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目的  探讨合肥市新型冠状病毒灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)(简称新冠疫苗)在紧急接种期间的安全性,为该疫苗后期在全人群中的推广接种提供参考。方法  在合肥市抽取19家预防接种门诊作为免疫安全性主动监测点,于2020年12月15日-2021年2月10日对合肥市接种新冠疫苗的18~59岁重点人群进行观察,对疫苗接种后不良反应发生率、不良反应类型及严重程度进行描述性分析。结果  有效观察18 574人,累积接种新冠疫苗33 433剂次,接种发生一般不良反应713例次,发生率2.13%,第1剂次不良反应发生率为2.57%,高于第2剂次不良反应发生率1.58%(χ2=38.92, P < 0.001),2家公司生产灭活疫苗一般反应发生率的差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.08, P=0.082);在注射部位红肿、注射部位硬结、发热等不良事件中,1、2和3级不良事件发生率分别为0.65%、1.42%和0.06%,未发现≥4级及罕见和极罕见不良事件。结论  国产新型冠状病毒灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)具有较高的安全性。  相似文献   

目的 评价3~11岁儿童完成新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)疫苗基础免疫28~42 d后对原始株的免疫原性及与新冠病毒变异株的交叉免疫反应。方法 于2022年1-7月在山东省乳山市招募3~11岁已按照(0,28)d免疫程序完成2剂新冠病毒灭活疫苗基础免疫的受试者,基础免疫后28~42 d采集静脉血3 ml,检测原始株、Beta、Gamma和Delta变异株的中和抗体水平,计算中和抗体阳性率和GMT。结果 纳入免疫原性分析共395人,其中3~5岁组212人,6~11岁组183人。受试者完成基础免疫后28~42 d,血清中对原始株、Beta、Gamma和Delta变异株的中和抗体阳性率分别为100.00%、74.68%、99.24%和97.22%,年龄组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。受试者完成基础疫苗后28~42 d,血清中对原始株、Beta、Gamma和Delta变异株的中和抗体GMT分别为168.19、10.51、53.65和31.10,年龄组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 在3~11岁儿童中接种2剂新冠病毒灭活疫苗的免疫原性良好,可对新冠病毒变异株产生一定的交叉保护。  相似文献   

目的 评价贵州省≥3岁人群接种新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)灭活疫苗的安全性。方法 采用开放式设计,于2021年6月至2022年7月在贵州省沿河县招募符合条件的人群,按照(0,28)d免疫程序接种2剂次新冠病毒灭活疫苗,收集每剂次疫苗接种后30 min内和0~28 d的不良反应,分年龄、剂次、患病情况分析不良反应发生率。结果 总不良反应发生率为1.51%(294/19 458),所有不良反应均发生在接种后7 d内,严重程度为1级或2级,以接种部位疼痛最常见。3~、18~和≥60岁组不良反应发生率分别为1.01%(58/5 721)、2.44%(220/9 017)和0.34%(16/4 720),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。第1剂次接种后不良反应发生率(1.20%,233/19 458)高于第2剂次(0.37%,61/16 368),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。≥60岁组中健康人群和患基础疾病人群不良反应发生率分别为0.36%(9/2 520)和0.32%(7/2 200),差异无统计学意义(P=0.818)。结论 ≥3岁人群接种新冠病毒灭活疫苗安全性良好,在老年健康人群和患基础疾病人群中接种均具有良好安全性。  相似文献   

目的:评价新型冠状病毒灭活疫苗大规模紧急使用的安全性。方法:通过“疫苗接种信息采集系统”,收集在紧急使用中新型冠状病毒灭活疫苗(北京生物制品研究所、武汉生物制品研究所)接种人群的不良反应发生情况,采用流行病学与统计学方法分析相关信息。结果:截至2020年12月1日,共采集519 543人次接种信息,总不良反应发生率为1...  相似文献   

