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The generation of multi-decade long Earth System Data Records (ESDRs) of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation (FPAR) from remote sensing measurements of multiple sensors is key to monitoring long-term changes in vegetation due to natural and anthropogenic influences. Challenges in developing such ESDRs include problems in remote sensing science (modeling of variability in global vegetation, scaling, atmospheric correction) and sensor hardware (differences in spatial resolution, spectral bands, calibration, and information content). In this paper, we develop a physically based approach for deriving LAI and FPAR products from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data that are of comparable quality to the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI and FPAR products, thus realizing the objective of producing a long (multi-decadal) time series of these products. The approach is based on the radiative transfer theory of canopy spectral invariants which facilitates parameterization of the canopy spectral bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF). The methodology permits decoupling of the structural and radiometric components and obeys the energy conservation law. The approach is applicable to any optical sensor, however, it requires selection of sensor-specific values of configurable parameters, namely, the single scattering albedo and data uncertainty. According to the theory of spectral invariants, the single scattering albedo is a function of the spatial scale, and thus, accounts for the variation in BRF with sensor spatial resolution. Likewise, the single scattering albedo accounts for the variation in spectral BRF with sensor bandwidths. The second adjustable parameter is data uncertainty, which accounts for varying information content of the remote sensing measurements, i.e., Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, low information content), vs. spectral BRF (higher information content). Implementation of this approach indicates good consistency in LAI values retrieved from NDVI (AVHRR-mode) and spectral BRF (MODIS-mode). Specific details of the implementation and evaluation of the derived products are detailed in the second part of this two-paper series.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the most important plant parameters when observing agricultural crops and a decisive factor for yield estimates. Remote-sensing data provide spectral information on large areas and allow for a detailed quantitative assessment of LAI and other plant parameters. The present study compared support vector regression (SVR), random forest regression (RFR), and partial least-squares regression (PLSR) and their achieved model qualities for the assessment of LAI from wheat reflectance spectra. In this context, the validation technique used for verifying the accuracy of an empirical–statistical regression model was very important in order to allow the spatial transferability of models to unknown data. Thus, two different validation methods, leave-one-out cross-validation (cv) and independent validation (iv), were performed to determine model accuracy. The LAI and field reflectance spectra of 124 plots were collected from four fields during two stages of plant development in 2011 and 2012. In the case of cross-validation for the separate years, as well as the entire data set, SVR provided the best results (2011: R2cv = 0.739, 2012: R2cv = 0.85, 2011 and 2012: R2cv = 0.944). Independent validation of the data set from both years led to completely different results. The accuracy of PLSR (R2iv = 0.912) and RFR (R2iv = 0.770) remained almost at the same level as that of cross-validation, while SVR showed a clear decline in model performance (R2iv = 0.769). The results indicate that regression model robustness largely depends on the applied validation approach and the data range of the LAI used for model building.  相似文献   

This article aims at finding efficient hyperspectral indices for the estimation of forest sun leaf chlorophyll content (CHL, µg cmleaf? 2), sun leaf mass per area (LMA, gdry matter mleaf? 2), canopy leaf area index (LAI, m2leaf msoil? 2) and leaf canopy biomass (Bleaf, gdry matter msoil? 2). These parameters are useful inputs for forest ecosystem simulations at landscape scale. The method is based on the determination of the best vegetation indices (index form and wavelengths) using the radiative transfer model PROSAIL (formed by the newly-calibrated leaf reflectance model PROSPECT coupled with the multi-layer version of the canopy radiative transfer model SAIL). The results are tested on experimental measurements at both leaf and canopy scales. At the leaf scale, it is possible to estimate CHL with high precision using a two wavelength vegetation index after a simulation based calibration. At the leaf scale, the LMA is more difficult to estimate with indices. At the canopy scale, efficient indices were determined on a generic simulated database to estimate CHL, LMA, LAI and Bleaf in a general way. These indices were then applied to two Hyperion images (50 plots) on the Fontainebleau and Fougères forests and portable spectroradiometer measurements. They showed good results with an RMSE of 8.2 µg cm? 2 for CHL, 9.1 g m? 2 for LMA, 1.7 m2 m? 2 for LAI and 50.6 g m? 2 for Bleaf. However, at the canopy scale, even if the wavelengths of the calibrated indices were accurately determined with the simulated database, the regressions between the indices and the biophysical characteristics still had to be calibrated on measurements. At the canopy scale, the best indices were: for leaf chlorophyll content: NDchl = (ρ925 ? ρ710)/(ρ925 + ρ710), for leaf mass per area: NDLMA = (ρ2260 ? ρ1490)/(ρ2260 + ρ1490), for leaf area index: DLAI = ρ1725 ? ρ970, and for canopy leaf biomass: NDBleaf = (ρ2160 ? ρ1540)/(ρ2160 + ρ1540).  相似文献   

