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The reaction of N2O with CO, catalyzed by Fe+(C6H6) and producing N2 and CO2, has been investigated at the UB3LYP/6-311+G(d) level. The computation results revealed that the reaction of Fe+(C6H6), N2O and CO, is an O-atom abstraction mechanism. For the reaction channels, the geometries and the vibrational frequencies of all species have been calculated and the frequency modes analysis also have been given to elucidate the reaction mechanism. On the basis for geometry optimizations, the thermodynamic data of these reactions channels have been calculated using the statistical theory at 295.15 K and pressure of 0.35 Torr. Using Eyring transition state theory with Wigner correction, the activation thermodynamic data, rate constant and frequency factors for the these reaction channels also have been given. The results showed that CO and N2O do not react without catalyst and Fe+(C6H6) can excellently mediate the reaction of N2O and CO.  相似文献   

The vibrational widths of the ν1 and ν3 Raman bands of N2O were determined at pressures ranging from 8 bar to 2 kbar and temperatures varied from 25 to 150°C. The different dephasing theories including motional narrowing collisional models and resonant vibrational energy transfer theory were tested. A comparison of the theoretical predictions with the experimental data indicates the resonance VV transfer represents the dominant broadening mechanism. The observed frequency shifts between isotropic and anisotropic components of the bands were interpreted in terms of dipole-dipole interactions in dense N2O.  相似文献   

The reaction path of the reaction HCN + OH→ CN + H2O was traced with Fukui's theory of intrinsic reaction coordinate by using ab initio MO method (at UMP4/6-31G** level) with gradient technique. On this basis, the dynamics properties along the reaction path was investigated by reaction path Hamiltonian theory. The rate constants of this reaction at different temperatures were calculated by conventional and variational transition state theory with tunneling correction. The theoretically calculated rate constants are in good agreement with experimental results, this shows that the title reaction is an one step, direct reaction.  相似文献   

The far-from-resonance transfers and the de-excitation processes in CO2-NO and N2O-NO systems have been studied by measuring fluorescence decay rate constants of CO2 or N2O excited to the (00°1) level by laser radiation. The diagrams giving the variations of these rate constants versus the molar fraction of CO2 or N2O have been set out. From these diagrams, the relative importance of the V-V transfer and V-T de-excitation rate constants is discussed. The transfer rate constants have been calculated from a semiclassical theory in which the interaction potential is a sum of four atom-atom Morse potentials. The disagreement observed between calculated and experimental values probably results from the attractive multipolar forces which the theory does not take into account.  相似文献   

苯一步氧化制苯酚,是有机物氧化合成中富有挑战性的研究课题之一。该文着重论述了在FeZSM-5及其一系列沸石催化剂上,应用氧化亚氮作为氧化剂使苯直接氧化制苯酚的研究进展。这一系列催化剂体系的特殊之处在于通过氧化亚氮在沸石分子筛上的分解获得具有催化活性的a-氧。详细讨论了在沸石分子筛上形成特殊结构的铁氧化物作为催化活性中心这一观点。由于这种催化体系对苯直接氧化制苯酚的反应有着很高的选择性,因此,这种比较经济和安全的制备苯酚的方法引起了人们的广泛关注。  相似文献   

实验发现,在光引发BrC2F4Br+C2F4调聚反应中,光强(或光功率密度)能影响产品分布。提出了反应机理:此反应由加成反应与复合反应组成,而链转移反应可忽略.由此进行了动力学计算,为与实验结果吻合,拟合得的加成反应BrC2F4+C2F4的速率常数为(2±1)×107cm3•mol-1•s-1,Br(C2F4)n≧2+C2F4的速率常数为(1.2±0.4)×107Cm3•mol-1•s-1  相似文献   

Using a technique of laser flash photolysis coupled with vacuum ultraviolet laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, the rate coefficients of O(1D) reactions with N2, O2, N2O, and H2O at 295 ± 2 K have been determined to be , kO2=(4.06±0.24)×10-11, kN2O=(1.35±0.08)×10-10 and . The quoted uncertainties include estimated errors and are the 95% confidence level. The kN2 and kN2O values obtained are larger than the current NASA/JPL recommendations by 26% and 16%, respectively, although they are still within the error limits associated with the recommendations.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide in ν < has been detected using one-proton resonant laser ionization spectroscopy following the reaction of electronically excited oxygen atoms with nitrous oxide. The nascent rotational distribution appears to differ significantly from that observed at 300 K.  相似文献   

