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1. Preferences of hens for different types of nest box were tested in two deep litter pens, each containing 300 Isabrown laying hens. Four types were offered: traditional wooden nests with litter, metal rollaway nests with plastic liners, wooden rollaway nests with artificial turf and autonests.

2. Most eggs were laid in traditional nests (70% in pen 1, 66% in pen 2). Metal rollaways were the next preferred type. These preferences were confirmed by analysis of records from individual nest boxes, and by observations of hens marked with wing tags.

3. Choice of nesting material was tested in one pen of 370 hens. Traditional nests were provided, containing either wood shavings or a mixture of buckwheat and oat husks.

4. Preferences for type of nesting material were equivocal. The majority of eggs were laid on wood shavings initially, but on buckwheat/oat husks later. Individual hens were inconsistent in their choice. A deep (100 mm) layer of nesting material was preferred to a shallow (25 mm) layer.

5. Individual, wooden nest boxes incorporating buckwheat/oat husk nesting material on a movable belt are probably the most suitable system for automation of egg collection in deep litter houses.  相似文献   

1. A leg band containing a transponder was fitted to 80 birds in a perchery containing 1,000 birds. 2. The transponder emitted a unique identification number when a bird walked on one of 8 flat antennae on the floor. The recording apparatus was used to measure the amount of time that each of the tagged birds spent on the slatted and littered areas in a 6-week period. 3. Some birds spent long periods of time on the slats, possibly as a means of avoiding repeated attacks. Duration on the slats was greatest in birds with the worst (as opposed to better) feather scores of the head, back and tail regions. 4. Birds that spent long periods on the slats were lighter than other birds at both 39 weeks of age and 72 weeks of age and had greater back, head and tail feather damage, consistent with these birds being victims of pecking. 5. Tagged birds received a social avoidance test outside the perchery at 39 weeks of age, which suggested that birds retreated to the slats in response to pecks rather than just to close proximity to other birds. 6. The failure to find that duration on the slats was related to anatomical indicators of stress (liver, spleen and bursa of Fabricius) suggests that retreating to the slats following pecking attenuates physiological stress responses. 7. We conclude that the provision of areas where birds in a large group can avoid pecking may improve the welfare of a minority of victimised birds.  相似文献   

Behaviour of laying hens in cages with nest sites   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1. Behavior of ISA Brown hens was compared in cages with and without nest sites provided, to determine the characteristics necessary for such nest sites and whether part of the existing cage area could be modified to form an acceptable nest file. 2. There were 5 treatments: control (C); a wooden surround in one rear corner of the cage (S); a fiberglass rollaway hollow in one rear corner of the cage (H); a hollow and a surround (H/S); a nest box attached to the back of the cage, containing a hollow (N). 3. Use of rollaway hollows was limited, unless they were blocked and wood shavings were added, when 55 to 60% of eggs were laid in them. There were also problems with soiling of hollows. 4. When hollows were blocked, most hens used them in treatments H/S and N, suggesting that substrate and surroundings both contributed to acceptability of nest sites. 5. Pre-laying behaviour in sites within the cage was disturbed and sometimes abnormal. In addition, these sites were not used for other activities, thus limiting the space available. 6. For pre-laying behaviour to be expressed satisfactorily in cages, an additional nesting area, such as a nest box or boxes, is probably necessary.  相似文献   

This literature review gives information about important behaviour categories of laying hens kept in aviary systems. Based on current knowledge, the differences in behaviour of hens in aviaries compared to the behaviour of hens living under "close to natural" conditions are assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. The focus of this first review is put on resting and particularly on social behaviour. So far "optimal" group size for laying hens and consequences of oversized groups for the well-being of laying hens are unknown, thus, rendering further research necessary. Referring to the resting and social behaviour of laying hens, proposals for the design of the housing system aviary are given. A second part will deal with feeding, reproductive and dustbathing behaviour.  相似文献   

Unilateral leg fractures in chickens on deep litter were investigated when 15 cases (0.21%), all hens, had occurred during 40 weeks and ethological factors were suspected. A significant subsequent reduction to three cases in 33 weeks followed advice to farm staff on their footwork and the avoidance of sexually crouching hens.  相似文献   

目前处理慢性肠炎的方法,是在不知病因的情况下通过增强母鸡的抵抗力和提高其康复率来控制疾病.这是荷兰两位家禽疾病研究人员的结论.  相似文献   

蛋鸡产蛋后期精准的营养调控可延缓蛋鸡的衰老,延长产蛋期,提高经济效益.本文从能量、蛋白质、维生素、矿物元素的营养需要等方面对蛋鸡产蛋后期的营养调控进行总结,以期能够对产蛋鸡后期的营养调控提供参考.  相似文献   

