 2.7 GPa along the [001] direction in forsterite at 400 and 650 °C.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of reconstruction of the modern tectonic stress field of the northern part of the Kuril–Okhotsk region prior to the May 24, 2013 deep-focus earthquake. This earthquake is the strongest deep-focus earthquake not only in the Okhotsk region but also in the world over the entire period of seismic observations. The tectonic stress field is reconstructed using the method of cataclastic analysis (MCA) of the earthquake source mechanism data. New data on the depth variations of regional tectonic stress field are obtained.  相似文献   

Hamdache  M.  Pel&#;ez  J. A.  Kijko  A.  Smit  A. 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(2):273-293

We estimate the energetic and spatial characteristics of seismicity in the Algeria–Morocco region using a variety of seismic and statistical parameters, as a first step in a detailed investigation of regional seismic hazard. We divide the region into five seismotectonic regions, comprising the most important tectonic domains in the studied area: the Moroccan Meseta, the Rif, the Tell, the High Plateau, and the Atlas. Characteristic seismic hazard parameters, including the Gutenberg–Richter b-value, mean seismic activity rate, and maximum possible earthquake magnitude, were computed using an extension of the Aki–Utsu procedure for incomplete earthquake catalogs for each domain, based on recent earthquake catalogs compiled for northern Morocco and northern Algeria. Gutenberg–Richter b-values for each zone were initially estimated using the approach of Weichert (Bull Seismol Soc Am 70:1337–1346, 1980): the estimated b-values are 1.04 ± 0.04, 0.93 ± 0.10, 0.72 ± 0.03, 0.87 ± 0.02, and 0.77 ± 0.02 for the Atlas, Meseta, High Plateau, Rif, and Tell seismogenic zones, respectively. The fractal dimension D 2 was also estimated for each zone. From the ratio D 2/b, it appears that the Tell and Rif zones, with ratios of 2.09 and 2.12, respectively, have the highest potential earthquake hazard in the region. The Gutenberg–Richter relationship analysis allows us to derive that in the Tell and Rif, the number of earthquake with magnitude above Mw 4.0, since 1925 normalized to decade and to square cell with 100-km sides is equal to 2.6 and 1.91, respectively. This study provides the first detailed information about the potential seismicity of these large domains, including maximum regional magnitudes, characteristics of spatial clustering, and distribution of seismic energy release.


The Galeras volcanic complex, located in the Nariño department, SW Colombia, includes the most historically active volcano in the country, Galeras, a 4276 m high stratovolcano located 9 km west of the city of San Juan de Pasto (400,000 inhabitants). The area is also affected by the continental faulting represented by the Buesaco, Aranda and Pasto faults belonging to one of the most seismically active structures in Colombia, the Romeral fault system. Several moderate to strong shallow earthquakes affected the city of San Juan de Pasto and its neighbouring region since the XVII century. The coexistence of an active volcanic complex and an active fault system complicates the study and interpretation of the different processes taking place in the region as well as the identification of any connection or interaction among them.The reactivation of the volcano in 1989 was characterized by three main magmatic events: (1) a series of Vulcanian eruptions during 4–9 May 1989, with semi-continuous ash emissions from a secondary crater; (2) the emplacement of an andesitic lava dome at the bottom of the main crater from September 1990 until December 1991; and (3) six Vulcanian eruptions from the main crater during 1992–1993, with destruction of most of the dome during the first one on 16 July 1992. During the same period, four earthquake sequences were located in a limited area N and NE of Galeras volcano on August–September 1989 (AUG1989), April–June 1993 (APR1993), November–December 1993 (NOV1993) and March–August 1995 (MAR1995). The last one included a Ml4.7 main shock on 4 March 1995 producing moderate to high damage in the epicentral region (MSK maximum intensity VIII), and in the city of San Juan de Pasto (VI–VII). The last damaging earthquake in the region was a MSK-intensity VIII–IX in 1947.A detailed analysis of the spatio-temporal characteristics of the four earthquake sequences allowed identifying their different origin and suggesting some interrelationship between the reactivated eruptive process and the contemporaneous seismic activity. The AUG1989 sequence presents a typical volcanic swarm-like pattern most probably related with the process of magma intrusion from depth at the beginning of the volcano's reactivation. The APR1993, the NOV1993 and the MAR1995 sequences show a clear tectonic origin with events occurring on rupture planes almost vertical that can be associated to the active faults in the area, The seismogenic process of these three sequences could have been activated or accelerated by the main eruptions during 1992–1993.These results suggest that constrains provided by improved relocations and the detailed analysis of the space–time characteristics of earthquake sequences in Galeras volcanic environment allow to establish the different generation mechanisms involved and to suggest feasible explanations on the possible interrelationships of the magmatic–volcanic processes and the seismicity observed.  相似文献   

