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The Lince–Estefanía stratabound copper deposit in the Michilla district is one of the most important deposits in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile and is one of the most representative of this type of deposit. Chalcocite and bornite characterize the main stage of hypogene copper sulfide mineralization. Rhenium and osmium isotopes are used here to constrain the age of hypogene mineralization and the source of osmium contained in these ore minerals. A Re–Os isochron yielded an age of 160±16 Ma (2σ), with an associated initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 1.06±0.09 (mean square of weighted deviates=1.8). This age is consistent with available geochronological data from volcanic rocks that host the mineralization and associated alteration phases. The high initial 187Os/188Os ratio indicates a lower crustal component for the source of Os and, by inference, the Cu sulfides that contain this Os. Late hematite occurs as an isolated phase or, more commonly, is associated with the chalcocite–bornite and supergene chalcocite–covellite associations. Analyses performed on pure hematite indicate a disturbance of the Re–Os system, and hence, this mineral phase is not useful as a Re–Os geochronometer.  相似文献   

王翠云  李晓峰  肖荣  白艳萍  杨锋  毛伟  蒋松坤 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3869-3886
德兴铜矿是中国华南地区重要的大型斑岩铜矿,由朱砂红、铜厂和富家坞3个矿床组成。在系统的钻孔样岩相观察基础上,本文把德兴朱砂红花岗闪长斑岩划分为3种类型蚀变岩(钾化-黑云母化蚀变岩、绿泥石化蚀变岩、石英-绢(白)云母化蚀变岩),其主要标志性蚀变矿物依次为:钾长石(黑云母)→绿泥石→石英+绢(白)云母,且热液蚀变程度依次增强。以Al2O3作为不活动组分,通过Isocon分析法表明:随着热液蚀变作用的持续进行,蚀变程度的逐渐增强,主量元素(P2O5)行为较稳定,Na2O、Sr元素大量活化迁出;高场强元素Hf、Th、U、V、Co、Nb、Ta等表现为弱活动性或不活动性;成矿元素Cu、Pb、W显示出大量带入,表明热液流体和成矿流体可能属于同一流体系统。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,其中绿泥石化蚀变岩的LREE、HREE均较原岩亏损,而石英-绢(白)云母化花岗闪长斑岩的LREE、HREE富集/亏损情况因样品而异,相对增量/减量变化幅度较大。各类蚀变花岗闪长斑岩球粒陨石化配分模式表现较一致,均为轻稀土相对于重稀土富集的右倾分布,极弱Eu负异常,曲线左陡右平缓,尾部轻微上翘,形似铲状,反映岩浆源区角闪石的分离结晶作用。蚀变花岗闪长斑岩的Y/Ho比值与球粒陨石的Y/Ho比值基本一致,表明Y-Ho在热液蚀变过程中未发生明显分离。弱蚀变花岗闪长斑岩具有较高Sr/Y比值、La/Sm比值以及中等Sm/Yb比值,暗示源区残留相主要为角闪石±石榴子石。  相似文献   

胶东大尹格庄金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
胶东是我国最重要的金矿集区。其中,破碎带蚀变岩型———"焦家式"金矿床是区内最重要的金矿床类型,占胶东已探明金矿资源量的90%以上。大尹格庄金矿床位于胶西北招平断裂带中段,是典型的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床,区内发育有大规模的绢英岩化蚀变带(宽20~200m)和钾化/红化蚀变带(宽50~300m),蚀变岩型金矿体主要发育在招-平断裂带下盘的绢英岩化蚀变带中。本文在详细的野外地质观测基础上,查清了大尹格庄金矿床蚀变类型及矿物组合特征,针对大尹格庄金矿床Ⅱ号矿体系统采集了不同蚀变类型的岩石样品,进行了岩石元素地球化学分析,运用质量平衡方法讨论了热液蚀变过程中元素迁移规律,初步探讨了大尹格庄金矿床热液蚀变作用过程和金沉淀机制。通过本研究得出:大尹格庄金矿床内主要矿石类型为黄铁绢英岩,以浸染状、细脉状为主要矿化形式。大尹格庄金矿床热液蚀变期在时间上可以划分为:钾化/红化→绢英岩化→黄铁绢英岩化→碳酸盐化。钾化/红化蚀变为成矿前蚀变,在此过程中有少量热液钾长石的形成。在地球化学方面表现为Fe、Cu、Pb和Rb元素带入,Si、Al、Na、Ca、Ba、Sr、Cr等元素带出。同时流体-围岩通过交代反应使金从围岩中释放出来成为高价态离子活化进入成矿流体。绢英岩化和黄铁绢英岩化蚀变为成矿期蚀变,蚀变过程中与矿化有关的Fe、Cu、Pb元素表现为迁入状态,流体运移过程中,热液中的HS~-等组分损失,导致Au(HS)~(2-)络合物失稳分解,Fe~(2+)、Fe~(3+)被消耗形成黄铁矿,同时金大量聚集沉淀,此时完成了金由活化→迁移→沉淀富集成矿过程。  相似文献   

