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目的:对供者胰、十二指肠及肾等器官的联合获取、修整和保存方法进行研究。方法:采用原位腹主动脉插管、低温灌注、快速整块切取及体外修整获得可供移植的胰、十二指肠及肾移植物。2例用UW液保存的供胰用于实验研究。结果:获取8例供者的移植物,平均热缺血时间为4min50s,获取时间为18min20s。7例修整成适用于临床作胰、十二指肠及肾的移植物,平均时间为2h。后4次采用UW液灌注和保存的供者器官中,对其中2例供胰进行了保存研究,UW液保存18h的供胰超微结构正常。结论:此方法适合于供者胰、十二指肠及肾的联合获取、修整和保存。  相似文献   

目的 对心脏死亡器官捐赠(DCD)中供者器官切取手术方法的特点与技巧进行总结,观察器官移植后移植物的功能.方法 回顾性分析26例DCD供者器官切取的临床资料,分别采用上腹部多器官联合切取法和肝肾分别切取法切取供者器官.结果 26例供者器官的平均热缺血时间为4 min(1~10 min),器官切取手术操作顺利,器官切取手术平均耗时为27min(20~45min).共获得供肝22个,供肾44个,上腹部多器官(包括肝脏、胰腺和十二指肠)2个;所获取器官进行肝移植24例(其中2例供肝进行劈离式肝移植供给4例受者),肾移植42例(其中2例供者的双肾进行双肾移植),上腹部多器官移植2例.所有移植手术均顺利,移植器官的功能恢复良好,未出现原发性移植物无功能等并发症.结论 在DCD器官切取手术中,上腹部多器官联合切取法和肝肾分别切取法的手术步骤简捷、安全可靠,要求术者掌握熟练的外科技巧,动作迅速准确,能最大限度减少供者器官的热缺血时间,以保证获取高质量的供者器官.  相似文献   

非整块肝脏和小肠联合移植的外科技术(附一例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 介绍国内首例非整块肝脏和小肠联合移植的外科技术。方法 采用在体灌注、整块切取的方法获取肝脏和小肠,供者器官采用 UW液保存。将供者肝脏、小肠联合植入短肠综合征合并胆汁淤积的男性受者体内,供肝采用改良背驮式肝移植术;供肠的动脉、静脉分别与受者的肾下腹主动脉和下腔静脉吻合。结果 至术后2个月时,移植小肠和肝脏均无排斥反应,肠黏膜结构正常,对肠内营养耐受良好;CT示移植肝形态正常,复查肝功能完全恢复正常。结论 选择性应用非整块肝脏和小肠联合移植术是安全有效的,特别适合需要接受肝脏、小肠联合移植的成年患者。  相似文献   

目的 总结肝移植后再行胰肾联合移植治疗糖尿病合并肾功能衰竭的临床处理经验.方法 2例肝移植受者术前合并有2型糖尿病,分别于肝移植后7年余和4年余发生肾功能衰竭,遂行胰肾联合移植,2例的移植肝功能均正常.采取腹部器官联合快速切取技术整块切取双肾、全胰及十二指肠节段,先行肾移植,再行胰腺移植,供肾移植于左侧髂窝,供胰移植于右侧髂窝,供者的十二指肠与受者的空肠侧侧吻合,供者的十二指肠内置管,通过受者的空肠引流出体外.例1采用抗白细胞介素受体单克隆抗体诱导的四联免疫抑制方案预防排斥反应;例2术中给予抗胸腺细胞球蛋白和甲泼尼龙,术后继续使用2d,采用他克莫司+吗替麦考酚酯+皮质激素预防排斥反应.结果 2例手术过程顺利,术后移植胰腺功能正常,血糖均于术后10d左右恢复正常,无需胰岛素治疗,移植肾功能1周时恢复正常,第2例1周后血清肌酐渐进性升高,经验性抗排斥反应治疗效果不明显,移植肾活组织检查未见明显排斥反应征象,遂将他克莫司替换为西罗莫司,之后受者的肾功能逐渐恢复正常.目前2例受者已分别随访36个月及9个月,移植肝、肾及胰腺功能均正常.结论 肝移植后合并糖尿病、肾功能衰竭时可考虑行胰肾联合移植,但术后免疫反应复杂,需严密监测移植物功能.  相似文献   

