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目的鉴定凝血因子Ⅸ基因剔除小鼠.方法采用PCR扩增检测小鼠的DNA样品以及采用一期法检定小鼠血浆FIX活性和血浆凝血酶原时间(plasma prothrombin time,PT)、白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(Kaolin partialthromboplastin time,KPTT)值.结果小鼠PCR检测为阳性,FIX活性<5%.结论凝血因子Ⅸ基因剔除小鼠能稳定遗传,鉴定结果提示该小鼠符合人血友病B相应临床症状.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Smad3基因对剔除小鼠血清酶活性的影响。方法 采用荷兰半自动生化分析仪对 35日龄、70日龄、6月龄的三种不同基因型的小鼠的ALP、AST、ALT、CK、LDH L进行测定。结果 纯合型小鼠各项指标较野生型高 ,且表现出ALP随着年龄的增长而降低 ;AST、ALT、CK、LDH L随着年龄的增长而增高。结论 Smad3基因的剔除对小鼠的血清酶活性有一定的影响 ,为该小鼠的进一步研究提供基础。  相似文献   

基因剔除小鼠是活体内研究基因及蛋白质功能的理想动物模型。传统的基因剔除技术存在表型分析复杂、周期长、操作繁杂等缺点,如何更科学、更方便地建立基因剔除小鼠模型成为目前使该技术更好地应用于医学研究的关键。本文从胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)的遗传背景、组织特异性基因表达基因剔除小鼠及基因剔除技术上的革新几方面介绍了目前基因剔除小鼠研究的一些最新进展。  相似文献   

目的 培育凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠近交系。方法 采用全同胞兄妹对交配 ,每代选用第一胎小鼠留种 ,记录繁殖性能 ;第 8代开始筛选纯合子。结果 凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠已近交培育到第 12代 ,交配年龄 70 - 90d ,平均每窝产仔数 5只以上 ,离乳数 3只以上。结论 纯合子FIX剔除基因小鼠在子代鼠中能稳定遗传  相似文献   

利用基因诱捕技术进行小鼠基因剔除的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对利用基因诱捕技术进行小鼠基因剔除做了初步的探索,为进一步应用该技术进行小鼠基因功能研究奠定了基础.利用基因诱捕载体转染小鼠ES细胞,获得了36株neo基因单拷贝整合的诱捕ES细胞,其中14株细胞表达有活性的β半乳糖苷酶.将3株诱捕ES细胞分别经显微注射引入到受体囊胚中,再植入假孕母鼠的子宫中使其发育成小鼠.两株细胞得到了程度不同的嵌合体小鼠,其中一株诱捕ES细胞整合至生殖系.利用质粒拯救实验获得了诱捕载体整合位点附近的基因组序列,通过序列比对发现被诱捕的基因可能是一个新基因.X-gal染色结果显示,该基因的表达局限于小鼠腹部及肢芽的部位.  相似文献   

目的:探讨反应性血小板增高患者凝血指标及血小板聚集功能指标变化规律。方法:143例血小板反应性增高患者和65例对照者同时检测血小板聚集功能、抗凝血酶活性(AT-Ⅲ)、凝血酶原时间(PT)和活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT),并统计分析。结果:血小板反应性增高常见于肿瘤、肺炎、外伤患者;血小板反应性增高组患者AT-Ⅲ、PT和APTT与对照组无差异,但患者血小板聚集功能显著高于对照组。结论:血小板反应性增高患者血小板聚集功能增强,建议定期监测血小板聚集功能,必要时用抗血小板聚集药预防。  相似文献   

Smad3基因剔除小鼠的繁殖与基因型鉴定   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的为进一步深入研究Smad3基因在脊椎动物发育中的重要作用,对Smad3基因剔除小鼠进行保种和繁育研究.方法采用基因剔除杂合子小鼠进行保种,通过PCR和Southern杂交对杂合子小鼠交配所产生的后代进行基因型鉴定,纯合子小鼠和野生型小鼠用于表型分析,杂合子小鼠用于留种和繁殖生产.结果采用PCR方法对278只子代小鼠进行了基因型鉴定,83只为野生型,133只为杂合子,62只为纯合子.结论Smad3基因剔除突变能稳定遗传.采用杂合子小鼠保种,子代小鼠三种基因型比例符合孟德尔遗传定律.  相似文献   

