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SPOT5图像的空间分辨率高,局部异质性较大,采用基于像元的传统方法分类精度低,难以满足实际应用的需要。以北京市海淀区SPOT5图像为例,应用面向对象方法对其进行分类试验,并将该方法与传统基于像元方法的分类结果进行对比分析。结果表明:利用面向对象方法对SPOT5遥感图像进行分类,不仅使分类结果具有丰富的语义信息,有效抑制“椒盐现象”的发生,还可以显著提高分类精度。  相似文献   

基于阈值分割的黑龙江省森林类型遥感识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变化背景下,准确获取森林覆盖是监测森林资源动态、实现林业可持续发展的重要基础。为将省级尺度森林资源清查面积资料空间化,以黑龙江省为例,利用1999-2003年该省森林资源清查面积数据,结合2000年500 m分辨率的MODIS数据,构建了基于阈值分割的森林类型遥感识别方法。该方法利用不同地表覆被类型归一化植被指数时间序列的季节分异特征,以森林资源清查面积为标准,设定森林类型的划分阈值,识别了黑龙江省森林类型的空间分布。最后,基于分层随机抽样和精度评价方法,表明森林类型识别结果与地面参考数据具有较高的一致性,总体分类精度为78.1%;特别是季节特征明显的落叶林,精度可达80%以上。本文所构建的方法可将森林清查统计数据进行准确的空间定位,同时结合多期森林资源连续清查资料和遥感信息,可为识别并量化区域生态系统生物量和碳库变化等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

基于阴影搜索法的飞机目标遥感图像分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍阈值分割的原理并分析传统图像分割中阈值的确定方法;为提高对飞机目标遥感图像的分割效果,采用阴影搜索法对图像阈值进行判定。该算法对图像进行横向或纵向扫描,根据像素的变化频率判定阴影区域并确定目标与背景的关系,实现图像分割中最优阈值的自动提取。该算法克服了传统方法灵敏度低对分割效果的影响,有很好的通用性和有效性。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被分类系统是碳蓄积研究的依据,然而各种碳蓄积研究所采用的土地利用/覆被分类系统不尽相同。根据1993年海南林业资源二类调查资料,我们按照USGS土地利用/覆被、LCCS土地覆被和中国科学院土地资源三种分类系统所定义的类别进行分类并计算了各自的碳储量和碳密度,为碳储量的进一步精确估算和土地覆被分类系统研制提供重要的科学依据。结果发现,(1)不同的土地利用/覆被分类系统所对应的总碳储量以及平均碳密度都有了明显的差别。林业调查资料的植被分类、FAO 土地覆被分类系统(LCCS)、USGS 土地利用/土地覆被分类系统以及我国学者常用的中国科学院土地资源分类系统的碳蓄积量(Tg C)分别是28.98、28.71、21.04和21.04;碳密度(t C/ha)分别是31.24、30.95、22.68和22.68。(2)土地利用分类系统和土地覆被分类系统之间的结果具有较大差异,其碳储量相差7.67~7.94 Tg C,碳密度则相差8.27~8.56 t C/ha;差距在26.47%~37.74%之间。与其他学者研究结果比较发现,土地利用/覆被分类系统造成的碳蓄积差异的变化方向是不定的,取决于具体的分类系统和材积-生物量函数。不同土地利用/覆被分类系统对于植被划分的不同,导致了材积-生物量回归方程和类别面积的差异是造成碳蓄积和碳密度估算差异的根本原因。目前常用的土地利用/覆被分类系统在估算碳蓄积中存在一定问题,不适合于高精度的碳蓄积计算。体现地表植被生物量差异、植被叶型和外貌特征、种类及树龄差异等内涵的土地利用/覆被分类系统利于陆地碳循环研究的深化。  相似文献   

