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1. Salivation has been studied in the submandibular gland of the rabbit. A very slow spontaneous salivation took place when all possibility of nerve influence had been excluded. Salivation was not due to ultrafiltration.2. The ;spontaneous' saliva had a mean K concentration of 148 mM and Na concentration of 46 mM. With increasing salivation rate produced by parasympathetic nerve stimulation, K concentration fell to a plateau level of about 30 mM whilst Na concentration fell rapidly to reach the low value of 3 mM, then began to rise again at the higher flow rates.3. Ligation of the submandibular duct produced a reversal of the ion concentrations in spontaneous saliva. By 4 days K concentration was lower and that of Na higher than control values until by 2 weeks the effect was maximal with mean concentrations of 25 mM for K and 153 mM for Na.4. Ouabain increased the spontaneous salivation rate and ethacrynic acid slowed or prevented it altogether. On the basis of the known sites of action of these drugs it is postulated that two pumps are involved in the regulation of spontaneous salivation. There appears to be basal activity of an acinar mechanism pumping NaCl into the lumen, taking water with it. This pump is activated directly or indirectly by the intracellular Na concentration which itself is controlled by an Na-K exchange pump.5. Excitation of the sympathetic trunk produced a small, though definite, increase in salivation rate. There was evidence that myoepithelial cells might also be involved in the sympathetic response and that they were activated by alpha receptor stimulation. Salivation evoked by sympathetic nerve stimulation would seem to be a response to beta receptor stimulation, but the possibility that activation of both alpha and beta receptors was required could not be excluded entirely.  相似文献   

Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the submandibular gland is a rare tumor. In this report, the histological and ultrastructural features of a case of primary squamous cell carcinoma arising in the left submandibular gland is presented. Light microscopically, the tumor consisted of well differentiated keratinizing squamous cell nests. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells were oval or spindle-shaped, and several tumor cells had intracytoplasmic desmosome-like structures, resembling intercellular desmosomes. The majority of the tumor cells contained a large number of intermediate filaments (tonofilaments). Intercellular desmosomes were well developed. No secretory granules were found. These ultrastructural features may enable us to distinguish primary squamous cell carcinoma from mucoepidermoid carcinoma which is often misdiagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Praomys natalensis, an African rodent that is phenotypically and cytogenetically intermediate to rats and mice, possesses a submandibular gland that is histologically similar to that in both of these near relatives, but is ultrastructurally unique. Acinar cells, which are seromucous in nature, contain secretory granules that often contain a perfect "bull's eye" inclusion (or some variant of this configuration) suspended in a dense matrix. The Golgi apparatus in these cells has an unusual structure, with the Golgi saccules often being doubled over, so that the outermost saccule also is the innermost. This peculiar architecture apparently arises fairly late in the secretory process, i.e., a Golgi apparatus of conventional structure gives rise to a nascent granule (condensing vacuole), then its saccules secondarily fold over. Intercalated ducts are preceded by a ring of specialized cells that have a number of serous-type granules, the duct cells themselves being devoid of such granules. Granular convoluted tubules (GCT) contain large dense granules that appear to be spontaneously involved in chain exocytosis. These GCT granules probably are the repositories of nerve growth factor, which is particularly abundant in Praomys. Striated ducts for the most part are typical in appearance, but they and, to a lesser extent, GCTs contain prominent, membrane-bound crystalloids with a periodicity of about 15 nm.  相似文献   

The organization and fine structure of granular convoluted tubule cells (GCT) from male mouse submandibular glands have been examined in controls and in animals injected with adrenergic and cholinergic secretagogues. Control submandibular glands exhibited a single population of GCT cells with numerous homogeneous granules filling the apical two-thirds of the cytoplasm. A zone of transition cells, exhibiting characteristics of both GCT and striated duct cells, was found between the agranular intercalated duct and GCT segments. These transition cells possessed apical granules of variable size as well as prominent basal striations. Dramatic changes in the morphology of GCT cells followed administration of the alpha-adrenergic agent, phenylephrine. The extensive degranulation involved formation of "secretory pools" of fused granules and release of secretory material into the lumen. The appearance of numerous smooth vesicles near luminal membranes suggested extensive membrane retrieval. Intracellular membrane-limited aggregates of membrane fragments suggested that much of the retrieved membrane was destined for degradation. Rough endoplasmic reticulum was highly dilated but there was no indication of increased size or activity of the Golgi complex. Ultrastructural evidence indicated that the secretory responses to isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agent, and to pilocarpine, a cholinergic agent, were much more modest, but it is clear that some secretory response to these agents does occur. The other cell types of the duct and tubule system did not exhibit comparable morphological changes in response to the agents used.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of water-clear cells has been described in human hyperplastic parathyroid glands. However, previous studies have failed to demonstrate this type of cell in normal human or other vertebrate parathyroid glands. Upon recently recognizing water-clear cells in the parathyroid glands of the golden hamster, we intended to examine the occurrence of these cells in other animals. In the present study the parathyroid glands of about one-year-old rabbits were observed by electron microscopy. Water-clear cells containing numerous vacuoles were demonstrated dispersed among the chief cells. The cells were generally situated close to the basal lamina of perivascular space which lay against the capillary vessel and were attached by desmosomes to the chief cells. Irregularly shaped vacuoles in the water-clear cells resembled dilated cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum in the chief cells. Several ribosomes could be seen attached to the membrane of some of the irregularly shaped vacuoles. It is conceivable that the water-clear cells are transformed from the chief cells.  相似文献   