胶东焦家金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
胶东作为中国最重要的金矿集区,区内大型-超大型金矿床集中产出,已探明金矿资源量占全国近1/3。其中,破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床是最重要的金矿床类型,占胶东已探明金矿资源量的90%以上,焦家金矿床是著名的"焦家式"破碎带蚀变岩型金矿的命名地,内发育大规模的绢英岩化蚀变带(宽20~200m)和钾化蚀变带(50~300m),蚀变岩型金矿体主要发育在焦家断裂带下盘的绢英岩化蚀变带中。本文通过详细的野外地质观测,查清了焦家金矿床蚀变类型及矿物组合特征,系统采集了不同蚀变类型的岩石样品,进行了岩石元素地球化学分析,运用质量平衡方法讨论了热液蚀变过程中元素迁移规律,初步探讨了焦家金矿床热液蚀变机理。其中,钾化蚀变是成矿前蚀变,钾化花岗岩常以团块状或角砾状残留于黄铁绢英岩和绢英岩内;黄铁绢英岩化和绢英岩化蚀变受焦家断裂及其下盘的次级断裂控制,其规模大小受断裂的规模控制;其中焦家主断裂下盘的绢英岩化蚀变带规模最大,一般宽10~200m;而次级断裂控制的绢英岩化蚀变带规模相对较小,一般以0.1~1m宽的脉状发育在钾化花岗岩内,指示绢英岩化蚀变晚于钾化蚀变。相对于黑云母花岗岩,不同蚀变带岩石普遍表现出高K2O、低Al2O3、CaO和Na2O,而不同蚀变岩石Si、Fe、Mg等元素各表现出不同特征。钾化带岩石表现为K2O的富集,而绢英岩带和黄铁绢英岩带岩石表现为MgO、Fe2O3增加的趋势。黑云母花岗岩发生钾化蚀变过程中,SiO2、K2O表现为明显的带入,指示在钾长石化过程中,流体为富硅的碱性氧化流体。在钾化花岗岩→黄铁绢英岩过程中,Fe2O3表现为明显的带入,可能是由于黑云母等暗色矿物的分解造成的;此外,亲硫元素(Au、Ag、As、Pb、Zn)均表现为带入,特别是成矿元素Au表现为明显的带入。结合本区金的来源可能部分为玲珑黑云母花岗岩,本研究认为钾化过程中的富硅碱性氧化流体通过交代蚀变反应使金从围岩中释放、成为高价态离子活化进入成矿流体,即分散还原态的金(Au0)被活化为氧化态(Au+、Au3+)以AuH3SiO4形式随热液迁移。在绢英岩化过程中,热液中的SiO2等组分损失,引起热液中的AuH3SiO4稳定性降低,造成AuH3SiO4分解,Fe2+、Fe3+被消耗形成黄铁矿,导致金大量沉淀和聚集沉淀,此时完成了金由活化→迁移→沉淀富集成矿。  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Mantos Blancos copper deposit (500 Mt at 1.0% Cu), located in the Coastal Range of northern Chile, displays two superimposed hydrothermal events. An older phyllic alteration probably related to felsic magmatic–hydrothermal brecciation at ∼155 Ma, and younger (141–142 Ma) potassic, propylitic, and sodic alterations, coeval with dioritic and granodioritic stocks and sills, and dioritic dikes. Main ore formation is genetically related to the second hydrothermal event, and consists of hydrothermal breccias, disseminations and stockwork-style mineralization, associated with sodic alteration. Hypogene sulfide assemblages show distinctive vertical and lateral zoning, centered on magmatic and hydrothermal breccia bodies, which constitute the feeders to mineralization. A barren pyrite root zone is overlain by pyrite-chalcopyrite, and followed upwards and laterally by chalcopyrite-digenite or chalcopyrite-bornite. The assemblage digenite–supergene chalcocite characterizes the central portions of high-grade mineralization in the breccia bodies. Fluid inclusions show evidence of boiling during the potassic and sodic alteration events, which occurred at temperatures around 450–460°C and 350–410°C, and salinities between 3–53 and 13–45 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The hydrothermal events occurred during episodic decompression due to fluid overpressuring, hydrofracturing, and sharp changes from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions. Sulfur isotope results of hypogene sulfide minerals fall in a narrow range around 0 per mil, suggesting a dominance of magmatic sulfur. Carbon and oxygen isotopic data of calcites from propylitic alteration suggest a mantle-derived carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation due to low-temperature alteration.  相似文献   

