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对水下滑翔器定常直线滑翔运动的稳定性问题进行研究.以定常直线滑翔运动时的纵倾角为考察对象,利用自由扰动运动方程特征根的方法对研制的滑翔器的运动稳定性进行了分析判断.在此基础上,考察了在小扰动作用下纵倾角扰动量的时间响应特性.研究结果表明,研制的水下滑翔器在做定常直线滑翔运动时,具有运动稳定性,而且具有方向稳定性.  相似文献   

水下滑翔机器人运动分析与载体设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型水下机器人,具有噪声低、航行距离远、续航时间长、成本低等特点。分析了水下滑翔机器人的驱动机理和运动实现,给出了水下滑翔机器人典型运动的仿真结果,并以正在设计的一水下滑翔机试验样机为研究对象,描述了样机的整体结构布局,详细研究了浮力调节机构、俯仰调节机构和横滚调节机构的实现方法,并就样机中各执行机构的设计实现进行了论述。  相似文献   

水下滑翔机器人运动机理仿真与实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水下滑翔机器人SEA-WING的定常滑翔运动和空间定常螺旋回转运动进行机理分析,针对其特定水动力系数进行仿真,得出其运动机理特性.在此基础上,通过湖试实验数据对仿真结果进行验证,认为对于定常滑翔运动,以约36°航迹角滑行可得到最大水平速度;在相同航迹角航行情况下,水平方向速度随净浮力的增大而增大.对于定常回转运动,回转半径由载体的质量、俯仰角、水动力参数、横滚角确定.在质量和俯仰角保持不变条件下,横滚角对回转半径的影响较明显,系统的回转半径可以通过控制横滚角来实现的.  相似文献   

水下滑翔器浮力驱动机构布局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下滑翔器是一种新型海洋测量平台,它采用浮力驱动方式,并依靠调整重心实现姿态控制.文中从研究水下滑翔器纵垂面内滑翔运动的平衡状态入手,通过对将浮力驱动机构布置在滑翔器的艏部和艉部时的平衡状态受力进行对比分析,指出将浮力驱动机构布置在艏部可以有效缩短重心调节重物的移动距离.并分析了两种布局方式的优缺点,为水下滑翔器的结构设计和控制系统设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

针对水下滑翔机运动过程中的特点,水下滑翔机实际运动过程可以分为定常运动段和非定常运动段,对自设计的水下滑翔机原理样机建立了基于单刚体六自由度的定常运动段的数学模型并进行了数值仿真,在此基础上分别对水下滑翔机运动过程中的两种定常运动—直线定常运动和螺旋定常运动进行了分析。结论显示在直线定常运动中俯仰角和攻角随平移质量块位置的增大先变化迅速后变化缓慢。滑翔角随平移质量块位置的增大近似呈线性增大的关系。在螺旋定常运动中通过模型仿真得到螺旋运动特征参数(螺旋半径、螺旋线螺距、螺旋时间周期、速度)和状态参数(滑翔角、翻滚角、各方向速度分量、各方向角速度分量),根据最小二乘法拟合得到它们之间的关系,从而说明了螺旋运动状态是如何通过调整平移质量块移动距离,旋转质量块旋转角度和净重力等控制量而变化的。  相似文献   

随着对水下机器人研究的逐步深入,其运动能力已由早期单纯的平动逐步强化为有多个自由度的空间运动,对其进行动力学研究是进行其它方面能力研究的基础。为研究多自由度水下机器人的运动,对某型八推进器水下机器人进行了动力学方程建模,得出了其在6个自由度上的运动方程,在此基础上,对其进行了运动仿真及性能分析,得到了该型水下机器人在6个自由度上的运动性能。通过仿真计算的结果,可以直观地了解其运动能力。  相似文献   

采用特征值屈曲分析方法对水下滑翔器耐压壳体的结构参数进行了分析,计算了结构参数在不同取值情况下壳体的临界失稳压力,在分析比较计算结果的基础上,确定了耐压壳结构参数的最优数值。计算结果表明,优化设计得到的壳体即能满足抗压稳定性和机械强度要求,又最大限度地减轻了壳体的重量,与最初的设计方案相比,壳体重量减轻了1.51 kg,同时也使壳体内部空间得到了加大,其中中间段内部空间直径扩大了8 mm。  相似文献   

