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目的通过构建犬颈段气管缺损与重建的实验动物模型,寻找一种通过一期手术即能与自体气管完全愈合为一体的人工气管材料和手术方法。方法将8只犬一期手术切除3.5—4.0cm长的颈部气管,采用可以永久保留在体内的聚丙烯网状材料与颈前皮瓣联合行气管重建,术后初期管腔内置入z型金属覆膜气管支架,观察犬的生存期、生存质量,通过纤维气管镜、x线片及组织切片观察吻合口愈合情况及病理变化。结果8只犬中1只犬因继发呼吸衰竭于术后2d死亡,1只犬因吻合口感染术后10d死亡。存活的6只犬中除1只并发轻度气管狭窄,其余5只犬生活质量好,术后第2d即可正常饮水及进食,无呼吸困难等并发症。术后2、4、8周及6个月处死动物取出重建气管标本,见2周时有软组织长入聚丙烯网孔,使其硬度增加并具有一定的支撑度;4周时长入网孔的软组织增多;8周及6个月时软组织将聚丙烯网完全覆盖,并发生纤维化使网的支撑度明显增加。病理检查显示,术后2、4、8周时可见吻合口肉芽生长,术后6个月时肉芽组织较前缩小,皮瓣的鳞状上皮与黏膜的柱状上皮愈合良好。结论具有良好的组织相容性的聚丙烯网状材料与颈前皮瓣联合一期成形重建气管可与自体气管融为一体,成为自体气管的一部分,此种重建气管方法有望应用到临床。  相似文献   

目的探索形状记忆镍钛合金(shape-memory titanium-nickelalloy,SMA)支架与游离空肠联合修复6.0cm以上袖状气管缺损的新方法,初步评价游离空肠肠液分泌对实验犬呼吸系统的影响程度。方法建立犬游离空肠分泌模型,10只犬均分为A、B组,分别内置未覆膜和覆膜SMA内支架,研究观测去外源神经游离空肠的分泌情况。采用单独SMA裸支架置于游离空肠内(C组,6只杂种犬)和SMA硅胶管临时扩张支架内置、类“C”型支架外置于游离空肠浆膜面(D组,6只比格犬 6只杂种犬)两种方法进行长段(6.5cm)气管替代。术后分别于第7、15天和1、3、6、8个月,在麻醉下对实验犬行纤维支气管镜检查后,无痛处死2只犬并切取移植肠黏膜、吻合口组织进行光镜观察。结果两组去外源神经游离空肠肠腺分泌高峰期均位于术后7天内,7天以后肠腺分泌逐渐减少,2个月后分泌量趋于稳定。气管重建实验中,C组重建气管吻合口和中段黏膜均有肉芽组织增生,4只分别于术后7天-2个月死亡。D组除1只术后3个月因肠梗阻致死外,其余全部存活到预定观察期。两组中大部分实验犬(13/15)术后1~2个月胸部X线摄片有轻度肺炎,未发现因肠液分泌过量所致肺部感染致死者。结论采用SMA硅胶管临时扩张支架内置和类“C”型支架外置联合游离空肠移植重建长段气管,可一期解决重建气管的血管化、上皮覆盖和管腔通畅性三大难题,是比较理想和实用的长段气管替代实验方法,有进一步临床实验价值;游离空肠替代气管后,未发现因肠液分泌扰乱肺功能致死的情况。  相似文献   

目的 探索形状记忆镍钛合金(shape-memory titanium-nickel alloy,SMA)支架与游离空肠联合修复6.0 cm以上袖状气管缺损的新方法,初步评价游离空肠肠液分泌对实验犬呼吸系统的影响程度。方法 建立犬游离空肠分泌模型,10只犬均分为A、B组,分别内置未覆膜和覆膜SMA内支架,研究观测去外源神经游离空肠的分泌情况。采用单独SMA裸支架置于游离空肠内(C组,6只杂种犬)和SMA硅胶管临时扩张支架内置、类“C”型支架外置于游离空肠浆膜面(D组,6只比格犬 6只杂种犬)两种方法进行长段(6.5 cm)气管替代。术后分别于第7、15天和1、3、6、8个月,在麻醉下对实验犬行纤维支气管镜检查后,无痛处死2只犬并切取移植肠黏膜、吻合口组织进行光镜观察。结果 两组去外源神经游离空肠肠腺分泌高峰期均位于术后7天内,7天以后肠腺分泌逐渐减少,2个月后分泌量趋于稳定。气管重建实验中,C组重建气管吻合口和中段黏膜均有肉芽组织增生,4只分别于术后7天~2个月死亡。D组除1只术后3个月因肠梗阻致死外,其余全部存活到预定观察期。两组中大部分实验犬(13/15)术后1~2个月胸部X线摄片有轻度肺炎,未发现因肠液分泌过量所致肺部感染致死者。结论 采用SMA硅胶管临时扩张支架内置和类“C”型支架外置联合游离空肠移植重建长段气管,可一期解决重  相似文献   

碳-碳复合材料气管重建的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨碳纤维增强碳基体复合材料(以下简称碳-碳复合材料)气管假体用于气管环形缺损修复的可行性.方法 采用的实验动物为健康成年杂种犬8只.用于制作气管假体的碳-碳复合材料分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ两型,两者分别采用了不同的碳纤维编织方法.采用Ⅰ型或Ⅱ型碳-碳复合材料制备的气管假体各用于4只犬,切除犬颈段第2气管环下4个气管环长度的气管段,将长2 cm的管型假体分别与远近两个气管残端妥善吻合固定,其中采用对端吻合的1只,外套式吻合3只,内嵌式吻合4只.术后对犬的呼吸、进食及有无感染等状况进行观察.4个月后处死存活的实验动物,取出植入的碳-碳复合材料气管假体及其周围组织,进行组织病理学和扫描电镜检查.结果 所有犬术后均有不同程度的咳喘症状,多持续1~4周便逐渐消失,2只外套式吻合犬有不同程度的进食障碍.最早采用对端吻合手术方式的1只实验犬因吻合部位断裂死于术后第3周;采用外套吻合方式的3只实验犬中2只因肉芽组织增生严重而窒息,分别死于第11、12周.1只外套式吻合与4只内嵌式吻合实验犬均正常存活,植入的气管假体4个月内位置无明显改变.假体为纤维结缔组织所包裹,Ⅰ型碳-碳复合材料气管假体与自身组织结合疏松;而Ⅱ型碳-碳复合材料气管假体与组织结合相对紧密,扫描电镜可见假体与组织间有纤维组织连接.假体内腔大部分腔面未见有上皮覆盖,仅假体两端可见有少量纤维组织长人,组织病理学检查示存在少量纤毛上皮.结论 通过正确的手术吻合方法,碳-碳复合材料气管假体能够维持实验动物的呼吸道通气功能,吻合部位的肉芽组织增生和气管假体内腔上皮化等问题有待于进一步解决.  相似文献   