随着我国长江中下游地区淡水森林湿地面积的急剧减少,退化森林湿地的植被恢复对保障长江流域的生态安全至关重要。在我国安徽安庆市湿地生态脆弱区,根据该地区的土壤类型以及森林湿地木本植物资源,筛选出6种湿地适生树种,分别为枫香、美洲黑杨、中山杉、垂柳、金丝垂柳、池杉;建立了3种淡水森林湿地植被恢复多物种配置模式,取得了较好的生态、经济和社会效益,为全球变化背景下我国长江中下游地区退化淡水森林湿地植被恢复和重建提供了科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

王涵  赵文武  刘月  刘焱序 《地理研究》2019,74(4):831-843
森林病虫害由于在森林资源中造成的重大破坏而被人们称为“不冒烟的火灾”,其对生态系统的研究具有重要意义。现有基于遥感数据的病虫害研究多集中在森林病虫害的监测、爆发原因以及发病区域内生产力的变化情况,而对于森林病虫害发生后森林中植被指数与叶面积指数之间的相关性的变化情况还相对较少,处于需要持续性深入探讨的阶段。以加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚地区2002—2012年森林病虫害数据为基础,分析不同严重程度的病虫害对叶面积指数(LAI)与归一化植被指数(NDVI)和增强型植被指数(EVI)的影响。结果表明:① 受病虫害感染的像元在轻度(Light)、中度(Moderate)和重度(Severe)三个严重级别中,NDVI与LAI之间的相关性由弱变强,又由强变弱;② EVI与LAI之间的相关性,在轻度(Light)、中度(Moderate)和重度(Severe)三个严重级别的像元中则依次变强。这一研究将为今后利用遥感数据识别病虫害、评价生态系统影响提供基础。  相似文献   

戴铭  周涛  杨玲玲  贾根锁 《地理研究》2011,30(1):172-184
森林的林龄结构及空间分布是评估区域尺度森林生态系统碳汇潜力的重要参数.以第五次全国森林详查获取的省级优势树种的平均林龄及分布面积为基础,以同期生长季节的NOAA/AVHRR NDVI遥感数据为辅助,在空间降尺度统计技术的支持下,得出了全国8km分辨率下的森林林龄的定量分布.结果表明:中国林龄在空间分布具有很大异质性.东...  相似文献   

当前省域城镇体系规划研究——以云南省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
省域城镇体系规划从战略高度统筹全省各城镇的发展定位,是实现城镇和谐发展的关键环节。随着全国城镇化加速前进时期的到来,各种城市问题也相继出现,这就对城镇体系规划提出了新的要求。在此,分析云南省城镇体系发展的现状,结合当前的城镇发展形势,提出进一步完善规划以促进全省城镇体系的快速、和谐发展的建议:重视乡村发展,加强城乡统筹;进一步加强中小城市的发展,构建合理的城镇体系规模结构;利用区位优势,加强对外贸易与合作;统筹社会经济与资源环境谐调发展。  相似文献   

近年来,随着计算机、遥感、摄影测量及其相关技术的飞速发展,使得通过快速获取地表信息并重建三维地表成为现实.遥感图像的三维可视化对于宏观观察者(如领导干部、项目决策者等)而言,其实际效果相当于乘坐在一定高度的飞行器上进行航空路线观察,方便其决策方案设计;对于遥感图像解译者(具体的工作人员)而言,高精度的三维影像动画系列图提供了可供反复使用的真实、客观、信息连续的宏观分析地面景观影像;对于项目施工方,可利用高精度的遥感三维影像快速准确地分析地形和计算土石方填挖量;在机场规划与设计过程中,设计净空模型,对机场净空进行评定.  相似文献   

