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: A data base consisting of predominantly nitrogen limited Florida lakes from the National Eutrophication Survey (NES) was used to develop a trophic state index based on total nitrogen concentration. This index was compared with Carlson's (1977) index based on total phosphorus concentration, and the lesser of the two values for each lake was averaged with indices based on Secchi disk transparency and chlorophyll a concentration to assess the trophic state of the 40 Florida NES lakes.  相似文献   

Regression relationships were developed between summer mean total phosphorus (P) concentrations in near-surface water and both chlorophyll a concentrations and Secchi disc transparency for Puget Sound region lakes. Total P concentrations in the lakes studied ranged from 7 to 66 μ/L. The relationship between total P and chlorophyll a, based on data from 69 lakes, explained 57 percent of the variance in chlorophyll a. Predicted chlorophyll a concentrations and 95 percent confidence intervals ranged from 1 +3-0.5μg/L for 7 μg/L P to about +35-10μ/L for 66 μ/L P. The relationship between total P and Secchi disc, based on data from 71 lakes, explained 53 percent of the variance in Secchi disc. Predicted Secchi disc transparencies and 95 percent confidence intervals ranged from 5.5 +5.5-3.0 m for 7 μ/L P to 1.4 +1.5-0.7 m for 66 μ/L P.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Trophic classification of the Canadian nearshore waters of the Great Lakes is attempted using summer, surface water quality data for the early 1970's. A generalized Composite Trophic Index is developed using paired linear relationships for total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and Secchi depth data for 66 defined nearshore regions. The chlorophyll a and total phosphorus relationship indicates that the nearshore waters contain a low chlorophyll a concentration for a given total phosphorus concentration than observed for the open waters of the Great Lakes or for smaller Canadian lakes. The most eutrophic nearshore regions occur in areas of relatively restricted circulation and/or high nutrient loadings. These include the Bay of Quinte, Toronto and Hamilton harbours, and portions of Lake We's Western Basin. Lakes Huron and Superior are generally oligotrophic, except for some embayments. Although nearshore water quality is highly variable, this apprach represents a reasonable compromise with respect to analytical complexity. The Composite Trophic Index removes biases introduced through the use of a single trophic state indicator and uniquely describes the nearshore water quality in terms generally comparable to other water bodies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The relationship between chlorophyll u, total phosphorus, secchi disk depth, and trophic state were examined using data on U.S. lakes collected by U.S. EPA's National Eutrophication Survey. By comparing predicted secchi disk depths with observed summer secchi disk depths in 757 lakes, it was determined that in many lakes non-chlorophyll related light attenuation is important in controlling the amount of chlorophyll u produced per unit of total phosphorus. Ranking of 44 lakes by 18 different trophic state measurements and single and multivariable indices were compared with rankings provided by mean summer ambient total phosphorus and chlorophyll u. The trophic state measurements and indices were much more successful in ranking the lakes against total phosphorus than chlorophyll u, indicating that there are differences in the relative trophic rankings of many of the lakes depending upon whether primary nutrients or biological manifestations are used as the ranking mechanism. If the manifestations of nutrients rather than their absolute levels are the primary criteria for beneficial use of lakes, the use of many of the commonly employed trophic state measurements, which assume or imply that there is a constant relationship between total phosphorus or secchi disk and chlorophyll, can lead to erroneous conclusions and unnecessary costly management controls. Secchi disk measurements may be more useful as a predictor of ambient lake total phosphorus concentrations than of chlorophyll.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional data set of 80 lakes and reservoirs in nine southeastern states was examined to specify and parameterize trophic state relationships. The relationships fitted are based on measurements of several limnological variables taken over the course of a growing season or year in each of the lakes. The trophic state models relate phosphorus and nitrogen loading to inlake phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, which in turn are related to maximum chlorophyll level, Secchi disk depth, dominant algal species, and hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen status. Due to the empirical nature of the study, causal conclusions are limited; rather, the models are most useful for prediction of average growing season conditions related to trophic state.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to evaluate alternative land developments around New Hampshire lakes. Alternative development patterns, evaluated by their impacts on the lake area environment and area economy, included residential patterns, commercial patterns, and combinations of these two types. Phosphorus loading of the lake water was used as a proxy variable for changes in the lake water quality. Commercial developments yielded the highest revenues to the town and the local area. It also attracted the most lake users to the area as well as contributing the largest phosphorus loading in the lake waters. Residential developments, although contributing high revenues to the businessmen in the area, yielded less net income to the town. Phosphorus loading levels from residential developments were much lower than lake phosphorus loading by commercial developments.  相似文献   