带孔钛环外支撑游离皮片重建气管缺损的动物实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨带孔钛环外支撑游离皮片重建颈段气管缺损的可行性.方法 12只成年杂种犬随机均分为两组.实验组切除颈段气管前壁、侧壁约2/3周径,长约25 mm(4个气管环),制作人工气管缺损模型,取腹部全厚游离皮片修复气管缺损,皮片外部由带孔钛环悬吊支撑.对照组手术模型及缺损修复与实验组相同,但未放置钛环.术后1个月及6个月行X线及纤维支气管镜检查,观察钛环固定情况及管腔情况.术后6个月处死动物,病理检查移植物组织学变化.结果 实验组动物1只术后第5天出现伤口感染裂开,皮片坏死,钛环脱落排出,予以处死;其余5只存活,无呼吸困难;X线摄片示气管腔通畅,钛环固定良好,无移位、变形;纤维支气管镜检查见管腔通畅,管壁光滑,未见狭窄、挛缩及坏死,其中1只在远心端吻合口有少量肉芽,不影响呼吸.存活动物术后6个月处死后病理检查示移植皮片表面大部分覆盖假复层柱状上皮,但上皮覆盖不连续;未见到毛囊,毛发等皮肤附件结构.3只对照组动物术后24 h内死于窒息,尸检发现管腔塌陷皮片水肿;另外3只术后出现不同程度的呼吸困难,最长存活16 d,术后14 d纤维支气管镜检查示管腔塌陷狭窄.结论 带孔钛环可重建气管支架,游离皮片可作为气管黏膜替代物,是气管重建的简便方法之一.  相似文献   

目的:通过建立部分去除黏膜层的带蒂游离空肠段重建6.5cm袖状气管缺损动物模型,研究部分去黏膜空肠重建气管后空肠黏膜层的组织学变化。方法:比革犬8只,在制作好带蒂部分去黏膜游离空肠段后,肠腔内放置硅胶管内支架,空肠外面放置形状记忆镍钛合金外支架,切除犬的6.5cm长袖状气管后,将肠系膜动静脉分别与右侧颈总动脉、颈内静脉相吻合,重建气管缺损。术后分别于1、2、3、4个月各处死2只犬,于吻合口和移植空肠肠腔中部取活检,标本行光镜及电镜观察。结果:8只犬术后全部生存到预期时间,移植游离空肠全部成活。组织学观察术后1个月时空肠段重建气管的上皮层大量缩短的小肠绒毛,绒毛间有大量的纤维素性渗出和炎性细胞。术后2个月时小肠的绒毛明显稀疏减少、长度明显缩短,腺体萎缩,腺腔缩小,肠黏膜上皮层明显变薄。术后3个月时移植空肠腔上皮基本化生为鳞状上皮,4个月时移植空肠内腔部分鳞状上皮化生为假复层纤毛柱状上皮。结论:部分去黏膜游离空肠重建长段气管后可以加速肠腔黏膜层的萎缩及化生过程,3个月可见肠腔黏膜层化生为鳞状上皮、4个月时有部分鳞状上皮化生为假复层纤毛柱状上皮。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同手术方法修复重建下咽颈食管环周缺损的适应证,对不同方法的优缺点进行比较。方法对1993年6月至2006年6月期间收治的72例下咽颈食管区肿瘤进行手术切除,并根据肿瘤切除术后缺损的范围,采用胸大肌肌皮瓣、喉管、游离空肠、游离前臂皮瓣和胃上提咽胃吻合5种方法对肿瘤切除术后所致的下咽颈食管环周缺损进行一期修复重建,并重点对所有患者术后的吞咽功能恢复情况进行观察和客观评估。结果胸大肌肌皮瓣修复重建31例,喉管代下咽颈食管8例,游离空肠移植12例,游离前臂皮瓣移植4例,胃上提咽胃吻合术17例。其中15例患者出现了不同程度的并发症,包括创口感染、咽漏、皮瓣部分坏死、胃壁部分坏死和食管吻合口狭窄等,除1例死亡外,其他患者经处理全部治愈。本组患者术后吞咽功能恢复满意,除2例食管吻合口狭窄患者可以进半流食外,其余患者均恢复了正常的进食功能。平均随访时间为1.6年,术后2年生存率为45.3%。结论下咽颈段食管癌切除术后所致的环周缺损可依据缺损的范围和患者的情况选择不同的修复方法,只要适应证掌握得当均可获得满意的修复重建效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨带孔钛环外支撑游离皮片重建颈段气管缺损的可行性。方法12只成年杂种犬随机均分为两组。实验组切除颈段气管前壁、侧壁约2/3周径,长约25mm(4个气管环),制作人工气管缺损模型,取腹部全厚游离皮片修复气管缺损,皮片外部由带孔钛环悬吊支撑。对照组手术模型及缺损修复与实验组相同,但未放置钛环。术后1个月及6个月行X线及纤维支气管镜检查,观察钛环固定情况及管腔情况。术后6个月处死动物,病理检查移植物组织学变化。结果实验组动物1只术后第5天出现伤口感染裂开,皮片坏死,钛环脱落排出,予以处死;其余5只存活,无呼吸困难;X线摄片示气管腔通畅,钛环固定良好,无移位、变形;纤维支气管镜检查见管腔通畅,管壁光滑,未见狭窄、挛缩及坏死,其中1只在远心端吻合口有少量肉芽,不影响呼吸。存活动物术后6个月处死后病理检查示移植皮片表面大部分覆盖假复层柱状上皮,但上皮覆盖不连续;未见到毛囊,毛发等皮肤附件结构。3只对照组动物术后24h内死于窒息,尸检发现管腔塌陷皮片水肿;另外3只术后出现不同程度的呼吸困难,最长存活16d,术后14d纤维支气管镜检查示管腔塌陷狭窄。结论带孔钛环可重建气管支架,游离皮片可作为气管黏膜替代物,是气管重建的简便方法之一。  相似文献   

游离空肠移植重建颈段食管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告2例下咽、喉及颈段食管瘟病人,手术切除后以游离空肠和吻合血管技术重建颈段食管的结果。2例术后一期愈合,完全恢复吞咽功能。其中1例术后8年健在,1例术后二个月死于心肌梗塞,认为游离空肠是重建颈段食管的鞍理想的移植材料。  相似文献   

目的 通过建立去部分黏膜游离空肠重建气管缺损动物模型,研究去部分黏膜游离空肠修复缺损后的组织学变化,为应用于临床提供实验依据。方法 选用通用标准实验动物Beagle犬6条,截取一段4cm长的空肠段,从气管3~10环切除管周1/3,形成约1.2cm×4.0cm气管壁缺损,将游离空肠的肠系膜动脉和右侧颈总动脉行端侧显微血管吻合,肠系膜静脉与右侧颈内静脉行端端吻合,将移植空肠与气管壁吻合。实验组去掉部分空肠黏膜,对照组不去除空肠黏膜。术后分别于第1、2、3、6个月四个时间点,于吻合口和移植空肠肠腔中部取活检,标本行光镜和电镜检查。结果 所有实验犬术中无死亡,创口I期愈合。移植游离空肠全部成活。实验组有1条Beagle犬在术后第2周因痰痂阻塞窒息而死,对照组有1条Beagle犬在术后第50天因造瘘口感染而死亡,其余Beagle犬均存活6个月以上。实验组术后2个月,移植空肠表面有鳞状上皮化生,未发现空肠腺体样结构;术后3个月时,移植空肠肠腔表面有假复层纤毛柱状上皮覆盖,黏膜层有淋巴细胞浸润,固有层有纤维组织。对照组术后3个月时,移植空肠肠腔表面出现非角化鳞状上皮覆盖;术后6个月,移植空肠表面均被假复层纤毛柱状上皮覆盖。