胶西北新城金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
张潮  黄涛  刘向东  刘育  赵海  王旭东 《岩石学报》2016,32(8):2433-2450
新城金矿床是胶西北金矿集区中典型的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床,其矿体受控于NE-NNE向焦家断裂及其次级断裂系统,主要赋存于断裂下盘(黄铁)绢英岩与红化花岗岩体中。焦家断裂下盘分带性明显,自主断裂面向外依此发育主断裂面和断层泥、挤压片理带、构造透镜体带、密集节理带和稀疏节理带。其中,主断裂面和断层泥发育粘土化蚀变;挤压片理带发育面状黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,其内赋存黄铁绢英岩型矿体;构造透镜体带发育脉型(黄铁)绢英岩化、面状绢英岩化和硅化蚀变,其次级断裂内赋存石英硫化物脉型矿体;节理带(包括密集节理带和稀疏节理带)主要发育成红化和细脉型(黄铁)绢英岩化,沿节理面赋存细脉型矿体。碳酸盐化蚀变叠加于上述热液蚀变之上。焦家断裂带表现为以水平为主的蚀变-矿化特征,(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变与金成矿关系最为密切。论文在厘定断裂构造分带与蚀变-矿化分带空间关系的基础上,通过对各类蚀变岩与新鲜新城花岗岩体元素地球化学分析,剖析了热液蚀变作用过程及其机制。选取TiO_2作为不活动组分,质量平衡计算表明,成矿前新城花岗岩体发生红化作用时,带入组分有Fe_2O_3、K_2O、Al_2O_3以及少量Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb和Bi等,而被带出组分有SiO_2、CaO和Na_2O等;成矿期红化花岗岩体蚀变为(黄铁)绢英岩过程中,明显带入组分有SiO_2、Fe_2O_3、FeO、Al_2O_3、Mg O、K_2O、Au、Ag、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb和Bi等,而被带出组分为Na_2O。稀土元素地球化学特征与REE球粒陨石标准化配分模式曲线表明,红化和(黄铁)绢英岩化热液蚀变作用影响REE迁移。REE分别在红化和(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变中带入和带出;Eu在红化过程中呈显著带入,表现为显著Eu正异常(δ_(Eu)=1.34),而在(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变中活化带出,表现出Eu负异常(0.89~0.95)。成矿期发生(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变时,Eu从氧化态Eu~(3+)转变为Eu~(2+),进入流体被带走,造成Eu负异常。金主要以Au(HS)~-_2形式在变质流体中运移。成矿流体沿片理面运移时,在挤压片理带发生黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,硫化作用使得流体还原硫活度降低,导致Au(HS)~-_2络合物失稳沉淀并赋存于黄铁矿和石英等矿物裂隙或晶格中,形成黄铁绢英岩型矿化;在构造透镜体带,成矿流体沿次级断裂面和碎裂岩裂隙发生蚀变形成脉型(黄铁)绢英岩,成矿元素在次级断裂面/裂隙内沉淀并形成石英硫化物脉型矿化;在节理带,成矿流体压力瞬时降低导致流体发生不混溶现象,使得Au(HS)~-_2络合物失稳沉淀并充填节理中形成细脉型矿化。  相似文献   

