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提出了一种区域分解法来分析不同组合边界条件的薄壁回转壳的自由振动.首先沿壳体母线方向将壳体分解为一些自由壳段,并采用广义变分和最小二乘加权残值法将壳体分区界面上的位移协调方程引入到壳体的势能泛函中;然后将壳段位移变量以Fourier级数和Chebyshev多项式展开,对总的势能泛函变分后得到回转壳的离散动力学方程.采用区域分解法分析了不同边界条件的圆柱壳、圆锥壳、抛物壳的自由振动,并将计算结果与其它文献值及 ANSYS 结果对比,结果表明:随着回转壳分区数目的增大,区域分解法计算出的壳体频率很快收敛;本文结果与其它方法计算结果非常吻合(相对误差不超过0.4%).采用该方法可高效计算不同组合边界条件回转壳体的低阶和高阶振动频率.  相似文献   

复合材料旋转壳自由振动分析的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种半解析区域分解法来分析任意边界条件的复合材料层合旋转壳自由振动. 沿壳体旋转轴线将壳体分解为一些自由的层合壳段, 视位移边界界面为一种特殊的分区界面;采用分区广义变分和最小二乘加权残值法将壳体所有分区界面上的位移协调方程引入到壳体的能量泛函中, 使层合壳的振动分析问题归结为无约束泛函变分问题. 层合壳段位移变量采用Fourier 级数和Chebyshev 多项式展开. 以不同边界条件的层合圆柱壳、圆锥壳及球壳为例, 采用区域分解法分析了其自由振动, 并将计算结果与其他文献值进行了对比. 算例表明, 该方法具有高效率、高精度和收敛性好等优点.  相似文献   

任意边界条件下环肋圆柱壳振动特性的建模与求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边界条件对环肋圆柱壳的振动特性有重要影响.基于能量法,把环肋看作离散模型,构建了任意边界条件下加环肋圆柱壳的动力学模型.采用一种改进的傅里叶级数作为位移容许函数,通过瑞利里兹程序求解结构的拉格朗日方程,得到环肋圆柱壳的振动模态和频响特性.通过与实验和有限元(FEM)方法的计算结果进行对比,验证了论文方法的准确性,在此基础上分析了环肋偏心方式、截面尺寸、位置分布和边界弹簧刚度等参数对环肋圆柱壳振动特性的影响.  相似文献   

区别于一般圆柱壳,开口圆柱壳沿周向是不封闭的,因此具有四个边界,本文根据轴向梁式振动和轴向曲拱振动特性对各种端部与侧边边界条件下的壳体提出统一的位移振型函数,并根据哈密顿原理建立了材料参数与空间坐标相关的正交各向异性开口圆柱壳的动力变分方程,求出了不同材料属性下开敞圆柱壳固有频率与振型解的一般解析表达式,适用于任意边界条件下不同材料的开敞圆柱壳自由振动分析.  相似文献   

流激振动是衡量水泵水轮机运行稳定性的重要参数.本文基于国内某水泵水轮机发电工况停机暂态过程中的实测顶盖振动信号,分别使用经验模态分解、变分模态分解和希尔伯特变换等方法对其进行时频分析,并获得如下结论.首先,相比经验模态分解,从基于变分模态分解的希尔伯特时频谱图中能够更为直观地观察到顶盖振动信号的时频信息.其次,时频分析...  相似文献   

利用哈密顿变分原理以及结构动静态构型的影响,建立了索-梁组合结构的约化运动学控制方程.考虑到边界条件和耦合连接条件,我们研究了体系的面内特征值问题.根据求解得到的面内特征值方程,并通过分段函数的引入,结构的模态函数可以被直接确定.随后,我们研究了参数垂跨比f,刚度比K和质量比m对面内固有频率的影响.研究发现从结构的频率谱图中可以看出频率跳跃现象是存在的,另外,频率穿越现象也是十分明显.随后,考虑到局部模态和整体模态,结合之前确定的特征值方程及分段振型函数,我们研究了索-梁组合结构可能的模态形状.最后,我们讨论了索-梁组合结构可能发生的内共振形式,比如面内1:1内共振形式以及1:2内共振形式.研究表明梁的静态构型不仅直接影响到耦合力连接条件,还将影响索-梁组合结构频率的确定.  相似文献   

分区样条等参元方法分析加肋轴对称组合壳   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文提出分区样条等参元方法分析加肋轴对称组合壳在静水外压作用下的应力及稳定性。该方法根据母线几何形状、壳板厚度变化及边界约束状况将加肋轴对称组合壳划分为若干个区域,在不同区域采用不同步长的样条等参元进行分析,因而便于对复杂的组合壳进行分析,并可大大减少计算所需自由度数,减少计算工作量,同时计算精度很高,并且易于进行边界约束处理。应用该方法对加肋锥-柱、加肋锥-环-柱组合壳进行了计算,其结果与其它方法计算值及实验值吻合良好。  相似文献   

