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室内湿度对生活质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了室内空气湿度对人们生活质量的影响。阐述了适当的室内空气湿度对健康生活的重要性。  相似文献   

在室内设计中,我们最常接触到的一种材料要算是木材,不论是从结构,装饰到产品,有室内隔断,地板,薄片,饰条以及家具等,当我们把各种奇形怪木都用上时,有没有深入了解这一种材料的特色?  相似文献   

室内湿度与调剂方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

爱军 《建筑工人》2009,(12):53-53
据日本医学专家长期研究表明,流感、哮喘、过敏性皮炎、肺气肿等呼吸系统疾病的发生,与人们生活环境中的湿度密切相关。通常入体适宜的健康湿度为45%-65%RH,在冬季人们常重视温度而忽视湿度。殊不知,当空气中湿度低于40%RH时,呼吸系统的免疫力就会明显下降,鼻部和肺部呼吸道枯膜上的纤毛运动减缓,  相似文献   

通过运用焓差试验室对某品牌多联机空调机组进行试验,测试在相同室外温度、相同室内干球温度、不同室内湿球温度下多联机空调机组的各种性能参数变化情况,并且对其制冷量、能效、耗功、潜热显热量、潜热显热比、除湿量等进行了对比分析.试验结果表明:室内温度相同的情况下,室内相对湿度从35%增加到75%,机组制冷量增加了21.02%,耗功量增加了6.23%,能效增加了13.97%;当室内相对湿度小于35%的时候,机组能力全部靠显热来提供;在湿度较高和较低的情况下可以通过改变系统的控制方式来改变压缩机的运行频率,降低功耗,实现节能.  相似文献   

包剑  郑晓红  代彦军 《暖通空调》2006,36(11):54-57
利用调湿材料被动调节房间湿度是一种节能环保的方法。在封闭的小型环境箱内对复合硅胶调湿材料进行了调湿特性研究。结果表明,在通常情况下硅胶不适合作为调湿材料。  相似文献   

以某高校图书馆为例,分析了EnergyPlus软件的两种室内湿度控制模式对室内湿度和空调负荷预测及夜间通风节能效果评价的影响。结果表明,定湿度模式预测得到的室内湿度与设定值一致,定显热比模式预测得到的室内湿度波动较大,且室内人员密度越大或室内设计温度越低,预测结果偏离设定值越多。两模式算得的空调显热负荷相同,潜热负荷不同,且室内人员密度越大或室内设计温度越低,定湿度模式预测得到的潜热负荷和全热负荷超过定湿度模式的预测结果越多。若该建筑位于上海或西安地区,则典型日的夜间通风节能率均约为9%,且定显热比模式的预测结果稍大。采用定显热比模式计算空调负荷、评价夜间通风节能效果时需同时考虑日间室内湿度是否满足要求,尤其是对湿热地区室内人员密度较大或设计温度较低的建筑。如果室内湿度不满足要求,应采用定湿度模式。  相似文献   

在两间分别采用被动式太阳能集热蓄热墙体和普通保温节能墙体的同实体大的实验房屋中,利用多点温湿度及风速的计算机巡回检测系统,在2004年供暖期对室内外温湿度、风速、太阳辐射照度及墙体内温度等参数进行了实测。结果表明,未采用被动式太阳能集热蓄热墙体的对比房内相对湿度比太阳房高20%左右,并因湿度较高在窗户上出现结露现象。分析了两间实验房屋的热湿传递特性以及对一些物性参数如室内相对湿度、墙体的含湿量、人的舒适性等的影响。  相似文献   

调湿建材调节室内湿度的可行性分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
黄季宜  金招芬 《暖通空调》2002,32(1):105-106
探讨了调湿建材作为一种室内湿度调节方式的可行性,计算了北京地区气候条件下某办公室全年的湿负荷,估算了所需调湿建材的蓄湿量,介绍了一种以高分子树脂凝胶为主要材料的调湿建材。  相似文献   

日本一家公司制成一种通过自然吸收和散发方式达到调节室内湿度的新型墙体材料。据称,室内只要使用该材料制成的墙板,其复盖面为10%,就可以使室内湿度保持60%。目前墙体材料大多使用灰泥板,湿度不到90%时,灰泥板不能吸收湿气;但当湿度  相似文献   

Analysis of indoor humidity environment in Chinese residential buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high or low humidity environment is related closely to not only many health problems, but also has great influence on the construction durability and energy consumption. It is very important to control humidity level, in order to achieve a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. However, various problems of the air humidity in inhabited dwellings are not yet taken serious consideration in China. Moreover, there is hardly any information available regarding the actual humidity environment in Chinese residential houses. For this reason, it is difficult to select appropriate moderate moisture strategies to maintain a harmonious indoor humidity level.  相似文献   