1. Fifty-one flocks of laying hens in two high-density loose-housing systems were studied on 25 commercial farms in Sweden as part of a government test programme for evaluating new systems for laying hens. Six different hybrids were used in group sizes ranging from 250 to 5 000 birds. Stocking-densities varied from 10.2 to 19.1 birds per m2 floor area. No birds were beak trimmed. 2. The distribution of birds in the system, the frequency and location of aggressive pecks and feather pecks, the dust bathing activity and the birds' fear reaction to the keeper and to a novel object were measured. Direct behaviour observations were carried out twice per flock, at weeks 35 and 55. 3. The proportion of birds at the different locations was relatively constant across the 8-h observation period in the tiered system, but changed over time in the perch system, which may reflect a difference in access to resources between the systems. At night the top perches/tiers were preferred although when stocking-density increased, other sites were also used. 4. Aggression occurred mainly on the litter or in the nest areas. It did not differ between hybrids, but increased with age in the tiered system. Feather pecks occurred mainly on the litter. Brown hybrids feather pecked more than white ones, while white hybrids reacted more both to the keeper and to a novel object than did the brown hybrids. 5. It was concluded that access to nests was insufficient in both systems, as was litter space. Feed space was insufficient in the tiered system if food requirements increased. Design of the top perches, in the perch system, should be improved to allow birds to perch high up in the system without blocking access to feed etc. for others.  相似文献   

1. Deep litter and raised netting flooring systems in broiler houses were compared for their effects on air quality and bird health during an 8-week growing period. 2. Weekly measurements were taken of respirable dust, numbers of airborne microorganisms and concentrations of gaseous pollutants. Airborne fungi and bacteria were identified to species. 3. At the end of the experimental period, randomly sampled bird lungs were examined for the presence of viable microorganisms and for pathological changes. Bird health and performance were monitored throughout the 8 weeks. 4. Respirable dust concentrations and numbers of airborne microorganisms were significantly higher in the litter rooms. The type of floor had no effect on concentrations of gaseous ammonia. 5. Floor type had no significant effect on bird mortality but birds on litter had a slightly better gain:food ratio. However, birds on litter were observed to have a higher incidence of lung damage and more of the birds on litter had viable microorganisms present in the lungs at necropsy.  相似文献   

1. In 2 trials the health and behaviour of a total of 3552 caged laying hens of 4 hybrids, Dekalb XL, Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) and Shaver 288 in trial 1 and ISA Brown and LSL in trial 2, were studied. The cage designs were Get‐away cages (GA) with 15 hens per cage, a special version of the ‘Edinburgh modified cage’ called ‘Modified and enriched cage’ (ME) with 4 ISA or 5 Leghorn hens per cage, conventional metal cages with 4 hens per cage without (CO) and with a perch (PC) and conventional plastic cages (PL) with three hens per cage. GA and ME included nests, perches and sandbaths.

2. In the first trial two nest models were used, artificial turf and welded wire floor. In the second trial both nest models were used in GA, while all nests in ME were equipped with artificial turf. In the second trial there were 4 sandbath treatments in ME; no sandbath, sandbath (25×50 cm) first opened at 16 weeks of age, sandbath first opened at 26 weeks and double size sandbath (50 × 50 cm) first opened at 16 weeks. Hens in GA were allowed access to the sandbaths from 26 weeks.

3. At 35 and 55 weeks the best plumage condition (feather cover) was found in PL and GA but plumage condition in ME was not significantly inferior than in GA. Hens in GA had the dirtiest plumage and most bumble foot but no toe pad hyperkeratosis. Some toe pad hyperkeratosis occurred in the other systems. Most keel bone lesions were found in systems with perches. The highest mortality was registered in GA. Hens in systems with perches, sandbaths and nests had increased strength of humerus at slaughter.

4. More eggs were laid in nests with artificial turf than in welded wire floor nests. LSL hens laid larger proportions of eggs in the nests (94% and 92% in the two trials) than the other hybrids. Less than 1% of the eggs in ME and 2% in GA were laid in the sandbaths.

5. The use of perches in ME and PC was approximately 30% in the day time. At night the use was 93% in ME and 89% in PC in trial 1 and 96% in ME and 81% in PC in trial 2.

6. Hens in ME with the double sized sandbath both visited the sandbath and performed dust bathing behaviour most, followed by hens in GA, hens in ME with access to the bath from 16 weeks and last, hens in ME with access to the bath from 26 weeks.

7. It is concluded that enrichments of laying cages are used by the hens to a large  相似文献   

1. Videotapes of hens under various conditions were used to measure the amount of space used by hens performing common behaviour patterns.

2. When turning, hens used 540 to 1006 cm2, when stretching wings 653 to 1118 cm2, when wing flapping 860 to 1980 cm2, when feather ruffling 676 to 1604 cm2, when preening 814 to 1270 cm2 and when ground scratching 540 to 1005 cm2.

3. All these measurements are above the 450 cm2 bird recommended as the minimum space allowance by current EC regulations, which therefore do not ensure adequate hen welfare.  相似文献   

1. One thousand Silver Grey Hyline hens were given drinking water containing 5 concentrations of added sodium fluoride (0, 6, 10, 14 and 20 mg/1) over a 17‐week growth and 57‐week laying period. The natural fluoride content of the water was 0–21 mg/1 during the growing period and 0–29 mg/1 throughout lay.