Nodular fasciitis (NF) is a benign, proliferative lesion of myofibroblasts. The most common site of the lesion is in the upper extremities or trunk. NF in the head and neck is next in frequency and is the most common site in infants and children. In adults, NF in the submandibular region is very rare. We report a case of a 53-year-old man with a submandibular mass, rapidly growing for 10 days. Cytologic findings revealed a few sheets or clusters of small, uniform spindle cells. The uniform spindle cells had centrally located round to ovoid nucleus, but there were no nuclear atypia and atypical mitosis. There were focally loose stroma but we could not find chondroid or myxoid components. A partial parotidectomy was performed. We describe a case of NF in the submandibular region, adjacent to the parotid gland and review the clinical, cytologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical features of NF.  相似文献   

The streaming submandibular gland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Twenty female young adult rats were injected with tritiated thymidine (3HTdR). The animals were then killed in groups of five, at the following times: 1 hour, and 4, 16, and 23 days. Autoradiograms of sections through the submandibular gland were prepared, and the location of labelled cells in relationship to tubuli and acini was recorded. The different tubular and acinar cross sections could be distinguished by their cell number. Narrow tubuli had fewer nuclei than the wider ones. The nuclear number of a cross section was defined as its class and the location of a labelled epithelial cell was expressed in relationship to the class where it was found. The location of a labelled stromal cell was determined by the class of its neighboring tubular or acinar cross sections. The mean cell numbers of intercalated, granular, and striated duct cross sections were, respectively, 4.7, 10.5, and 10.2, while the average cell content of acini was 4.7 cells. One hour after labelling most labelled tubular epithelial and stromal cells were found in tubular cross sections (or low tubular classes), while in the acini, labelled epithelial and stromal cells were found mainly in wider cross sections (or higher acinar classes). Within the next 23 days labelled tubular cells and stroma proceeded into higher classes, while labelled acinar epithelium and stroma cells were displaced into narrower cross sections (or lower classes). The displaced tubular epithelium and stroma covered daily 0.26 classes. At this velocity the cell will reach the highest tubular class in 62 days and the estimated maximal tubular cell life span is 62 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of pilocarpine, compound 48/80 and the electrical stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve on the morphology of the mast cells from the submandibular gland of the cat were studied. All those different treatments of the gland caused the enlargement of the tissue mast cells. We observed also in the glands treated with pilocarpine and compound 48/80 a degranulation of mast cells. The degranulation was more expressed after the application of compound 48/80 to the animals.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of chronically inflamed human submandibular glands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure of chronically inflamed submandibular glands from four patients was examined by electron microscopy. The patients were free of the sicca syndrome and lacked other symptoms of Sj?gren's syndrome or related autoimmune diseases. The affected glands were characterized by a reduction in acinar elements, by ductular proliferation and hyperplasia, and by large numbers of inflammatory cells in the stroma. This study indicates that many of the ultrastructural changes in salivary glands previously attributed to autoimmune diseases may also occur in patients who are free of such afflictions but whose salivary glands have undergone intermittent obstruction or infection.  相似文献   

Regeneration of submandibular gland (SMG) secretory parenchyma is remarkably impaired in salivary gland diseases and under experimental conditions such as in tissue culture and after isografting. In our study acinar regeneration was found to depend on the site where the SMG tissue was implanted. Implantation of several 2-3 mm3 fragments of SMG subcutaneously in the back of the same donor adult male rat resulted in initial necrosis and mononuclear cell infiltration of the autograft. Then there was epithelial proliferation with the appearance within 28 days of lobules which contained numerous duct-like structures and only a few or no acini. In contrast, implanting SMG fragments in the anatomical bed of the donor gland resulted in the appearance of a more differentiated autograft. Although the initial tissue changes were similar to those seen in the autografts in the subcutaneous tissues of the back, the SMG autograft in the neck also contained numerous acini by 42 and 56 days after implantation. These data support the view that the implantation site influences the course of cytodifferentiation in SMG autografts.  相似文献   