豫西前河金矿热液蚀变地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
含矿热液在迁移过程中与围岩发生了广泛的流体-岩石反应而引起热液蚀变.前河金矿区内主要的热液蚀变有钾长石化、青磐岩化、绢云母化、硅化、黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化和萤石化等7种类型;划分了6个蚀变-成矿阶段,即黑云母-钾长石阶段→青磐岩阶段→绢英岩阶段→黄铁矿-石英阶段→石英-黄铁矿阶段→碳酸盐-卤化物阶段,以及外、中、内3个蚀变带.5种典型蚀变岩的常量和微量元素分析表明,绢英岩化蚀变中,Si、K大量迁入,Pb含量大大增加,在∑REE有所降低的情况下HREE有所富集:δ Eu和δ Ce在各蚀变阶段均呈现负异常:这些现象可能是导致金沉淀的元素地球化学响应.各阶段成矿流体-岩石的交代特点在绿泥石单矿物的矿物化学成分变化上也有所反映.  相似文献   




The Mantos Blancos copper deposit (500 Mt at 1.0% Cu) was affected by two superimposed hydrothermal events: (i) phyllic alteration related to a rhyolitic dome emplacement and brecciation at ca 155 Ma; and (ii) potassic, sodic and propylitic alteration at ca 142 Ma, coeval with stocks and sills emplacement of dioritic and granodioritic porphyries, that locally grade upwards into polymictic magmatic hydrothermal breccias. Major hypogene copper sulfide mineralization is related to the second event. A late‐ore mafic dike swarm cross‐cuts all rocks in the deposit. Two types of granodioritic porphyries can be distinguished from petrographic observations and geochemical data: granodiorite porphyry I (GP I) and granodiorite porphyry II (GP II), which resulted from two different trends of magmatic evolution. The concave shape of the rare earth element (REE) distribution pattern together with the weak or absence of negative Eu anomalies in mafic dikes, dioritic and GP I porphyries, suggest hornblende‐dominated fractionation for this magmatic suite. In contrast, distinct negative Eu anomalies and the flat REE patterns suggest plagioclase‐dominated fractionation, at low oxygen fugacity, for the GP II porphyry suite. But shallow mixing and mingling between silicic and dioritic melts are also likely for the formation of the GP II and polymictic breccias, respectively. Sr‐Nd isotopic compositions suggest that the rhyolitic dome rocks were generated from a dominantly crustal source, while the GP I has mantle affinity. The composition of melt inclusions (MI) in quartz crystals from the rhyolitic dome is similar to the bulk composition of their host rock. The MI analyzed in quartz from GP II and in the polymictic magmatic hydrothermal breccia of the deposit are compositionally more evolved than their host rocks. Field, geochemical and petrographic data provided here point to dioritic and siliceous melt interaction as an inducing mechanism for the release of hydrothermal fluids to form the Cu mineralization.  相似文献   

西秦岭阳山金矿带安坝矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
张志超  李楠  戢兴忠  韩忠  郭耀宇  李在春 《岩石学报》2015,31(11):3405-3419
安坝金矿床是阳山金矿带内已探明金资源储量最大的金矿床,矿体受NEE向的区域性安昌河-观音坝断裂带及其次级断裂-裂隙系统控制,主要赋存于紧邻断裂带的千枚岩和斜长花岗斑岩中。围绕断裂-裂隙系统的赋矿围岩硫化、硅化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化、绿泥石化、绿帘石化和粘土化蚀变发育,其中前三种蚀变与金成矿作用关系最为密切。论文在厘定安坝金矿床热液蚀变类型、矿物组合特征、以及断裂变形与蚀变空间变化关系的基础上,通过对蚀变岩及其原岩的地球化学分析,剖析了热液蚀变作用过程与机理。研究结果表明,硅化蚀变贯穿发育于成矿前、成矿期和成矿后,绢云母化蚀变为成矿前和成矿期的产物,碳酸盐化蚀变主要发育于成矿晚阶段和成矿后,而粘土化蚀变为成矿后的产物。在长石蚀变为绢云母的过程中,有少量Al2O3带出,而TiO 2在蚀变过程中相对稳定,为此选取TiO 2作为不活动组分,开展质量平衡计算得出:在硅化过程中,明显带入的组分有SiO 2、Fe2O3、FeO、MgO、CaO、C、S、Au、As、Hg、Pb和Zn,而被带出的元素为Rb和Ba;在绢云母化过程中,明显带入的组分为SiO 2、Fe2O3、CaO、C、S、Au、As、Hg、Pb、Zn、Rb和Ba,带出组分为Na2O。稀土元素地球化学特征显示千枚岩原岩稀土元素含量比硅化和绢云母化千枚岩的稀土元素含量高,表明在蚀变过程中有稀土元素的流失。此外,千枚岩原岩的δEu=0.70,δCe=0.95;硅化千枚岩的δEu=0.72,δCe=1.00;绢云母化千枚岩的δEu=0.76,δCe=0.95。硅化、绢云母化千枚岩与千枚岩原岩的REE球粒陨石标准化配分模式曲线变化趋势相似,表现为明显的Eu负异常、无Ce异常的富轻稀土的右倾型曲线。含矿流体沿断裂带运移并与围岩反应,形成了石英和绢云母等蚀变矿物。硅化过程中,含矿流体中还原硫活度降低导致金沉淀;而绢云母化过程中,含矿流体的pH增大及K+和H+含量的减少和CO2含量的增加,致使载金黄铁矿、毒砂和金的沉淀。  相似文献   