2. During the rearing phase, efficiency of food utilisation and mortality were not significantly affected by the fluoride concentration of the water. Weight gain and food intake decreased in the 10 and 14 mg/1 fluoride treatments.

3. During the laying period, the fluoride content of the water had a significant effect on egg production, but eggshell breaking strength was not significantly influenced.

4. Post mortem analyses, carried out at the end of lay (74 weeks of age), showed that carcase weight and the fluoride content of the os femur increased significantly as the fluoride concentration in the water increased; the increase in bone fluoride followed a linear pattern.

5. Histopathology showed no evidence of changes in the livers or kidneys; liver weights and breaking strength of the os femur were unaffected by the amount of fluoride consumed.

6. The data showed that under commercial conditions, laying birds can tolerate ingesting 4–453 mg fluoride/day for up to 74 weeks.  相似文献   

Summary Three hundred Warren Isabrown female day old chicks were raised for 18 weeks in 3 distinct artificial climates described as temperate (20°C, 60% RH), hot dry (32°C, 40% RH) and hot humid (32°C, 90% RH). At 18 weeks each group was divided into 3 and re-allocated to 3 similar air-conditioned laying rooms as during the growing period. Different diets were fed to the 3 groups up to 18 weeks. The energy needed in order to produce the same average live body weight at 18 weeks was similar in all the 3 climatic chambers. The effect of treatments in the growing period was not significantly different (P>0·05) for most of the parameters subsequently measured during the laying period. The exception was the body weight gain between 18 and 38 weeks and the food and energy intakes. However, apart from the sexual maturity, all these parameters were negatively influenced (P<0·05) by the effect of hot climates during the laying period irrespective of method of rearing. The results of this study seem to indicate that ambient temperature experienced during the first 18 weeks after hatching has little effect on subsequent productivity and that rearing birds at high ambient temperature does not acclimatise them to these conditions better than rearing them under temperate conditions.
Adaptacion Climatica De Gallinas Ponedoras
Resumen Se leavantaron 300 pollitas de un día de nacidas, Warren Isabrown, por 18 semanas en 3 climas diferentes; templado (20°C, 60% HR), seco caliente (32°C, 40% HR) y caliente húmedo (32°C, 90% HR). A las 18 semanas cada grupo fue dividido en 3 y re-instalado en 3 cuartos de postura con aire acondicionado durante el período de crecimiento. Los 3 grupos recibieron diferentes dietas hasta las 18 semanas. La energía necesaria para producir el mismo peso promedio a las 18 semanas fue el mismo en las tres cámaras climáticas. El efecto del tratamiento durante el período de crecimiento no fue significativamente diferente (P>0·05) para la mayoría de parámetros medidos subsecuentemente durante el peródo de postura. La excepción fue el aumento en peso corporal entre las 18 y 38 semanas y la energía consumida. Sin embargo, aparte de la madurez sexual, todos los parámetros fueron afectados negativamente (P<0·05) por el efecto de los climas cálidos durante el período de postura, irrespectivamente del manejo. Los resultados de este estudio parecen indicar, que la temperatura ambiente experimentada durante las primeras 18 semanas después del nacimiento, tuvo poco efecto sobre la productividad y que la crianza de aves a temperatura ambiente alta, no las aclimata para esas condiciones mejor que levantandolas bajo un clima templado.

Adaptation Climatique De La Poule Pondeuse
Resumé Trois cents poussins femelles d'un jour de souche Warren Isabrown ont été élevés jusqu'à l'âge de 18 semaines dans 3 climats artificiels distincts, respectivement tempéré (20°C, 60% HR), chaud sec (32°C, 40% HR) et chaud humide (32°C, 90% HR). A l'âge de 18 semaines chaque lot d'oiseaux a été divisé en trois et réparti à nouveau en 3 cellules de ponte conditionnées de la même façon que les salles de croissance. Différentes rations alimentaires sont nourries aux oiseaux jusqu'à l'âge de 18 semaines. La consommation d'énergie nécessaire pour produire le même poids vif à 18 semaines a été sensiblement égale dans les 3 climats. L'effet des traitements en période de croissance n'a pas été significativement différent (P>0·05) sur la presque totalité des paramètres étudiés en ponte, exception faite du gain de poids vif 18–38 semaines, des ingérés alimentaires et énérgétiques. Par contre, à l'exception de la maturité sexuelle, tous ces paramètres ont à chaque fois été influencés négativement (P<0·05) par les effets des climats chauds en période de ponte, indépendamment du climat d'élevage. Les résultats de cette expérience semblent indiquer que la température expérimentée pendant les 18 premières semaines après l'éclosion a eu peu d'effet sur la productivité ultérieure, et que l'élevage des oiseaux à hautes températures ambiantes ne leur confère pas une meilleure acclimatation à ces mêmes conditions que lorsqu'ils sont élevés en milieux tempérés.

Druce C 《The Veterinary record》2004,155(20):646; author reply 646

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