胰肾联合移植的供体切取与修整7例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结胰肾一期联合移植手术的供体切取和修整方法。方法 采用原位灌注联合切取和体外修整的方法完成7例尸 体供胰、十二指肠和肾的联合切取与修整。结果 7例获取器官的热缺血时间平均3分30秒,联合切取器官时间14分20秒,灌 注液平均用量1050mL。用切取、修整的胰、肾完成了3例胰肾联合移植和9例肾移植,均迅速恢复功能,未出现严重外科并发 症。3例胰肾联合移植术后均完全停用胰岛素,正常饮食,胰肾功能正常存活已分别达34个月、25个月和21个月。结论 供体 切取和修整的质量是胰肾联合移植成功的关键之一,此原位灌注联合切取和体外修整的方法可提供保证。  相似文献   

目的 总结1例保持门静脉连续性的小肠双造口方式肝小肠联合移植病例的手术操作和术后处理的经验.方法 受者为短肠综合征合并肝功能不良的男性患者,供者为尸体供者.联合切取器官,确保供者肠系膜上静脉和门静脉的连续性.移植肝静脉采用背驼式吻合,受者自体门静脉和供肝门静脉端侧吻合,胆道端端吻合,供者肝动脉和肠系膜上动脉吻合于受者腹主动脉;移植小肠约2 m,两端双造口于腹壁,未作肠道吻合.采用人源化抗CD52单克隆抗体诱导治疗,维持期单用他克莫司.行内镜下黏膜活检监测排斥反应.结果 术后1个月内,患者发生腹腔感染和疑似排斥反应各1次,分别经过手术和甲泼尼龙冲击治疗后痊愈.随访6个月,受者移植肝和小肠功能恢复良好,但仍有腹泻,需补充静脉营养,体重尚未完全恢复.结论 保持门静脉连续性的小肠双造口方式肝小肠联合移植可以简化手术操作,发生外科并发症的风险小,有利于肝脏和小肠功能恢复及术后排斥反应的监测,但是消化液未能进入移植小肠,也影响了受者的恢复.  相似文献   

肝肾等多脏器联合切取的手术方法改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨原位肝移植尸体供肝切取的手术方法改进。方法尸体供肝采用肝肾联合切取,腹主动脉插管灌注肾保存液,胰腺下沿肠系膜上静脉外科干处插管行门静脉灌注,并进行了100例次的应用。结果采用此方法切取供肝及供肾100例次,供肝及供肾的灌注及保存良好,4例胰肾联合移植,与心脏组合作完成心脏切取4例,1例与心肺组联合完成心肺肝肾的切取,未发生移植肝原发无功。发现24例动脉变异,比往年使用其他方法显著提高。未出现肝动脉、肾动脉的损伤。结论原位腹主动脉插管行动脉灌注+肠系膜上静脉外科干处插管可保证供肝、供肾的质量,缩短热缺血时间、快速降温、充分灌注;减少因劈开胰腺或直接对肝十二指肠韧带分离而造成的变异动脉的损伤;不影响心、肺的联合切取;可同时切取胰腺和脾脏。此法可在临床中加以推广。  相似文献   

目的 对供者肝脏等器官的联合获取、修整和保存方法进行研究。方法 采用原位腹主动脉和门静脉插管、低温灌注,快速多器官联合获取、低温保存技术及体外修整获得可供移植的肝移植物。结果 获取122例供者的移植物,平均热缺血时间为4min30s,平均获取时间为20min,平均冷缺血时间为10h。均采用4℃的HCA液(高渗枸橼酸盐腺嘌呤溶液)和UW液灌注和保存。118例修整成适用于临床用的肝的移植物,76例供肝在移植前留取了病理活检标本,病理检查提示供肝结构正常。移植术后,无原发性肝无功能发生。结论 该方法适合于供者肝脏等器官的快速联合获取、修整和保存。  相似文献   

