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规划调整是贯彻落实国家政策和战略部署的必须要求,也是解决用地问题的重要途径。为全面提高国土空间规划管理水平,10月31日,淳安县召开全县土地利用总体规划调整工作动员部署会,对土地利用总体规划调整工作提出了明确的要求和严格的规定。  相似文献   

行政区划调整是国家的一项重大行政事件,对于国家与区域的发展有重要影响。行政区划设置的合理与否直接关系到国家大局,具有很强的整治敏感性与政策性。乡镇级的行政区划调整主要涉及撤乡并镇、改变城镇设置体系等几个方面,其影响远非简单的地理区划的调整,涉及到政治、文化、经济社会发展的各个领域。  相似文献   

一、土地利用总体规划实施评价内涵土地利用总体规划实施评价是通过一些规范,采用一些手段,对土地利用规划执行的成果开展研究、对比以及综合处理后得到的一种价值评断,土地利用总体规划实施评价是十分繁琐的复合型的工程,所谓的评价不是一种结果,  相似文献   

青海省土地利用总体规划实施评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青海省土地利用总体规划于1999年由国务院批准实施;各州(地、县)土地利用总体规划于2003年由省政府批准实施。通过几年的实施,土地利用规划工作取得了阶段性成果:土地利用规划体系初步形成,规划实施管理制度开始建立,在保护耕地、促进土地集约利用、保障经济社会可持续发展等方面发挥了积极作用;各级政府按规划用地、管地的观念普遍增强,土地利用对经济社会发展的调控作用逐渐开始显现:通过规划提高了土地利用的综合效益,促进了产业结构的优化,改善了生态环境,保障了经济社会的快速发展。一、规划实施的效果(一)规划目标实现程度土地利用总…  相似文献   

GPS在县(市)级土地调查变更中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、GPS技术应用于县(市)级土地变更调查的意义 土地调查成果是制定各级国民经济计划和宏观决策的重要基础资料,是实施土地利用总体规划和日常土地管理工作及各级领导进行科学决策的依据。决策的科学性,取决于国土资源各项数据的准确性、现实性。因此新一轮土地变更调查测绘成果要能满足对土地利用数据进行及时更新和汇总。数字国土工程的实施,使全国各地陆续建立了县级利用数据库。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正>土地利用总体规划是对一个行政辖区内未来土地利用的超前谋划和有序安排,是土地管理的综合性导向。加强土地管理首先必须科学编制好、实施好土地利用总体规划。上一轮规划到2010年底将完成使命,当前已进入一个关键的"新"、"老"规划交替时期。新一轮土地利用总体规划修编自2003年到现在,已进行了多方面的探索,积累了丰富经验,达成了很多共识,并已到了最后的攻坚阶段。省土地学会举办"土地利用总体  相似文献   

土地利用规划实施评价是根据一定的标准,运用一定的方法,对规划执行的效果进行分析、比较与综合后所做出的一种价值判断.通过规划实施评价,可以全面而有效地检验规划的实施过程和效果,形成相关的信息反馈,从而为规划的内容调整、政策设计、实施制度更新等提出有效的建议,使规划实施进入良性循环.  相似文献   

为促进勃利县县域经济的发展,确保相关项目的按时尽快落地实施,6月5日,勃利县国土资源局杜吉祥局长带领相关人员亲临调整地块,商讨最佳方案。  相似文献   

《浙江省土地利用总体规划(2006—2020年)》于2009年8月获国务院批准。全省11个市级、82个县级和1422个乡级规划于2011年上半年获得批准。三年多来,浙江省国土资源厅严格以土地利用总体规划为依据。认真实施土地用途管制制度,以计划管理、项目预审、规划审查为管理手段,建立了保障规划实施的有效运行机制。尤其是《浙江省土地利用总体规划条例》的出台,巩固了规划实施的各项机制的法律地位,充分发挥了土地利用总体规划的统筹管控作用,促进了我省社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

目前,各地正抓紧落实乡镇土地利用总体规划调整完善工作。根据已实施的乡镇土地利用总体规划来看.有必要对上一轮土地利用总体规划进行总结与反思,明确本次规划调整完善的思路.确定理性思维,达到规划调整完善的目的。  相似文献   

This paper firstly investigated the land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in the Hun-Taizi River watershed, Northeast China from 1988 to 2004 based on remotely sensed images and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Then, using the famous land-use change model of Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small regional extent (CLUE-S), this paper simulated the land use changes under historical trend (HT), urban planning (UP) and ecological protection (EP) scenarios considering urban planning and ...  相似文献   