adiponectin是脂肪细胞特异分泌的一种活性蛋白质,具有增加胰岛素敏感性、抗炎及抗动脉硬化等活性.建立adiponectin基因剔除β-半乳糖苷酶基因(LacZ)敲入小鼠模型,可为整体动物水平研究adiponectin基因功能及其表达调控机制等提供理想工具.根据生物信息学方法获得adiponectin基因组序列,设计基因剔除及敲入策略,在adiponectin基因第2和第3号外显子剔除的同时,在其ATG和信号肽序列后顺接LacZ基因完整编码序列,构建完成了Adipo-LacZ-XpPNT基因剔除质粒.通过电穿孔将打靶质粒转入ES细胞,以G418和ganciclovir进行药物筛选,获得药物抗性的ES细胞克隆,PCR和DNA印迹鉴定出正确同源重组克隆.将同源重组的ES细胞克隆注入小鼠囊胚得到嵌合体小鼠,嵌合体小鼠与C57BL/6J小鼠交配产生杂合子小鼠,杂合子间交配获得adiponectin基因剔除LacZ基因敲入纯合子小鼠.经RT-PCR、RNA印迹和ELISA检测证实纯合子小鼠脂肪和血清中adiponectin基因表达呈阴性.RT-PCR、RNA印迹及蛋白质印迹检测发现,LacZ基因在突变小鼠脂肪组织中有特异性表达,其表达谱与内源性adiponectin基因的表达谱一致.但在脂肪组织及外周血中未能检测到LacZ活性,且血清中LacZ蛋白亦呈阴性.由此成功建立了adiponectin基因完全灭活及LacZ基因以内源性adiponectin基因表达谱表达的小鼠模型,为进一步研究该基因功能及其表达调控创造了有利条件.  相似文献   

转基因小鼠中外源基因遗传及表达稳定性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
挑选两个乳汁中人凝血因子IX(hFIX)表达量相差较大的转基因小鼠家系,分别用PCR、Southern blot、FISH和ELISA对两个家系中的小鼠进行检测。结果显示后代小鼠的转基因阳性率为50%左右;外源基因的整合是完整的,没有发现可见的丢失现象;家系中的各个小鼠表达量有差异,FIX-33家系中hFIX在乳汁中的表达量为(43.32±5.41)?g/mL;FIX-124家系中hFIX在乳汁中的表达量是(1.16±0.45)?g/mL。而两个家系之间的表达量则差异极为显著(P<0.01)。这表明原代转基因小鼠的遗传及表达特性可以得到稳定的传递。  相似文献   

目的比较雄性Fmr1基因敲除小鼠和FVB小鼠血液生理生化值和血清性激素水平,探讨Fmr1基因对动物生长发育和生殖生理等方面的影响。方法分别测定血液生理指标、血清生化指标、血清电解质和血清E2、LH、FSH、T和PRL的含量,并进行统计学处理和分析。结果雄性Fmr1基因敲除小鼠与FVB小鼠比较,血液生理指标中MCV和PCT有显著差异(P〈0.05),而RBC、HCT、HGB、MCH和WBC等无显著差异(P〉0.05);血清生化指标中除TBIL、[IP^3+]、[Mg^2+](P〈0.05)和AIP、BUN(P〈0.01)外,TPROT、GLB、A/G、BUN、CREAT、[K^+]、[Na^+]等项均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。性激素水平E2、LH值差异无显著性(P〉0.05),FSH、T、PRL差异极显著(P〈0.01)。结论Fmr1基因可影响动物的某些生理生化及激素水平。  相似文献   

