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Rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) is a 14.3-kDa cytosolic protein which binds long chain free fatty acids (ffa) and is believed to participate in intracellular movement and/or distribution of ffa. In the studies described here fluorescently labeled ffa were used to examine the physical nature of the ffa-binding site on FABP. The fluorescent analogues were 16- and 18-carbon ffa with an anthracene moiety covalently attached at eight different points along the length of the hydrocarbon chain (AOffa). Emission maxima of all FABP-bound AOffa were found to be considerably blue-shifted with respect to emission of phospholipid membrane-bound AOffa, suggesting a high degree of motional constraint for protein-bound ffa. Large fluorescence quantum yields and long excited state life-times indicate that the FABP-binding site for ffa is highly hydrophobic. Analysis of rotational correlation times for the FABP-bound AOffa suggest that the ffa are tightly bound to the protein. Variation of the quantum yield with attachment site suggests that the carboxylic acid group of the fatty acyl chain is located near the aqueous surface of the FABP. The rest of the ffa hydrocarbon chain is buried within the protein in a hydrophobic pocket and is particularly constrained at the midportion of the acyl chain.  相似文献   

The adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (AFABP) is believed to transfer unesterified fatty acids (FA) to phospholipid membranes via a collisional mechanism that involves ionic interactions between lysine residues on the protein surface and phospholipid headgroups. This hypothesis is derived largely from kinetic analysis of FA transfer from AFABP to membranes. In this study, we examined directly the binding of AFABP to large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) of differing phospholipid compositions. AFABP bound LUV containing either cardiolipin or phosphatidic acid, and the amount of protein bound depended upon the mol % anionic phospholipid. The K(a) for CL or PA in LUV containing 25 mol % of these anionic phospholipids was approximately 2 x 10(3) M(-1). No detectable binding occurred when AFABP was mixed with zwitterionic membranes, nor when acetylated AFABP in which surface lysines had been chemically neutralized was mixed with anionic membranes. The binding of AFABP to acidic membranes depended upon the ionic strength of the incubation buffer: >/=200 mM NaCl reduced protein-lipid complex formation in parallel with a decrease in the rate of FA transfer from AFABP to negatively charged membranes. It was further found that AFABP, but not acetylated AFABP, prevented cytochrome c, a well characterized peripheral membrane protein, from binding to membranes. These results directly demonstrate that AFABP binds to anionic phospholipid membranes and suggest that, although generally described as a cytosolic protein, AFABP may behave as a peripheral membrane protein to help target fatty acids to and/or from intracellular sites of utilization.  相似文献   

Two single-stranded nucleic acid binding proteins mCBP and mCTBP were identified by means of their binding to a potential recombination hotspot in LTRs of mouse retro-transposons. Both are nuclear proteins of 35 and 55 kDa respectively. mCBP binds preferentially to oligo dC, mCTBP to oligo dCdT. mCBP was purified and its cDNA was isolated and sequenced.  相似文献   

Muscle or heart fatty acid-binding protein is a low molecular weight protein that binds long-chain fatty acids in the cytosol of muscle tissues. The three-dimensional structure of the human, bovine and insect proteins are known, either via X-ray or NMR techniques. The folding of the protein closely resembles that of the other FABPs: ten anti-parallel beta-strands are arranged to form a clam shell, closed at one end by two alpha-helices. This arrangement allows the formation of an internal cavity where the fatty acid can be accommodated, protected and isolated from the external environment. The fatty acid in the protein interior is stabilized by electrostatic and hydrogen bond interactions of its carboxylic head with charged or polar residues of the protein and by interactions of its tail with hydrophobic residues. The three-dimensional structure of different fatty acid-protein complexes along with molecular dynamics simulations are now providing insight into the molecular details of the specificity of the ligand binding.  相似文献   