温差能驱动的水下滑翔器设计与实验研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
论文设计开发了一种新型的温差能驱动的水下滑翔器,并对它做了水域实验研究。文章讨论了温差能驱动的滑翔器运动机理及其在垂直剖面的运动分析,得到稳态运动的参数解。结合能够把水域温差能转变为机械能的热机设计以及滑翔器的主要机械结构和控制硬件系统设计,完成了滑翔器的初步设计与开发。滑翔器在千岛湖进行了水域实验,实验结果表明,此水下滑翔器完全能够利用温差能实现预定的滑翔运动。  相似文献   

水下滑翔器整体外形设计及水动力性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对水下滑翔器的整体外形设计与水动力性能进行研究。在Slocum等几种典型水下滑翔器样机的基础上,对滑翔器的主体和附体进行一体化设计,得到阻力最小的新型水下滑翔器构型设计。利用CFD方法对水下滑翔器进行模拟仿真,通过分析对比五种主体构型,得到了比较合理的主体线型,然后用正交设计方法和曲线拟合法对附体进行了优选工作,最后得到了性能更优的整体载体外形。模拟仿真实验表明,滑翔器在8°左右攻角航行时,具有最大的升阻比;和Slocum等经典样机相比,新的载体具有更好的水动力性能。通过上述研究工作,也可以缩短水下滑翔器研制周期,降低设计成本,并为水下滑翔器的更优设计提供了有力的技术指导和参考。  相似文献   

分析大深度潜航器水下空间运动特点,建立描述其空间运动的数学模型,并以数学模型为基础利用 MATLAB\Simulink 软件完成潜航器空间运动仿真模型的开发。在搭建的仿真模型基础上,通过数学仿真手段分析了潜航器在螺旋下潜、抛载过渡、定角爬升、稳定至水面航行状态下的水下运动全过程,给出了具有弧形翼板的潜航器外形设计方案的运动能力仿真评估,为后续潜航器运动能力优化设计提供仿真依据。  相似文献   

For consideration of both the eccentric rotatable rigid body and the translational rigid body, the dynamic model of the underwater glider is derived. Dynamical behaviors are also studied based on the model and can be used as the guidance to underwater gliders design. Gibbs function of the underwater glider system is derived first, and then the nonlinear dynamic model is obtained by use of Appell equations. The relationships between dynamic behaviors and design parameters are studied by solving the dynamic m...  相似文献   

For Cconsideration ofing both the eccentric rotatable rigid body and the translational rigid body, the dynamic model of the underwater glider is derived. Dynamical behaviors are also studied based on the model and can be used as the guidance to underwater gliders design. Gibbs function of the underwater glider system is derived first, and then the nonlinear dynamic model is obtained by use of Apell Equations. The relationships between dynamical behaviors and design parameters are studied by solving the dynamic model. The spiral motion, swerving motion in three dimensions and the saw-tooth motion of the underwater glider in vertical plane are studied. Lake trials are carried out to validate the dynamic model.  相似文献   

美国Teledyne Webb Research公司按照型号系列化、结构模块化和测量多样化的设计思路研制水下滑翔机,其Slocum 200浅海型和Slocum 1000深海型水下滑翔机在海洋环境观测领域具有广泛的客户需求。文中以200 m浅海型和1 000 m深海型两款水下滑翔机为例,详细对比了两者的技术特点,并在此基础上阐述了两者各自适用的海洋环境观测应用范围,两者优势互补,难以取代对方。浅海型水下滑翔机具有锯齿剖面密度大、折返机动性高和平均前向速度快的特点,适合在近海岸、陆架坡折和深海温跃层等区域对高时空变率海洋现象进行观测。近几年,我国深海型水下滑翔机技术取得了惊人进步,同时,我国浅海型水下滑翔机技术也在快速发展,这对推动我国海洋环境监测业务水平的提升意义重大。  相似文献   

水下滑翔机器人系统研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型的水下机器人,可以作为水下监测平台用于大范围、长时间的大尺度海洋环境监测作业。文中调查了水下滑翔机器人的国内外发展现状,分析了其可能的应用领域。详细介绍了中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所开发的水下滑翔机器人系统,包括载体外形优化设计、载体结构设计和控制系统设计。分析了水下滑翔机器人定常滑翔运动和空间螺旋会转运动的运动性能。  相似文献   