The industrial pollutant NO is a potential threat to the environment and to human health. Thus, selective catalytic reduction of NO into harmless N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}, NH\begin{document}$_3$\end{document}, and/or N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}O gas is of great interest. Among many catalysts, metal Pd has been demonstrated to be most efficient for selectivity of reducing NO to N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}. However, the reduction mechanism of NO on Pd, especially the route of N\begin{document}$-$\end{document}N bond formation, remains unclear, impeding the development of new, improved catalysts. We report here the elementary reaction steps in the reaction pathway of reducing NO to NH\begin{document}$_3$\end{document}, N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}O, and N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}, based on density functional theory (DFT)-based quantum mechanics calculations. We show that the formation of N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}O proceeds through an Eley-Rideal (E-R) reaction pathway that couples one adsorbed NO\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} with one non-adsorbed NO from the solvent or gas phase. This reaction requires high NO\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} surface coverage, leading first to the formation of the trans-(NO)\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} intermediate with a low N\begin{document}$-$\end{document}N coupling barrier (0.58 eV). Notably, trans-(NO)\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} will continue to react with NO in the solvent to form N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}O, that has not been reported. With the consumption of NO and the formation of N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}O\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} in the solvent, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) mechanism will dominate at this time, and N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}O\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} will be reduced by hydrogenation at a low chemical barrier (0.42 eV) to form N\begin{document}$_2$\end{document}. In contrast, NH\begin{document}$_3$\end{document} is completely formed by the L-H reaction, which has a higher chemical barrier (0.87 eV). Our predicted E-R reaction has not previously been reported, but it explains some existing experimental observations. In addition, we examine how catalyst activity might be improved by doping a single metal atom (M) at the NO\begin{document}$^*$\end{document} adsorption site to form M/Pd and show its influence on the barrier for forming the N\begin{document}$-$\end{document}N bond to provide control over the product distribution.  相似文献   

Ab initio direct dynamics method has been used to study the title reaction. Electronic structure information including geometries, gradients and force constants (Hessians) are calculated at the UQCISD/6-311+G** level. Energies along the minimum energy path are improved by a series of single-point G2//QCISD calculations. The changes of the geometries, vibratioanal frequencies, potential energies and total curvature along the reaction path are discussed. The rate constants in the temperature range 200–3000 K are calculated by canonical variational transition state theory with small-curvature tunneling correction (CVT/SCT) method. The results show that the variational effect is small and in the lower temperature range, the small curvature tunneling effect is important for the reaction.  相似文献   

Vibrational relaxation of CO2 by H2O has been studied theoretically. Earlier theoretical works are critically analyzed. A new mechanism of V—R—T interaction is put forward and a functional equation for the probability factor is obtained. Collisions of CO2 with H2O adsorbed on a solid surface are also considered.  相似文献   

R. Polk  J. Fi er 《Chemical physics》2003,290(2-3):177-188
The electric field gradients (EFG’s) at the nucleus are calculated as a function of internuclear separation in the X2Σg+ and B2Σu+ electronic states of the nitrogen molecule cation using the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (icMRCI) method. The EFG’s and potential energy functions (PEF’s) are used to estimate the 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants (NQCC’s) in the two electronic states as functions of vibrational and end-over-end rotational quantum numbers. The dependences of the computed constants on the basis set and reference configuration space are investigated. Since no counterpart for comparison of the calculated NQCC’s exists, the N2+ results are supported by analogous calculations on the X1Σg+ and A3Σu+ states of N2, for which established data are available. The overall good quality of the icMRCI wave functions is further corroborated by a favorable agreement of spectroscopic constants derived from the corresponding PEF’s and experimental data. Variations of the EFG with internuclear separation are explained in terms of wave function composition, and used for gaining specific insight into the chemical bonding in N2+ and N2.  相似文献   

The dynamics properties of the hydrogen abstraction reaction CF3O+CH4→CF3OH+CH3 are studied by dual-level direct dynamics method. Optimization calculations are preformed by B3LYP and MP2 with the 6-311G(d,p) basis set, and the single-point calculations are done at the multi-coefficient correction method based on quadratic configuration interaction with single and double excitations (MC-QCISD) method. The rate constants are evaluated by canonical variational transition-state theory with a small-curvature tunneling correction over a wide range of temperature 200–2000 K. The agreement between theoretical and experimental rate constants is good in the measured temperature range. The calculated results show that the variational effect is small and almost neglected over the whole temperature range, whereas, the tunneling correction plays a role in the lower temperature range. The kinetic isotope effect for the reaction is ‘normal’. The value of kH/kD is 2.38 at room temperature and it decreases with the temperature increasing.  相似文献   