We compiled Secchi depth, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a (Chla) data from Voyageurs National Park lakes and compared datasets before and after a new water‐level management plan was implemented in January 2000. Average Secchi depth transparency improved (from 1.9 to 2.1 m, = 0.020) between 1977‐1999 and 2000‐2011 in Kabetogama Lake for August samples only and remained unchanged in Rainy, Namakan, and Sand Point Lakes, and Black Bay in Rainy Lake. Average open‐water season Chla concentration decreased in Black Bay (from an average of 13 to 6.0 μg/l, = 0.001) and Kabetogama Lake (from 9.9 to 6.2 μg/l, = 0.006) between 1977‐1999 and 2000‐2011. Trophic state index decreased significantly in Black Bay from 59 to 51 (= 0.006) and in Kabetogama Lake from 57 to 50 (= 0.006) between 1977‐1999 and 2000‐2011. Trophic state indices based on Chla indicated that after 2000, Sand Point, Namakan, and Rainy Lakes remained oligotrophic, whereas eutrophication has decreased in Kabetogama Lake and Black Bay. Although nutrient inputs from inflows and internal sources are still sufficient to produce annual cyanobacterial blooms and may inhibit designated water uses, trophic state has decreased for Kabetogama Lake and Black Bay and there has been no decline in lake ecosystem health since the implementation of the revised water‐level management plan.  相似文献   

In lakes which experience water quality problems due to the nuisance growth of blue-green algae, summer concentrations of chlorophyll a may not always be a meaningful measure of water quality for making management decisions. Models for the prediction of summer mean blue-green algal biomass were thus developed from data collected from five systems located in North America and Sweden. It is suggested that the model of choice is log BG =?0.142 + 0.596 log TP – 0.963 log Z, where BG is the biomass of blue-green algae (g m?3), TP is the concentration of total phosphorus (mg m?3), and Z is the mean depth of the lake (m). When coupled to current loading models, this model can potentially be used to assess the impacts of phosphorus loading reductions on threshold odor in water supplies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evaporative heat loss is an essential component of any heat budget used for the modeling of lake water temperatures. Seven evaporative heat loss equations were tested in a year-round, physically-based temperature and dissolved oxygen model for lakes. Deciding which equation to choose for use in the year-round model was based on the goodness of fit of the simulated vs. measured surface temperatures, which were taken at a depth of 1 m below the water surface. An equation which includes free and forced convection components and which was previously used for cooling ponds gave the best fit between temperature simulations and measurements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality data collected at inflows to Everglades National Park (ENP) are analyzed for trends using the seasonal Kendall test (Hirsch et al., 1982; Hirsch and Slack, 1984). The period of record is 1977–1989 for inflows to Shark River Slough and 1983–1989 for inflows to Taylor Slough and ENP's Coastal Basin. The analysis considers 20 water quality components, including nutrients, field measurements, inorganic species, and optical properties. Significant (p<0.10) increasing trends in total phosphorus concentration are indicated at eight out of nine stations examined. When the data are adjusted to account for variations in antecedent rainfall and water surface elevation, increasing trends are indicated at seven out of nine stations. Phosphorus trend magnitudes range from 4 percent/year to 21 percent/year Decreasing trends in the Total N/P ratio are detected at seven out of nine stations. N/P trend magnitudes range from -7 percent/year to -15 percent/year. Trends in water quality components other than nutrients are observed less frequently and are of less importance from a water-quality-management perspective. The apparent nutrient trends are not explained by variations in marsh water elevation, antecedent rainfall, flow, or season.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Over the past several years, input/output models have been used increasingly as decisionmaking aids in the design of lake restoration activities because they provide an approximation of the link between nutrient influx and lake trophic status. To evaluate the applicability of these models as design tools, a study was conducted in which “before” and “after” data were obtained for 25 lakes which experienced reductions in nutrient inflow, and comparisons were made of observed and predicted changes in lake conditions. Three input/output models were used as predictive tools to describe lake response: those reported by Dillon and Rigler (1974) and by Vollenweider (1975, 1976). Based on described trophic states of oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic, it was found that all three models yielded accurate predictions for at least 70 percent of the study lakes. The model of Vollenweider (1976) performed slightly better than the other two (80 percent correct) on the data set studied.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Field data collected from the Feitsui Reservoir in Taiwan indicate that the water is at a stage between mesotrophic and eutrophic. Recent measurements such as total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and Secchi depth levels suggest that the water quality has been declining. A two‐dimensional, laterally averaged, finite difference hydrodynamic and water quality model was used to simulate the water quality in the Feitsui Reservoir in an effort to determine sound water quality management strategies. The model was calibrated and verified using data collected in 1996 and 1997. The calibrated model was used to simulate algal biomass (in terms of chlorophyll a) levels under various wasteload reduction scenarios. Model results show that 50 percent reduction of the total phosphorus load will improve the existing water quality, shifting the trophic status from eutrophic/mesotrophic to oligotrophic. The modeling effort has yielded valuable information that can be used by decision makers for the evaluation of different management strategies of reducing watershed nutrient loads.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The visualization of water quality data in lakes was achieved by integrating the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) STORET water quality database, lake shoreline polygons from EPA's Reach File (version 3), and the UNIMAP 2-D and 3-D interactive mapping and modeling software. Based on lake name (and state abbreviation), a lake shoreline polygon can be accessed from the Reach File. The coordinates of the polygon are portrayed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale Digital Line Graph (DLG) hydrography layer. This polygon is passed, in turn, to the STORET water quality file. Monitoring stations located within the polygon boundary are extracted along with the complete sampling survey. Specific parameters, such as total phosphorus, pH, ammonia, and optional time and depth restrictions can be selected to build a file of x, y, z1, z1…, zn data which is imported to UNIMAP. Up to four parameters, including depth, can be selected at a time. Within UNIMAP, the data is gridded and then displayed as a 2-D color contour map, 3-D perspective contour map, or 2-D projected time or depth slices. This system operates on the EPA ES9000 mainframe computer located in Research Triangle Park (RIP), North Carolina. LAKEMAP is the culmination of an effort to bridge the gap between the vast array of environmental data collected by the EPA and the complex analytical and display software resident on the mainframe.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Phosphorus loading tolerances of small lakes are analyzed by means of a statistical model of lake eutrophication based upon the work of Vollenweider and Dillon. Using a sample of 195 midwestern and eastern U. S. lakes, it was found that Vollenweider and Dillon's method of predicting the trophic status of relatively deep, slow-flushing lakes can be applied to shallower lakes with much shorter retention times. The statistical model used to replicate the results of Vollenweider and Dillon is stated in detail, for convenience of application to small lake water quality management problems. The model extends the Vollenweider and Dillon results by associating each alternative phosphorous loading with a probability that a given lake can achieve or maintain noneutrophis status. It is applicable to lakes for which only minimal data are available. The major policy conclusion is that the highly variable tolerance for phosphorus loading must be considered in legislating efficient effluent limitations. The paper concludes with a comparison to a recent contribution employing a similar approach.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forced artificial mixing of temperature-stratified ponds, or small lakes or reservoirs, by liquid jets can enhance water quality and can also be energy efficient. Based on previous studies of jet mixing mechanics of stratified water bodies, a conceptual design approach is presented. The main “operational” and “system” design parameters are considered in the proposed method. Using minimization of a total cost estimate as a criterion, an iterative method for the selection of the number and size of the jets is developed and illustrated.  相似文献   