Dietary fatty acids and membrane protein function   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In recent years, there has been growing public awareness of the potential health benefits of dietary fatty acids, and of the distinction between the effects of the omega6 and omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are concentrated in vegetable and fish oils, respectively. A part of the biologic effectiveness of the two families of polyunsaturated fatty acids resides in their relative roles as precursors of the eicosanoids. However, we are also beginning to appreciate that as the major components of the hydrophobic core of the membrane bilayer, they can interact with and directly influence the functioning of select integral membrane proteins. Among the most important of these are the enzymes, receptors, and ion channels that are situated in the plasma membrane of the cell, since they carry out the communication and homeostatic processes that are necessary for normal cell function. This review examines current information regarding the effects of diet-induced changes in plasma membrane fatty acid composition on several specific enzymes (adenylate cyclase, 5'-nucleotidase, Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase) and cell-surface receptors (opiate, adrenergic, insulin). Dietary manipulation studies have demonstrated a sensitivity of each to a fatty acid environment that is variably dependent on the nature of the fatty acid(s) and/or source of the membrane. The molecular mechanisms appear to involve fatty acid-dependent effects on protein conformation, on the "fluidity" and/or thickness of the membrane, or on protein synthesis. Together, the results of these studies reinforce the concept that dietary fats have the potential to regulate physiologic function and to further our understanding of how this occurs at a membrane level.  相似文献   

Uniformly (13)C-labeled long-chain fatty acids were used to probe ligand binding to rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (LFABP), an atypical member of the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) family that binds more than one molecule of long-chain fatty acid, accommodates a variety of diverse ligands, and exhibits diffusion-mediated lipid transport to membranes. Two sets of (1)H-(13)C resonances were found in a titration series of NMR spectra for oleate-LFABP complexes, indicating that two molecules of the fatty acid are situated in the protein cavity. However, no distinct resonances were observed for the excess fatty acid in solution, suggesting that at least one ligand undergoes rapid exchange with oleate in the bulk solution. An exchange rate of 54 +/- 6 s(-1) between the two sets of resonances was measured directly using (13)C z,z-exchange spectroscopy. In light of these NMR measurements, possible molecular mechanisms for the ligand-exchange process are evaluated and implications for the anomalous fatty acid transport mechanism of LFABP are discussed.  相似文献   

During avian development, lipoproteins derived from yolk lipid are assembled in the yolk sac membrane (YSM) for secretion into the embryonic circulation. To investigate how yolk polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for the development of certain tissues, are distributed among the lipid classes of the lipoproteins, pieces of YSM were incubated in vitro with [14C]arachidonic and [14C]docosahexaenoic acids (DHA). There was a marked difference in the partitioning of these two precursors among the lipid classes of the tissue. Of the radioactivity incorporated into total lipid from [14C]-arachidonic acid during 1 h of incubation, 67.3% was esterified as phospholipid and 29.5% as triacylglycerol. In contrast, only 14.6% of the label incorporated from [14C]-DHA was esterified as phospholipid, whereas 73.2% was recovered in triacylglycerol. This pattern of differential partitioning was observed at all time points and across a 20-fold range of fatty acid concentrations. There was no evidence for conversion of the radioactive arachidonic and DHAs to other fatty acids prior to incorporation into tissue lipids. It is suggested that the selective incorporation of yolk-derived DHA into the triacylglycerol of secreted lipoproteins represents part of a mechanism for directing this polyunsaturate to particular embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Cellular retinol-binding protein, type I (CRBP-I) and type II (CRBP-II) are the only members of the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) family that process intracellular retinol. Heart and skeletal muscle take up postprandial retinol but express little or no CRBP-I or CRBP-II. We have identified an intracellular retinol-binding protein in these tissues. The 134-amino acid protein is encoded by a cDNA that is expressed primarily in heart, muscle and adipose tissue. It shares 57 and 56% sequence identity with CRBP-I and CRBP-II, respectively, but less than 40% with other members of the FABP family. In situ hybridization demonstrates that the protein is expressed at least as early as day 10 in developing heart and muscle tissue of the embryonic mouse. Fluorescence titrations of purified recombinant protein with retinol isomers indicates binding to all-trans-, 13-cis-, and 9-cis-retinol, with respective K(d) values of 109, 83, and 130 nm. Retinoic acids (all-trans-, 13-cis-, and 9-cis-), retinals (all-trans-, 13-cis-, and 9-cis-), fatty acids (laurate, myristate, palmitate, oleate, linoleate, arachidonate, and docosahexanoate), or fatty alcohols (palmityl, petrosenlinyl, and ricinolenyl) fail to bind. The distinct tissue expression pattern and binding specificity suggest that we have identified a novel FABP family member, cellular retinol-binding protein, type III.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Li H  Liu S  Wang G  Wang Y 《Animal biotechnology》2005,16(2):191-201
Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are members of a superfamily of lipid-binding proteins, occurring intracellularly in invertebrates and vertebrates. This study was designed to clone and characterize the genes of heart fatty acid-binding protein and intestine fatty acid-binding protein in the chicken. PCR primers were designed according to the chicken EST sequences to amplify cDNA of H-FABP and I-FABP genes from chicken heart and intestinal tissues. Analysis of sequence showed that the cDNA of the chicken H-FABP gene is 75 to 77% homologues to human, mouse, and pig H-FABP genes, and the chicken I-FABP gene is 71 to 72% homologues to human, mouse, and pig I-FABP genes. In addition, Northern blot analysis indicated that of the two genes, similar to the copartner of the mammal, H-FABP gene was expressed in a wide variety of tissues, and I-FABP gene was expressed only in intestinal tissues. The expression levels of the chicken H-FABP mRNA in heart and I-FABP mRNA in intestine had significant differences between the broilers from fat line and Bai'er layers at six weeks of age. The results of this study provided basic molecular information for studying the role of two FABPs in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism in avian species.  相似文献   

