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BACKGROUND Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct(IPNB) is pathologically similar to intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm(IPMN). However, there are several significant differences between them. The rate of IPMN associated with extrapancreatic malignancies has been reported to range from 10%-40%, and it may occasionally be complicated with the presence of fistulas. IPMN associated with malignant IPNB is extremely rare and only nine cases have been reported in the literature.CASE SUMMARY We report a 52-year-old man who presented with recurrent cholangitis for nine months. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography showed the common bile duct stricture with dilated pancreatobiliary duct without other abnormal findings. The underlying pathogenesis could not be identified based on the radiologic images. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography revealed a pancreatobiliary fistula with dilated main pancreatic duct, biliary stricture with dilated biliary tree, and mucus discharge from the enlarged orifice of the major papilla. The patient underwent SpyGlass cholangiopancreatoscopy due to a suspected mucin-producing biliary neoplasm and indeterminate main pancreatic duct dilatation. Multiple papillary growing neoplasms with vascular images, with the extent of lesions spreading in the biliopancreatic ductal lumens, were identified by SpyGlass. In addition, the presence of a pancreatobiliary fistula was also identified. The patient was diagnosed as having benign IPMN and malignant IPNB with focal invasion by postoperative pathology. Furthermore, varying histological subtypes were present in both IPMN and IPNB. Pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed on the patient with excellent results during the 52 month followup period.CONCLUSION We deemed that pancreatography and SpyGlass allowed for an efficient diagnosis of IPMN with pancreatobiliary fistula, whereas the etiology could not be identified by radiologic imaging.  相似文献   

病人在医院接受治疗时,往往在需要暴露局部治疗部位时,必需脱去整件衣、裤,由于春季、秋季、冬季室内温度低于体温,使病人易着凉、感冒,诱发其他并发症等,引起身体的不适.局部肿瘤放疗病人,指导放疗病人和家属将放疗局部的内衣剪开,露出局部皮肤进行治疗,这样不影响治疗,还可保暖,但这一方法还有待改进.另外住院病人的病号服颜色单调,款式单一,功能缺乏,根本不能满足住院病人的身心及治疗的需要.因此,近几年,通过大量的研究和临床实践,设计出多功能病号服,获国家实用型专利.现将其介绍如下.  相似文献   

王玉玲  壬玉杰  高钿 《护理研究》2008,22(20):1837-1838
[目的]探讨游泳对新生儿毒性红斑的治疗作用.[方法]将192例发生毒性红斑的新生儿随机分为观察组和对照组,各96例.两组新生儿每日常规用38℃~40℃温水沐浴1次,洗浴后用干净毛巾擦干,用75%乙醇消毒脐部,适当包裹.观察纽除此之外从发生毒性红斑第1天起由具有水疗资格的护士帮助新生儿游泳,严格控制室温在26℃~28℃,水温在37℃~38℃,在喂奶1h后进行,每天2次,每次10 min~15 rain.[结果]观察组新生儿毒性红斑消退明显早于对照组,脓疱疮发生率低于对照组.[结论]游泳可促进新生儿毒性红斑的消退.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Loss of graft function after liver transplantation(LT) inevitably requires liver retransplant. Retransplantation of the liver(Re LT) remains controversial because of inferior outcomes compared with the primary orthotopic LT(OLT).Meanwhile, if accompanied by vascular complications such as arterial and portal vein(PV) stenosis or thrombosis, it will increase difficulties of surgery. We hereby introduce our center’s experience in Re LT through a complicated case of ReLT.CASE SUMMARY We report a patient who suffered from hepatitis B-associated cirrhosis and underwent LT in December 2012. Early postoperative recovery was uneventful.Four months after LT, the patient’s bilirubin increased significantly and he was diagnosed with an ischemic-type biliary lesion caused by hepatic artery occlusion. The patient underwent percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage and repeatedly replaced intrahepatic biliary drainage tube regularly for 5 years.The patient developed progressive deterioration of liver function and underwent liver re-transplant in January 2019. The operation was performed in a classic OLT manner without venous bypass. Both the hepatic artery and PV were occluded and could not be used for anastomosis. The donor PV was anastomosed with the recipient’s left renal vein. The donor hepatic artery was connected to the recipient’s abdominal aorta. The bile duct reconstruction was performed in an end-to-end manner. The postoperative process was very uneventful and the patient was discharged 1 mo after retransplantation.CONCLUSION With the development of surgical techniques, portal thrombosis and arterial occlusion are no longer contraindications for ReLT.  相似文献   