Summer lake survey measurements of total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (CHLa) from 188 reserviors and natural lakes in the midwest were analyzed to determine the magnitude of major sources of variability. Median variance among replicate samples collected at the same location and time was about 7-8 percent of the mean for both TP and CHLa. Median observed temporal variability within summers was 27 percent of the mean for TP and 45 percent of the mean for CHLa. Median values of year-to-year variance in average TP and CHLa were 22 percent and 31 percent of the mean, respectively. A range of approximately two orders of magnitude was observed among individual estimates of variance in each of these categories. The magnitude of observed temporal variability was affected only slightly by variance among replicate samples on individual days and was weakly correlated with the length of time during which samples were collected from individual lakes. Observed temporal variation was similar between reservoirs and natural lakes when variances were calculated with logtransformed data. The magnitude of temporal and year-to-year variance can severely limit the power of statistical comparisons of TP and CHLa means, but has less effect on establishing relative rankings of lake means, Sources and relative magnitude of variability are important in the use of TP and CHLa data in regression models and in the planning of lake surveys and subsequent data analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality in eutrophic Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida, improved markedly from 1982 to 1992 as a result of reductions in phosphorus and nitrogen loading to the lake. Annual budgets of water, chloride, phosphorus and nitrogen were constructed for the lake, and indicate it is a sink for phosphorus and a source for nitrogen. Water column concentrations of total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and chlorophyll a all declined as external inputs of nutrients decreased. Water column nitrogen: phosphorus ratios have increased, suggesting a probable shift from nitrogen- to phosphorus-limitation. This apparent shift in nutrient limitation status also is supported by comparisons of the mean Trophic State Indices for phosphorus, nitrogen, and chlorophyll a. These improvements in water quality are attributed to the diversion of wastewater treatment plant effluent from the lake, and the increased use of wet retention ponds for stormwater runoff.  相似文献   

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