结论 去部分黏膜游离空肠重建气管,能加速肠黏膜腺上皮萎缩,促进假复层纤毛柱状上皮覆盖,为应用于临床提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Canine model established for tracheal defect reconstruction, to investigate the outcome of tracheal reconstruction with combination of polypropynene and flap. METHODS: About 3.5 to 4 centimeter cervical trachea was resected and replaced with artificial trachea made from monofilament knitted polypropylene and surgical flap. Covered stent was implanted postoperatively. Survival period and quality of life were recorded, bronchofibroscopy, X-ray films and HE sections were perfomed. RESULTS: Six dogs survived well and another two died. The causes of death were respiratory failure in 1 and infection in another. Stenosis of anastomosis in 1 was recorded during survival period. The dogs started drinking and eating on the second postoperative day, no dyspnea was found. The animals were sacrificed at 2, 4, 8 weeks and 6 months after surgery. Soft tissue growth was found in polypropynene net 2 weeks after surgery and more at 4 weeks. The polypropynene net was covered completely with soft tissue at 8 weeks and 6 months postoperatively, the hardness and sustentation degree were enhanced following the growth and fibrosis of soft tissue. The squamous epithelium and columnar epithelium were observed healing well by HE staining method. CONCLUSIONS: One-stage operative artificial trachea made from monofilament knitted polypropylene which has good histocompatibility and surgical flap is the closer artificial trachea to native trachea. It has a promising prospect in clinical use.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the technical aspects of the canine model of human tracheal transplantation for potential application to reconstruction of extremely long tracheal defects (> 10 cm). DESIGN: In phase 1, long tracheal segments were skeletonized and pedicled with the thyroid glands, cranial thyroid arteries and veins, and internal jugular vein branches. The segments were elevated completely, attached to the vascular pedicle only, and replaced with primary tracheal anastomoses. In phase 2, long segments were elevated along with a diffuse soft tissue "blanket" that envelops the trachea and thyroid glands. Because this study was designed to primarily address, in situ, tracheal perfusion territories of a cranially located vascular pedicle, microvascular anastomoses were not conducted. SUBJECTS: Two small-bodied beagles (10-15 kg) and 5 large-bodied mixed-breed dogs (20-30 kg) were humanely killed 2 to 41 days after surgery, and anatomic and histological analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Unlike that of humans, the thyroid gland complex of dogs is not intimately associated with the trachea but is conjoined