昌盛  代林睿 《器官移植》2022,(2):195-205
公民逝世后器官捐献目前已成为我国器官捐献的主要来源,但是由于供者质量的复杂性,扩大标准供者(ECD)供肾占比增加,从而对供肾的可利用性以及肾移植受者术后的长期预后造成很大的影响.加强供肾质量的维护与评估,对于改善供肾质量、增加供肾获取与利用、改善受者和移植肾长期存活具有重要意义.机械灌注保存作为器官保存的重要方式之一,...  相似文献   

为了缩短供体器官的热缺血时间,我们采用先全身冷灌注,后切取供体器官的方法,对6例甲状旁腺功能减退患者(其中2例还伴特发性甲状腺功能减退)行带血管的胚胎甲状腺-甲状旁腺移植,4例移植右侧,2例移植双侧。1例供胎还同时供胰腺移植给1例Ⅰ型糖尿病患者。疗效1年内2例优,4例良;有5例随访8个月~4年,效果良好。胰腺移植后追踪观察2年,效果亦良好。作者认为先灌后切供体器官有以下优点。(1)尽量缩短热缺血时间,保证器官功能;(2)可一供者供多个脏器,有助于解决大龄胚胎供者不足的问题;(3)切取时从容不迫,不易损伤供体器官。  相似文献   

We have previously shown that tolerance of kidney allografts across a full major histocompatibility complex (MHC) barrier can be induced in miniature swine by a 12‐day course of high‐dose tacrolimus. However, that treatment did not prolong survival of heart allografts across the same barrier. We have now tested the effect of cotransplanting an allogeneic heart and kidney from the same MHC‐mismatched donor using the same treatment regimen. Heart allografts (n = 3) or heart plus kidney allografts (n = 5) were transplanted into MHC‐mismatched recipients treated with high‐dose tacrolimus for 12 days. As expected, all isolated heart allografts rejected by postoperative day 40. In contrast, heart and kidney allografts survived for >200 days with no evidence of rejection on serial cardiac biopsies. Heart/kidney recipients lost donor‐specific responsiveness in cell‐mediated lympholysis and mixed‐lymphocyte reaction assays, were free of alloantibody and exhibited prolonged survival of donor, but not third‐party skin grafts. Late (>100 days) removal of the kidney allografts did not cause acute rejection of the heart allografts (n = 2) and did not abrogate donor‐specific unresponsiveness in vitro. While kidney‐induced cardiac allograft tolerance (KICAT) has previously been demonstrated across a Class I disparity, these data demonstrate that this phenomenon can also be observed across the more clinically relevant full MHC mismatch. Elucidating the renal element(s) responsible for KICAT could provide mechanistic information relevant to the induction of tolerance in recipients of isolated heart allografts as well as other tolerance‐resistant organs.  相似文献   

目的探讨肝肾联合移植肝脏对肾脏的保护作用。方法我院移植中心2002年5月至2006年9月间共进行8例肝肾联合移植手术,对此8例患者及接受同一供体对侧供肾8例肾移植患者及移植物存活率、排斥反应发生率进行分析。结果肝肾联合移植患者及移植物存活率为100%,无可证实排斥反应发生。术后8例患者移植肝功能迅速恢复正常,7例移植肾功能迅速恢复正常,1例移植肾发生急性肾小管坏死,于术后第52天肾功能恢复正常。对应8例单纯肾移植患者,发生急性排斥反应1例,予甲基强的松龙冲击治疗及应用抗人T淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白(anti-thymocyte globulin,ATG)后,于术后50d移植肾功能恢复正常,余7例患者恢复良好,至末次随访肾功能均正常。结论肝肾联合移植肝脏对肾脏有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