While low levels of unesterified long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) are normal metabolic intermediates of dietary and endogenous fat, LCFAs are also potent regulators of key receptors/enzymes and at high levels become toxic detergents within the cell. Elevated levels of LCFAs are associated with diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome. Consequently, mammals evolved fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) that bind/sequester these potentially toxic free fatty acids in the cytosol and present them for rapid removal in oxidative (mitochondria, peroxisomes) or storage (endoplasmic reticulum, lipid droplets) organelles. Mammals have a large (15-member) family of FABPs with multiple members occurring within a single cell type. The first described FABP, liver-FABP (L-FABP or FABP1), is expressed in very high levels (2–5% of cytosolic protein) in liver as well as in intestine and kidney. Since L-FABP facilitates uptake and metabolism of LCFAs in vitro and in cultured cells, it was expected that abnormal function or loss of L-FABP would reduce hepatic LCFA uptake/oxidation and thereby increase LCFAs available for oxidation in muscle and/or storage in adipose. This prediction was confirmed in vitro with isolated liver slices and cultured primary hepatocytes from L-FABP gene-ablated mice. Despite unaltered food consumption when fed a control diet ad libitum, the L-FABP null mice exhibited age- and sex-dependent weight gain and increased fat tissue mass. The obese phenotype was exacerbated in L-FABP null mice pair fed a high-fat diet. Taken together with other findings, these data suggest that L-FABP could have an important role in preventing age- or diet-induced obesity.  相似文献   

脂肪酸结合蛋白的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
脂脉酸结合蛋白(FABP)是一族小分子细胞内蛋白质,对长链脂肪酸有很高的亲和力,能把脂肪酸从细胞膜转运到细胞内利用位点,在长链脂肪酸的代谢中起重要作用。本文就脂肪酸结合蛋白的结构、功能及其对脂肪酸代谢调节方面的研究进行了综述,并阐述了猪脂肪酸结合蛋白基因地对肌内脂肪合成的影响。  相似文献   

