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Asymptotic methods based on the slenderness ratio are used to obtain the leading-order equations which govern the fluid dynamics of both hollow and solid, compound jets such as those employed in the manufacture of textile fibers, composite fibers and optical fibers. These fibers consist of an inner material which may be a round jet or an annular one and which, in turn, is surrounded by an annular jet in contact with ambient air. It is shown that the leading-order equations are one-dimensional and that it is possible to obtain analytical solutions for several flow regimes for steady, compound jets. These analytical solutions are presented here. The one-dimensional leading-order equations for the fluid dynamics of annular liquid jets at low Reynolds numbers are also derived here.  相似文献   

The equations describing the steady-state behavior of long annular liquid jets and liquid membranes in zero gravity are solved analytically as a function of the pressure difference across the jet or membrane, Weber number, and nozzle exit angle. The ranges of the parameters for which the analytical solutions are valid are determined, and analytical solutions of the mass absorption rate are obtained as a function of the Peclet and Weber numbers, nozzle exit angle, pressure difference, and thickness of the annular liquid jet. It is shown that the convergence length of annular liquid jets and liquid membranes increases as the Weber number, nozzle exit angle, and pressure coefficient are increased. It is also shown that the mass absoption rate increases as the nozzle exit angle, pressure coefficient, and Weber number are increased; however, the mass absorption rate decreases as the Peclet number and annular jet initial thickness-to-radius ratio are increased.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of the unsteady incompressible flows in the unit cavity is performed by using a Chebychev-Tau approximation for the space variables. The high accuracy of the spectral methods and the condensed distribution of the Chebychev-collocation points near the boundary enable us to obtain reliable results for high Reynolds numbers with a moderate number of modes. It is found that a stationary solution always exists for Reynolds numbers up to 10000. For Reynolds numbers larger than a critical value which is between 10000 and 12000, no more steady solution is found, instead, there is a persistent oscillation indicating a Hopf bifurcation.  相似文献   

Previously developed iterative numerical methods with splitting of boundary conditions intended for solving an axisymmetric Dirichlet boundary value problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes system in spherical layers are used to study the basic spherical Couette flows (SCFs) of a viscous incompressible fluid in a wide range of outer-to-inner radius ratios R/r (1.1 ≤ R/r ≤ 100) and to classify such SCFs. An important balance regime is found in the case of counter-rotating boundary spheres. The methods converge at low Reynolds numbers (Re), but a comparison with experimental data for SCFs in thin spherical layers show that they converge for Re sufficiently close to Recr. The methods are second-order accurate in the max norm for both velocity and pressure and exhibit high convergence rates when applied to boundary value problems for Stokes systems arising at simple iterations with respect to nonlinearity. Numerical experiments show that the Richardson extrapolation procedure, combined with the methods as applied to solve the nonlinear problem, improves the accuracy up to the fourth and third orders for the stream function and velocity, respectively, while, for the pressure, the accuracy remains of the second order but the error is nevertheless noticeably reduced. This property is used to construct reliable patterns of stream-function level curves for large values of R/r. The possible configurations of fluid-particle trajectories are also discussed.  相似文献   

An approach to constructing a phenomenological model of motion for a viscous fluid alternative to the Prandtl mixing-length hypothesis is suggested. The approach makes it possible to describe the motion of a fluid independently of the regime realized in a given region of the flow. On the basis of this approach, a differential one-parameter model for the flow of a viscous fluid applicable to any regimes of motion, called a uniform laminar-turbulent model, is constructed. For this purpose, the field of a scalar turbulence measure is introduced, which equals the ratio of the Reynolds stress to the total stress in the case of a simple shear flow. This makes it possible to write new expressions for turbulent viscosity. The influence of the turbulence measure field on the flow is taken into account by using an additional transport differential equation. The model is applicable to both compressible and incompressible fluids and makes it possible to obtain solutions in quadratures for steady simple shear flows. Various forms of the system of equations of motion and boundary conditions are given. Original Russian Text ¢ V.A. Pavlovskii, D.V. Nikushchenko, 2009, published in Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika, Mekhanika, Astronomiya, 2009, No. 1, pp. 104–112.  相似文献   