with a peritracheal soft tissue "fold." Within this fold, blood is transmitted to the trachea via a diffuse, segmental vascular plexus. In phase 1, pronounced tracheal necrosis occurred within 2 to 5 days. In phase 2, extremely long tracheal segments (10-12 cm), based only on a cranially located pedicle, were still viable at 2 to 6 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Preservation of the "peritracheal fold" in the dog model of tracheal transplantation is critical to the onset and maintenance of vascular perfusion in a long tracheal segment. Furthermore, the use of large-bodied dogs is necessary to provide for a usable venous efflux component.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study are to investigate the efficiency of a tissue engineering approach to partial tracheal reconstruction and to improve epithelialization of the reconstructed trachea. The trachea must be resected in some cases of cancer or trauma. Various restructuring techniques are used, with no consensus on the best approach. Two problems that arise when treating tracheal defects by conventional techniques are an inability to regenerate ciliated epithelium at the reconstructed site and having to perform multiple procedures to achieve the desired repair. This study is designed to address these problems. STUDY DESIGN: Preliminary, an animal experiment. METHODS: Surgery was performed on five adult beagles under anesthesia. After the making of a longitudinal cervical skin incision, the trachea was exposed and a circular defect created. A polypropylene and collagen scaffold preclotted with peripheral blood was inserted to the defect site. Postoperatively, the site was evaluated fiberscopically, histologically, and radiographically. RESULTS: All dogs did well postoperatively. Fiberscopic examination showed that the implanted scaffolds were completely covered with regenerated mucosa with capillaries in all cases. Histologic data showed ciliated epithelium regenerated at the operated site from 1 month postoperatively. Newly formed cartilage was detected in the specimens from 8 to 12 postoperative months. Computed tomography images revealed the fine luminal contour of the regenerated site. CONCLUSIONS: Good epithelial regeneration was observed after repair of a round tracheal resection using a simple tissue engineering technique, making the technique a good substitute for conventional approaches to tracheal reconstruction in patients with cancer or trauma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The ideal method, in reconstruction of circumferential tracheal defects more than 50% of the total tracheal length, is still a question. Current methods lack either in epithelial lining or in skeletal framework. In