The role of heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (FABP3) in human physiology as an intracellular carrier of fatty acids (FAs) has been well-documented. In this study, we aimed to develop an analytical method to study real-time interaction kinetics between FABP3 immobilized on the sensor surface and unsaturated C18 FAs using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). To establish the conditions for SPR experiments, we used an FABP3-selective inhibitor 4-(2-(1-(4-bromophenyl)-5-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-phenoxy)-butyric acid. The affinity index thus obtained was comparable to that reported previously, further supporting the usefulness of the SPR-based approach for evaluating interactions between FABPs and hydrophobic ligands. A pseudo-first-order affinity of FABP3 to K+ petroselinate (C18:1 Δ6 cis), K+ elaidate (C18:1 Δ9 trans), and K+ oleate (C18:1 Δ9 cis) was characterized by the dissociation constant (Kd) near micromolar ranges, whereas K+ linoleate (C18:2 Δ9,12 cis/cis) and K+ α-linolenate (C18:3 Δ9,12,15 cis/cis/cis) showed a higher affinity to FABP3 with Kd around 1 × 10−6 M. Interactions between FAPB3 and C18 FAs incorporated in large unilamellar vesicles consisting of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and FAs (5:1 molar ratio) were also analysed. Control DMPC liposomes without FA showed only marginal binding to FABP3 immobilized on a sensor chip while liposome-incorporated FA revealed significant responses in sensorgrams, demonstrating that the affinity of FAs to FABP3 could be evaluated by using the liposome-incorporated analytes. Significant affinity to FABP3 was observed for monounsaturated fatty acids (Kd in the range of 1 × 10−7 M). These experiments demonstrated that highly hydrophobic compounds in a liposome-incorporated form could be subjected to SPR experiments for kinetic analysis.  相似文献   

Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (AFABP/aP2) forms a physical complex with the hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and AFABP/aP2-null mice exhibit reduced basal and hormone-stimulated lipolysis. To identify the determinants affecting the interaction fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging was used in conjunction with a mutagenesis strategy to evaluate the roles AFABP/aP2 fatty acid binding and HSL phosphorylation have in complex formation as well as determine the HSL binding site on AFABP/aP2. The nonfatty acid binding mutant of AFABP/aP2 (R126Q) failed to form a FRET-competent complex with HSL either under basal or forskolin-stimulated conditions, indicating that lipid binding is required for association. Once bound to HSL and on the surface of the lipid droplet, YFP-AFABP/aP2 (but not YFP-HSL) exhibited energy transfer between the fusion protein and BODIPY-C12-labeled triacylglycerol. Serine to alanine mutations at the two PKA phosphorylation sites of HSL (659 and 660), or at the AMPK phosphorylation sites (565), blocked FRET between HSL and AFABP/aP2. Substitution of isoleucine for lysine at position 21 of AFABP/aP2 (K21I), but not 31 (K31I), resulted in a non-HSL-binding protein indicating that residues on helix alphaI of AFABP/aP2 define a component of the HSL binding site. These results indicate that the ligand-bound form of AFABP/aP2.interacts with the activated, phosphorylated HSL and that the association is likely to be regulatory; either delivering FA to inhibit HSL (facilitating feedback inhibition) or affecting multicomponent complex formation on the droplet surface.  相似文献   

