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The Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) Long Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar has recorded thousands of head echoes from small meteoroids, which include detailed trajectory information as well as ionization measurements. In total, 25 complete ionization curves have been matched using a detailed model of meteoroid ablation, though the solutions are not necessarily unique. While measurements of the spread along the trajectory of the echoes indicate that most meteors in this size range do not have large separations among fragments, the ionization curves are consistent with fragmenting bodies in the most cases. Very precise radar measurements of meteors can be a valuable source of data on the chemical and physical properties of small meteoroids.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft has acquired 25 radar altimeter elevation profiles along Titan's surface as of April 2008, and we have analyzed 18 of these for which there are currently reconstructed ephemeris data. Altimeter measurements were collected at spatial footprint sizes from 6-60 km along ground tracks of length 400-3600 km. The elevation profiles yield topographic information at this resolution with a statistical height accuracy of 35-50 m and kilometer-scale errors several times greater. The data exhibit significant variations in terrain, from flat regions with little topographic expression to very rugged Titanscapes. The bandwidth of the transmitted waveform admits vertical resolution of the terrain height to 35 m at each observed location on the surface. Variations in antenna pointing and changes in surface statistics cause the range-compressed radar echoes to exhibit strong systematic and time-variable biases of hundreds of meters in delay. It is necessary to correct the received echoes for these changes, and we have derived correction algorithms such that the derived echo profiles are accurate at the 100 m level for off-nadir pointing errors of 0.3° and 0.6°, for leading edge and echo centroid estimators, respectively. The leading edge of the echo yields the elevation of the highest points on the surface, which we take to be the peaks of any terrain variation. The mean value of the echo delay is more representative of the mean elevation, so that the difference of these values gives an estimate of any local mountain heights. Finding locations where these values diverge indicates higher-relief terrain. Elevation features are readily seen in the height profiles. Several of the passes show mountains of several hundred m altitude, spread over 10's or even 100's of km in spatial extent, so that slopes are very small. Large expanses of sub-100 m topography are commonplace on Titan, so it is rather smooth in many locations. Other areas exhibit more relief, although the overall observed variation in surface height on any pass is less than about 1 km. Some elevation features correspond to observed changes in brightness in Cassini infrared images, but many do not. Correspondence between the imaging SAR ground tracks and the altimeter paths is limited, so that identifying elevation changes with higher resolution SAR features is premature at present.  相似文献   

The results of a series of radar studies of the sun at 38.2 MHz are presented. The echoes imply ever-present compressional waves in the corona, and these waves are likely associated with coronal heating. Some echoes are refracted by plasma clouds high in the corona. Other echoes are reflected by dense plasma irregularities moving outward very slowly at 0 to 20 km/sec. These are sometimes found as far out as three solar radii from the sun's center. Suggestions for future solar radar experiments and the need for them are outlined.  相似文献   

E-region electron density profiles with high resolution in time and altitude (5 s and 2 km, respectively) measured by the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar are used to examine the conductivity changes during substorm growth, onset and expansion phases for seven substorms occurring in the local evening sector. The measurements are related to electric fields and neutral winds measured by the radar, to ground magnetometer and riometer records, and to optical features, including the westward-travelling surge and auroral bulge. Auroral features are identified using all-sky camera photographs and images from the Viking satellite. Conductances and electric fields in the zone of diffuse aurora corresponding to the westward substorm electrojet are found to be consistent with existing models. Conductances in the discrete auroral arcs marking the expanding edge of the substorm are found to be much higher, and electric fields rather lower, than previously assumed. The magnetic signatures of the discrete arcs are found to be best explained by Hall and Pedersen currents driven by a southward neutral wind, as is observed by the radar. The highest conductances observed, with Hall and Pedersen conductances reaching 120 and 48 S, respectively, are found to be associated with arcs appearing at the southern edge of activity in the vicinity of a westward-travelling surge.  相似文献   

Slope probability densities were derived from the power spectra of radar echoes from Mars using integral inversion. The inverse problem is ill-posed; that is, small changes in the data can lead to large changes in the solution. We describe a method of stabilizing the inversion, which was necessary for echoes with signal-to-noise power spectral densities on the order of unity, and for those with broad spectral distributions. The resulting slope probabilities usually consisted of a component due to quasi-specular reflection which decreased rapidly with tilt, plus a broad, slowly decreasing, “diffuse” component due to scattering from (1) surface scales small compared with a radar wavelength, or (2) larger features with high slopes. In the absence of more complete polarization measurements, we are unable to In the absence of more complete polarization measurements, we are unable to distinguish between these possibilities. Root mean square tilts have been determined separately for the two cases. For case (1), values of rms tilt associated with surface features responsible for the quasi-specular echo are normally less than 3°; for case (2), values greater than 8° are common. Knowledge of the depolarization of radar returns would help distinguish between these possibilities.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the supersonic auroral arcs within the 0905 UT 2 April 1973 substorm were determined using data from (1) all-sky cameras; (2), surface magnetometers, (3) multispectral scanning photometers, (4) 30MHz riometers, (5) Chatanika incoherent-scatter radar, (6) Homer auroral radar, and (7) infrasonic microphone arrays at College and Stevens Village in Alaska. These data were analyzed to determine the properties of an auroral electrojet arc that generates auroral infrasonic waves (AIW).