目的 研究在中国儿童和成人中接种江苏延申生物科技股份有限公司研制的甲型肝炎灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)的安全性和免疫原性.方法 在广西蒙山县筛选甲型肝炎病毒易感者,采用随机、盲法,同类疫苗对照方法,对600名1.5~15岁儿童和600名成人按照2:1比例,各400人接种试验疫苗(儿童或成人剂量甲型肝炎灭活疫苗)和200人接种对照疫苗(市售同类儿童或成人剂量甲型肝炎灭活疫苗),免疫程序为0、6月;观察接种后局部反应和全身反应;采用EIA竞争抑制法检测免疫前后的甲型肝炎抗体,以WHO甲肝免疫球蛋白(含100IU/ml)标准品进行标定,计算免疫后的甲型肝炎抗体阳转率和抗体几何平均滴度(mIU/ml).结果 两剂量组试验疫苗与对照疫苗的局部反应和全身反应相似,局部反应以注射部位疼痛多主,全身反应以轻度发热反应较常见.试验疫苗儿童剂量组和成人剂量组甲肝抗体阳转率分别为98.53%和97.55%,甲肝抗体几何平均滴度分别为10 332.32 mIU/ml和9 473.65 mIU/ml,与对照组比较均无显著差异.结论 新型甲肝灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)儿童剂量(800EU/ml)和成人剂量(1 600EU/ml)对儿童或成人接种的安全性良好,并可诱导高度的抗HAV阳转率和抗体水平.  相似文献   

目的 了解接种新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)灭活疫苗后血清抗体水平,为评价新冠病毒灭活疫苗免疫原性提供依据.方法 采用单组目标值试验设计,整群抽取2020年10-12月在杭州市西湖区接种新冠病毒灭活疫苗的18~59岁居民为研究对象.采集接种前,接种1剂次后14 d、28 d和接种2剂次后28 d的血样,应用磁微粒化学发光法检...  相似文献   

甲型肝炎疫苗在预防甲型肝炎中有重要作用。由默沙东公司生产的进口甲型肝炎纯化灭活疫苗 (以下称VAQTATM)在中国已获药品监督管理部门批准 ,准予进入中国市场。由于VAQTATM 是首次进入中国市场 ,因此 ,选择在江苏省健康儿童中进行免疫接种 ,研究其免疫原性、安全性及耐受性。结果报告如下。1 对象与方法1 1 对象  (1)入选标准 :初次接种时年龄在 2~ 17岁 ;在初次抽血前由参加对象、父母亲或法定监护人签署知情同意书 ;没有活动性肝脏疾患或其他系统活动性疾病 ;无急性或活动性感染。 (2 )排除标准 :在进行试验前自述或病史检查已…  相似文献   

甲肝灭活疫苗接种安全性及免疫效果观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的观察甲型肝炎灭活疫苗的安全性及免疫效果.方法挑选甲肝抗体阴性、丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)正常的健康的恒河猴10只.随机分为5组,每组2只,每只接种1ml甲肝疫苗,分别接种甲肝灭活疫苗吕8株(Lu8)、H2株及史克疫苗.方案:0、4周接种.接种3天内,每天观察有无局部及全身反应.首次注射后每周采静脉血1次,加强1针后每2周采血1次检测抗HAV及ALT,14周后改为每4周采血1次直至46周.每周采粪便2次,连采4周,用KMB17细胞进行病毒分离.4、8周肝组织穿刺作病理学检查.结果接种疫苗后3天内,所有猴子均无局部及全身反应.ALT正常,4、8周肝脏穿刺无特殊组织病理改变.首次注射后2周100%抗体阳转,4周效价为374.8mIU/ml~937mIU/ml.加强1针后抗HAV效价有10倍以上升高,抗体最高达14992mIU/ml,到46周抗体水平持续在2998.4mIU/ml~7496mIU/ml之间,GMT为31.2~34.2.大便传代2次无排毒.结论4批国产甲肝灭活疫苗接种恒河猴具有很好的安全性和可靠的免疫效果.  相似文献   