Thefastpaceofeconomicgrowth,urbanpopula-tiongrowthandfamily-incomeincreasesincel978hastriggeredaboomofcarownershipandusage.ThishasbeenaccompaniedbyincreasingtrafficdemandofGuangzhouandthetransportland-useincreasedac-cordingly.Atthesametime,duetoacceleratedurbanizationandsharpincreaseofresidential,businessandindustriallanduseaswellastheirexpansiontowardtheperipheryofthecity,theconflictbetweenlanduseandtraffcdemandhasbeenmoreandmoreevident,whichmakesthisstudymeaningful.lDEVELOPMENTANDPATT…  相似文献   

Thestudyonland--useandland--coverchangesbecomesmoreandmoreimPOrtantinglobalenvironmentchangeresearch.AglobalresearchplannamedLUCCwasfoundedbyIGHPandHIJPin1995andonecoreprojectplanandprojectocr-nmittee(CPPCmePELUCC)wasalsofounded.Aninternationalconferenceonland--useandland--coverchangeswasheldintheNetherlands.Inthisconference,fiveframequestions(IGBP,1996)andthreeresearchfocuses(IGBP,1996)havebeenproPOsed.Studyonland--useandland-coverchangesPOssessesanimPOrtantPOsitioninthefield…  相似文献   

The economic development in China and the rising of the living standard need to speed up the urbanisa-tion.The development of small towns is an important way to Chinese urbanization.Land use plays a very important role in the development of small towns.However there are many problems in the development of small towns,esp.in land use.The paper first discusses the land problems in the development of small towns.Such as much cultivated land lies idle,under-utilization and waste of land,increasing illegal use of land,unstable contractural relationship for land use.The relationship between the development of small towns and land use is also studied.Then the guidelines for the land system innovations of small towns are put forward.Namely the sustainability of social and economic development,the bal-ance between land reservation and land utilization,the provision of service to village ,agriculture and farmer,the manage-ment of land resource and land assets,the parsimonious andlegal use of land.The basic framework of land system innova-tions of small towns is put forward finally.It include the land replacement policy for small towns and the permanent tenan-cy of farmland,the overall plan for land uses and other plans in harmony,the establishment of a flexible system of land supplies,using land with payments ,the transfer of agricultural land and refining the land law related to the construction of small towns.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities and natural processes are continuously altering the mountainous environment through deforestation, forest degradation and other land-use changes. It is highly important to assess, monitor and forecast forest cover and other land-use changes for the protection and conservation of mountainous environment. The present study deals with the assessment of forest cover and other land-use changes in the mountain ranges of Dir Kohistan in northern Pakistan, using high resolution multi-temporal SPOT-5 satellite images. The SPOT-5 satellite images of years 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013 were acquired and classified into land-cover units. In addition, forest cover and land-use change detection map was developed using the classified maps of 2004 and 2013. The classified maps were verified through random field samples and Google Earth imagery (Quick birds and SPOT-5). The results showed that during the period 2004 to 2013 the area of forest land decreased by 6.4%, however, area of range land and agriculture land have increased by 22.1% and 2.9%, respectively. Similarly, barren land increased by 1.1%, whereas, area of snow cover/glacier is significantly decreased by 21.3%. The findings from the study will be useful for forestry and landscape planning and can be utilized by the local, provincial and national forest departments; and REDD+ policy makers in Pakistan.  相似文献   

The impact of land-use on distributed groundwater recharge and discharge in the western Jilin (WJ) was analyzed in this study. WJ is a transitional, semi-arid zone with a fragile, hydrological closed ecosystem in the Songhua River Basin (SRB). The research tool includes a seamlessly linked MODFLOW, WetSpass, the Seepage packages, and ArcGIS. The model calibration showed good agreement between simulated water table elevation and measured water table depths, while predicted groundwater discharge zones showed strong correlations with field occurrences of drainage systems and wetlands. Simulated averages for distributed recharge, water table elevation and groundwater drawdown were 377.42mm/yr, 194.43m, and 0.18m respectively. Forest vegetation showed the highest recharge, followed by agricultural farmlands, while open-water and other drainage systems constituted groundwater exit zones. When present land-use conditions were compared with the hypothetical natural pre-development scenario, an overall loss of groundwater recharge (24.09mm/yr) was observed, which for the project area is 18.05 × 108m3. Groundwater abstraction seemed to be the cause of water table drawdown, especially in the immediate vicinities of the supply wells. An important issue of the findings was the ability of the hypothetical forest vegetation to protect, and hence sustain aquifer reserves and dependent ecosystems. The profound data capture capability of ArcGIS makes it particularly useful in spatio-temporal hydroecological modeling. Biography: Moiwo Juana PAUL (1967–), male, a native of Sierra Leone of West Africa, Ph.D. candidate, specialized in wetland ecology.  相似文献   

十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地是我国的基本国策.合理利用土地是社会经济发展的客观要求.90年代初以来,江阴市积极探索"节地挖潜"的土地利用新路子,实施土地利用结构性、战略性调整.十多年的努力已初见成效,逐步由粗放型向集约型转变.主要做法可归纳为以下5个方面.  相似文献   

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