钟祥浩  程根伟 《山地学报》2001,19(5):413-417
通过长江上游地区典型小流域和重大洪水事件有关森林植被变化与洪水方面资料的分析,揭示小流域森林面积的增加,可减少洪峰流量模数,而在森林-土壤系统被前期降雨充分润湿的情况下,紧接着的暴雨可引起洪峰流量的快速增加;指出开展长江上游地区森林-土壤系统截留蓄水容量本底调查及其分类与分区,对指导当前森林植被恢复重建与保护工作的健康发展及搞好防洪工作有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Ice storms (major freezing rain events) periodically disturb forests in eastern North America. The damage may vary spatially, especially in complex terrain. This study uses satellite imagery to investigate spatial heterogeneity of forest damage caused by ice storms that affected the Appalachian Mountains, Virginia during 1994. The results display a region-scale (southwest-to-northeast) gradient in damage that apparently corresponds to a gradient in the depth of ice that accumulated during the storms. Damage also varied topographically, particularly by aspect. Damage was most extensive on east-, southeast- and south-facing slopes; at middle elevations; and on slopes of moderate steepness.  相似文献   

建立贫困农户多目标发展评价体系,实现不同发展目标下的相对贫困的精准识别与动态监测,成为新阶段扶贫开发的迫切需求。论文面向精准扶贫、乡村振兴和可持续发展战略,基于贫困农户的短期、中期和长期目标,构建基于G-TOPSIS综合评价方法的贫困农户多目标发展评价模型,结合障碍度模型揭示不同发展目标下贫困农户的发展水平、发展差距及其致贫因素,并基于地理探测器对不同发展水平农户减贫的影响因素进行探测。以云南省福贡县为例的研究区实证结果表明:① 研究区目前仍存在大量未脱贫农户,脱贫攻坚的压力依然较大,全面脱贫是福贡县当前最紧迫的发展目标;已脱贫人口距全国和全省农村居民平均发展水平还有较大差距,仍处于相对贫困状态,具有较高的贫困脆弱性,防止返贫、缓解相对贫困的任务艰巨。② 短期目标下,主要致贫因素为劳动力受教育年限、卫生厕所、安全住房、家庭人均纯收入、家庭健康状况;中长期目标下,与全国和本省相比,家庭人均纯收入、劳动力受教育年限、安全住房为主要发展短板。③ 不同发展水平贫困农户空间分布特征存在较大差异,贫困空间分异受基础设施、地形条件、经济区位、自然资源、交通区位等因素的综合影响,农户发展水平越低,空间异质性越强,受地理环境的影响越大。研究结果可为减贫与发展战略的实施与监测提供决策依据与可靠的技术决策支持。  相似文献   

Following climate change, changes in precipitation patterns and food security are major challenges faced by humans. However, research on how these changes in precipitation pattern impacts food supply is limited. This study aims to elucidate this impact and response mechanisms using precipitation data of a climate change-sensitive confluence zone of the southwest and southeast monsoons in Yunnan Province from 1988 to 2018. The results revealed that the precipitation pattern could be divided into three periods: abundant precipitation(Stage I, from 1988 to 2004), decreased precipitation(Stage II, from 2005 to 2015), and drought recovery(Stage III, from 2016 to 2018). Following the transition from Stage I to Stage II and from Stage II to Stage III, the area of precipitation changed significantly, accounting for 15.07%, 13.87%, and 16.53% of Yunnan's total area, for Stages I, II, and III, respectively. At the provincial level, a significant positive correlation was observed between precipitation and food production(r = 0.535, P 0.01), and the correlation coefficient between precipitation and grain yield was higher than that between precipitation and meat and milk production. Based on a precipitation–grain yield transect and breakpoint detection method, key precipitation thresholds affecting grain yield were estimated as 700 and 1500 mm, respectively; when precipitation was 700, 700–1500, and ≥1500 mm, the correlation coefficients between precipitation and grain yield were 0.448(P 0.01), 0.370(P 0.01), and –0.229(P 0.05), respectively. Based on the precipitation thresholds, Yunnan Province can be divided into precipitation surplus, precipitation equilibrium, and precipitation deficit regions, corresponding countermeasures to stabilize grain yield were proposed for each of these regions. The threshold effect of precipitation on grain yield is controlled by molecular-level water–crop mechanisms, in which reactive oxygen species, a by-product of plant aerobic metabolism, plays a key regulatory role.  相似文献   