The fraction of vegetation cover (FVC) and the leaf area index (LAI) are important parameters for many agronomic, ecological and meteorological applications. Several in‐situ and remote sensing techniques for estimating FVC and LAI have been developed in recent years. In this paper, the uncertainty of in‐situ FVC and LAI measurements was evaluated by comparing estimates from LAI‐2000 and digital hemispherical photography (DHP). The accuracy achieved with a spectral mixture analysis algorithm and two vegetation indices‐based methods was assessed using atmospherically corrected Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data over the Barrax cropland area where the European Space Agency (ESA) SENtinel‐2 and FLuorescence EXperiment (SEN2FLEX) field campaign was carried out in July 2005. The results indicate that LAI‐2000 and DHP performances are comparable, with uncertainties of 5% for FVC and 15% for effective LAI. The selected remote sensing methods are shown to be consistent, with a notable overall accuracy (root mean square error, RMSE) of 0.07 (10% in relative terms) for FVC and 0.8 (30%) for LAI. Similar bounds were found on upscaling in‐situ measurements with empirical transfer functions (TFs). These results suggest that the pragmatic methods considered applied at high resolution with minimum calibration data could be useful for mapping FVC and LAI in the study area, reducing in‐situ labour‐intensive characterization necessities for validation studies.  相似文献   

The canopy reflectance (CR) model for row-planted vegetation proposed earlier has been tested for soybean canopies in three different stages of growth and for corn canopies at early and full growth stages. The model fits the field-measured bidirectional CR data quite well. It is shown that, by inverting this model, one could estimate the leaf area index as well as the percentage of ground cover quite accurately from measured canopy reflectances.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate whether the retrieval of the leaf chlorophyll content and leaf area index (LAI) for precision agriculture application from hyperspectral data is significantly affected by data compression. This analysis was carried out using the hyperspectral data sets acquired by Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) over corn fields at L'Acadie experimental farm (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) during the summer of 2000 and over corn, soybean and wheat fields at the former Greenbelt farm (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) in three intensive field campaigns during the summer of 2001. Leaf chlorophyll content and LAI were retrieved from the original data and the reconstructed data compressed/decompressed by the compression algorithm called Successive approximation multi-stage vector quantization (SAMVQ) at compression ratios of 20:1, 30:1, and 50:1. The retrieved products were evaluated against the ground-truth.In the retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content (the first data set), the spatial patterns were examined in all of the images created from the original and reconstructed data and were proven to be visually unchanged, as expected. The data measures R2, absolute RMSE, and relative RMSE between the leaf chlorophyll content derived from the original and reconstructed data cubes, and the laboratory-measured values were calculated as well. The results show the retrieval accuracy of crop chlorophyll content is not significantly affected by SAMVQ at the compression ratios of 20:1, 30:1, and 50:1, relative to the observed uncertainties in ground truth values. In the retrieval of LAI (the second data set), qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed. The results show that the spatial and temporal patterns of the LAI images are not significantly affected by SAMVQ and the retrieval accuracies measured by the R2, absolute RMSE, and relative RMSE between the ground-measured LAI and the estimated LAI are not significantly affected by the data compression either.  相似文献   