Even organs from an ideal donor will occasionally develop primary graft dysfunction (PGD) causing a significant morbidity and mortality after transplantation. It is likely that this situation represents subtle undetectable levels of ongoing donor organ dysfunction. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of PGD between lung, kidney and heart recipients from the one donor. From 202 multiorgan donors, contributed 231 consecutive lung transplants at the Alfred Hospital, 378 kidney and 114 heart transplants were subsequently performed at multiple centers across Australia and New Zealand. Eight hundred seventy‐five organs were used for 723 transplants. The incidence of PGD after lung, kidney and heart transplants was 20% (47/231), 24% (92/378) and 20% (23/114), respectively. In paired single organ recipients, PGD in one of the pair was a significant risk factor for the development of PGD in the other [lung: odds ratio = 5.63 (1.72–18.43), p = 0.004; kidney: odds ratio = 3.19 (1.90–5.35), p < 0.0001]. In multivariate analysis, same donor heart PGD [3.37 (1.19–9.50), p = 0.02] was an independent risk factor for lung PGD and same donor lung PGD was significant risk factor for kidney PGD [1.94 (1.01–3.73), p = 0.04], if the PGD status of the paired kidney was not known. There was a significant association for the development of PGD across different organs transplanted from the same donor.  相似文献   

原位肝移植术后胆道铸型综合征的预防和处理   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
目的探讨供肝切取过程中,门静脉灌注液对原位肝移植术后发生胆道铸型综合症的预防价值,以及胆道镜在临床处理胆道铸型综合症中的应用。方法回顾性分析2002年5月至2003年12月期间的137例原位肝移植患者术后胆道铸型综合症的发生情况;比较供肝门静脉灌注UW液(UW组;65例)和灌注HCA液 UW液(HCA UW组;72例)患者胆道并发症的发生率。总结胆道镜在铸型综合症中的治疗和临床价值。结果137例肝移植受者中有17例(12.4%)在术后1-3个月发生胆道铸型综合症;UW组发生率为20.0%(13/65),HCA UW组发生率为5.56% (4/72),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。17例受者均经胆道镜成功取出胆道内铸型,预后良好。结论供肝切取过程中,门静脉灌注HCA液 UW液,能预防肝移植术后发生胆道铸型综合症。胆道镜可以有效地取出胆道内铸型。  相似文献   

This report presents the transplantation of two kidneys and the liver from a deceased donor with suspected autoimmune encephalomeningitis (ADEM). Due to an atypical post‐transplantation clinical course, the transplanted kidneys were biopsied and this disclosed diffuse large B‐cell (DLBC) lymphoma of the intravascular type in each kidney. The same malignancy was found in the postmortem donor brain examination. The renal allografts from the two recipients were removed: despite every effort, one patient died, while chemotherapy was successful in the second. No malignancy was observed in the liver transplant recipient, who received prophylactic chemotherapy. These cases highlight the occasional failure of organ donor disease screening and the consequent unforeseen complications.  相似文献   

目的 研究心脏移植扩大标准供者供心的选择策略并分析其移植后的临床效果.方法 共有146例晚期心脏病患者接受心脏移植术.将供心总缺血时间超过6 h,供者年龄在40岁以上,供、受者血型不匹配,供、受者体重不匹配作为扩大标准供者供心.分析和比较扩大标准供者供心与正常供心移植后受者的临床效果.结果 术后受者共死亡11例,总体死亡率为7.5%,经移植心肌活组织检查证实发生急性排斥反应14例,发生率为9.6%.年龄大于40岁的供者有10例,供心缺血时间在6 h以上者有21例.供、受者血型不匹配者有3例.扩大标准供者供心与正常供心移植后受者的死亡率、使用呼吸机时间、住院时间、受者心功能(包括左心、右心功能)、重度排斥反应发生率及并发症等方面的比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).3例血型不匹配者术后已分别存活1年8个月、9个月和1个月,均未发生明显排斥反应.结论 扩大标准供者供心可缓解供心短缺问题,且并未影响移植术后受者近期及中期的临床效果.  相似文献   