Synthesis of n-3 and n-6 very long chain-PUFAs (VLC-PUFAs) from 18-carbon essential fatty acids is differentially regulated. The predominant product arising from n-3 fatty acids is docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), with the liver serving as the main site of production. The synthetic pathway requires movement of a 24-carbon intermediate from the endoplasmic reticulum to peroxisomes for retroconversion to 22:6n-3. The mechanism of this intra-organelle flux is unknown, but could be binding-protein facilitated. We thus investigated binding of a series of previously untested VLC-PUFAs to liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP). Three fluorometric assays were employed, all of which showed strong binding (K(d)' approximately 10(-8) to 10(-7) M) of 20-, 22-, and 24-carbon n-3 PUFAs to L-FABP. In contrast, synthesis of the predominant n-6 PUFA product, arachidonic acid, does not require intra-organelle transport. However, we found that n-6 VLC-PUFAs bound to L-FABP with affinities (K(d)' approximately 10(-8) to 10(-7) M) comparable to their n-3 counterparts.Although these results raise the possibility that L-FABP may participate in the cytoplasmic processing of n-3 and n-6 VLC-PUFAs, there is no evidence on the basis of binding affinities that L-FABP accounts for differences in the predominant products formed by the n-3 and n-6 PUFA metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Fatty acid-binding protein from bovine liver but not from bovine heart binds hematin in a saturable manner with high affinity. This property is not confined to a particular isoform as both, pI 6.0- and pI 7.0 L-FABP, bind hematin similarly. In competition experiments hematin and oleic acid could replace each other demonstrating that they share at least parts of the same binding site. Common structural features, i.e. the presence of carboxylic groups and of hydrophobic carbon chains led to the hypothesis that both ligands interact similarly with L-FABP. This was supported by the decrease of binding affinity for either ligand upon modification with phenylglyoxal. Modification in the presence of fatty acid revealed the protection of one of the two arginines of L-FABP. By peptide mapping and Edman degradation Arg122 was identified as the counterpart of the fatty acids carboxylic group.  相似文献   

Summary A plasma membrane fatty acid-binding protein (h-FABPPm) has been isolated from rat hepatocytes. Analogous proteins have also been identified in adipocytes, jejunal enterocytes and cardiac myocytes, all cells with high transmembrane fluxes of fatty acids. These 43 kDa, highly basic (pl = 9.1) FABPpm 's appear unrelated to the smaller, cytosolic FABP's (designated FABP's) identified previously in the same tissues. h-FABPpm appears closely related to the mitochondrial isoform of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (mGOT), and both the purified protein and liver cell plasma membranes (LPM) possess GOT enzymatic activity. From their relative GOT specific activities it is estimated that h-FABPpm constitutes approximately 2% of LPM protein, or about 0.7 × 107 sites per cell. A monoclonal antibody-based competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay (CIEIA) for h-FABPpm is described; it yields an estimate of 3.4 x 107 h-FABPpm sites per hepatocyte. Quantitated by either method, h-FABPPm appears to be a highly abundant protein constituent of LPM.  相似文献   

Two different groups of liver fatty acid-binding proteins (L-FABPs) are known: the mammalian type and the basic type. Very few members of this second group of L-FABPs have been characterized and studied, whereas most of the past studies were concerned with the mammalian type. The interactions of chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (Lb-FABP) with 1-(13)C-enriched palmitic acid (PA) and oleic acid (OA) were investigated by (13)C NMR spectroscopy. Samples containing fatty acids (FA) and Lb-FABP at different molar ratios exhibited only a single carboxylate resonance corresponding to bound FA, and showed a binding stoichiometry of 1:1 both for PA and for OA. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurements yielded the same binding stoichiometry for the interaction with cis-parinaric acid [K(d) = 0.38(4) microM]. Competition studies between cis-parinaric acid and the natural ligands indicated a decreasing affinity of chicken Lb-FABP for PA, OA, and retinoic acid (RA). (13)C NMR proved that pH and ionic strength affect complex stability. The carboxyl signal intensity reversibly decreased upon lowering the pH up to 5. The pH dependence of the bound carboxyl chemical shift yielded an apparent pK(a) of 4.8. A decrease of the integrated intensity of the bound carboxylic signal in the NMR spectra was observed while increasing the chloride ion concentration up to 200 mM. This body of evidence indicates that the bound FA is completely ionized at pH 7.4, that its polar head is positioned in a solvent-accessible region, that a FA-protein strong ionic bond is not present, and that high ionic strength causes the release of the bound FA. The reported results show that, insofar as the number of bound ligands and its relative affinity for different FAs are concerned, chicken Lb-FABP is remarkably different from the mammalian liver FABPs, and, within its subfamily, that it is more similar to catfish Lb-FABP while it behaves quite differently from shark or axolotl Lb-FABPs.  相似文献   

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