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NNJ Guest Editor Reza Sarhangi introduces the Editorial Committee for this issue: Carol Bier, B. Lynn Bodner, Douglas Dunham, Mohammad Gharipour, and Hooman Koliji, and the papers dedicated to Persian Architecture and Mathematics in NNJ vol. 14, no. 2 (Autumn 2012).  相似文献   

建筑设计是人类为了满足自身的居住需要而进行的一项创造性活动,通过对现代建筑设计进行的深刻反思,以及分析中国古典建筑的伦理意识以及审美形态等,从宽泛意义上的伦理学角度思考,引出研究中国古典建筑伦理特点的必要性,试图从设计伦理层面来启示现代建筑设计与中国古典文化精神互通的可能性。  相似文献   

当今世界建筑的设计思维发生着改变,女性思维逐渐被提上了日程。本文通过分析两位当今顶级女建筑师的作品及其思想,来阐述女性思维对建筑设计所产生的影响。根据我国的基本现状,提出了在建筑设计中发展女性思维的重要性及方法。  相似文献   

在对新一代高效视频编码(High Efficiency Video Coding,HEVC)帧内预测Planar和DC模式算法分析的基础上,分别提出了高效的超大规模集成电路(Very Large Scale Integration Circuit,VLSI)设计方案,旨在解决处理延时较长、资源占用较大的问题。针对Planar模式,提出一种在重组、合并算法的基础上,预测块复用的架构;针对DC模式,提出一种dcValue计算和滤波的基本块分离、各自复用不同块的架构。实验结果表明:所提架构与其他两种同类型架构相比,Planar模式实现平均处理延时减少了21%,资源消耗分别减少了14.7%和7%;DC模式实现平均处理延时减少了55%,同时资源消耗减少了22%和15%,能够满足1?920×1?080@30?f/s视频序列实时编码的需求。  相似文献   

西方的艺术设计内在的植入当代中国的设计中,一直是人言人殊,又常说常新的话题。通常我们说"本土化",而在文化层面上就是"语境化",今天中国设计已必然与中国本身的文化传统或民族性发生关系。中国设计中内植的融入中国人特有的思维方式,以设计和视觉的角度解读中国古典文献,用发展着的动态的创作理论去对待中国设计。  相似文献   

随着中国国际地位的提高,汉语在与中亚各国的交流中的交际价值得到凸显,世界上很多实体学校和教育机构在开展汉语教学,但外派汉语教师困难及海外本土教师自身汉语水平及发音问题,成为制约汉语学习发展的重要因素。针对这些问题,本文设计并开发了面向中亚的大学汉语辅助学习软件,利用HTML5Plus、MUI框架、百度语音合成等技术,利用移动学习的特点,为汉语学习者提供课文朗读、课文跟读、单词学习等功能模块进行汉语学习,并且利用课程资源云平台及时更新课程资源,克服了许多软件存在的课程资源不可更新的缺点。此软件的开发应用,缓解了中亚各国汉语教师匮乏的问题,提高了学习者的学习效率与汉语教学质量,有利于汉语在中亚各国的传播。  相似文献   

This article analyzes a particular series of Persian mosaic designs illustrated in historical scrolls and appearing on the surfaces of historical monuments. The common element in these designs is a special ten-pointed star polygon, called a decagram for convenience; it is the dominant geometric shape in several polyhedral tessellations. This decagram can be created through the rotation of two concentric congruent regular pentagons with a radial distance of 36° from each others?? central angles. To create a decagram-based interlocking pattern, however, a craftsman-mathematician would need to take careful steps to locate a fundamental region. A modular approach to pattern-making seems to be more applicable for this design than compass-straightedge constructions. Such designs include patterns that are sometimes called aperiodic or quasi-periodic tilings in the language of modern mathematics.  相似文献   

WebGIS的企业级解决方案探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
互联网(Internet)的出现极大的改变了人们的思维方式和行为模式,成功地促成了大量传统行业向新经济行业的转变。传统的地理信息系统(GIS)与互联网的结合,借用网络技术发展的最新成果,解决长期困绕GIS行业的专业性太强、庞大、封闭和低效等一系列问题,必将带动GIS在技术层面  相似文献   

近年来,软件体系结构逐渐成为软件工程领域的研究热点.而作为一种新兴的面向服务体系结构思想的SOA体现了软件体系结构思想的成熟运用,有其自身独到的优势.  相似文献   

Using data from the Integrated Values Survey (IVS), the Life in Transition Survey (LiTS), and the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS), we analyse the relation between age and subjective well-being in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region and compare it to that in Western Europe. Although our results generally confirm previous studies’ findings of a U-shaped relation between subjective well-being and age for most of the lifecycle, we also find that well-being in ECA declines again after the 70s, giving rise to an S-shape relation across the entire lifespan. When controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, this pattern generally remains robust for most of our cross-sectional and panel analyses. Hence, despite significant heterogeneity in the pattern of well-being across the lifespan within the ECA region, we do not observe high levels of cross-country or cross-cohort variation.  相似文献   

通过分析抽象思维和形象思维在设计构思过程中的特点,研究两种思维能力在设计中的联系,从而理解其发挥的作用。本文力求寻找形象思维和抽象思维两种能力的有效结合的途径,从而促进设计发展,真正提高设计者的能力。  相似文献   