The current corona virus disease 2019 outbreak caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 started in Wuhan,China in December 2019 and has put the world on alert.To safeguard Chinese citizens and to strengthen global health security,China has made great efforts to control the epidemic.Many in the global community have joined China to limit the epidemic.However,discrimination and prejudice driven by fear or misinformation have been flowing globally,superseding evidence and jeopardizing the anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 efforts.We analyze this phenomenon and its underlying causes and suggest practical solutions.  相似文献   

梁云连  王涵  朱玲伟  邱静洁  梁海燕 《护理研究》2008,22(20):1864-1864
我院为一家拥有800张床位的综合性医院,年手术量1万多例,有一个现代化的供应室,由于手术器械从手术室到供应室环节多,很容易出现手术器械丢失或无菌手术器械不能及时供应而延误手术的现象.为达到资源共享,我院于2003年6月实行手术室与供应室一体化运作,经过4年尝试,在工作中不断总结经验,形成了一定的管理模式,取得满意结果.  相似文献   

卢玉文  丁颖  张利  姜忠翠 《护理研究》2008,22(20):1803-1803
眼科工作中给病人点眼药是主要治疗方法之一,一般是多种眼药水放在一个药盘或药框中,眼药水品种繁多,且眼药水瓶东倒西歪摆放没有规律,甚至会出现作用相反的眼药水(膏)拿错的现象,如缩瞳类和散瞳类就是两个作用完全相反的眼药.因此,使用时往往需要仔细寻找或凭经验才能快速找到所需的眼药,如果使用不当就会给病人造成严重的后果.为减少不良后果的发生,在临床实践中,我们制作了一种简易、方便使用的点眼药盘.现介绍如下.  相似文献   

张娜 《护理研究》2008,22(2):180
脐尿管瘘是一种膀胱畸形疾病,男性多见.临床表现为脐部漏尿,漏尿程度视瘘管的大小而定,脐部漏口为皮肤或黏膜所覆盖.静脉注射靛胭脂或从尿道导管将亚甲蓝注入膀胱,可见染色尿液自脐部漏出,故可诊断[1].  相似文献   

对自由基和抗氧化剂的基本知识,自由基在ICU常见疾病发生发展中的作用以及抗氧剂的临床应用四方面内容进行综述,提示了ICU护士了解这四方面内容是临床实践的组成部分.  相似文献   

1病例介绍患者女,67岁。因"发热半个月,黑便1d"于2006年6月9日入院。患者半个月前起发热,多次测得体温≥39.0℃,无寒战,无咳嗽、咳痰,无腹痛、腹泻,无尿急、尿痛,无腰痛、咽痛,当地医院予抗生素、激素治疗体温反复,昨日起解黑便,共2次,伴头晕,晕厥1次,无呕血,为进一步诊治转入本院。既往类风湿关节炎  相似文献   

This is a new method for the determination of creatine kinase isoenzyme MB activity in serum. The method uses direct activity measurement of creatine kinase B subunit activity after blocking of CK-M subunit activity by inhibiting antibodies. The test takes no longer than 15 min. The method yields an intra-serial C.V. of 2.0-12.9%, and a C.V. from day to day of 5.5%. The detection limit is 3.4 U/l creatine kinase MB. In the 95 cases with proven myocardial infarction several types of creatine kinase MB activity kinetics could be determined. The percentage of creatine kinase MB of peak CK-total is 6-25%, with a mean of 11.1%. The amount of creatine kinase MB with respect to total CK activity after reinfarction is higher than the amount after initial infarction.  相似文献   