The boundary-value technique, advanced by Roberts for the solution of singular pertubation problems of ordinary differential equations where the small parameter multiples the highest derivative, is extended to the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation at high Reynolds numbers. Three standard flows—uniform flow past a plate, flow with a linearly adverse external velocity, and shear flow past a flat plate—have been chosen as test problems with a view to evaluating some of the features of the boundary-value technique, particularly in comparison with coefficient matching techniques as examplified by the method of matcher asymptotic expansions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new defect correction method for the Navier-Stokes equations is presented. With solving an artificial viscosity stabilized nonlinear problem in the defect step, and correcting the residual by linearized equations in the correction step for a few steps, this combination is particularly efficient for the Navier-Stokes equations at high Reynolds numbers. In both the defect and correction steps, we use the Oseen iterative scheme to solve the discrete nonlinear equations. Furthermore, the stability and convergence of this new method are deduced, which are better than that of the classical ones. Finally, some numerical experiments are performed to verify the theoretical predictions and show the efficiency of the new combination.  相似文献   

For the pressure-driven flow in an annular channel, its linear instability with respect to axisymmetric perturbations at high Reynolds numbers is investigated within the framework of the triple-deck theory. It is shown that the problem is reduced to that of the two-dimensional linear instability of the Poiseuille flow in a plane channel. The ratio of the inner to outer radii of the channel is found at which the instability is minimal.  相似文献   

The numerical method with splitting of boundary conditions developed previously by the first and third authors for solving the stationary Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in spherical layers in the axisymmetric case at low Reynolds numbers and a corresponding software package were used to study viscous incompressible steady flows between two con-centric spheres. Flow regimes depending on the zenith angle ?? of coaxially rotating boundary spheres (admitting discontinuities in their angular velocities) were investigated. The orders of accuracy with respect to the mesh size of the numerical solutions (for velocity, pressure, and stream function in a meridional plane) in the max and L 2 norms were studied in the case when the velocity boundary data have jump discontinuities and when some procedures are used to smooth the latter. The capabilities of the Richardson extrapolation procedure used to improve the order of accuracy of the method were investigated. Error estimates were obtained. Due to the high accuracy of the numerical solutions, flow features were carefully analyzed that were not studied previously. A number of interesting phenomena in viscous incompressible flows were discovered in the cases under study.  相似文献   

The asymptotic structure of perturbed laminar flows, which are described by problems with unsteady, discontinuous boundary conditions, is investigated. As a result of an asymptotic analysis, the structure of the flow domains is found and appropriate boundary conditions are formulated. Numerical solutions are obtained for one of the processes, which is described by an inhomogeneous Burgers equation and corresponds to discontinuities in the vertical longitudinal velocities, as well as to the blow out of a tangential jet.  相似文献   