姜永果 《地质与勘探》2011,47(6):1903-1-11-1113
春都斑岩铜矿床地处著名的印支期中甸-义敦岛弧成矿带南端。矿区出露闪长玢岩-花岗闪长斑岩复式岩体,成矿岩体为印支晚期的花岗闪长斑岩。围绕成矿岩体,围岩蚀变强烈,蚀变分带明显,由中心向外,依次出现硅化钾化带→绢英岩化带→硅化带→硅化黑云母化带→青磐岩化带→绢云母化及泥化带。区内蚀变与矿化关系密切,蚀变类型决定矿化程度,蚀变...  相似文献   

侯增谦  T Urabe 《矿床地质》1996,15(2):97-108
川西呷村黑矿型矿床产于酸性流纹质火山岩系上部。矿区蚀变可分为矿化热液蚀变和区域低温蚀变,后者广布矿区;前者绕网脉矿(硅矿)形成蚀变岩筒,并具明显的蚀变分带:自内而外由石英-钡冰长石带向绢云母-石英带递变,自下而上由绿泥石带向石英-绢云母带递进。采用“惰性”微量元素方法恢复了含矿岩系原岩成分,定量估算了蚀变引起的物质-化学变化。在蚀变岩筒中,Cu、Pb、Zn强烈富集,远离蚀变岩筒,Cu略有亏损,Pb  相似文献   

In northern Chile, between 27 and 33°S, there are numerous deposits where residual petroleum is associated with Cu-(Ag) mineralisation (the most famous being El Soldado). All of these deposits are hosted by Lower Cretaceous volcanic or volcanoclastic facies along the axis of a former backarc basin. This close relationship suggests that the generation, migration and emplacement of hydrocarbons in the Cretaceous volcanic units is a regional process, associated with the evolution of the Cretaceous backarc basin and points to the importance of pyrobitumen as an exploration tool for similar Cu–(Ag) deposits. The present work analyses four small strata-bound copper deposits located along a north–south belt approximately 10 km east of Copiapó in northern Chile. These deposits are typically hosted by pyrobitumen-rich andesitic volcanic to volcanoclastic rocks intercalated with the marine carbonate Pabellón Formation, the youngest formation within the Chañarcillo Group. The strong genetic and spatial relationships between the pyrobitumen-rich lavas and the mineral deposits allow us to define this volcanic belt as the Ocoita-Pabellón Metallotect. Two hydrothermal events can be distinguished based on the mineralogical, textural, fluid inclusion and isotope data of ore and gangue and on the optical properties of residual petroleum. During the early event, petroleum was mobilised from the source rocks into the primary and secondary porosity of the lavas by Fe-rich hydrothermal fluids, which precipitated pyrite as an early sulphide phase. The second event is characterised by Cu-rich hydrothermal fluids, which induced three successive sub-stages of Cu-sulphide precipitation. The hydrothermal fluids chemically and thermally altered the first-stage bitumen, transforming it into pyrobitumen. The present work documents similarities between the Ocoita-Pabellón Metallotect and the El Soldado ore deposit and emphasises important differences. In the El Soldado host rocks, a petroleum reservoir existed prior to the arrival of the mineralising hydrothermal fluids, the framboidal pyrite was formed by assistance of bacteria, the S of the Cu sulphides was inherited from the pyrite, and the fluid source was basin connate-metamorphic brine. In the Ocoita-Pabellón Metallotect, the hydrocarbons were mobilised into the host rocks by hydrothermal fluids; the pyrite is epigenetic, the δ34S values of pyrite and copper sulphides are very different, with distinctive light δ34S signature of Cu sulphides (δ34S between −44.7 and −17.9‰), and the calculated δ18O of hydrothermal fluids indicates the participation of meteoric water in the late phases of the hydrothermal system.
Juan HermosillaEmail:

Atacamite, a copper hydroxychloride, is an important constituent of supergene oxide zones of copper deposits in northern Chile, whereas in similar deposits elsewhere, it is rare. In Chile, it has generally been assumed to be a primary constituent of the supergene zones. There are two difficulties with this supposition. The first is that atacamite requires saline water for its formation, whereas supergene oxidation was caused by percolating, oxygenated meteoric water, mainly rainwater. The second is that atacamite dissolves rapidly or undergoes phase change when exposed to fresh water. Supergene enrichment of copper deposits in northern Chile extended over a long period, 44 to 9 Ma, being terminated by the onset of hyperaridity. During this period, there was at least intermittent rainfall, exposing previously formed atacamite to dissolution or phase change. Furthermore, atacamite-bearing oxide zones in several deposits are directly overlain by thick Miocene alluvial gravels; the stream waters that transported these gravels would have permeated the oxide zones. In some deposits, atacamite-bearing assemblages occur both in the oxide zones and in contiguous gravels. We suggest that atacamite-bearing oxide assemblages are more likely to have been a replacement of preexisting oxide phases after the onset of hyperaridity at about 9 Ma. A hyperarid climate made possible evaporation and concentration of chloride in meteoric waters. In this paper, we discuss another source of saline waters to modify oxide zones. Dewatering of the Domeyko Basin expelled brines along faults, some of which had earlier guided the location of porphyry deposits. At the Spence porphyry copper deposit, saline waters, which δD vs δ 18O isotope analyses identify as basinal brines, are presently rising through the deposit, then flowing away along the base of the covering gravels. Compositions of these waters lie within the stability fields of atacamite and brochantite, the two minerals that comprise the oxide zone. Evidence is presented for other porphyry deposits, Radomiro Tomic and Gaby Sur, that basinal brines may have been involved in the late formation of atacamite.  相似文献   

Ore deposits of the Charters Towers Goldfield (CTGF) are mainly hosted by fault-fill veins. Extensional (∼8% of all veins) and stockwork-like (∼3%) veins are less common and of little economic significance. Crosscutting relationships and published structural and geochronological data indicate a Late Silurian to Early Devonian timing of gold mineralization, coincident with regional shortening (D4) and I-type magmatism. Paragenetic relationships, which are uniform in veins everywhere within the CTGF, suggest that vein formation commenced with the deposition of large volumes of buck quartz (stage I), followed by buck and comb quartz, and significant pyrite and arsenopyrite precipitation (stage II). Gold was introduced during stage III, after earlier sphalerite and coincident with galena and chalcopyrite. Narrow, discontinuous calcite veins of stage IV mark the waning of gold-related hydrothermal activity or a later unrelated episode. Ore zones within the veins are everywhere composed of comb and/or gray quartz, calcite and/or ankerite and bands or clusters of fractured pyrite that are spatially associated with galena, sphalerite or chalcopyrite. Low-grade or barren vein sections, on the other hand, are mainly composed of milky buck quartz with little evidence for modification, overprinting or interaction with later fluids. Gold-related hydrothermal wall-rock alteration is symmetrically zoned, displaying proximal sericite–ankerite and distal epidote–chlorite–hematite assemblages that may be taken to imply wall-rock interaction with near neutral fluids (pH 5–6). Isocon plots assuming immobile Al, P, Ti, Y and Zr consistently indicate As, K, Pb, S and Zn enrichment and Na, Si and Sr depletion in altered wall-rock specimens relative to the least altered rocks. Alteration assemblages, quartz textures, fault rocks and published fluid inclusion and stable isotope data imply that the veins were formed under conditions of episodic fluid overpressuring (∼0.9–3.8 kbar), at a depth of ∼7 km and a temperature of ∼310°C. The published fluid inclusion data also imply that gold precipitation may have been brought about by fluid mixing. However, physi- and chemisorption of gold complexes onto sulfide surfaces may have been important depositional processes and controls on gold enrichment at the millimeter to centimeter scale, given that most gold particles are attached to the surfaces of pyrite crystals of stage II or to etch-pits and fracture surfaces within the earlier pyrite.  相似文献   