Innovative and exciting advances in the clinical sciences in organ transplantation were presented at the American Transplant Congress 2012. The full spectrum of transplantation was covered with important advancements in many topics. Key areas covered by presentations included living donor outcomes, organ preservation, optimal allocation of deceased donors, new immunosuppression regimens, antibody mediated rejection and the regulatory environment. This review will highlight some of the most interesting and innovative clinical presentations from the meeting.  相似文献   

肝肾联合移植术中肝脏对肾脏的保护作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:探讨肝肾联合移植术中肝脏对肾脏的保护作用。方法:给1例肾移植术后移植肾失功并肝炎后肝硬化患者先行丧失功能移植肾切除术,术后第5天始每天口服环磷酰胺50mg,连服3个半月。经两次血浆置换,群体反应抗体(PRA)由66%降至22.5%,施行一期肝肾联合移植。供肝血流开放前及开放后每间隔半小时动态检测PRA,共7次,术后1个月、3个月、9个月复查PRA。术后免疫抑制治疗采用FK506、霉酚酸酯(MMF)和激素联合应用。结果:术后供肝、肾立即发挥功能,肝动静脉血流开放后,PRA由22.5%降至5%,并维持在7.5%(见图1),术后未发生排斥反应现象。随访9个月,移植肝、肾功能正常,术后1个月、3个月、9个月复查PRA分别为7.5%、8.33%和7.5%。结论:肝肾联合移植术中肝脏对肾脏有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   



We present a case of skin allograft survival in a patient who previously received a bone marrow transplant from the same HLA-matched donor. DNA fingerprinting of skin biopsies showed mixed cellularity originating from the donor and recipient (68% and 32% donor DNA in the allograft skin and the native recipient's skin, respectively). Histologic sections demonstrated both grade 3/4 rejection and graft-versus-host-disease. We have conducted a systematic review in search for other cases of donor skin allograft survival after a bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.


All reported cases in English, Spanish, French, and German were captured using the electronic databases. Bibliographies of relevant articles were manually searched.


Nineteen patients (12 females) who received skin allografts from their bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell donors were identified. Average age was 27.2 years (range: 5 months to 64 years). Skin allografts were used to treat graft-versus-host-disease, Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa, and to test tolerance before a kidney transplantation from the same donor. Eight cases were not receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Allografts survived in all patients. In three patients, skin punch biopsies were taken, and these biopsies demonstrated mixed donor and recipient cellularity. The pathology result is specified in two more cases, with no signs of rejection.


The same donor skin allografts may be a safe option to treat severe cutaneous conditions in recipients of a bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. However, future studies are needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

The shortage of deceased organ donors has created a need for right lobe living donor liver transplantation (RLDLT) in adults. Concerns regarding donor safety, however, necessitate continuous assessment of donor acceptance criteria and documentation of donor morbidity. We report the outcomes of our first 101 donors who underwent right lobectomy between April 2000 and November 2004. The cohort comprised 58 men and 43 women with a median age of 37.8 years (range: 18.6-55 years); median follow-up is 24 months. The middle hepatic vein (MHV) was taken with the graft in 55 donors. All complications were recorded prospectively and stratified by grade according to Clavien's classification. Overall morbidity rate was 37%; all complications were either grade 1 or 2, and the majority occurred during the first 30 days after surgery. Removal of the MHV did not affect morbidity rate. There were significantly fewer complications in the later half of our experience. All donors are well and have returned to full activities. With careful donor selection and specialized patient care, low morbidity rates can be achieved after right hepatectomy for living donor liver transplantation.  相似文献   

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