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乳清饮料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金世琳 《软饮料工业》1996,(4):45-47,39

乳清的营养价值及乳清饮料的研究现状   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
乳清是工业生产干酪及干酪素的副产品,乳清的营养成分相当于除去酪蛋白的脱脂乳,约占牛乳营养成分的55%,乳固体达6%-7%,其中粗蛋白1%,粗脂肪0.3%-0.4%,乳糖3%-5%。国外多利用乳甭生产乳清粉和乳清蛋白浓缩物等。乳清饮料有3种形式:1)乳清与果汁直接调配;2)制做无蛋白澄清饮料;3)发酵型乳清饮料。所以,乳清的合理开发利用十分重要。  相似文献   

一、前言干酪是以牛奶或羊奶为原料加工而成的一种营养丰富的乳制品。近年来,干酪的产量在世界各种乳制品的产量中一直居于首位。并以较快的速度连年递增。在我国,干酪生产基础薄弱,与国外相比,差距很大。但随着我国旅游事业的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,干酪生产也得到了飞速发展。在农牧渔业部等上级主管部门的重视与支持下,我校畜牧站于1987年建成了羊奶干酪厂,并已试制出合格的羊奶干酪,曾受到外宾好评,但迟迟未能正式投产,其重要原  相似文献   

微生物发酵生产乳清饮料的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用开菲粒(kefir grains)分别发酵羊奶乳清和牛奶乳清,结果表明:羊奶乳清的发酵能力比牛奶乳清强。羊奶乳清在25℃发酵50小时所达到的发酵程度与相同条件下牛奶乳清发酵85小时相近。达到此发酵程度时,乳清的酸度上升到65~67°,pH值下降到3.6~3.7,乳糖分解率为18~19%(经陈化,乳糖分解率可大大增加),乙醇含量为0.4%。并且乳清经发酵后,其特殊的乳清味和羊奶乳清的膻味消失。利用从开菲粒申分离出的乳糖发酵酵母(笔者自己分离筛选)与乳酸链球菌共同发酵牛奶乳清,以模仿开菲粒的菌群和发酵特性,在25℃发酵48小时时,可制出清香可口、含醇、含气的酸性乳清发酵饮料。  相似文献   

发酵乳清饮料的加工技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用筛选出的HDC12混合型乳酸菌发酵剂发酵乳清。采用超滤设备解决乳清发酵饮料中蛋白质沉淀问题,通过二次加热钝化乳酸菌,最终使产品成为清澈透明、保质期为一个月、风味适口的乳酸菌饮料。其乳酸菌活菌数达到1×107cfu/g  相似文献   

乳清多肽发酵饮料的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文探讨了乳清产品的国内外生产状况,乳清的营养特性和功能特性。乳清饮料的研究现状,尤其是发酵型乳清多肽饮料的研究及发展趋势。  相似文献   

利用营养价值极丰富的乳清作主要原料 ,添加乳酸菌发酵到一定程度 ,以降低乳糖 ,产生乳酸 ,最后生成一种口味纯正、酸甜可口、营养丰富的高档饮料。   相似文献   

发酵乳清饮料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用营养价值极丰富的乳清作主要原料 ,添加乳酸菌发酵到一定程度 ,以降低乳糖 ,产生乳酸 ,最后生成一种口味纯正、酸甜可口、营养丰富的高档饮料。  相似文献   

大豆乳清蛋白饮料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以生产大豆分离蛋白过程中排放的大豆乳清水为原料,经抽滤、脱色、脱味、脱盐处理后得到富含大豆乳清蛋白的澄清液,然后通过单因素及正交实验确定最佳配方及生产工艺.研制出风味独特、口味清新的大豆乳清蛋白的饮料产品.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):7773-7780
Acid whey is a byproduct of cheesemaking that is difficult to use because of its low pH and less-favorable processing properties compared with rennet whey. The aim of this study was to evaluate the qualities of fermented beverages made using acid whey. In manufacturing the beverages, we used probiotic cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 or Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. The production process included combining pasteurized acid whey with UHT milk, unsweetened condensed milk, or skim milk powder. We introduced milk to enrich casein content and obtain a product with characteristics similar to that of fermented milk drinks. The products were stored under refrigerated conditions (5 ± 1°C) for 21 d. During storage, we assessed the beverages' physicochemical properties and organoleptic characteristics. The properties of the beverages depended on their composition, microbial culture, and storage time. Beverages containing L. acidophilus had higher acidity, which increased during storage; the acidity of samples containing B. animalis was more stable. Beverages made with skim milk powder (La1 and Bb1) had higher acetaldehyde content, but this parameter decreased in all samples during storage. The hardness of the samples did not change during storage and was highest in beverage La3, made from whey, condensed milk, and L. acidophilus. Beverage La2, made from whey, milk, condensed milk, and L. acidophilus, had the best sensory properties. The whey beverages we developed provided a good medium for the probiotic bacteria; bacteria count throughout the storage period exceeded 8 log cfu/mL, distinctly higher than the minimum therapeutic dose.  相似文献   