目的 评价在接种两剂已上市新冠病毒灭活疫苗的人群中序贯加强免疫重组新型冠状病毒疫苗(CHO细胞)后的免疫原性和安全性,为制定新型冠状病毒疫苗的加强免疫策略提供科学依据。 方法 采用开放性试验设计,筛选入组360例已接种两剂新冠病毒灭活疫苗3~4个月、6~8个月、11~13个月的18周岁及以上研究对象并接种1剂重组新型冠状病毒疫苗(CHO细胞)。采集所有研究对象研究用疫苗接种前、接种后14 d血样,用于体液免疫检测,收集研究用疫苗接种后1个月内的所有不良事件。 结果 本研究入组360例研究对象,按研究对象加强免疫与基础免疫间隔时间分3组(A组91~120 d,B组181~240 d,C组331~390 d),各组120例,无研究对象脱落。三组年龄均值分别为38.13、40.22和45.73岁,各组间年龄差异有统计学意义(F=13.516,P<0.001),A、B组差异无统计学意义(P=0.168),C组和A、B组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。三组 IgG GMC(几何平均浓度)免疫前分别为4.81、4.23、2.12 AU/ml,差异有统计学意义(F=10.054,P<0.001),C组和A、B组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001),A、B组间差异无统计学意义(P=0.520);三组免疫后 IgG GMC 分别为106.69、124.05、80.04 AU/ml,差异无统计学意义(F=2.028,P=0.133)。三组 IgG 抗体阳转率分别为84.17%、87.50%、79.17%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.081,P=0.214)。免疫前血清针对Delta变异株和原型株不同组别的中和抗体滴度比较,三组原型株中和抗体GMT(几何平均滴度)为1∶2.18、1∶2.18、1∶2.19,差异无统计学意义(F=0.011,P=0.990);三组Delta变异株中和抗体GMT为1∶2.09、1∶2.17、1∶2.16,差异无统计学意义(F=0.378,P=0.686)。免疫后血清三组原型株中和抗体 GMT为1∶31.09、1∶34.90、1∶21.98,差异无统计学意义(F=2.262,P=0.106);三组Delta变异株中和抗体GMT为1∶61.46、1∶77.44、1∶43.71,差异无统计学意义(F=2.105,P=0.123)。序贯加强免疫后血清对新型冠状病毒Delta变异株和原型株的中和抗体阳转率分别达到82.78%、83.33%。三组 SARS-CoV-2原型株中和抗体阳转率分别为86.67%、87.50%、75.83%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.320,P=0.026),其中C组低于A组和B组;三组 SARS-CoV-2 Delta变异株中和抗体阳转率分别为87.50%、84.17%、76.67%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=5.183,P=0.075)。发生不良事件人数为124人,不良事件总体发生率为34.44%。各组发生率分别为35.83%、40.83%和26.67%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=5.487,P=0.064),所有研究对象出现的不良事件以接种部位不良事件为主,主要表现为疫苗接种部位疼痛(23.89%);全身不良事件主要表现为疲劳/乏力(6.94%),未发生与疫苗接种有关的SAEs。结论 接种两剂新型冠状病毒灭活疫苗后序贯加强免疫重组新型冠状病毒疫苗(CHO细胞)具有良好的免疫原性和安全性。较长间隔期的免疫前IgG和免疫后原型株中和抗体阳转率较低,不同间隔期的免疫后IgG 、Delta变异株和原型株中和抗体水平比较差异均无统计学意义,建议基础免疫后6~8个月为最佳的接种间隔。  相似文献   

目的 探讨国产甲型肝炎灭活疫苗在低龄儿童(1-4岁)中应用的安全性和免疫原性。方法 选1-4岁易感健康儿童63名,随机分为两组,按0,3和0,6程序接种国产甲肝灭活疫苗500U/剂,观察免疫后的局部和全身反应,并检测初免后及全程免疫后的抗-HAV阳转率和抗体GMT。结果 初免和加强免疫后有轻微的过性局部和全身反应,未见肝功异常。初免后1、3、6个月抗体阳转率分别为85.7%、88.5%和83.8%;抗体GMT玢别为182mU/ml、225mU/ml和252mU/ml;0,3和0,6程序全程免疫后1个月抗体阳转率均为100%;抗体GMT分别为2718mU/ml和4683mU/ml。结论 国产甲肝灭活疫苗在低龄儿童中应用具有良好的安全性和免疫原性;接种两剂可获高滴度甲肝抗体;0,6程序优于0,3程序。  相似文献   