this study, we designed an axial biosynthetic prefabricated flap to reconstruct the circumferential tracheal defects in rabbits. METHODS: Ten rabbits are used. The inner mucosal lining is substituted by hairless epithelium obtained from proximal ear. The tracheal cartilage is substituted by polypropylene mesh and the tracheal adventitia is substituted by lateral thoracic fascia as a vascular supply. The study is designed in three stages. Stage 1: Hairless epithelial graft is obtained by secondary healing of a full thickness skin defect in ear. Stage 2: Epithelial graft, polypropylene mesh and lateral thoracic fascia are tubed around a silicone catheter. This structure is dissected through its pedicle (lateral thoracic vessels and fascia) to the axilla and mobilized. The prefabricated neotrachea is carried on its pedicle to the cervical area through a subcutaneous tunnel formed superficial to the sternum and left there for 2 weeks. Stage 3: The silicone catheter is taken out and prefabricated neotrachea is adapted to the defect formed in native trachea and anastomized. Later the animals are evaluated for 4 weeks. The patency of the lumen, the viability of the epithelial graft and fascia, airtightness of the anastomoses and other features of the reconstruction are evaluated by radiological, macroscopical and histological examinations. RESULTS: Survival at 4 weeks was 70%. All of the prefabricated neotracheas and epithelial grafts were viable. The rigidities, longitudinal elasticities, diameters and wall thickness were similar to native tracheas. Occlusion of lumen is encountered only in one animal. There was no hair growth from the epithelial lining. CONCLUSION: The study defines a new method of circular tracheal reconstruction with successful substitution of inner lining, skeletal framework and vascular supply.  相似文献   

Short-segment tracheal stenosis is often treated by segmental resection and end-to-end anastomosis. Longer-segment stenosis can sometimes be treated using dilation, laser therapy, bronchoscopic stent insertion and segmental resection and reconstruction. Long-segment restenosis with a buildup of scar tissue due to successful resection surgery in the past represents a particular therapeutic challenge and a sufficiently vascularized transplant may be the only option. We describe the case of a 37-year-old patient who underwent a tracheal reconstruction using a mucosa-lined radial forearm flap. Subsequent to a traumatic laryngotracheal fracture, long-term ventilation and multiple surgical interventions, the patient had developed a functionally relevant subglottic stenosis (5.5?cm). Following longitudinal anterior resection of the trachea 1?cm above and below the stenosis, a Dumon? stent was