Tropical forests have been recognized as having global conservation importance. However,they are being rapidly destroyed in many regions of the world. Regular monitoring of forests is necessary for an adaptive management approach and the successful implementation of ecosystem management. The present study analyses the temporal changes in forest ecosystem structure in tribal dominated Malkangiri district of Orissa,India,during 1973-2004 period based on digitized forest cover maps using geographic information system (GIS) and interpretation of satellite data. Three satellite images Landsat MSS (1973),Landsat TM (1990) and IRS P6 LISS III (2004) were used to determine changes. Six land cover types were delineated which includes dense forest,open forest,scrub land,agriculture,barren land and water body. Different forest types were also demarcated within forest class for better understanding the degradation pattern in each forest types. The results showed that there was a net decrease of 475.7 km2 forest cover (rate of deforestation = 2.34) from 1973 to 1990 and 402.3 km2 (rate of deforestation = 2.27) from 1990 to 2004. Forest cover has changed over time depending on a few factors such as large-scale deforestation,shifting cultivation,dam and road construction,unregulated management actions,and social pressure. A significant increase of 1222.8 km2 agriculture area (1973-2004) clearly indicated the conversion of forest cover to agricultural land. These alterations had resulted in significant environmental consequences,including decline in forest cover,soil erosion,and loss of biodiversity. There is an urgent need for rational management of the remaining forest for it to be able to survive beyond next decades. Particular attention must be paid to tropical forests,which are rapidly being deforested.  相似文献   

Tropical forests have been recognized as having global conservation importance. However, they are being rapidly destroyed in many regions of the world. Regular monitoring of forests is necessary for an adaptive management approach and the successful implementation of ecosystem management. The present study analyses the temporal changes in forest ecosystem structure in tribal dominated Malkangiri district of Orissa, India, during 1973–2004 period based on digitized forest cover maps using geographic information system (GIS) and interpretation of satellite data. Three satellite images Landsat MSS (1973), Landsat TM (1990) and IRS P6 LISS III (2004) were used to determine changes. Six land cover types were delineated which includes dense forest, open forest, scrub land, agriculture, barren land and water body. Different forest types were also demarcated within forest class for better understanding the degradation pattern in each forest types. The results showed that there was a net decrease of 475.7 km2 forest cover (rate of deforestation = 2.34) from 1973 to 1990 and 402.3 km2 (rate of deforestation = 2.27) from 1990 to 2004. Forest cover has changed over time depending on a few factors such as large-scale deforestation, shifting cultivation, dam and road construction, unregulated management actions, and social pressure. A significant increase of 1222.8 km2 agriculture area (1973–2004) clearly indicated the conversion of forest cover to agricultural land. These alterations had resulted in significant environmental consequences, including decline in forest cover, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity. There is an urgent need for rational management of the remaining forest for it to be able to survive beyond next decades. Particular attention must be paid to tropical forests, which are rapidly being deforested.  相似文献   

The role that family and household structure, size, and ethnic/racial composition play in increasing or decreasing vulnerability to natural hazards, which has been missing from the literature, is investigated. The study first reviews the conceptual foundations of the relationships between families/households and natural hazards vulnerability and then employs a principal components analysis to uncover spatial variations in the vulnerability of families and households to hurricane storm surge hazards in Sarasota County, Florida. The analysis identifies and maps five principal components that explain approximately 83% of the variance in family/household population: nuclear families/households; Black families/households; nonfamily, young adult group households; Hispanic families/households; and Asian families/households. Comparison of storm surge risk maps with the locations of these families/households shows the relative vulnerability of each of these family/household categories, with elderly householders living alone on exposed barrier islands being the most vulnerable. The research suggests that family and household structures integrate several socio-demographic vulnerability indicators central to most social vulnerability assessments. Results indicate that future research and hazard mitigation policies should focus on families and households as core analytical units. Findings also suggest that recognizing the diversity of families and households is important to reducing vulnerability to natural hazards.  相似文献   