发酵乳清饮品的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌,对乳清进行发酵,开发具有生物活性的乳清饮品。通过对乳清蛋白主要成分及理化特性的分析、杆菌球菌比例、稳定剂选择和保质期试验以及正交实验,确定了乳清发酵的优化工艺条件为:GA和CMC混合协同增效的最佳比例为1:3。发酵温度42℃、接种量3%、发酵终点750T,杆菌球菌的最适比例为1~2:1,0~6℃冷藏保质期可达20d以上。  相似文献   

以乳清粉为原料研制出益生菌发酵乳清饮料,优化了包括菌种配比、发酵条件和稳定性在内的工艺与配方。结果表明:嗜酸乳杆菌和干酪乳杆菌配比为1:1、接种量为3%、发酵温度为35℃、发酵时间为8h时,益生菌发酵乳清饮料风味最好。稳定剂的配比为:CMC0.25%、PGA0.15%、果胶0.1%。  相似文献   

为了充分利用牦牛乳清,开发出一种良好口腔刺激感的片状固体饮料。以牦牛乳生产甜干酪时排出的副产物乳清液为基础原料,45 ℃旋转蒸发,-55 ℃真空冻干成粉。采用感官加权总分为评价指标,通过单因素试验、L9(34)正交试验和Box-Behnken响应面优化,确定饮料片的最佳工艺配方。结果表明,乳清粉添加量、阿斯巴甜添加量和崩解剂添加量对饮料片感官加权评分影响极显著(P<0.001)。最佳工艺参数为:28.75%的乳清粉,43.75%的崩解剂,2.75%的阿斯巴甜,8%的聚乙二醇6000,酸碱比为1.24:1,感官加权总分为4.04。产品直径约10 mm,重约0.50 g/片,崩解时间小于120 s,发泡量大于8 mL,料液pH为6.42,色泽透亮,香味怡人,口感清爽。该结果可作为指导乳清固体饮料生产的理论依据,为功能性乳清的开发提供应用潜能。  相似文献   

自热饮料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自热饮料是一种利用铝和水的水合化学反应放出的很高热量来作为热能,用于食品、饮料的加热、使加热的食品或饮料更符合我国人民热饮的生活习惯。该加热剂在反应中无毒、无味、无烟、无明火,安全可靠,获得了国家专利。  相似文献   

对大豆乳清蛋白乳饮料的加工工艺进行研究。通过正交试验确定最佳配方及工艺条件:在总蛋白含量≥1.5%的标准下,大豆乳清蛋白添加量为0.7%、白砂糖8%、柠檬酸0.3%、复合稳定剂0.2%。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  A challenge of shelf stable beverages that contain whey protein is that a small portion of protein can be denatured and aggregated during thermal processing, resulting in a turbid solution or white precipitate that consumers perceive as a defect. In this study, 3 approaches were taken to reduce turbidity in heat-treated beverages that contain whey protein: (1) centrifugation to remove insoluble protein aggregates, (2) addition of ingredients, and (3) alteration of pH in the range from 3.0 to 4.0. At pH 3.6 and below, all samples were essentially clear both before and after heating for all ingredients. At a pH of 3.8 and above, ingredient selection was crucial to solution clarity after heat treatment. At a pH of 4.0, addition of salts at both 10 and 50 mM increased the turbidity significantly compared to the control, which contained only whey protein in water. Neither addition of sugars at 25, 50, and 100 g/L, nor addition of sugar alcohols at 25 g/L significantly affected turbidity after heat treatment compared to the control. However, sugar alcohols added at 50 or 100 g/L significantly reduced turbidity after heat treatment compared to the control. Removal of insoluble protein aggregates by centrifugation prior to heat treatment resulted in a statistically significant decrease in turbidity after heat treatment. Understanding these results at the molecular level will assist food scientists in selecting processing treatments, ingredients, and pH in the development of shelf stable clear beverages that contain whey protein.  相似文献   

乳清多肽的制备及乳清多肽酒的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐海萍  胡文忠  范圣第 《酿酒》2005,32(6):53-55
采用蛋白酶水解乳清粉,并对乳清多肽进行酵母菌发酵,并对发酵所得乳清酒进行风味调配。乳清粉最佳的水解条件为:[E/S]=1%、T=60℃、pH=9.0、时间=120min,水解度为DH=21.22%。乳清多肽酒的最优发酵条件:接种量为5%、起始pH为7.5、温度为22℃、发酵60h,酒度可达到3.9。多肽乳清酒的最佳基本调配是:酸量(苹果酸:柠檬酸=1:1)为0.1%、蔗糖为7%、环状糊精为0.6%。  相似文献   

以鲜牛乳为原料制备乳清,通过单因素实验、正交试验、响应面试验,结合测试多肽的胆固醇胶束溶解度抑制率,优化复合酶酶解乳清蛋白的工艺和多肽复合饮料的配方.结果表明,采用中性蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶复合酶分段酶解乳清蛋白制取乳清蛋白肽的最佳工艺条件是酶添加总量6%、酶比例3∶1,酶解总时间4h,分段酶解时间比1∶1.响应面法优化得到...  相似文献   

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