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This paper examines the influence of aSargassum forest on temporal fluctuations in temperatures of surrounding water in relation to the thermal structure of water in and above theSargassum forest. Water temperature records were obtained at about one-minute intervals for almost two days in May 1977 during the season of luxuriant seaweed growth, and in August 1977 during the season of little growth. The fluctuations were divided into two types. (1) A diurnal fluctuation under the forest with about a three hour lag behind that above the forest during the season of luxuriant growth but with about a 30 min lag during the season of little growth. (2) Sharp spike-like fluctuations with periods shorter than five minutes appearing only in the dense canopy or floating seaweeds in the surface and subsurface layers during the period of luxuriant growth. The luxuriant forest ofSargassum seems to influence the spatial distribution of water temperature and consequently seems to induce the fluctuations mentioned above. The relationship between short period fluctuations and behaviours of larval fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of aSargassum forest on the spatial and temporal distributions of water temperature in a small cove on a time scale of the order of hours. Water temperature and algal density were measured along a fixed transect at the cove for almost 2 days. The measurements were carried out in May 1977 during the season of luxuriant seaweed growth, and in August during the season of little growth. The average standing crop per unit volume, named the spatial algal density, was employed as a means of expressing the growth condition of the seaweed forest along the transect. Using the spatial algal density and by analyzing water temperature distribution the following facts were revealed. The diurnal fluctuation of water temperature was influenced by theSargassum forest during the season of luxuriant growth, and the seaweed forest delayed the ascent and descent of water temperature, especially under its canopy, on a time scale of the order of hours, i.e., the temperature distribution patterns were influenced by the heights and densities of theSargassum forest during its season of luxuriant growth. It is thought that these phenomena are brought about by two effects: one is the absorption by the seaweed forest of short-wave radiation passing through the sea surface, and the other is the suppression of convection by the seaweed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of aSargassum forest on the pH distribution in a small cove facing Wakasa Bay. The diurnal changes in spatial distribution of density and pH were observed in May 1977 during the season of luxuriant seaweed growth, and in August 1977 during the season of little growth. The observations were made at three-hour intervals for 24 hr in May, and 9 hr in August. During the period of strong density stratification, the observed pH distributions were divided into two types: (1) lower pH inshore and higher offshore in the upper layer in the evening and early morning, and (2) higher pH inshore and lower offshore in the daytime. During the period of weak stratification, a homogeneous pH distribution was observed. The pH distribution influenced bySargassum forest during the season of luxuriant growth was different from that during the season of little growth. The process that brought these spatial distributions is discussed. From early dawn to forenoon during the season of luxuriant growth, the heavier water, produced inshore by cooling through nocturnal radiation, cascaded as a stable laminar flow under the lighter water remaining under canopies of the forest and detached floating seaweeds. Reaching the offshore lower layer, and co-acting with algal respiration, this cascade influenced pH distribution. Some dynamical parameters for the process of cascading are calculated and examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of aSargassum forest on distributions of illuminance, dissolved oxygen content and pH in a small cove facing Wakasa Bay. Spatial distributions of illuminance, dissolved oxygen content, water density and pH were observed for June 1982 during the season of luxuriant seaweed growth, and for August 1982 during the season of little growth. Observations of dissolved oxygen content, water density and pH were made during the day and at night. The values of illuminance at the sea surface were decreased to less than 40% inside theSargassum forest when the sun was highest in the sky during the season of luxuriant growth. Density stratification occurred during every observation. Dissolved oxygen content and pH showed similar patterns of spatial distribution. Their horizontal distributions reversed from day to night, and consisted of two types: (1) higher values inshore and lower values offshore in the upper layer during the day with (2) lower values inshore and higher values offshore at night. Distributions of illuminance about noon, and dissolved oxygen content and pH at night showed patterns corresponding to the vertical distribution of algal density of theSargassum forest. Dissolved oxygen was supersaturated at every observation point during the daytime, but at night it was undersaturated in the lower part of the forest or along the bottom in June and August, respectively. Processes that brought about these spatial distributions are discussed.  相似文献   

Some seasonal water temperature patterns in the Hauraki gulf,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The changing pattern of water temperature in the Hauraki Gulf at approximately two‐monthly intervals during one and one‐half seasonal cycles in 1965–66 was determined from sea surface temperatures and bathythermograph profiles.

Surface and bottom temperatures ranged from 22.0°c and 20.5°c respectively in March to 12.5°c and 13.0°c in July‐September. Seasonal temperature ranges and short‐term variations were greatest in the shallow south‐west Gulf.

In winter the Gulf water was coolest close to shore. It was typically isothermal in depth but a temperature inversion of approximately l°c frequently formed, probably because of the combination of strong winds and an increased outflow of cool, low salinity water from harbours and bays. A similar inversion in Colville Channel may have been caused by more complex tidal and/or ocean current conditions.

In spring and summer the Gulf became thermally stratified, with warmest temperatures in the shallow areas. Thermoclines were generally irregular in position and size, and probably represented solar heating and minor current boundaries rather than a distinct separation of major water masses. In late summer and autumn bottom temperatures increased and almost equalled the maximum surface temperature.

