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Six dryland pastures were established at Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand, in February 2002. Production and persistence of cocksfoot pastures established with subterranean, balansa, white or Caucasian clovers, and a perennial ryegrass‐white clover control and a lucerne monoculture were monitored for nine years. Total annual dry‐matter (10.0–18·5 t DM ha?1) and sown legume yields from the lucerne monoculture exceeded those from the grass‐based pastures in all but one year. The lowest lucerne yield (10 t ha?1 yr?1) occurred in Year 4, when spring snow caused ungrazed lucerne to lodge and senesce. Cocksfoot with subterranean clover was the most productive grass‐based pasture. Yields were 8·7–13·0 t DM ha?1 annually. Subterranean clover yields were 2·4–3·7 t ha?1 in six of the nine years which represented 26–32% of total annual production. In all cocksfoot‐based pastures, the contribution of sown pasture components decreased at a rate equivalent to 3·3 ± 0·05% per year (R= 0·83) and sown components accounted for 65% of total yield in Year 9. In contrast, sown components represented only 13% of total yield in the ryegrass‐white clover pastures in Year 9, and their contribution declined at 10·1 ± 0·9% per year (R= 0·94). By Year 9, 79% of the 6.6 t ha?1 produced from the ryegrass‐white clover pasture was from unsown species and 7% was dead material. For maximum production and persistence, dryland farmers on 450–780 mm yr?1 rainfall should grow lucerne or cocksfoot‐subterranean clover pastures in preference to ryegrass and white clover. Inclusion of white clover as a secondary legume component to sub clover would offer opportunities to respond to unpredictable summer rainfall after sub clover has set seed.  相似文献   

Grass–legume mixtures have proven successful at improving the sustainability of grasslands. Their ability to suppress unsown species is particularly important for sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), a forage crop with valuable bioactive compounds, yet low competitiveness. In this 3‐year study, the suitability of six partner species cultivated in mixtures with sainfoin at different annual numbers of cuts and partner sowing densities were evaluated. Mixture yields outperformed average monoculture yields by 31%, reduced the ratio of unsown species by 65% and increased the symbiotic N2 fixation up to 158 kg ha?1. A key finding of the study was the highly differential patterns of development of the partner grass species over the 3 years. These patterns of development had a large effect on the persistency of the proportion of sainfoin in the mixtures, which varied in the third year between 17% (when grown with Dactylis glomerata) and 38% (with Lolium perenne). These findings contribute to the further development of sustainable grass–legume systems, as evidence for the successful cultivation of sainfoin as an alternative legume species can help diversification, and knowledge of mixture development supports more persistent legume proportions.  相似文献   

Summary Different amounts ofRhizoctonia solani inoculum were applied to sprouted and non-sprouted seed tubers cultivar Désirée during planting in field experiments at Rothamsted in 1984 and 1985. Severity of stem canker and stolon infection increased with increasing amounts of inoculum; with small or medium amounts these infections were most severe on plants from sprouted seed. In 1985 plants grown from non-sprouted, seed had most stem canker when large amounts of inoculum were applied. Severe infection following high inoculum levels delayed shoot emergence, increased the variability in stem height and decreased the mean height of stems and weight of foliage but did not affect the number of stems per plant or final plant populations. Tuber initiation was delayed and tuber numbers slightly decreased by severe infection and at harvest the size distribution of tubers was altered. Tuber yields from severely infected plants were decreased by 15% (sprouted seed) and 19% (non-sprouted seed) in 1984 and by 17 and 28% respectively in 1985.  相似文献   

Under Irish conditions, the digestibility in May of grass managed for silage production is sometimes lower than expected. In each of two successive years, replicate field plots were established to examine the effects of three defoliation heights (uncut or cut to a stubble height of 10 or 5 cm) applied in winter and/or spring on herbage yields harvested in May and again in July, and on chemical composition and conservation characteristics associated with first‐cut silage. Swards that were not defoliated in December or March had a dry‐matter (DM) yield and in vitro DM digestibility (DMD) in mid‐May of 6597 kg ha?1 and 736 g kg?1, respectively, in Year 1, and corresponding values of 7338 kg ha?1 and 771 g kg?1 in Year 2. Defoliating swards to 5 cm in December reduced (P < 0·001) May DM yields compared to swards that were not defoliated in both December and March, while herbage DMD in May increased (P < 0·001) when defoliated in December or March. There were no clear effects of defoliation height or its timing on herbage ensilability or resultant conservation efficiency characteristics. The effects of defoliation on July yield were the reverse of those observed for May, while the total yield of the December and March defoliations plus the two silage harvests increased as defoliation height was lowered in Year 2 only. It is concluded that defoliation in winter and/or spring can increase herbage digestibility but will likely reduce DM yields in May.  相似文献   