A ray tracing method is applied to analyze both the free and forced responses in a rotating multi-span section ring. In this paper, element coordinates are established and coupled by dispersion and transmission matrices. Structure vibration displacements are expressed in a wave form with a combination of propagation, fast-attenuating and near-field waves. Meanwhile, an exciting force is considered as a point discontinues with different elements on both sides. The wave reflection and transmission matrices are introduced through coupling different elements by applying wave transmission coefficients and transfer matrices. For numeric computation, the reflection and transmission matrices are assembled, independent waveguide elements are integrated and the responses of rotating rings with non-uniform section area are derived. The structure modeling and a numeric computation with corresponding solutions illustrate the validity of the presented approach. The investigation result also shows that the presented approach can be extended to compute accurately on the dynamic characteristics of a rotating complex structure (high speed bearing cage).  相似文献   

Lagrangian-Eulerian formulations based on a generalized variational principle of fluid-solid coupling dynamics are established to describe flow-induced vibration of a structure under small deformation in an incompressible viscous fluid flow. The spatial discretization of the formulations is based on the multi-linear interpolating functions by using the finite element method for both the fluid and solid structures. The generalized trapezoidal rule is used to obtain apparently non-symmetric linear equations in an incremental form for the variables of the flow and vibration. The nonlinear convective term and time factors are contained in the non-symmetric coefficient matrix of the equations. The generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method is used to solve the incremental equations. A new stable algorithm of GMRES-Hughes-Newmark is developed to deal with the flow-induced vibration with dynamical fluid-structure interaction in complex geometries. Good agreement between the simulations and laboratory measurements of the pressure and blade vibration accelerations in a hydro turbine passage was obtained, indicating that the GiViRES-Hughes-Newmark algorithm presented in this paper is suitable for dealing with the flow-induced vibration of structures under small deformation.  相似文献   

Based on the governing equation of vibration of a kind of cylindrical shells written in a matrix differential equation of the first order,a new matrix method is pre- sented for steady-state vibration analysis of a noncircular cylindrical shell simply sup- ported at two ends and circumferentially stiffened by rings under harmonic pressure.Its difference from the existing works by Yamada and Irie is that the matrix differential equation is solved by using the extended homogeneous capacity precision integration ap- proach other than the Runge-Kutta-Gill integration method.The transfer matrix can easily be determined by a high precision integration scheme.In addition,besides the normal interacting forces,which were commonly adopted by researchers earlier,the tan- gential interacting forces between the cylindrical shell and the rings are considered at the same time by means of the Dirac-δfunction.The effects of the exciting frequencies on displacements and stresses responses have been investigated.Numerical results show that the proposed method is more efficient than the aforementioned method.  相似文献   

基于一阶剪切变形理论和移动最小二乘近似研究Winkler弹性地基上加肋功能梯度板的固有频率。假设功能梯度板的材料性质沿厚度方向按幂函数连续变化,基于物理中面和移动最小二乘近似分别推导功能梯度板和肋条的动能和势能,再通过引入位移协调条件,建立板和肋条节点参数转换关系,叠加两者的总能量,然后利用Hamilton原理推导加肋功能梯度板自由振动控制方程。采用完全转换法施加边界条件。通过将本文的计算结果与有限元以及文献的结果对比,验证方法的收敛性以及准确性。  相似文献   

为了给实际地基工程中的经济效益提供技术指标参考,应用无网格法计算加肋斜板在地基上的自由振动行为,应用移动最小二乘近似MLS和一阶剪切变形原理描述加肋斜板的位移场,分别建立斜板与肋条的势能泛函,使用Winkler弹性地基模型处理加肋板与地基之间的接触势能。通过斜板与肋条的位移协调关系寻找斜板和肋条节点参数转换公式,确立加肋斜板的自由振动控制方程。本文运用了无网格法的优势,即使肋条位置改变也不需重置网格。与有限元解的对比验证了本文方法的有效性和精确性。  相似文献   

本文在文献[1]的基础上,将加权残数法用于求解复合材料多层板壳的自振频率、受迫振动及临界载荷,导出了相应的关系式。文中给出了算例并与解析解进行了对比。结果表明,本文方法简便,计算精度可以满足工程实际要求  相似文献   

计算材料科学中桥域多尺度方法的若干进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
材料科学中存在固有的多尺度特性,桥域多尺度方法是在宏观尺度(如连续介质力学)中引入不同的细微观尺度的计算区域,乃至纳米尺度的分子动力学、量子力学计算区域,将不同尺度的研究方法通过一定的数学模型耦合在一起。该方法既能节约计算成本,又能保证所研究问题的物理特性。本文对多尺度方法的基本概念、跨尺度桥域多尺度方法的发展、基本原理、耦合方法和离散方程进行了讨论,给出了几个应用算例,并在最后进行了总结,展望了今后的可能发展方向。  相似文献   

The two‐dimensional laminar incompressible flow over a backward‐facing step is computed using a spectral domain decomposition approach. A minimum number of subdomains (two) is used; high resolution being achieved by increasing the order of the basis Chebyshev polynomial. Results for the case of a Reynolds number of 800 are presented and compared in detail with benchmark computations. Stable accurate steady flow solutions were obtained using substantially fewer nodes than in previously reported simulations. In addition, the problem of outflow boundary conditions was examined on a shortened domain. Because of their more global nature, spectral methods are particularly sensitive to imposed boundary conditions, which may be exploited in examining the effect of artificial (non‐physical) outflow boundary conditions. Two widely used set of conditions were tested: pseudo stress‐free conditions and zero normal gradient conditions. Contrary to previous results using the finite volume approach, the latter is found to yield a qualitatively erroneous yet stable flow‐field. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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