During autumn surface water temperatures close to land decreased rapidly to return the Gulf to its winter isothermal condition.

Local factors (wind, rainfall, tides, depth of water, and proximity to land) probably influence sea temperatures in the Gulf. Seawards of a line from Cape Rodney to Cape Colville oceanic conditions prevail; water temperatures are more constant and increase to seaward in both winter and summer.

Oceanic and Gulf waters meet and mix in the Rodney‐Colville area, and Gulf water is transported east through Colville Channel. The extent of oceanic water penetration into the Gulf at depth is unknown.  相似文献   

Some features of winter convection in the Japan Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Historical Russian data provide indication of winter convection reaching down to about 1000 m depth near Vladivostok. However, this kind of convection does not occur every winter. Further data analysis suggests that the location of convection is driven offshore by the coastal buoyant water, which otherwise would be the coastal area. The coastal buoyant water is mostly cold fresh water but occasionally warm coastal water in the south. Due to the large extent of fresh coastal water in the northern part of the basin, the convection does not happen in this area despite the most intense surface cooling.  相似文献   

南黄海环流的若干特征   总被引:40,自引:7,他引:40  
主要根据近几年来中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查结果,结合有关历史资料,对南黄海环流的若干特征进行了分析。所得主要认识为:(1)南黄海环流存在明显的季节变异。冬、夏季环流的基本形态有着较大的差别。(2)黄海暖流的路径和强度均有一定的年际变化。分析显示,1997年冬季,暖流路径明显偏于槽的西侧;而1986年冬,暖流的主流路径则沿槽北上。(3)黄海暖流并非对马暖流的直接分支。黄海暖流水是对马暖流水和陆架水混合而成。而且,它主要是在济州岛西侧海域,从锋区中衍生出来的。(4)夏季黄海表、底层环流大致皆是由一大的道时针向流系构成。但在其表层海盐尺度的气旋式环流内部还存在小的气旋和反气旋流环。分析亦表明,不论表层或底层,皆无高盐暖水从济州岛邻近海域进入黄海东部的明显迹象。  相似文献   

Physicochemical features of a typically meromictic lake, Lake Suigetsu, are studied. Vertical distributions of temperature and chlorinity show that the lake is well stratified, and no marked mixing occurs between the upper fresh water and lower salt water. In the chemocline, the vertical gradient of density is large, and the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient is as low as 1.5 × 10–2 cm2 sec.–1 Dissolved oxygen is saturated in the surface portion of the upper water, and then rapidly decreases with depth towards the chemocline, where sulfide first appears and increases towards the bottom. In the chemocline oxygen consumption is prominent process reaching 290 mg 02/m2/day. The oxidation of sulfide, supplied from the underlying water layer, is the main factor causing the oxygen consumption in the chemocline.  相似文献   

乐清湾水交换特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用EFDC模式模拟研究了乐清湾水交换的三维过程和时空变化特征,并通过计算水示踪剂质量浓度分析水体置换过程。结果表明,乐清湾水交换主要是由鹿西岛两侧流入的外海水体与湾内水体的交换,以及乐清湾口门西侧附近的湾内水体与瓯江北口径流冲淡水之间的交换。从口门到湾顶,水交换能力差别较大。以最窄的连屿至打水山断面为界,以南水体1个月基本可以完全交换,而以北水体2个月后仍然无法交换至湾口水平。连屿至打水山断面以北地形复杂,岛屿较多,污染物主要通过岛屿间的潮汐汊道输运,断面的瓶颈效应也使得断面以北的水体交换能力稍弱。在口门附近90%以上的水体被外海置换所需时间不到5 d,而此时湾顶水质未有太大改变;15 d左右,80%湾内水体被外海水置换;90%湾内水体被置换仅需40 d;70 d时的水体置换率达97%。  相似文献   

象山港水交换特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在验证良好的三维斜压潮流数学模型的基础上,以溶 解态的保守性物质为示踪剂,建立对流-扩散型的海湾水交换数值模型,计算了象山港水体半交换时间和平均滞留时间,并研究了斜压动力对湾内外水交换的贡献。研究结果表明,象山港水交换速度的区域性变化较大,水体半交换时间和平均滞留时间由象山港口门向湾顶逐渐增加,口门附近半交换时间在5d以内,平均滞留时间为5~10 d;湾顶水交换速度缓慢,水体半交换时间为30~35 d,平均滞留时间为35~40d。斜压动力对狭湾外段水交换影响较弱,对狭湾内段有较大的影响。  相似文献   

We have determined the energetic and spatial characteristics of baroclinic and barotropic tidal semi-diurnal fluctuations using the current temperature and velocity data collected by 12 self-contained buoy stations (SCBS) near the shelf of the Republic of Guinea at depths ranging from 50 to 1000 m. Intensive baroclinic motion was observed to prevail near the bottom within the depth range 100–1000 m. The energy of long waves largely propagated from the bottom to the surface, whereas the energy of short waves was transferred in the opposite direction.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