目的 探讨俯卧位通气对高海拔地区肺复张术(RM)治疗无效急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者的治疗作用.方法 从海拔2260m的地区医院筛选RM治疗无效的41例ARDS患者[平均氧合指数( PaO2/FiO2)较RM前升高<20%视为RM无效],依不同病因分为肺内源性ARDS组(ARDSp组)和肺外源性ARDS组(ARDSexp组),每组再按信封法随机分为俯卧位组和仰卧位组,即ARDSp俯卧位组(11例)、ARDSp仰卧位组(9例)、ARDSexp俯卧位组(10例)、ARDSexp仰卧位组(11例).在通气前及通气1、2、3、4h监测动脉血氧分压( PaO2)、PaO2/FiO2、静态顺应性(Cst)、气道阻力(Raw)的变化.结果 通气lh时,ARDSexp俯卧位组PaO2/FiO2( mm Hg,l mm Hg=0.133 kPa)即较通气前显著升高(157.4±40.6比129.3±48.7,P<0.05),并随通气时间延长呈持续增高趋势,4h达峰值(219.1 ±41.1);且ARDSexp俯卧位组通气3h内PaO2/FiO2较其他3组显著增高,另3组间则差异无统计学意义.ARDSp俯卧位组、ARDSexp俯卧位组通气4h时PaO2/FiO2均较相应仰卧位组显著增高(208.8±39.7比127.4±47.1,219.1±41.1比124.9±50.8,均P<0.05).4组通气前后Cst无显著改变,各组间差异也无统计学意义.ARDSp俯卧位组通气4h时Raw(cmH2O·L-1·s-1)较通气前显著降低(6.8±1.7比10.7±1.8,P<0.05),且明显低于其他3组;其他3组各时间点Raw组内及组间比较差异均无统计学意义.结论 俯卧位通气作为ARDS机械通气重要策略之一,可以改善RM无效高原ARDS患者的氧合,为抢救患者赢得宝贵的时间.  相似文献   

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in the USA operates a network of 172 medical centres which all utilize a hospital information system (HIS) which has been developed and is currently maintained by the VA. During the past several years, an image management and communication module has been developed, installed and clinically utilized at the Washington DC and Maryland VA Medical Centres. This image management and communication system, referred to as the decentralized hospital computer program (DHCP) imaging system, is fully integrated with a commercial picture archiving and communication system (PACS). The system is utilized to capture, archive, and display all images generated within the hospital including radiology, nuclear medicine, pathology, endoscopy, bronchoscopy, and dermatology, intraoperative photographs, ECG data, and a limited number of paper documents. The ultimate goal of the project is to have all patient text and image data available at any clinical workstation to any authorized user anywhere within the network of medical centres. Clinical requirements for an imaging workstation include ease of use, rapid and reliable access to the complete set of patient information, and images which are of acceptable quality to meet the requirements of the user and the subspecialty. Patient confidentiality and data security must be safeguarded at all times. Integration of the images with the remainder of the patient's database was found to be critical to the success of the project. The experience at the Washington and Maryland facilities suggests that an imaging system that is successfully integrated with a hospital information system can provide substantial clinical and economic benefits both within and among medical centres. Clinical acceptance and utilization of the system has been excellent, particularly in diagnostic radiology where DHCP Imaging has been interfaced to a commercial PAC system. Based upon this initial experience, the VA has begun to deploy the system throughout its large network of medical centres.  相似文献   