inserted. Simultaneously, a radial forearm fascia flap was harvested, as were two full-thickness buccal mucosa grafts, which were sutured onto the subcutaneous tissue and fascia of the forearm flap. Beginning caudally, the mucosa-lined flap was then sutured, air-tight, into the anterior tracheal defect with the mucosa facing the lumen. Finally, end-to-end anastomosis connected the blood vessels of the radial forearm flap to the recipient blood vessels in the neck. The patient was successfully extubated after 24?h and discharged after 5?days. A postoperative CT scan revealed optimal placement of the stent and the patient??s speech and breathing were sufficiently re-established. The stent was removed bronchoscopically 6?weeks after surgery. Examinations during the 6-month follow-up period showed that the diameter of the reconstructed airway was retained and the patient remained symptom-free.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of a tracheal defect is a challenge because it often requires invasive surgery associated with relatively high morbidity. We recently invented a less-invasive method using a modified infrahyoid myocutaneous (IHMC) flap for the reconstruction of a tracheal defect in an 83-year-old male. A tracheal defect, the right half of the cricoid cartilage plus the right three quarters of the I-IV tracheal cartilage (about 3 × 4 cm), was reconstructed with a modified IHMC flap composed of the sternohyoid and platysma muscles and a skin pedicle. Considering the age of patient, we avoided rigid reconstruction and used a soft silicone tracheal opening retainer (Koken Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) as an anterior wall dilator after surgery and waited for the scarring of the flap until it become rigid enough. The postoperative course was uneventful and the trachea was reconstructed safely. Tracheal reconstruction with an IHMC flap is a useful and less-invasive alternative compared to end-to-end anastomosis or reconstruction with a forearm flap, which is currently used as a mainstay.  相似文献   

目的总结甲状腺癌侵犯颈段气管的气管缺损修复经验,提高术中气管缺损修复的治疗效果。方法收集2011年8月—2019年2月诊治的32例甲状腺癌侵犯颈段气管患者资料,其中6例术中采用锐性削除受侵气管外壁,8例气管袖式切除+端端吻合,6例胸锁乳突肌锁骨骨膜瓣,8例胸锁乳突肌锁骨骨膜瓣联合生物膜,2例前臂皮瓣+自体软骨移植,2例气管造瘘+Ⅱ期修复。结果6例锐性削除气管外壁患者中,有1例患者术后第6天出现气管瘘,予以换药后出院;余26例患者中,24例于术后6个月内恢复正常呼吸功能,1例前臂皮瓣+自体软骨移植患者术后出现局部气管狭窄,黏痰堵塞,带管生存,1例带蒂胸锁乳突肌骨膜瓣+生物膜患者术后气管局部塌陷伴双侧声带麻痹,带管生存。