On the basis of generalization of the data of many-year hydrological observations and the data of meteorological satellites accumulated in recent years, we characterize some specific features of the surface temperature in the Tropical Atlantic. The influence of solar radiation, local heat balance, and the advective and diffusion heat transfer on the temperature of the water surface is analyzed. The mechanism of formation of the thermohalocline and local sites of elevated temperature near the estuaries of large rivers (such as the Amazon, Orinoco, Mississippi, Congo, and Niger) is described. We also characterize the formation of the seasonal variability of the near-equatorial temperature maximum, equatorial temperature minimum, and equatorial divergence rate. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 6, pp. 28–38, November–December, 2007.  相似文献   

Temperature, wave and wind data over two years off Ho Peng, Shi Ti and Jang Yuan of east Taiwan are analyzed to study their seasonal variations. A model for predicting the mixed layer thickness is developed by use of wave data. The vertical profile of temperature indicates that there are basically three layers; mixed layer, thermocline layer and deep cold layer. The surface mixed layer appears in winter and disappears in summer. While surface water is warmer in summer than in winter, water at a depth of 50 m is warmer in winter than in summer. The seasonal variation in the deep cold layer is weak. The sea surface temperature is generally higher offshore than nearshore. The surface temperature off east Taiwan is almost equal to that in Taiwan Strait in summer, but in winter it is about 4°C warmer off northeast Taiwan than in the northeast of the Taiwan Strait, if compared at the same latitude. This is an effect of the seasonal variation of the Kuroshio. A model is developed for predicting the mixed layer thickness in terms of the input wave energy. The model successfully accounts for the observed features.  相似文献   

A boundary layer formulation for the dynamic structure of a deep estuary is developed. Cross-stream averages are used, but the boundary layer structure is shown to depend on the cross-stream geostrophic constraint. A similarity transformation and a weighted residual method are used to derive an approximate solution for the velocity and salinity structure of the upper layer. This solution indicates that, in the central regime of the estuary, outflow extends through the entire halocline. Inflow takes place in a much less stratified lower layer, and mass exchange between the layers is by upwelling. This structure is modified in the outer regime of the estuary, where mixing between the layers develops, and in the inner regime, where a sharp halocline develops and where the dynamics are dominated by river runoff. The implications of the dynamics for the flushing process and for pollutant movement and dispersion are discussed.  相似文献   

杭州湾内水温在不同时间尺度下均存在变化,这对河口生态等会产生影响。由于昼夜气温变化大,空气和海水的热量交换较为频繁。另外,随着气温的逐日下降,水温也随之降低。为研究日气温变化下杭州湾内的水温变化,建立了三维数学模型,通过考虑水面和空气的热交换通量,复演了日气温变化下湾内水温特征。经过和实测潮流数据比较,本文模型很好地模拟出了杭州湾内大、中和小潮期间水流的变化。在综合考虑太阳辐射、长波辐射和水气感热交换下,模型成功再现了日气温变化下水温的变化过程。研究结果一方面有助于认识强潮河口湾内水温变化特征,另一方面将为研究温度对泥沙运动的影响提供前期基础。  相似文献   

Some hydrological features of Hawke Bay and nearby shelf waters   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Temperature and salinity observations were made in Hawke Bay (east coast, North Island) and in the near shore coastal shelf water immediately to’ the south. Water in the bay was cooler and less saline than the shelf water on the open coast to the south. Hydrological analysis confirms that the main inflow is westward along the approximate centre line of the bay.  相似文献   

The characteristics of seasonal variations of water temperature, salinity and density in the upper, middle and lower layers in Osaka Bay are described. Osaka Bay is considered to be an estuary, because the weak mixed state appears in spring and summer and the moderate mixed state in autumn and winter. Osaka Bay is divided into three areas, the eastern shallow area that has a large amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and low average salinity, the southwestern deep area which has small amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and high average salinity, and the northwestern deep area, which has small amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature and low average salinity.  相似文献   

大亚湾海水温度的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾刚  许金殿 《台湾海峡》1991,10(2):110-116
本文根据1987年1~12月逐月的水文实测资料,利用统计方法,详细地分析了大亚湾海水温度的时空分布和年、日变化特征以及影响水温变化的主要因子,文内还指出了本海域常见的两种不同类型的水温日变化的特征。  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of water temperature in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan is examined using data analysis and numerical experiments and is shown to be controlled by heat exchange through the sea surface and horizontal heat dispersion from the Pacific Ocean. The average water temperature goes down from the Pacific Ocean to the center of the Seto Inland Sea indicating that 4.0 to 6.0×1015 cal day?1 (1.6 to 2.5×1016 joule day?1) of heat is transported from the Pacific Ocean to the Seto Inland Sea and is lost through the sea surface. The amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature is large at the center of the Seto Inland Sea and the maximum water temperature is reached first at Bisan Straits and last at Iyo-Nada.  相似文献   

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