The sublingual gland of the cat consists primarily of branched secretory tubules that open into an abbreviated duct system. The simple epithelium that composes the secretory tubules consists of an admixture of mucous and serous cells, with the former predominating. Some secretory tubules are capped by a serous demilune. Regardless of position, almost all serous cells have prominent basal folds and border on at least one intercellular canaliculus as well as on the tubule lumen. Serous cells possess an extensive array of irregular, distended cisternae of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum that frequently contain dense intracisternal granules. Serous granules are relatively few in number and rarely show evidence of substructure. Mucous cells, which lack basal folds, contain an apical mass of secretory material in the form of partially fused droplets. The duct system is somewhat less ordered than in most major salivary glands; secretory tubules empty into structures resembling intercalated ducts or may be in direct continuity with ducts intermediate in morphology between intercalated and excretory ducts. The absence of striated ducts noted in this study may be correlated with the high sodium content of cat sublingual saliva. The main excretory duct of the sublingual gland closely resembles that of the cat submandibular gland in terms of morphology, but exhibits little of the transport functions reported in the latter duct.  相似文献   

AIMS: Irradiation-induced sialadenitis is a significant cause of morbidity in head and neck cancer patients receiving radiotherapy. Neither the exact aetiopathology of chronic irradiation-induced sialadenitis nor the mechanisms leading to atrophy of the glandular cells associated with an increase in extracellular matrix are understood. The aim of our study was to determine the phenotype of the inflammatory infiltrate and to study its distribution in the affected submandibular glands. METHODS AND RESULTS: Paraffin-embedded submandibular glands from a homogeneous group of 19 patients with advanced oropharyngeal cancer who received conventional radiotherapy to the primary site and upper neck were analysed. In all patients the radiation dose and field were approximately equal. The submandibular glands were obtained during neck dissection. To characterize the lymphoid infiltrate, all tissue sections were immunostained for T cells (CD3, CD4, CD8), cytotoxic T cells (granzyme B), B cells (CD20), and macrophages (Ki-M1p). A histopathological classification into four grades was established based on the degree of glandular atrophy, fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration. Phenotypic analysis of submandibular gland sections revealed that the great majority of lymphocytic infiltrates were cytotoxic T cells associated with acinar cell destruction. CONCLUSIONS: The significantly elevated frequencies of cytotoxic cells in the submandibular glands of patients with irradiation-induced sialadenitis suggest that cell-mediated immune mechanisms may play a part in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

Summary In human submandibular glands, two types of myoepithelial cells can be distinguished in serial, ultrathin sections. The dark myoepithelial cell type was stellate in shape and exhibited a pronouneced electron density due to numerous myofilaments with focal densities. Dark cell types accounted for the greater part (76%) of the myoepithelial cells and furthermore showed adenosine triphosphatase activity. This type of myoepithelial cell is considered to be that previously observed in mammalian salivary glands. Occasionally, desmosomes could be found between the processes of adjacent dark myoepithelial cell types, which is appropriate with respect to the strong compression of acinar or intercalated duct cells. The light myoepithelial cell type was large and ellipsoid with a few short-thick processes, and was characterized by an electron lucent cytoplasm which included scant and unevenly distributed myofilaments. Light cell types showed positive adenosine triphosphatase activity and accounted for only a small part (17%) of the myoepithelial cell number. Transitional forms between these two types were also observed. The light myoepithelial cell type may mature into the dark myoepithelial cell type by means of the transitional form. In addition, clear cells were sometimes encountered between the myoepithelial cell and the acinar or intercalated duct cells.  相似文献   

Metastasis of uterine leiomyosarcoma to the salivary glands is exceedingly rare. In this report, we present the clinicopathologic features of one such case. The patient was diagnosed with uterine leiomyosarcoma at age 58 years and was treated by hysterectomy only. The tumor was confined to the uterine body. The patient remained free of disease for 4 years and then developed a left submandibular mass. Imaging studies also showed lung involvement but no tumor in the abdomen or pelvis. The submandibular mass was resected; it had histologic and immunohistochemical features similar to those seen in the previous uterine leiomyosarcoma. After 7 months of follow-up, the patient is alive with disease, with progression of disease in the lungs despite receiving chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Kidneys from six male New Zealand white rabbits were fixed by perfusion, and the interstitium of all zones was studied by light and electron microscopy. The volume and amount of the basic components varied not only between cortex and medulla, but within each zone itself. Two main cell types were found in the cortical interstitium, the first appeared to be morphologically identical with a fibroblast, although it contained frequent surface depressions. The second cell type was of the mononuclear series, the most frequent of which was characterized by abundant free ribosomes and was frequently wrapped by processes of fibroblasts. Although collagenous fibrils, basement membrane-like material, and flocculent electron-dense material have previously been described in the interstitium of other animal species, this paper describes the presence and distribution of microfibrils approximately 150 Å in diameter with electron-lucent cores throughout the entire kidney interstitium and discusses the distribution of globular deposits which may represent glycosaminoglycans in the various zones of the kidney.  相似文献   

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