The objective of this study, which was part of a larger grazing‐systems experiment, was to investigate the cumulative impact of three levels of grazing intensity on sward production, utilization and structural characteristics. Pastures were grazed by rotational stocking with Holstein–Friesian dairy cows from 10 February to 18 November 2009. Target post‐grazing heights were 4·5 to 5 cm (high; H), 4 to 4·5 cm (intermediate; I) and 3·5 to 4 cm (low; L). Detailed sward measurement were undertaken on 0·08 of each farmlet area. There were no significant treatment differences in herbage accumulated or in herbage harvested [mean 11·3 and 11·2 t dry matter (DM) ha?1 respectively]. Above the 3·5 cm horizon, H, I and L swards had 0·56, 0·62 and 0·67 of DM as leaf and 0·30, 0·23 and 0·21 of DM as stem respectively. As grazing severity increased, tiller density of grass species other than perennial ryegrass (PRG) decreased (from 3,350 to 2,780 and to 1771 tillers m?2 for H, I and L paddocks respectively) and the rejected area decreased (from 0·27 to 0·20 and to 0·10 for H, I and L paddocks respectively). These results indicate the importance of grazing management practice on sward structure and quality and endorse the concept of increased grazing severity as a strategy to maintain high‐quality grass throughout the grazing season. The findings are presented in the context of the need for intensive dairy production systems to provide greater quantities of high‐quality pasture over an extended grazing season, in response to policy changes with the abolition of EU milk quotas.  相似文献   

In the UK, upland hay meadows (Anthoxanthum odoratum–Geranium sylvaticum grassland) with high plant biodiversity are rare and confined to submontane areas of northern England. We report results from a 5‐year experiment to test suggestions that recent biodiversity declines were attributable to increased sheep‐stocking density and a longer spring stocking period, thus delaying the shut up date for the growth of the hay crop. Longer stocking periods and higher stocking densities decreased the forage mass at 8 July, but they increased herbage N content and digestibility, reduced plant species diversity and reduced populations and seed production of Rhinanthus minor. Compared with unstocked swards, the similarity of the vegetation to Anthoxanthum odoratum–Geranium sylvaticum grassland was reduced by 16·9% when stocking with sheep continued until 27 May each year, and by 8·3% when sward heights were maintained at 3 cm compared with 5 cm. Increased mean sward height and height of R. minor were positively correlated with accumulated temperatures. Results support suggestions that recent reductions in the nature value of these grasslands might be a consequence of high stocking densities persisting until later in the spring, carried out during a 1‐year period with warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

Annually sown cool-season small-grain cereal species can provide a valuable source of cool-season herbage for livestock in the southern Great Plains of the USA but limited access to field equipment for cultivation and sowing is an obstacle to their use. Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) (IRG) can persist through self-seeding and may offer an alternative source of cool-season herbage. The effects of cutting dates in mid-April, early May or mid- to late May following sowing in the previous September, and of removing 0·57, 0·73 or 1·00 of the herbage mass at this time, on subsequent seed deposition, seedling re-establishment and herbage production of IRG were measured. Later cutting dates reduced seed production, seed deposition, 1000-seed weight and eventual re-establishment of IRG seedlings. Removing different proportions of the herbage mass did not compensate for reduced seed deposition arising from later cutting dates. Numbers of seed heads and seed required to achieve a self-seeded target population of 500 established seedlings m−2 ranged from 885 to 5650 seed heads m−2 and 3360 to 5850 deposited viable seeds m−2. Re-establishment of IRG through self-seeding showed a failure rate of 0·43 indicating that self-seeded IRG will need periodic resowing. Any economic benefit derived from self-seeded IRG will depend heavily on the success of its rate of re-establishment.  相似文献   

The holoparasitic weed Orobanche cumana (sunflower broomrape) constrains sunflower (Helianthus annuus) production in many countries. The development of efficient control strategies requires an understanding of the processes underlying the complex environment–host–parasite interrelations. Growth and development of O. cumana and sunflower were quantified under field conditions in southeastern Romania. Sunflower hybrid Florom 350 was sown at two dates, in plots infested with 0, 50, 200 and 1600 viable O. cumana seeds kg−1 dry soil, under low-input (rainfed, low nitrogen supply) and high-input (irrigated, high nitrogen supply) conditions. Sunflower shoot biomass reached peak values of 760–1287 g m−2 between the end of anthesis and physiological maturity. Seed yield varied from 221 to 446 g m−2. Sunflower biomass and yield were affected by all experimental factors. Seed yield responded positively to delaying sowing from early April to late May as well as to irrigation and fertilisation, and negatively to O. cumana infestation. Yield reductions, which were a product of reduced seed number and size, amounted to 13%, 25% and 37% at parasite seed densities of 50, 200 and 1600 viable seeds kg−1 soil, respectively. Maximum O. cumana attachment numbers, recorded in late-sown high-input crops in 2004, ranged from 11 m−2 in plots with 50 parasite seeds kg−1 soil to 188 m−2 with 1600 seeds kg−1 soil. Parasite attachment number was a function of crop sowing date, water and nutrient supply, seedbank density, and sunflower biomass and root length density, via mechanisms of parasite seed stimulation, host carrying capacity and intraspecific competition. Delayed sowing and improved water and nitrogen supply were associated with increases in parasite number that neutralised yield-boosting effects of irrigation and fertilisation at the highest infestation level. Sunflower shoot biomass was significantly reduced by O. cumana infection, with reductions affecting organs in the order head > stem > leaves. Most of the discrepancy between infected and non-infected plants was accounted for by O. cumana biomass. Parasites mainly acted as an extra sink for assimilates during sunflower generative growth and impaired host photosynthesis to a much lesser degree. Results suggest that similar mechanisms govern infection level and host–parasite biomass partitioning across different Orobanche–host systems.  相似文献   

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