We estimate the energetic and spatial characteristics of seismicity in the Algeria–Morocco region using a variety of seismic and statistical parameters, as a first step in a detailed investigation of regional seismic hazard. We divide the region into five seismotectonic regions, comprising the most important tectonic domains in the studied area: the Moroccan Meseta, the Rif, the Tell, the High Plateau, and the Atlas. Characteristic seismic hazard parameters, including the Gutenberg–Richter b-value, mean seismic activity rate, and maximum possible earthquake magnitude, were computed using an extension of the Aki–Utsu procedure for incomplete earthquake catalogs for each domain, based on recent earthquake catalogs compiled for northern Morocco and northern Algeria. Gutenberg–Richter b-values for each zone were initially estimated using the approach of Weichert (Bull Seismol Soc Am 70:1337–1346, 1980): the estimated b-values are 1.04 ± 0.04, 0.93 ± 0.10, 0.72 ± 0.03, 0.87 ± 0.02, and 0.77 ± 0.02 for the Atlas, Meseta, High Plateau, Rif, and Tell seismogenic zones, respectively. The fractal dimension D 2 was also estimated for each zone. From the ratio D 2/b, it appears that the Tell and Rif zones, with ratios of 2.09 and 2.12, respectively, have the highest potential earthquake hazard in the region. The Gutenberg–Richter relationship analysis allows us to derive that in the Tell and Rif, the number of earthquake with magnitude above Mw 4.0, since 1925 normalized to decade and to square cell with 100-km sides is equal to 2.6 and 1.91, respectively. This study provides the first detailed information about the potential seismicity of these large domains, including maximum regional magnitudes, characteristics of spatial clustering, and distribution of seismic energy release.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the distribution of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs in different landscapes of the Bryansk region. The role of different landscape-biogeochemical factors in the transformation of the 137Cs contamination field is examined. The distribution of 137Cs in the typical soil catenary junction of predpolessie, predopolje, and opolje landscapes is analyzed. The role of biogeochemical barriers in the 137Cs accumulation is considered. It is revealed that the slope exposure affects the intensity of geochemical migration. In particular, the intensity of lateral migration of 137Cs on the slopes of the southern and southwestern exposure is much higher than that on the slopes of the northern and northeastern exposure. The different types of geochemical lateral structure of landscape are analyzed on the basis of the catenary 137Cs distribution.  相似文献   

The Sumatra–Andaman Tsunami left distinctive sedimentological and geomorphological signatures in the area of Khao Lak. Fine-grained sediments, predominantly layers of cohesive, carbonate-rich, fine-sandy silt with thicknesses of 1–10 cm, erosionally overlying pre-tsunami sandy soils and sediments, represent the most common tsunami deposits in the study area. Petrographically, they differ significantly from other coastal sediments and affiliated soils. Due to their grain size and corresponding clay mineral content, muddy shelf sediments (sub-wave base) are indicated as a main source. The present results suggest that indications of shelf influence, although varying regionally, might contribute to the identification of fine-grained tsunami sediments and their differentiation from storm sediments. However, the observed differences of tsunami sediments to soils and other coastal sediments, especially with respect to carbonate mineralogy, might disappear in short geological time under conditions of intensive weathering and bioturbation. At Cape Pakarang, hundreds of boulders with up to 24 tons were deposited on the foreshore and upper shoreface. Applying Nott’s (Earth Planet Sci Lett 210:269–276, 2003) formulas, minimum flow velocities of 3.9 m/s are required to transport the largest boulders. The devastating tsunami effect of both, onshore flow and backflow, is documented by damaged human constructions. Geomorphological effects include intensive widening of estuary mouths and the development of erosional channels. Now, estuary mouths are reduced, and erosional channels cut off from the sea due to the formation of a post-tsunami beach ridge.  相似文献   

The source region of the Yellow River, located in the northeastern portion of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, plays a critical role in water conservation, biodiversity protection, and wetland conservation. Aeolian desertification of this area is an important concern. Remote sensing and GIS technology were employed to assess the trends in aeolian desertification from 1975 to 2005. The monitoring results showed that, aeolian desert land increased from 15,112 to 17,214 km2 during 1975–2005. In addition, it was found that the area of aeolian desertification increased rapidly from 1975 to 1990, was stable from 1990 to 2000, and slightly decreased from 2000 to 2005. Increasing temperature, overgrazing, and drainage of wetlands have been key driving factors of aeolian desertification. Thus, to control the expansion of aeolian desert lands in the source region of the Yellow River and to rehabilitate existing desert areas, the priority should be given to altering human behavior in these areas.  相似文献   

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