结论对于侵犯气管的甲状腺癌患者,根据不同的侵犯范围,选取合适的气管切除和缺损气管的修复方式,才能取得较高的手术成功率和较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: There is a lack of an ideal substitute for the injured tracheal tissues. Autologous or homologous grafts and prostheses are inadequate because of their unreliable and nonviable nature for the reconstruction of a complete tracheal segment (CTS). OBJECTIVE: We studied the viability of a 12-ring CTS transferred in the form of a compound flap from the sternohyoid muscle (SM) for tracheal reconstruction. METHODS: Sixteen mongrel dogs of both sexes were divided into two groups of eight dogs each. In group I (control), a 12-ring CTS was removed and then reimplanted as an autograft. In group II, an SM flap was used to envelop four rings of the CTS to produce a compound CTS flap neovascularized by the SM (CTSNV). After 21 days, a 12-ring CTSNV, consisting of the four rings previously covered with SM, four rings above, and four rings below (without muscle covering), was sectioned and completely separated from the trachea. The CTS was then reimplanted at its original site, with the SM being the only vascular supply pedicle for the flap. RESULTS: The results were evaluated clinically and by macroscopic and microscopic examination of the surgical specimens. All the animals in group I (control) died or were killed by the first or second week because of necrosis and stenosis of the CTS graft. In group II, all animals were killed after 77 days of follow-up without showing any alteration in the CTSNV. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a compound 12-ring CTSNV flap remains viable and can be mobilized from the trachea without the risk of necrosis or stenosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the current study was to demonstrate the efficacy of in situ tissue engineering of the cricoid and trachea in a canine model. METHODS: Marlex mesh tube reinforced with polypropylene threads and covered by collagen sponge was used as a tissue scaffold for airway regeneration in 9 beagle dogs. The anterior half of the cricoid cartilage was resected in 5 dogs, whereas the cricoid cartilage and cervical trachea were simultaneously resected in 4 dogs. The tissue scaffold was implanted into the resultant defect. RESULTS: Endoscopic examination showed no airway obstruction for a postoperative period of 3 to 40 months in all dogs. Granulation tissue was observed in 2 dogs, and slight mesh exposure in 1 dog, although all were asymptomatic. Light microscopy and electron microscopy showed the endolaryngeal and endotracheal lumen to be covered by ciliated epithelium. According to strain-force measurement, the framework was firmly supported by regenerated tissue, as well as the normal cricoid and trachea. CONCLUSIONS: Our current tissue scaffold provides a rigid framework for the airway, and the collagen coating invites tissue regrowth around the tube. This study presents the possibility of successful reconstruction of the cricoid and trachea with epithelial regeneration by means of in situ tissue engineering.  相似文献   

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