Synthesis, structure, spectroscopy and thermal properties of complex [Co(NCS)2(hmt)2(H2O)2][Co(NCS)2(H2O)4] (H2O) (I), assembled by hexamethylenetetramine and octahedral Co(II) metal ions, are reported. Crystal data for I: Fw 387.34, a=9.020(8), b=12.887(9), c=7.95(1) Å, =96.73(4), β=115.36(5), γ=94.16(4)°, V=820(1) Å3, Z=2, space group=P−1, T=173 K, λ(Mo-K)=0.71070 Å, ρcalc=1.718567 g cm−3, μ=17.44 cm−1, R=0.088, Rw=0.148. An interesting two-dimensional network is assembled via hydrogen bonds through coordinated and free water molecules. The d–d transition energy levels of Co(II) ion are determined by UV–vis spectroscopy and calculated by ligand field theory. The calculated results agree well with experiment ones.  相似文献   

Rate coefficients for collisional removal of O(1D) by six atmospheric gases have been measured by monitoring the appearance of O(3P) following photolytic production of O(1D). The measured values, kM±2σ, in units of 10?11 cm?3 molecule ?1 s?1 are kO3 = 22.8±2.3, kN2 = 2.52 ± 0.25, kCO2 = 10.4 ± 1.0,kH2O 195± 2.0, kN2O = 11.7 ± 1.2, and kH2, = 11.8±1.2.  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论(DFT) M06L方法对一系列单锰取代的Keggin型POM吸附大气小分子X(X=H2O,N2,O2,NO,N2O,CO和CO2)配合物的分子几何,电子结构和成键性质进行了系统研究。由于POM的多阴离子性质,铯盐Cs4[PW11O39MnH2O]被用来考虑抗衡离子效应。DFT-M06L计算表明,当改变4个Cs抗衡阳离子的位置时,多酸阴离子的几何结构和电子结构参数几乎没有变化。当不考虑抗衡离子效应,在气相和溶液中单独优化多酸阴离子([PW11O39MnH2O]4-)时,其主要几何和电子参数没有显著变化。比较不同自旋态的能量表明[PW11O39MnX]4-(X=H2O、N2、N2O、CO和CO2)的最低能量态是高自旋五重态,[PW11O39MnO2]4-为三重态,而[PW11O39MnNO]4-则为双重态。这些大气小分子在类卟啉POM配体上的吸附能量按照以下顺序增加:N2 < N2O < CO≈CO2 < O2 < H2O < NO。POM-Mn-NO配合物具有较大的吸附能。Mulliken布居分析表明,NO配体与多酸中Mn中心的相互作用主要来自于中间自旋态的Mn中心与NO·分子之间的反铁磁性耦合相互作用。  相似文献   

An experimental study on the conversion of NO in the NO/N2, NO/O2/N2, NO/C2H4/N2 and NO/C2H4/O2/N2 systems has been carried out using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasmas at atmospheric pressure. In the NO/N2 system, NO decomposition to N2 and O2 is the dominating reaction; NO conversion to NO2 is less significant. O2 produced from NO decomposition was detected by an on-line mass spectrometer. With the increase of NO initial concentration, the concentration of O2 produced decreases at 298 K, but slightly increases at 523 K. In the NO/O2/N2 system, NO is mainly oxidized to NO2, but NO conversion becomes very low at 523 K and over 1.6% of O2. In the NO/C2H4/N2 system, NO is reduced to N2 with about the same NO conversion as that in the NO/N2 system but without NO2 formation. In the NO/C2H4/O2/N2 system, the oxidation of NO to NO2 is dramatically promoted. At 523 K, with the increase of the energy density, NO conversion increases rapidly first, and then almost stabilizes at 93–91% of NO conversion with 61–55% of NO2 selectivity in the energy density range of 317–550 J L−1. It finally decreases gradually at high energy density. A negligible amount of N2O is formed in the above four systems. Of the four systems studied, NO conversion and NO2 selectivity of the NO/C2H4/O2/N2 system are the highest, and NO/O2/C2H4/N2 system has the lowest electrical energy consumption per NO molecule converted.  相似文献   

The reaction dynamics of methylene radical CH2(X3B1) with N2O was investigated by Time-Resolved Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy(TR-FTIRS). Pure CH2(X3B1) radicalwas produced via laser photolysis of ketene at 351 nm. Nascent viabrationally excited products CO, NO and HCN were observed. Some reaction pathways which may lead to these products were proposed and a possible reaction mechanism was outlined.  相似文献   

Supersonic jet expansions of mixtures of nitric oxide with either nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide have been investigated over a wide range of relative concentrations. Mixed molecular cluster ions of the form (NO) m + (N2O)n and (NO) m + (CO2)n are detected following non-resonant two-photon ionization. Over a wide range of intermediate concentrations, the cluster ion distributions (NO) 3 + (N2O)n and (NO) 3 + (CO2)n with n30 are significantly more intense than clusters containing other numbers of nitric oxide molecules. The extra abundance of these species is attributed to their especially stable structures and several possible forms are discussed. An intriguing possibility involves a stable cyclic nitric oxide trimer (or ion) when combined with nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide clusters.  相似文献   

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