An arc that was show to be the source of an AIW was found to have the following characteristics: (1) a velocity of 500 m/sec traveling from an azimuth of 350°; (2) an intensity in 4278 A of 26 Kr, (3) a maximum electron density of 2.8 × 106 el/cm6 at 100km height, (4) an equivalent westward line current of 2.8 × 106 A, (5) orientation of ΔH parallel to the AIW direction of travel and perpendicular to the arc's long axis, (6) a characteristic energy of the primary auroral electron spectrum of 3.0keV, and (7) an energy deposition rate for the auroral pdarticles of 100 erg/cm2 sec.  相似文献   

Quick-look Range-Time-Intensity data from the STARE radar are used to study the diurnal behaviour of hydromagnetic oscillations in the ionosphere. These are known to be associated with Pc5 geomagnetic activity seen on the ground. It is found that the diurnal behaviour at moderate magnetic activities is consistent with a driving mechanism involving the solar wind setting the magnetopause into oscillation through the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. At highest magnetic activities the picture is less clear and other mechanisms may also be possible. It is also established that the sensitivity of the station to such events depend on the time of day. This is probably because the angle between the radar beam and the line on which resonance occurs varies diurnally, as does the angle between the radar beam and the major axis of the polarization ellipse.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the intervals of pulsation of diminishing periods (IPDP) generation region and that of the auroral absorption (AA) are compared. It is known that IPDP is the manifestation of the ion-cyclotron instability due to precipitation and drift of protons and AA is the result of electron precipitation. The westward movement in space and time of the AA and IPDP generation region was revealed. This is the first experimental confirmation of the joint westward drift of the electron and proton in the form of neutral clouds in the magnetosphere during an auroral substorm.  相似文献   

Generation of auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) in the auroral acceleration region is studied. It is shown that auroral kilometric radiation can be generated by the backscattered electrons trapped in the acceleration region via a cyclotron maser process. The parallel electric field in the acceleration region is required to be distributed over 1–2 RE. The observed AKR frequency spectrum can be used to estimate the altitude range of the auroral acceleration region. The altitudes of the lower and upper boundaries of the acceleration region determined from the AKR data are respectively ~2000 and ~9000 km.  相似文献   

Electron spectra obtained during the flight of Black Brant VB-31 on August 17, 1970 through a stable aurora to a height of 268 km have been analyzed in detail to obtain the pitch angle distributions from 25 to 155° and the electron energy distributions over an energy range of 18 keV to 20 eV through the region of atmospheric interaction down to 97 km. Backscatter ratios for 140° pitch angle range from 0.065 for 18 keV electrons to 0.22 for 1 keV electrons. Backscatter of lower energy electrons decreases with atmospheric depth below 200 km. The effect of the interactions between auroral electrons and the atmosphere is such as to give a peak in electron flux which moves progressively to higher energies with penetration depth. The secondary electron flux increases monotonically with height up to 200 km. The secondary electron spectrum can be approximated by an energy power over small energy ranges but its form is somewhat dependent on height and on the primary electron spectrum.  相似文献   

Auroral E region neutral winds determined from incoherent scatter radar observations at Chatanika, AK, during geomagnetic disturbances (15 May 1974) are compared with detailed theoretical calculations of neutral velocities for these conditions. The theoretical velocities are obtained by numerically solving the ion and neutral momentum equations in the ion drag approximation, including coriolis and viscous forces, using observed electric fields and electron densities. Large vertical gradients are found in the calculated velocities for altitudes below about 130 km. As a consequence of this structure and fluctuations in the electron density profiles, the data analysis procedure of Brekke et al. (1973) for obtaining neutral winds from radar data is found to underestimate the wind speed by up to 40%, but it determines the direction and temporal structure reasonably well. Comparison of observed neutral velocities with calculated values shows that ion drag alone cannot account for the observations. An equation is derived to estimate the pressure gradients required to resolve the discrepancy between calculated and observed neutral winds. Accelerations due to these pressure gradients are of the same order as those due to ion drag, but at least an order of magnitude larger than those due to solar heating. Directions of the horizontal pressure gradients are consistent with expected locations of auroral heating. During geomagnetic disturbances, ion drag and auroral heating both appear to play important roles in the generation and modification of neutral winds.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional current system over an enhanced conductivity strip identified with an auroral arc is calculated for the case of the magnetospheric plasma convection across this strip. The strip produces a stationary Alfvén wave which propagates along magnetic field lines and is carried simultaneously by the convecting plasma. The Alfvén wave generation corresponds to an appearance of field-aligned currents over the arc. The three-dimensional current system generated over the arc is studied, taking into account reflection of the waves from the ionosphere of the opposite hemisphere. The correspondence of the theory with the experimental results is found.  相似文献   