Lead isotope ratios of ores of the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre iron oxide Cu-Au deposits and associated Early Cretaceous volcanic and batholithic rocks have been determined. For the igneous rocks, a whole-rock acid attack technique based on the separate analyses of a leachate and the residual fraction of a sample was used. The lead isotope systematics of leachate–residue pairs are significantly different for unaltered and altered igneous rocks of the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre district. Residues of unaltered igneous rocks likely represent the common lead. In contrast, residues of all the altered igneous rocks except two samples have higher Pb isotope ratios than those of unaltered magmatic rocks and cannot represent common lead. We suggest that this is a result of the hydrothermal alteration suffered by these rocks and that the common lead composition of the altered igneous (volcanic and plutonic) rocks must have been similar to that of the unaltered batholith rocks. The conclusion that the altered volcanic rocks originally had a similar common lead isotope composition as the batholith is consistent with geological and geochemical arguments (e.g., setting, regional geologic evolution, ages and relative distribution of volcanic and intrusive rocks, magmatic affinities), which indicate that these rocks were derived from similar Early Cretaceous parent magmas. The modification of the leachate–residue pair lead isotope systematics of most altered igneous rocks is consistent with a selective removal of lead and uranium from these rocks by an oxidized hydrothermal fluid. The result of the hydrothermal leaching has been to alter magmatic rocks in a way that (1) their leachable fraction is presently a mix of common lead similar to that of the ore event and of radiogenic lead evolved from a source with a consistently high Th/U, and that (2) their residual fraction has less common lead than unaltered rocks. The outcrop area with altered volcanic rocks displaying anomalously high lead isotope ratios extends over 25 km along the eastern margin of the batholith. Since lead of the ores in the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre district has the same isotopic composition as the common lead of unaltered magmatic rocks of the area, the lead isotope data are consistent with a derivation of the ore lead (and by inference of other metals like Cu) both directly from a magmatic fluid exsolved during crystallization of the batholith and/or from hydrothermal leaching of the volcanic rocks originally having similar isotopic compositions as the batholith.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

The Glen Eden Mo-Sn-W deposit in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia, is an example of a leucogranite-related, low-grade, large-tonnage hydrothermal system. It occurs in the southern part of the New England Orogen and is hosted within Permian felsic volcanic rocks, intruded at depth by dykes of porphyritic microleucogranite (Glen Eden Granite). The deposit is hosted within a pipe-like quartz-rich greisen breccia body about 500 m in diameter, surrounded by a greisen zone several hundred metres across, zoning out into altered volcanic rocks. The dominant ore minerals, largely hosted as open space fillings and disseminations in quartz and quartz-rich greisen, are molybdenite, wolframite and cassiterite; they are accompanied by minor to trace amounts of muscovite, fluorite, topaz, siderite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bismuth, bismuthinite, joseite A, cosalite, galenobismutite, beryl, anatase and late-stage dickite and kaolinite. Two types of breccia are recognised: (1) greisenised volcanic rock fragments (quartz + muscovite), cemented by hydrothermal quartz ± K-feldspar ± ore minerals, and (2) fragments of hydrothermal quartz ± cassiterite ± wolframite enclosed in quartz ± clay. In both types of breccia and in stockwork veins, there is evidence of early precipitation of Mo-Sn-W phases, followed by Bi minerals and base metal sulfides (± fluorite, siderite).Breccia formation and associated hydrothermal alteration (greisen, potassic, argillic, propylitic) are interpreted to be related to devolatilisation of the highly fractionated Glen Eden Granite of early Triassic age (240±1 Ma based on 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of greisen muscovite) as well as to fluid mixing with meteoric waters. The breccia pipe could have formed in part by rock dissolution and collapse, as well as by explosive degassing of boiling fluids. Fluid inclusion evidence is consistent with boiling, with breccia pipe formation and mineralisation having mainly occurred at 250–350 °C from fluids with salinity of 0.4–9 wt% NaCl equivalent in the dilute types and 30–47 wt% NaCl equivalent in the hypersaline types. Stable isotopic evidence (O, D, C, S) indicates a strong magmatic contribution to the hydrothermal fluids and metals in the breccia. The 18O values of quartz decrease outward from the breccia pipe (10.6–12.3 in the pipe to 3.4–8.7 in the peripheral quartz) indicating that there has been mixing with isotopically light (high latitude) meteoric fluids, mainly after formation of the breccia pipe.  相似文献   