Zhao  Liang  Wang  Peng  Sun  Chun-ya  Song  Bao-wei 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(3):322-332
The flying-wing underwater glider (UG), shaped as a blended wing body, is a new type of underwater vehicle and still requires further research. The shape layout and the configuration of the internal actuators of the flying-wing UG are different from those of "legacy gliders" which have revolving bodies, and these two factors strongly affect the dynamic performance of the vehicle. Considering these differences, we propose a new configuration of the internal actuators for the flying-wing UG and treat the flying-wing UG as a multi-body system when establishing its dynamic model. In this paper, a detailed dynamic model is presented using the Newton-Euler method for the flying-wing UG. Based on the full dynamic model, the effect of the internal actuators on the steady gliding motion of vehicle is studied theoretically, and the relationship between the state parameters of the steady gliding motion and the controlled variables is obtained by solving a set of equilibrium equations. Finally, the behaviors of two classical motion modes of the glider are analyzed based on the simulation. The simulation results demonstrate that the motion performance of the proposed flying-wing UG is satisfactory.  相似文献   

A hybrid underwater glider Petrel-II has been developed and field tested. It is equipped with an active buoyancy unit and a compact propeller unit. Its working modes have been expanded to buoyancy driven gliding and propeller driven level-flight, which can make the glider work in strong currents, as well as many other complicated ocean environments. Its maximal gliding speed reaches 1 knot and the propelling speed is up to 3 knots. In this paper, a 3D dynamic model of Petrel-II is derived using linear momentum and angular momentum equations. According to the dynamic model, the spiral motion in the underwater space is simulated for the gliding mode. Similarly the cycle motion on water surface and the depth-keeping motion underwater are simulated for the level-flight mode. These simulations are important to the performance analysis and parameter optimization for the Petrel-II underwater glider. The simulation results show a good agreement with field trials.  相似文献   

Hybrid-driven underwater glider is a new type of unmanned underwater vehicle, which combines the advantages of autonomous underwater vehicles and traditional underwater gliders. The autonomous underwater vehicles have good maneuverability and can travel with a high speed, while the traditional underwater gliders are highlighted by low power consumption, long voyage, long endurance and good stealth characteristics. The hybrid-driven underwater gliders can realize variable motion profiles by their own buoyancy-driven and propeller propulsion systems. Stability of the mechanical system determines the performance of the system. In this paper, the Petrel-Ⅱ hybrid-driven underwater glider developed by Tianjin University is selected as the research object and the stability of hybrid-driven underwater glider unitedly controlled by buoyancy and propeller has been targeted and evidenced. The dimensionless equations of the hybrid-driven underwater glider are obtained when the propeller is working. Then, the steady speed and steady glide path angle under steady-state motion have also been achieved. The steady-state operating conditions can be calculated when the hybrid-driven underwater glider reaches the desired steady-state motion. And the steady-state operating conditions are relatively conservative at the lower bound of the velocity range compared with the range of the velocity derived from the method of the composite Lyapunov function. By calculating the hydrodynamic coefficients of the Petrel-Ⅱ hybrid-driven underwater glider, the simulation analysis has been conducted. In addition, the results of the field trials conducted in the South China Sea and the Danjiangkou Reservoir of China have been presented to illustrate the validity of the analysis and simulation, and to show the feasibility of the method of the composite Lyapunov function which verifies the stability of the Petrel-Ⅱ hybrid-driven underwater glider.  相似文献   

PETREL,a winged hybrid-driven underwater glider is a novel and practical marine survey platform which combines the features of legacy underwater glider and conventional AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle).It can be treated as a multi-rigid-body system with a floating base and a particular hydrodynamic profile.In this paper,theorems on linear and angular momentum are used to establish the dynamic equations of motion of each rigid body and the effect of translational and rotational motion of internal masses on the attitude control are taken into consideration.In addition,due to the unique external shape with fixed wings and deflectable rudders and the dual-drive operation in thrust and glide modes,the approaches of building dynamic model of conventional AUV and hydrodynamic model of submarine are introduced,and the tailored dynamic equations of the hybrid glider are formulated.Moreover,the behaviors of motion in glide and thrust operation are analyzed based on the simulation and the feasibility of the dynamic model is validated by data from lake field trials.  相似文献   

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