Slow drift (Type II) radio bursts from the sun are believed to be caused by a primary disturbance moving outward through the solar atmosphere with a velocity of about 1000 km/sec. Analysis of the 2 years, 1956 October 1 through 1958 September 30, over the sunspot maximum shows that 45 per cent of these bursts are associated with the subsequent occurrence of terrestrial auroræ and magnetic storms. The mean delay between the radio bursts and the terrestrial disturbances is 33 hr, which is in good accord with the velocity for the disturbing source as deduced from the radio data. Investigation of the properties of the individual slow drift bursts and their association with other solar radio and optical phenomena reveals no completely conclusive criteria to explain why only 45 per cent of the bursts are geomagnetically important. The geomagnetic effects are enhanced, however, if the bursts occur near the equinoxes and if they are accompanied by a flare o'f importance 2 or 3, or by continuum (Type IV) radiation.

In the reverse association, with radio data available for an average 14 hr daily, it is shown that at least 60 per cent of magnetic storms are preceded, within 4 days, by a slow drift burst.  相似文献   

Models of acceleration of auroral electrons by electrostatic shock waves are considered based on the model electron beam, calculated by Evans (1974), to account for the observed precipitating electron fluxes. Electron populations in our models include a primary accelerated beam, originating from the plasma sheet, the secondary electrons and the energy-degraded and backscattered primary electrons produced by precipitating electrons of that beam. We find a feasible electrostatic shock model with appropriate ion populations from considerations on the conditions for the existence of shock solutions.  相似文献   

An ionospheric plasma instability in the auroral electrojet region believed to be responsible for electromagnetic waves with angular frequency smaller thanv i is discussed. The threshold current velocityU t and oscillation growth rate are found for the realistic physical situation when a nonuniform plasma density and an ionization function are considered. It is found that the gradient of plasma density n may be neglected in the expressions forU t and and that the spectral density of fluctuations in the density of the plasma agrees well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

An empirical formula has been constructed using the results of correlative analyses to determine in what form the AL index, as a measure of the intensity of the westward auroral electrojet, depends on interplanetary parameters. The formula thus obtained shows that AL is mainly determined by BsV2 where Bs is the southward component of the IMF and V is the solar wind velocity, and is modulated in a characteristic way by the combined effect of the east-west component of the IMF and the tilt angle of the Earth's dipole axis toward the Sun-Earth line. In contrast, effects of the solar wind density and the IMF variability were found to be insignificant.Implications of the empirical formula are discussed mainly in relation to the problem of the location in the dayside magnetosphere of the region where the reconnection process to initiate the substorm takes place.  相似文献   

The interaction of energetic auroral protons with the atmosphere is investigated. The results of a random number algorithm that describes the proton-hydrogen interconversion reactions as the beam loses energy are adopted to construct an energy deposition curve applicable over a wide range of initial proton energies. lonization rates and production rates of ejected electrons are computed and emission rates of hydrogen Balmer alpha and beta lines are evaluated using recently available low energy cross-sections.  相似文献   

On 15 February, 1977, ground magnetic, ionospheric electric and auroral signatures of a multiple onset substorm were observed simultaneously by the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array (SMA), the Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment (STARE) and the Finnish all-sky camera chain. Between 21:00 and 21:30 U.T., i.e. around local magnetic midnight, three consecutive local auroral break-ups were observed over Scandinavia. Each of these break-ups was preceded by a clear fading of the aurora and magnetic fields (while the electric fields remained unaffected), and occurred slightly south of the Harang discontinuity in the region of north-westward-directed electric fields. They were associated with a sudden change in direction of the electric field from north-west to south-west and the appearance of a westward equivalent current in the localized active region (about 1200 × 300 km2). These observations matched the features to be expected during the generation of a Cowling channel by a strong increase of the ionospheric conductivities due to precipitating auroral electrons. Numerical model calculations, based on the observations during the initial brightening and peak development of the second, most conspicuous break-up, show that the field-aligned currents at the northern and southern border of the active region are indeed very weak. However, highly localized and intense upward field-aligned currents at the western edge of the active region and more widespread and less intense downward currents in the eastern half preserve current continuity of the westward Cowling current and complete the substorm current wedge.  相似文献   

Measurements of the properties of Pi 2 pulsations along a magnetic meridian at high latitudes during a number of substorms have been analyzed for their relationship to the auroral electrojet. It is found that the maximum Pi 2 pulsation amplitudes are closely associated with the instantaneous position of the electrojet. That is, the average pulsation amplitude in the Pi 2 band as well as the amplitudes of pulsations at specific frequencies in the band have maximum amplitudes at latitudes close to the instantaneous electrojet location. Stations equatorward of the electrojet tend to observe a classical Pi 2 waveform concurrent with the onset of the substorm electrojet. Stations near the electrojet observe a broad spectrum of pulsations indicating a multiplicity of sources. Stations poleward of the initial electrojet position see little pulsation activity until the electrojet moves overhead. The appearance of large amplitude Pi 2 pulsations at a station which was poleward of the electrojet at the onset of a substorm appears to be coincident with the arrival of the poleward border of the electrojet.  相似文献   

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