Abstract : Lesch-Nyhan disease is a neurogenetic disorder caused by deficiency of the purine salvage enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). Affected individuals exhibit a characteristic pattern of neurological and behavioral features attributable in part to dysfunction of basal ganglia dopamine systems. In the current studies, striatal dopamine loss was investigated in five different HPRT-deficient strains of mice carrying one of two different HPRT gene mutations. Caudoputamen dopamine concentrations were significantly reduced in all five of the strains, with deficits ranging from 50.7 to 61.1%. Mesolimbic dopamine was significantly reduced in only three of the five strains, with a range of 31.6-38.6%. The reduction of caudoputamen dopamine was age dependent, emerging between 4 and 12 weeks of age. Tyrosine hydroxylase and aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, two enzymes responsible for the synthesis of dopamine, were reduced by 22.4-37.3 and 22.2-43.1%, respectively. These results demonstrate that HPRT deficiency is strongly associated with a loss of basal ganglia dopamine. The magnitude of dopamine loss measurable is dependent on the genetic background of the mouse strain used, the basal ganglia sub-region examined, and the age of the animals at assessment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同全自动凝血分析仪检测结果是否具有可比性,同时对其检测结果临床可接受性进行评估,使不同全自动凝血分析仪检测结果标准化.方法:连续30天用SYSMEX CA- 1500及CA-7000全自动凝血分析仪同时检测并比对仪器配套定值质控物的PT、INR、APTT、FIB、TT值;同时连续30天利用两台仪器检测并对比新鲜血标本的PT、INR、APTT、FIB、TT值.结果:SYSMEX CA- 1500及CA-7000日间质控物各检测项目:PT、INR、APTT、FIB、TT变异系数均小于5%.CA- 1500及CA-7000全自动凝血分析仪检测新鲜血标本:PT、INR、APTT、FIB、TT统计分析结果,t检验其P值均>0.05;相关系数r在0.993-0.999之间;两台仪器的偏差均符合1/2美国CLIA’88能力验证分析质量要求.结论:两台仪器PT、INR、APTT、FIB、TT的检测结果具有很好的相关性,经统计分析两台仪器检测结果无统计学意义.对不同凝血分析仪进行比对分析,不仅能够及时发现仪器存在的系统误差.而且使其检测结果具有很好的一致性,给临床可提供一个准确、可靠一致的实验室检测结果,使临床对疾病的诊断、疗效观察有一个统一的评判标准.  相似文献   

玉米转录因子zmCBF1的凝胶阻滞分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凝胶阻滞试验是分析核酸与蛋白质相互作用的有效方法,在转录因子的功能分析中得到了广泛应用。以玉米转录因子zmCBF1与顺式元件CRT的结合为例,建立了用于转录因子分析的GRA/EMSA实验体系,并对其在应用中可能出现的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

In response to injury, blood coagulation is activated and results in generation of the clotting protease, thrombin. Thrombin cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin which forms an insoluble clot that stops hemorrhage. Factor V (FV) in its activated form, FVa, is a critical cofactor for the protease FXa and accelerator of thrombin generation during fibrin clot formation as part of prothrombinase 1, 2. Manual FV assays have been described 3, 4, but they are time consuming and subjective. Automated FV assays have been reported 5-7, but the analyzer and reagents are expensive and generally provide only the clot time, not the rate and extent of fibrin formation. The microplate platform is preferred for measuring enzyme-catalyzed events because of convenience, time, cost, small volume, continuous monitoring, and high-throughput 8, 9. Microplate assays have been reported for clot lysis 10, platelet aggregation 11, and coagulation Factors 12, but not for FV activity in human plasma. The goal of the method was to develop a microplate assay that measures FV activity during fibrin formation in human plasma.This novel microplate method outlines a simple, inexpensive, and rapid assay of FV activity in human plasma. The assay utilizes a kinetic microplate reader to monitor the absorbance change at 405nm during fibrin formation in human plasma (Figure 1) 13. The assay accurately measures the time, initial rate, and extent of fibrin clot formation. It requires only μl quantities of plasma, is complete in 6 min, has high-throughput, is sensitive to 24-80pM FV, and measures the amount of unintentionally activated (1-stage activity) and thrombin-activated FV (2-stage activity) to obtain a complete assessment of its total functional activity (2-stage activity - 1-stage activity).Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is an acquired coagulopathy that most often develops from pre-existing infections 14. DIC is associated with a poor prognosis and increases mortality above the pre-existing pathology 15. The assay was used to show that in 9 patients with DIC, the FV 1-stage, 2-stage, and total activities were decreased, on average, by 54%, 44%, and 42%, respectively, compared with normal pooled human reference plasma (NHP).The FV microplate assay is easily adaptable to measure the activity of any coagulation factor. This assay will increase our understanding of FV biochemistry through a more accurate and complete measurement of its activity in research and clinical settings. This information will positively impact healthcare environments through earlier diagnosis and development of more effective treatments for coagulation disorders, such as DIC.  相似文献   