BackgroundAfter global oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) cessation, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) currently recommends a two-dose schedule of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) beginning ≥14-weeks of age to achieve at least 90% immune response. We aimed to compare the immunogenicity of three different two-dose IPV schedules started before or at 14-weeks of age.MethodsWe conducted a randomized, controlled, open-label, inequality trial at two sites in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Healthy infants at 6-weeks of age were randomized into one of five arms to receive two-dose IPV schedules at different ages with and without OPV. The three IPV-only arms are presented: Arm C received IPV at 14-weeks and 9-months; Arm D received IPV at 6-weeks and 9-months; and Arm E received IPV at 6 and 14-weeks. The primary outcome was immune response defined as seroconversion from seronegative (<1:8) to seropositive (≥1:8) after vaccination, or a four-fold rise in antibody titers and median reciprocal antibody titers to all three poliovirus types measured at 10-months of age.FindingsOf the 987 children randomized to Arms C, D, and E, 936 were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. At 10-months, participants in Arm C (IPV at 14-weeks and 9-months) had ≥99% cumulative immune response to all three poliovirus types which was significantly higher than the 77–81% observed in Arm E (IPV at 6 and 14-weeks). Participants in Arm D (IPV at 6-weeks and 9-months) had cumulative immune responses of 98–99% which was significantly higher than that of Arm E (p value < 0.0001) but not different from Arm C.InterpretationResults support current SAGE recommendations for IPV following OPV cessation and provide evidence that the schedule of two full IPV doses could begin as early as 6-weeks.  相似文献   

流感疫苗安全性和免疫效果观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
[目的 ] 评价流行性感冒疫苗 (防感灵TM)接种后的安全性和抗体阳转情况。 [方法 ] 采用随机和双盲法选择接种组和对照组 ,分别接种流感疫苗和伤寒Vi疫苗。接种后 3天内进行安全性观察。同时 ,免后 4个月时采集静脉血检测流感血凝抑制抗体的产生情况。 [结果 ] 接种组一般副反应率为 1.70 % ,全身副反应率为0 .6 4% ,与对照组差异无显著性。A1、A3、B型的血凝抑制抗体阳转率分别为 97.7%、99.2 %和 82 .9% ,接种组GMT均明显高于对照组。 [结论 ] 流感疫苗 (防感灵TM)安全性良好 ,并且有较好的免疫原性  相似文献   

目的评价精制甲型肝炎灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)的安全性和免疫原性。方法2005年1~8月在广西恭城县选择1507名健康人群,以随机、双盲、平行对照方法,观察该疫苗的不良反应,抗体阳转率和抗体水平(GMT),应用EIA竞争抑制法检测血清抗甲型肝炎抗体(抗-HAVIgG)。结果成人剂量组试验疫苗全身、局部反应发生率分别为8.80%、2.67%,与对照疫苗(分别为12.41%、4.41%)相比,无显著差异;儿童剂量组试验疫苗全身、局部反应发生率分别为10.60%、2.28%,与对照疫苗(10.71%、2.86%)相比,亦无显著性差异。维罗信首针免疫后1个月,儿童剂量组和成人剂量组的阳转率分别为88.2%、93.8%,两针全程免疫1个月后两组抗体阳转率均达到100%,抗体滴度分别为16447、8555mIU/ml,对照疫苗分别为1946、5881mIU/ml,儿童剂量组抗体滴度与对照组相比有显著性差异。结论精制甲型肝炎灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)在儿童和成人中应用具有良好的安全性,采用0,6个月免疫程序免疫后抗体阳转率达100%,并有高的抗体滴度。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn order to completely eradicate polio caused by wild poliovirus infection as well as vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP), Sabin inactivated poliovirus vaccine (sIPV) should be developed to meet the requirements for biosafety and affordable strategy in the developing countries.MethodA randomized, double-blinded clinical trial was conducted to compare the immunogenicity and safety among infants aged 2 months (60–90 days) receiving five different vaccination regimens: the test groups (A, B, and C) received three doses of sIPV with high, medium, and low D antigen content, respectively, on the month 0, 1, 2 schedule; two control groups (D and E) received three doses of conventional IPV (cIPV) or sIPV (CAMS), respectively, on the same schedule as that of test groups. Serum samples were collected immediately before the 1st dose and 30 days after the 3rd dose vaccination to assess the immunogenicity. Adverse events occurring within 30 days after each dose were collected to assess the safety.ResultsAfter three doses, seroconversion rates in groups A–E were 100%, 98.2%, 100%, 100%, and 100%, respectively, for type 1; 99.1%, 100%, 98.1%, 100%, and 97.1%, respectively, for type 2; and 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, and 99.0%, respectively, for type 3. The seropositive rates (≥1:8) of groups A–E for all types were nearly 100%. The GMTs in the target dose group (group B) were 4635, 342, and 2218 for type 1–3, respectively. The most common injection-site and systemic adverse reactions were swelling and fever respectively. The swelling (4.2%, P = 0.0075) and fever (58.3%, P = 0.0188) frequency of group A were statistically significantly higher than any other groups.ConclusionThe test sIPV generally demonstrated good safety and immunogenicity. The medium-D antigen dose would be a preferred choice for the further phase III clinical trial in consideration of its high immunogenicity for all serotypes and the satisfying tolerance.Clinical Trials Registration. NCT02985320.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe safety of BCG revaccination is uncertain and there is no data on its use in patients with COVID-19.MethodsCOVID-19 convalescent adults confirmed by SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR in South-America were 1:1 randomized in the first 14 days of symptoms to BCG intradermal vaccine or placebo and evaluated for adverse events on days 7, 14, 21, and beyond 40 days. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT04369794.Results151 placebo and 148 BCG patients were included in the final analysis, with an average age of 40.7 years. No severe adverse event to BCG was reported. On day 7, 130 (87.8%) of the BCG recipients had local reaction, average size of 10.6 ± 6.4 mm, compared to only 2 (1.3%) placebos. Lesions gradually shrunk in size (mean 10.5 mm, 9.7 mm, and 6.8 mm at 14, 21, and beyond 40 days, respectively. The number of symptoms in any of the visits was not different between groups, and anosmia resolved earlier (25.7% vs. 37.1% at 7 days, OR = 1.70, 1.01–2.89, p = 0.035) in the BCG recipients.ConclusionThe BCG revaccination is safe in convalescent COVID-19 adults of a tuberculosis endemic region, regardless of tuberculin or IGRA test results. Local adverse events were similar though occurred earlier to that previously reported in children.  相似文献   