杨亮  林鸿飞  王宇轩  许侃 《计算机科学》2012,39(10):203-208
目前关于情感倾向性的研究均以语言内容为主要对象,然而民族的思维模式影响了语言的表达形式。通过对汉民族"图形式"、"具体性"、"散点视"的思维特点和西方民族"直线式"、"抽象性"、"聚点视"的思维特点进行对比研究,提出了基于中西思维模式的情感倾向性分析方法。针对"图形式"和"直线式"思维特点,给出了位置相关的量化方法;针对"具体性"和"抽象性"思维特点给出了基于词性和语法特征的分析方法;针对"散点视"和"聚点视"思维特点提出了基于视窗的分析方法。实验结果表明,在中英文语料中考虑各自的思维模式特点有助于提高情感倾向性识别的效果。  相似文献   

利用点和平面间的对偶性设计可展面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于点和平面间的对偶性原理 ,提出了一种设计四次样条上可展面的方法 ,讨论了所设计可展面的特点和几何构造 ,并以中心点表示控制平面的方式对曲面的设计进行了较详细的实例分析 文中的设计方法直接、简单、有效 ,实例表明设计结果良好  相似文献   

The five Central Asian countries are located in the inland areas with a serious shortage of water resources and the lakes are the main support for the ecosystem in the area.Due to the lack of long-term information support both in the year and in the intervening years,it is difficult to fully understand the characteristics of the major lakes in the five Central Asian countries.In this study,MODIS 8-day reflectivity products were used as data sources from 2001 to 2016,and the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) method was used to extract the water body area.The annual and inter-annual water surface of 9 major lakes in Central Asia Change Characteristics and Key Influence Factors.The results show that:(1) Lake water surface changes in the five Central Asian countries are affected by anthropogenic disturbance and climate change.The annual and interannual time series of the lake tail and alpine enclosed lake show different trend and fluctuation characteristics;(2) the changes of the Aral sea in the south and north are most obvious.The surface area of the South Aral Sea has decreased obviously in recent 15 years,reducing the area by more than 70%,while the North Aral Sea fluctuates with the variation of precipitation.(3) the total area of the sub-main lakes has been declining.The area has shrunk by 23.51% over the past 15 years.The South Aral Sea is a contributor to the statistical decrease of all lakes.However,the surface area of other lakes shows an increasing trend.  相似文献   

A major outstanding problem in automated theorem proving research is determining the appropriate use of definitions and previously proved theorems within a proof. Presenting the theorem prover with only the formulae that are necessary for the proof might be viewed as ‘cheating’ and requires that the user prove the theorem ahead of time. In real world applications of theorem proving, this is almost certain to be infeasible. On the other hand providing the prover with all formulae that might be relevant rapidly swamps the prover with unnecessary information. A technique for the selective retrieval of formulae based on features of those formulae and the conjecture at hand is required to solve this problem. In this paper I describe an abstraction-based technique which addresses this problem. Implicit hypotheses such as definitions, axioms and previously proved theorems are stored in a database which may be accessed by a heuristic rule of inference calledgazing. Before accessing this database the gazing rule plans the use of these formulae in a hierarchy of abstraction spaces. When the planning phase is complete, the system can use the indicated formulae with some confidence that they are relevant to the proof. Since the technique is abstraction-based, no guarantee that the plant will be eventually applicable or successful can be made. However, because the plans are built by considering increasing amounts of detail, the number of ways in which the application of a plan can fail is limited. Plan failures may be ‘patched’ in a uniform way.  相似文献   

The diverse forms of nature, in particular and biological forms, have long been a preoccupation of the architect. As a special category of natural form, biological organisms exhibit extraordinary levels of design adaptability across multiple generations based upon the inherent ‘intelligence’ of the evolutionary mechanism. Evolutionary design theory in architecture seeks to harness this generative intelligence as the foundation for a new architectural design process. This paper investigates the lineage of evolutionary thought in architectural design, paying particular attention to the current trend towards experimentation with generative algorithmic procedures and the theorization of an evolutionary architecture.  相似文献   

网络处理器是一种支持高速报文处理和转发的可编程通信集成电路.作为路由器中的重要组件,网络处理器设计不但强调高性能,还要求足够的灵活性以支持未来的网络协议.针对控制流网络处理器固定拓扑结构及指令级并行性开发方面的不足,采用粗粒度数据流设计思想,提出了一种粗粒度数据流网络处理器体系结构及原型--DynaNP.DynaNP不但可利用处理引擎内控制流执行方式获得高可编程性,还利用处理引擎间数据流执行方式有效开发报文处理中的任务级并行性.此外,DynaNP提供了处理路径动态配置机制,可有效提高系统流量.DynaNP的原型系统基于SoPC技术设计实现.多个PE和功能模块通过片上高速通信网络连接,其中,核心处理引擎采用嵌入式RISC处理器核LEON3实现,并采用指令集扩展技术优化网络协议处理.该原型系统可有效验证粗粒度数据流网络处理器的功能和关键技术.  相似文献   

简单介绍了并行多处理机结构模拟现状,讨论了一个实际工作负载驱动模拟器的设计与实现。  相似文献   

伴随着自然的演绎和当今居住环境的巨大变化,仿生设计艺术越来越广泛地应用到建筑设计领域当中。该论文通过研究仿生设计来体现其自然形态,为设计找到表现方式,为传达设计的内涵提供素材,使我们从自然形态中受到启迪。  相似文献   

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