用两个非放射性标记的寡聚核苷酸探针(GGAT)4和(GTG)5制作BALB/c、C57BL/6J、DBA/2、C3H等4种近交系小鼠的DNA指纹图,比较了两种探针在近交系小鼠遗传检测应用中的重复性和稳定性。结果表明,两种探针对上述4种近交系小鼠产生的DNA指纹图的图带数均为8~12条,具有良好的多态性。品系内的平均DNA指纹图相似系数(-x)在0·92~1·00的范围内,具有相同指纹图的概率(P)均在0·31以上,极显著地高于品系间的相似系数(0·22~0·39)和相同指纹图的概率(P<1·07×10-4)。说明(GGAT)4和(GTG)5两种寡聚核苷酸探针均可用于制作近交系小鼠的DNA指纹图,以对其进行遗传检测。用两种不同的探针进行DNA指纹分析,可以检出基因组中更多的个体特异性信息,结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

There is the need for a clinical assay to determine the extent to which a patient''s blood is effectively anticoagulated by the low-molecular-weight-heparin (LMWH), enoxaparin. There are also urgent clinical situations where it would be important if this could be determined rapidly. The present assay is designed to accomplish this. We only assayed human blood samples that were spiked with known concentrations of enoxaparin. The essential feature of the present assay is the quantification of the efficacy of enoxaparin in a patient''s blood sample by degrading it to complete inactivity with heparinase. Two blood samples were drawn into Vacutainer tubes (Becton-Dickenson; Franklin Lakes, NJ) that were spiked with enoxaparin; one sample was digested with heparinase for 5 min at 37 °C, the other sample represented the patient''s baseline anticoagulated status. The percent shortening of clotting time in the heparinase-treated sample, as compared to the baseline state, yielded the anticoagulant contribution of enoxaparin. We used the portable, battery operated Hemochron 801 apparatus for measurements of clotting times (International Technidyne Corp., Edison, NJ). The apparatus has 2 thermostatically controlled (37 °C) assay tube wells. We conducted the assays in two types of assay cartridges that are available from the manufacturer of the instrument. One cartridge was modified to increase its sensitivity. We removed the kaolin from the FTK-ACT cartridge by extensive rinsing with distilled water, leaving only the glass surface of the tube, and perhaps the detection magnet, as activators. We called this our minimally activated assay (MAA). The use of a minimally activated assay has been studied by us and others. 2-4 The second cartridge that was studied was an activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay (A104). This was used as supplied from the manufacturer. The thermostated wells of the instrument were used for both the heparinase digestion and coagulation assays. The assay can be completed within 10 min. The MAA assay showed robust changes in clotting time after heparinase digestion of enoxaparin over a typical clinical concentration range. At 0.2 anti-Xa I.U. of enoxaparin per ml of blood sample, heparinase digestion caused an average decrease of 9.8% (20.4 sec) in clotting time; at 1.0 I.U. per ml of enoxaparin there was a 41.4% decrease (148.8 sec). This report only presents the experimental application of the assay; its value in a clinical setting must still be established.  相似文献   

目的研究WIP1基因对小鼠骨髓B细胞发育及胸腺T细胞发育的影响。方法流式细胞术测定小鼠骨髓B细胞及胸腺T细胞发育中各阶段的细胞比例。结果虽然WIP1缺失小鼠骨髓B细胞发育各阶段比例正常,但骨髓总体B细胞比例下降;WIP1基因敲除小鼠胸腺发育障碍,CD8/CD4双阴性细胞比例增高,CD8/CD4双阳性细胞比例降低。结论 WIP1基因在小鼠骨髓B细胞及胸腺T细胞的发育过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

剑尾鱼近交系遗传纯度的RAPD分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
目的 分析近交系剑尾鱼 (Xiphophorushelleri)的遗传纯度 ,以指导剑尾鱼实验动物化的培育工作。方法 应用经过筛选的 2 9条随机引物对剑尾鱼的第 19代近交系 12尾剑尾鱼个体基因组DNA进行RAPD扩增 ,计算近交系个体间的相似系数及遗传距离。结果 筛选的 2 9条引物共扩增出 30 6条带 ,扩增片段的大小在 0 2 - 3kb之间。其中多态性带 2 9条 ,多态性带频率在 0~ 5 0 0 0 %之间 ,平均为 9 48%。近交系剑尾鱼不同个体拥有相同条带的比率较高。计算得到近交系的平均相似系数 (S)为 0 9839(0 973~ 0 997) ,平均等位基因频率 ( q)为 0 8731,最低平均杂合率 ( H)为 0 12 6 9。 结论 剑尾鱼第 19代近交系有较高的遗传纯合度。  相似文献   

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