We analyze the behavior of solutions of steady advection‐diffusion problems in bounded domains with prescribed Dirichlet data when the Péclet number Pe ? 1 is large. We show that the solution converges to a constant in each flow cell outside a boundary layer of width O(?1/2), ? = Pe?1, around the flow separatrices. We construct an ?‐dependent approximate “water pipe problem” purely inside the boundary layer that provides a good approximation of the solution of the full problem but has ?‐independent computational cost. We also define an asymptotic problem on the graph of streamline separatrices and show that solution of the water pipe problem itself may be approximated by an asymptotic, ?‐independent problem on this graph. Finally, we show that the Dirichlet‐to‐Neumann map of the water pipe problem approximates the Dirichlet‐to‐Neumann map of the separatrix problem with an error independent of the flow outside the boundary layers. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The application of a uniform external magnetic field on the turbulent duct flow of an electrically conducting fluid leads to several interesting changes in the structure and the mean charateristics of the flow. This is fairly well understood from the existing studies of duct flows in the low magnetic Reynolds number (Rm) limit. In this paper, we present the results for magnetohydrodynamic duct flow at moderate Rm obtained from direct numerical simulations (DNS). Several differences are observed to occur in this case as compared to low Rm flows, such as increased Hartmann layer thickness and enhanced large scale turbulence in the core region of the duct cross-section due to partial expulsion of magnetic flux. (© 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The article is devoted to extension of boundary element method (BEM) for solving coupled equations in velocity and induced magnetic field for time dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows through a rectangular pipe. The BEM is equipped with finite difference approach to solve MHD problem at high Hartmann numbers up to 106. In fact, the finite difference approach is used to approximate partial derivatives of unknown functions at boundary points respect to outward normal vector. It yields a numerical method with no singular boundary integrals. Besides, a new approach is suggested in this article where transforms 2D singular BEM's integrals to 1D nonsingular ones. The new approach reduces computational cost, significantly. Note that the stability of the numerical scheme is proved mathematically when computational domain is discretized uniformly and Hartmann number is 40 times bigger than length of boundary elements. Numerical examples show behavior of velocity and induced magnetic field across the sections.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric or non-axisymmetric Burgers vortices have been studied numerically as a model of concentrated vorticity fields. Recently it has been rigorously proved that non-axisymmetric Burgers vortices exist for all values of the vortex Reynolds number if an asymmetry parameter is sufficiently small. On the other hand, several numerical results indicate that Burgers vortices have simpler structures as the vortex Reynolds number is increasing, even when the asymmetry parameter is not sufficiently small. In this paper we give a rigorous explanation for this numerical observation and extend the existence and stability results of Burgers vortices for high vortex Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a second-order nonlinear filter based stabilization scheme for high Reynolds number flows. We prove the unconditional stability of the method, establish the second order consistency and discuss the dynamical tuning of the relaxation parameter. The scheme is then validated against experimental data for an isothermal turbulent flow in a Staggered Tube Bundle at Reynolds number of 18,000. Numerical results are found to be in an overall good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the benchmark results.  相似文献   

We show that a model proposed by Lagerstrom for viscous incompressible flow at low Reynolds numbers has a solution. The proof is constructive in that we obtain lower and upper bounds for the solution. The dependence of the initial slope of the solution on a small parameter is also made explicit.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird die Wärmeleitung von einer Kugel an einen oszillierenden Flüssigkeitsstrom untersucht. Das Problem lässt sich lösen für kleine Reynoldszahlen, wobei sowohl für die Temperaturverteilung als auch für die Wärmeübertragung eine Entwicklung nach Potenzen der Pécletzahl angegeben werden kann.  相似文献   

We determine the sedimentation velocity of a periodic array of drops through a viscous Newtonian fluid by extending an earlier analysis for the rigid particles. The results, which are given for the complete range of volume fractionc and the viscosity ratioK for the simple cubic, bodycentered cubic and face-centered cubic arrays, are in excellent agreement with the previously known results for the two limiting cases of the rigid spheres (K=) and the spherical bubbles (K=0) for all values ofc and with an asymptotic expression forc1 for allK.
Zusammenfassung Wir bestimmten die Ablagerungsgeschwindigkeit für eine periodische Anordnung von Tropfen in einer viskosen Newtonschen Flüssigkeit, indem wir eine frühere Analyse für feste Teilchen erweiterten. Die Ergebnisse, welche für den gesamten Bereich des Volumenbruchteilsc und den Viskositäts-ParameterK für einfache kubische, raumzentriert kubische und flächenzentriert kubische Anordnungen gegeben werden, sind in ausgezeichneter Übereinstimmung mit bekannten Ergebnissen für die beiden Grenzfälle der starren Kugel (K=) und der kugelförmigen Blase (K=0) für alle Werte vonc, und mit einem asymptotischen Ausdruck fürc1 und alleK-Werte.

Flow separation behind two-dimensional ellipses with aspect ratios ranging from 0, a flat plate, to 1, a circular cylinder, were investigated for Reynolds numbers less than 10 using both a cellular automata model and a commercial computational fluid dynamics software program. The relationship between the critical aspect ratio for flow separation and Reynolds number was determined to be linear for Reynolds numbers greater than one. At slower velocities, the critical aspect ratio decreases more quickly as the Reynolds number approaches zero. The critical Reynolds numbers estimated for flow separation behind a flat plate and circular cylinder agree with extrapolations from experimental observations. Fluctuations in the values of the stream function for laminar flow behind the ellipses were found at combinations of Reynolds number and aspect ratio near the critical values for separation.  相似文献   

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