吴小根  杜莹莹 《地理研究》2011,30(9):1554-1565
游客感知形象是近些年来目的地旅游形象研究的重点。旅游目的地游客感知形象的形成过程是一个复杂的过程,受到了多方面因素的影响,交织了行为学、心理学、社会学、旅游学的各方面内容。本文在明晰旅游目的地游客感知形象概念的基础上,系统分析了游客感知形象形成过程的影响因素与阶段特征,进而基于相关研究假设构建了游客感知形象形成概念模型...  相似文献   

在构建交通服务功能模型和旅游效率评价指标基础上,综合运用熵权TOPSIS法、Bootstrap-DEA模型、双变量LISA和空间面板杜宾模型,探究2000-2016年云南省交通服务功能与旅游效率的空间关联特征,解析交通服务功能对旅游效率影响的空间效应及机理。结果表明:1)2000-2016年云南省交通服务功能整体呈上升态势,呈现典型“核心—边缘”空间格局;旅游效率总体水平呈增长趋势,在空间上呈集聚分布格局。2)云南省交通服务功能与旅游效率总体呈现空间集聚和依赖特征,双变量局部Moran散点主体落点呈现“高—高”和“低—低”空间聚类模式,表明评价交通服务功能与旅游效率关系时不能忽略空间效应。3)云南省交通服务功能对旅游效率具有明显的正向直接效应和空间溢出效应,佐证了交通是区域旅游效率增长不可或缺的先决条件;本地交通服务功能每提升1%,将会带动本地和邻近地区旅游效率分别增长0.2752%和0.1456%。4)经济实力、信息化水平、产业结构高级化、市场规模和对外开放度对本地旅游效率具有显著正向直接效应,经济实力、信息化水平、产业结构高级化与对外开放度对邻近地区旅游效率具有空间溢出效应。  相似文献   

Forest vegetation carbon patterns are significant for evaluating carbon emission and accumulation. Many methods were used to simulate patterns of forest vegetation carbon stock in previous studies, however, uncertainty apparently existed between results of different methods, even estimates of same method in different studies. Three previous methods, including Atmosphere-vegetation interaction model 2(AVIM2), Kriging, Satellite-data Based Approach(SBA), and a new method, High Accuracy Surface Modeling(HASM), were used to simulate forest vegetation carbon stock patterns in Jiangxi Province in China. Cross-validation was used to evaluate methods. The uncertainty and applicability of the four methods on provincial scale were analyzed and discussed. The results showed that HASM had the highest accuracy, which improved by 50.66%, 33.37% and 28.58%, compared with AVIM2, Kriging and SBA, respectively. Uncertainty of simulation of forest biomass carbon stock was mainly derived from modeling error, sampling error and statistical error of forest area. Total forest carbon stock, carbon density and forest area of Jiangxi were 288.62 Tg, 3.06 kg/m~2 and 94.32×109 m~2 simulated by HASM, respectively.  相似文献   

以云南省永胜县为例,应用景观生态学原理,构建土地持续利用的时空耦合的综合评价指标体系,定量评价全县1996年、1999年和2001年间的土地利用可持续性动态,并构建指标贡献度与指标障碍度,定量表征各指标的相对作用强度。研究结果表明,研究时段内全县各乡镇土地利用可持续性整体均较低,相对差异大而稳定;区域土地利用系统在1999年前后发生了较大变化,偏离了土地持续利用目标;对全县各乡镇土地利用可持续性起重要贡献作用的因素主要是人口密度与土地利用程度指数,景观多样性与复种指数次之;主要障碍因素则是地均工农业总产值、粮食作物单产、景观破碎度,油料作物单产、单位面积耕地化肥使用量次之。  相似文献   

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