Myocardial elastography is a novel method for noninvasively assessing regional myocardial function, with the advantages of high spatial and temporal resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In this paper, in-vivo experiments were performed in anesthetized normal and infarcted mice (one day after left anterior descending coronary artery [LAD] ligation) using a high-resolution (30 MHz) ultrasound system (Vevo 770, VisualSonics Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada). Radiofrequency (RF) signals of the left ventricle (LV) in longitudinal (long-axis) view and the associated electrocardiogram (ECG) were simultaneously acquired. Using a retrospective ECG gating technique, 2-D full field-of-view RF frames were acquired at an extremely high frame rate (8 kHz) that resulted in high-quality incremental displacement and strain estimation of the myocardium. The incremental results were further accumulated to obtain the cumulative displacements and strains. Two-dimensional and M-mode displacement images and strain images (elastograms), as well as displacement and strain profiles as a function of time, were compared between normal and infarcted mice. Incremental results clearly depicted cardiac events including LV contraction, LV relaxation and isovolumetric phases in both normal and infarcted mice, and also evidently indicated reduced motion and deformation in the infarcted myocardium. The elastograms indicated that the infarcted regions underwent thinning during systole rather than thickening, as in the normal case. The cumulative elastograms were found to have higher elastographic SNR (SNR(e)) than the incremental elastograms (e.g., 10.6 vs. 4.7 in a normal myocardium, and 6.0 vs. 2.4 in an infarcted myocardium). Finally, preliminary statistical results from nine normal (m = 9) and seven infarcted (n = 7) mice indicated the capability of the cumulative strain in differentiating infracted from normal myocardia. In conclusion, myocardial elastography could provide regional strain information at simultaneously high temporal (>/=0.125 ms) and spatial ( approximately 55 microm) resolution as well as high precision ( approximately 0.05 microm displacement). This technique was thus capable of accurately characterizing normal myocardial function throughout an entire cardiac cycle, at the same high resolution, and detecting and localizing myocardial infarction in vivo.  相似文献   

Morphine, the most widely used mu-opioid analgesic for acute and chronic pain, is the standard against which new analgesics are measured. A thorough understanding of the pharmacokinetics of morphine is required in order to safely and effectively use this analgesic in a wide variety of patients with different levels of organ function. A MEDLINE search was conducted to identify literature published between 1966 and January 2002 relevant to the pharmacokinetics of morphine. These publications were reviewed and the literature summarized regarding unique and clinically important elements of morphine disposition relative to its parenteral administration (including intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, epidural and intrathecal administration), absorption profile (immediate release, controlled release, and sublingual/buccal, and rectal administration), distribution, and its metabolism/ excretion. Special populations, including infants, elderly, and those with renal/liver failure, have a unique morphine pharmacokinetic profile that must be taken into account in order to maximize analgesic efficacy and reduce the risk of adverse events.  相似文献   


The Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews is published quarterly. Issue 4 for 2009 contains 4027 complete reviews, 1906 protocols for reviews in production, and 11447 one-page summaries of systematic reviews published in the general medical literature. In addition, there are citations of 600,000 randomized controlled trials, and 12,200 cited papers in the Cochrane methodology register. The health technology assessment database contains over 7500 citations. This edition of the Library contains 90 new reviews, of which 19 have potential relevance for practitioners in pain and palliative medicine.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of virulence and antimicrobial resistance profiles were determined for Shigella species isolated from children with diarrhea in Fortaleza, Brazil. Fecal specimens were collected along with socioeconomic and clinical data from children with moderate to severe diarrhea requiring emergency care. Shigella spp. were isolated by standard microbiological techniques, and we developed 4 multiplex polymerase chain reaction assays to detect 16 virulence-related genes (VRGs). Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were performed using disk diffusion assays. S. flexneri and S. sonnei were the predominant serogroups. S. flexneri was associated with low monthly incomes; more severe disease; higher number of VRGs; and presence of pic, set, and sepA genes. The SepA gene was associated with more intense abdominal pain. S. flexneri was correlated with resistance to ampicillin and chloramphenicol, whereas S. sonnei was associated with resistance to azithromycin. Strains harboring higher numbers of VRGs were associated with resistance to more antimicrobials. We highlight the correlation between presence of S. flexneri and sepA, and increased virulence and suggest a link to socioeconomic change in northeastern Brazil. Additionally, antimicrobial resistance was associated with serogroup specificity in Shigella spp. and increased bacterial VRGs.  相似文献   

目的研究护理干预对面部中重度寻常型痤疮的临床疗效影响。方法选取本院在2014年4月~2016年7月诊治的136例面部中重度寻常型痤疮患者,随机分为研究组与对照组,每组68例;所有患者均依据其情况给予对应的治疗,其中对照组在治疗期间给予常规护理,研究组在对照组的基础上再给予综合性护理干预,比较两组的治疗效果及护理满意度情况等。结果患者在接受治疗和护理后,研究组中度与重度患者的治疗效果较对照组均明显提高(P0.05),研究组护理满意度较对照组明显增高(P0.05)。结论对面部中重度寻常型痤疮患者在其治疗期间给予综合性护理干预,具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

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