目的 评价国产甲型肝炎灭活疫苗的安全性和免疫原性。方法 对健康易感儿童1%名和成人206名随机分为4组,107名儿童(A组)和131名成人(B组)接种国产甲肝灭活疫苗,另69名儿童(c组)和75名成人(D组)作为对照接种史克必成公司生产的甲肝灭活疫苗。国产疫苗剂量为儿童640EIU/1.0ml。成人1440EIU/1.0ml,对照疫苗剂量儿童720EIU/1.0ml,成人1440EIU/1.0ml,均采用0、6程序。观察72小时内局部和全身反应及免后1、6、7月的免疫应答水平。结果 所有接种对象均未出现明显局部和全身副反应,亦未发现免后ALT升高。初免后一个月A组和B组抗体阳性率分别为94.8%和96.7%,几何平均滴度为758.6mIU/ml和3630.8mIU/ml。全程免疫后一个月4组抗体阳性率均为100%,A组和B组抗体几何平均滴度上升至10471.2mIU/ml和12302.7mIU/m1,略高于对照的C组和D组(分别为3090.3mIU/d和3388.4mIU/ml)。结论 国产甲肝灭活疫苗具有良好安全性和免疫原性。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe safety and immunogenicity of the coadministration of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Sinopharm BBIBP-CorV), quadrivalent split-virion inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4), and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) in adults in China is unknown.MethodsIn this open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial, participants aged ≥ 18 years were recruited from the community. Individuals were eligible if they had no history of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine or any pneumonia vaccine and had not received an influenza vaccine during the 2020–21 influenza season. Eligible participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1), using block randomization stratified, to either: SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and IIV4 followed by SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and PPV23 (SARS-CoV-2 + IIV4/PPV23 group); two doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (SARS-CoV-2 vaccine group); or IIV4 followed by PPV23 (IIV4/PPV23 group). Vaccines were administered 28 days apart, with blood samples taken on day 0 and day 28 before vaccination, and on day 56.ResultsBetween March 10 and March 15, 2021, 1152 participants were recruited and randomly assigned to three groups (384 per group). 1132 participants were included in the per-protocol population (375 in the SARS-CoV-2 + IIV4/PPV23 group, 380 in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine group, and 377 in the IIV4/PPV23 group). The seroconversion rate (100 % vs 100 %) and GMT (159.13 vs 173.20; GMT ratio of 0.92 [95 % CI 0.83 to 1.02]) of SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies in the SARS-CoV-2 + IIV4/PPV23 group was not inferior to those in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine group. The SARS-CoV-2 + IIV4/PPV23 group was not inferior to the IIV4/PPV23 group in terms of seroconversion rates and GMT of influenza virus antibodies for all strains except for the seroconversion rate for the B/Yamagata strain. The SARS-CoV-2 + IIV4/PPV23 group was not inferior to the IIV4/PPV23 group regarding seroconversion rates and GMC of Streptococcus pneumoniae IgG antibodies specific to all serotypes. All vaccines were well tolerated.ConclusionsThe coadministration of the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and IIV4/PPV23 is safe with satisfactory immunogenicity.This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04790851.  相似文献   