西藏弄如日金矿围岩蚀变特征与成矿机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
弄如日金矿床围岩蚀变类型有黄铁矿化、绢云母化、雄黄化、钠长石化、硅化、碳酸盐化等,其中强硅化、黄铁矿化、雄(雌)黄化与金矿化关系密切。从断裂-岩脉中心向两侧围岩,蚀变强度由强转弱。矿床的形成主要与喜马拉雅期花岗斑岩的侵入活动有关。  相似文献   

位于特提斯成矿域西段塞尔维亚Bor成矿带内的Mali Krivelj铜矿床是一大型斑岩型矿床。为揭示该矿床热液蚀变作用过程及元素迁移规律,文章对新鲜安山岩及不同蚀变带典型样品进行了微量元素分析及元素迁移质量平衡计算。研究结果表明,绢英岩化带及绿泥石-绢云母化带显示类似元素迁移规律,REE、Sr、Ba、Zr、Th、U、Ti、Co、Ni等元素显示一定程度迁出,而Rb、Cs等元素显示一定程度迁入,绿泥石-绢云母化带发育大量磁铁矿,而绢英岩化带则大量出现石英+绢云母+黄铁矿组合,这表明随着流体的持续演化,流体的还原性逐渐增强。青磐岩化带蚀变较弱,其元素迁移程度较低。研究区Cu与Cr、Rb、Ti/Sr、Rb/Ba、Cr/Zn比值等具较好的正相关性,Cu与REE、Ba、Zn、Mn、Sr等元素具有一定的负相关性,表明该矿床全岩元素迁移规律在一定程度上也能作为地球化学勘查指标为寻找斑岩矿化中心提供依据。  相似文献   

Miocene igneous rocks (diorites, andesites, dacites, rhyolites and microgranites) of Chetaibi and Cap de Fer massif, NE Algeria, are high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic rocks. Fresh diorites have δ34S and δ18O values ranging between −2.5‰ and +5.9‰, +6.5‰ and +6.7‰ respectively, indicating a mantle origin. The relatively low δ34S values (−5.4‰ to −12.2‰) and high δ18O (+8.3‰ to +9.0‰) of altered diorites indicate the input of a crustal component to the initial magma. The microgranites’ I-type signature is indicated by the geochemical data and the δ34S and δ18O values of −1.2‰ and −3.6‰, and +7.8‰ to +10.4‰ respectively. The andesites show a large variation of δ34S, between −33.2‰ and +25.7‰. Massive andesites with δ34S between +6.8‰ and +7.6‰ preserve a 34S-enriched mantle signature. The δ34S of the lava flows between +25.7‰ and +25.8‰ are attributed to open system magma degassing, whereas the low δ34S of two andesitic dyke samples (−13.7‰ and −33.2‰) strongly suggest a crustal sulphur input. High δ18O (+9.2‰ to +15.7‰) of andesites indicate post-magmatic alteration (mainly silicification); the flyschs with δ18O between of +13.3‰ and +21.7‰ are most likely the contaminant. Quartz veins within the andesites gave a δ18O value of +23.0‰ while silica-filling vesicles yielded a value of +13.8‰. Initial Sr-isotope data are rather high for all the rocks (diorites: 0.707–0.708, andesites: 0.707–0.710, and microgranites and rhyolites: 0.717–0.719), and because geochemical and stable isotope data do not indicate a substantial amount of crustal assimilation, an extensive enrichment of the mantle source by subducted sediments is called for. A metasomatized-mantle source, characterized by high radiogenic Sr and relatively high δ18O, has also been indicated for the genesis of similar Tertiary igneous rocks in the Western Mediterranean basin, e.g. the Volcanic Province of southeasten Spain [Benito, R., Lopez-Ruiz, J., Cebria, J.M., Hertogen, J., Doblas M., Oyarzun, R., Demaiffe, D., 1999. Sr and O isotope constraints on source and crustal contamination in the high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic neogene volcanic rocks of SE Spain. Lithos 46, 773–802] and some plutons of northeastern Algeria [Ouabadi, A., 1994. Pétrologie, géochimie et origine des granitoïdes peralumineux à cordiérite (Cap Bougaroun, Béni-Touffout et Filfila), Algérie nord-orientale. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Rennes I, France, 257p; Fourcade, S., Capdevila, R., Ouabadi, A., Martineau, F., 2001. The origin and geodynamic significance of the Alpine cordierite-bearing granitoids of northern Algeria. A combined petrological, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic (O, H, Sr, Nd) study. Lithos 57, 187–216].  相似文献   

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