During the design of a new building or retrofitting of an existing one, it is important to reliably assess the indoor humidity levels of the building as it can potentially affect the building envelope durability, occupants’ comfort and health risks associated with mould growth. Simplistic assumptions of indoor humidity profiles, which ignore the dynamic coupling of the indoor environment and building enclosure, may lead to inaccurate conclusions about the indoor environment and moisture performance of the building enclosure. In this paper, a whole-building hygrothermal model called HAMFitPlus, which takes into account the dynamic interactions between building envelope components, mechanical systems and indoor heat and moisture generation mechanisms, is used to assess the indoor humidity condition of an existing occupied house. HAMFitPlus is developed on SimuLink development platform and integrates COMSOL multiphysics with MatLab. The basic input parameters of the model are discussed in detail, and its simulation results are presented. In general, the HAMFitPlus simulation results are in good agreement with the measured data.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the cognitive performance of subtropically acclimatized subjects at an extreme high indoor temperature and the effect of decreased humidity on the cognitive performance at the high temperature. Forty-eight healthy subjects experienced the three exposure conditions: 26°C/relative humidity (RH) 70%, 39°C/RH50%, and 39°C/RH70% in a climate chamber. During 140-minute-long exposures to each thermal condition, they were required to perform cognitive tests that assess the perception, spatial orientation, concentration, memory, and thinking abilities. Meanwhile, their heart rate, core temperature, skin temperature, blood pressure, and body weight were measured and subjective responses, that is, thermal comfort, perceived air quality, and acute health symptoms were investigated. At the relative humidity of 70%, increasing indoor temperature from 26°C to 39°C caused a significant decrease in the accuracy of these cognitive tests. However, when the relative humidity decreased from 70% to 50% at 39°C, the accuracy of the cognitive tests increased significantly. Accordingly, the physiological and subjective responses of the subjects changed significantly with the changes in indoor temperature and humidity, which provided a basis to the variation in the cognitive performance. These results indicated that decreasing indoor humidity at extreme high temperature could improve the impaired cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Many studies report an association between outdoor ambient weather and health. Outdoor conditions may be a poor indicator of personal exposure because people spend most of their time indoors. Few studies have examined how indoor conditions relate to outdoor ambient weather. The average indoor temperature, apparent temperature, relative humidity (RH), and absolute humidity (AH) measured in 16 homes in Greater Boston, Massachusetts, from May 2011 to April 2012 was compared to measurements taken at Boston Logan airport. The relationship between indoor and outdoor temperatures is nonlinear. At warmer outdoor temperatures, there is a strong correlation between indoor and outdoor temperature (Pearson correlation coefficient, = 0.91, slope, β = 0.41), but at cooler temperatures, the association is weak (= 0.40, β = 0.04). Results were similar for outdoor apparent temperature. The relationships were linear for RH and AH. The correlation for RH was modest (= 0.55, β = 0.39). Absolute humidity exhibited the strongest indoor‐to‐outdoor correlation (= 0.96, β = 0.69). Indoor and outdoor temperatures correlate well only at warmer outdoor temperatures. Outdoor RH is a poor indicator of indoor RH, while indoor AH has a strong correlation with outdoor AH year‐round.  相似文献   

There has been a rising concern in controlling the high indoor humidity of hot and humid countries. When an air-conditioned space experiences only part of its design heat load, its humidity tends to rise as a result of the air-conditioning system trying to control the indoor temperature by reducing its cooling capacity. In this study, the part-load dehumidification performances of three temperature control strategies are compared, namely, chilled water flow control, bypass air control and the variable air volume control. Coil simulations are employed to study the part-load performance of these control strategies. The coil model has been validated with experimental data to within ±6.5%. The relative humidity of a space depends of factors such as design sensible heat factor of the space, temperature control strategy employed and load condition experienced by the space. Simulation results have indicated that chilled water control strategy results in the highest indoor humidity throughout the range of conditions studied while variable air volume system provides highly effective dehumidification performance of the cooling coil. Bypass air control appears to be a good option for adoption as it is able to provide an acceptable humidity over a wide range of load conditions without having to affect the air movement within the space.  相似文献   

四种温度控制方法对相对湿度影响的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟比较了定风量变水量、变风量变水量、旁通型变风量、二次回风控制四种方法在部分负荷时的除湿能力.结果表明,定风量变水量控制在部分负荷时,室内相对湿度一直较高.除湿能力很差;旁通型变风量控制除湿能力较强;变风量变水量控制在潜热不变显热变化的情况下除湿能力较差,而在潜热显热都变化的情况下较好;二次回风控制只在实际显热比较小时除湿能力较差.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2005,37(4):383-388
Free water surface may generate excessive moisture and heat and have adverse effects on indoor environment and energy loss. A series of experiments have been carried out to study the characteristics of indoor temperature and moisture distributions using a free water surface within a test chamber. Some parameters such as air change rates, surrounding air temperature and humidity, water temperature and water surface area, were chosen to find their influences on simultaneous moisture and heat transfer. In addition, a new method for determining the simultaneous heat and mass transfer rates from free water surface is developed. Using this method with connection of CFD simulations, the moisture-related problems due to free water surface can be predicted precisely.  相似文献   

Satoru Takada 《Indoor air》2021,31(1):250-263
As a basis for determining the lower limit of acceptable humidity in an indoor environment, experiments were conducted for 25 subjects to assess the maximum expected sensations of dryness, discomfort based on humidity, and intolerance based on humidity, under conditions of 26°C and 10% RH. As results, distinct negative evaluations (dry, uncomfortable, or intolerable) were not obtained as the majority response; however, a small number of subjects declared distinct negative responses. In addition to the whole-body evaluation, the sensations for individual body parts were collected and found to be more intense for the eyes, nose, throat, and lips than for the other body parts. Significant differences between the genders were not found. For 8 of the subjects, similar experiments under a condition of 30% RH were conducted, and the difference between two humidity conditions was clearer for discomfort and intolerance than for dryness. The results suggest that the evaluation of the specific individuals who respond intensely, the consideration of intense responses for a specific part of the body, and the careful selection of an evaluation word for a psychological response might be effective to link this study to the determination of the lower limit of indoor humidity.  相似文献   

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