BackgroundSeqirus 2010 Southern Hemisphere split-virion trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV3) was associated with increased febrile reactions in children. Studies in vitro concluded that increasing concentrations of splitting agent decreased residual lipids and attenuated proinflammatory cytokine signals associated with fever. We assessed immunogenicity and safety of a quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4; produced using higher concentration of splitting agent) versus a United States-licensed comparator IIV4 in healthy children aged 5–17 years.MethodsParticipants (N = 2278) were randomized 3:1 and stratified by age (5–8 years; 9–17 years) to receive IIV4 (n = 1709) or comparator IIV4 (n = 569). Primary objective was to demonstrate noninferiority of IIV4 versus comparator IIV4 as assessed by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) geometric mean titer (GMT) ratio (upper bound of two-sided 95% confidence interval [CI]  1.5) and difference in seroconversion rate (upper bound of two-sided 95% CI  10%) for all four vaccine strains. HI antibody titers were assessed at baseline and 28 days postvaccination. Solicited and unsolicited adverse events were assessed during each 7- and 28-day postvaccination period, respectively.ResultsIIV4 met immunogenicity criteria for noninferiority. Adjusted GMT ratios (comparator IIV4/IIV4) for A/H1N1, A/H3N2, B/Yamagata, and B/Victoria strains were 1.01 (95% CI; 0.93, 1.09), 1.05 (0.96, 1.15), 0.89 (0.81, 0.98), and 0.92 (0.83, 1.02), respectively. Corresponding values for differences (95% CI) in seroconversion rates (comparator IIV4 minus IIV4) were −3.1 (−8.0, 1.8), 0.4 (−4.5, 5.3), −3.4 (−8.3, 1.5), and −2.0 (−6.9, 2.9). Fever rates were numerically higher, but not statistically different, with IIV4 versus comparator IIV4. No new safety signals were reported.ConclusionIIV4 demonstrated immunological noninferiority to the comparator IIV4 with a clinically acceptable safety profile in children aged 5–17 years. Increased levels of virus splitting agent seem to have reduced fever rates observed in children with Seqirus IIV3, particularly those aged 5–8 years.Funding: Seqirus Pty Ltd; Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT02545543.  相似文献   

The mass inoculation of a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine to induce herd immunity is one of the most effective measures to fight COVID-19. The vaccination of pregnant women cannot only avoid or reduce the probability of infectious diseases, but also offers the most effective and direct protection for neonates by means of passive immunization. However, there is no randomized clinical data to ascertain whether the inactivated vaccination of pregnant women or women of childbearing age can affect conception and the fetus. We found that human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) mice that were vaccinated with two doses of CoronaVac (an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine) before and during pregnancy exhibited normal weight changes and reproductive performance indices; the physical development of their offspring was also normal. Following intranasal inoculation with SARS-CoV-2, pregnant mice in the immunization group all survived; reproductive performance indices and the physical development of offspring were all normal. In contrast, mice in the non-immunization group all died before delivery. Analyses showed that inoculation of CoronaVac was safe and did not exert any significant effects on pregnancy, lactation, or the growth of offspring in hACE2 mice. Vaccination effectively protected the pregnant mice against SARS-CoV-2 infection and had no adverse effects on the growth and development of the offspring, thus suggesting that inoculation with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine may be an effective strategy to prevent infection in pregnant women.  相似文献   

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