A prototype product suite, containing the Terra 8-day, Aqua 8-day, Terra-Aqua combined 8- and 4-day products, was generated as part of testing for the next version (Collection 5) of the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) leaf area index (LAI) products. These products were analyzed for consistency between Terra and Aqua retrievals over the following data subsets in North America: single 8-day composite over the whole continent and annual time series over three selected MODIS tiles (1200 × 1200 km). The potential for combining retrievals from the two sensors to derive improved products by reducing the impact of environmental conditions and temporal compositing period was also explored. The results suggest no significant discrepancies between large area (from continent to MODIS tile) averages of the Terra and Aqua 8-day LAI and surface reflectances products. The differences over smaller regions, however, can be large due to the random nature of residual atmospheric effects. High quality retrievals from the radiative transfer based algorithm can be expected in 90-95% of the pixels with mostly herbaceous cover and about 50-75% of the pixels with woody vegetation during the growing season. The quality of retrievals during the growing season is mostly restricted by aerosol contamination of the MODIS data. The Terra-Aqua combined 8-day product helps to minimize this effect and increases the number of high quality retrievals by 10-20% over woody vegetation. The combined 8-day product does not improve the number of high quality retrievals during the winter period because the extent of snow contamination of Terra and Aqua observations is similar. Likewise, cloud contamination in the single-sensor and combined products is also similar. The LAI magnitudes, seasonal profiles and retrieval quality in the combined 4-day product are comparable to those in the single-sensor 8-day products. Thus, the combined 4-day product doubles the temporal resolution of the seasonal cycle, which facilitates phenology monitoring in application studies during vegetation transition periods. Both Terra and Aqua LAI products show anomalous seasonality in boreal needle leaf forests, due to limitations of the radiative transfer algorithm to model seasonal variations of MODIS surface reflectance data with respect to solar zenith angle. Finally, this study suggests that further improvement of the MODIS LAI products is mainly restricted by the accuracy of the MODIS observations.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) products retrieved from observations acquired on one occasion have obvious discontinuity in the time series owing to cloud coverage and other factors, and the accuracy may not meet the needs of many applications. Effectively utilizing data assimilation techniques to retrieve biophysical parameters from the time series of remote-sensing data has attracted special interest. The data assimilation technique is based on a reasonable consideration of dynamic change rules of biophysical parameters and time series observational quantities, thereby improving the quality of retrieved profiles. In this article, a variational assimilation procedure for retrieving LAI from the time series of remote-sensing data is developed. The procedure is based on the formulation of an objective function. A dynamic model is constructed based on the climatology from multi-year Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI data to evolve LAI in time, and a radiative transfer model is coupled with the dynamic model to simulate a time series of surface reflectances. A shuffled complex evolution method (developed at the University of Arizona; SCE-UA) optimization algorithm is then used to minimize the objective function and estimate the dynamic model states and the parameters of the coupled model from the MODIS reflectance data with a higher quality in a given time window. The variational assimilation method is applied to the MODIS surface reflectance data for the whole of 2008 at the Heihe river basin to produce regional LAI mapping results. The ground LAI data measured in situ are used to develop algorithms to estimate LAI from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) surface reflectance, and ASTER LAI maps are produced for each ASTER scene using the algorithms developed. Then the ASTER LAI maps are aggregated to compare with the new LAI products. It is found that the variational assimilation method is able to produce temporal continuous LAI products and that accuracy has been improved over the MODIS LAI standard product.  相似文献   


The leaf area index (LAI) is a key vegetation canopy structure parameter and is closely associated with vegetation photosynthesis, transpiration, and energy balance. Developing a landscape-scale LAI dataset with a high temporal resolution (daily) is essential for capturing rapidly changing vegetation structure at field scales and supporting regional biophysical modeling efforts. In this study, two daily 30 m LAI time series from 2014 to 2016 over a meadow steppe site in northern China were generated using a spatial and temporal adaptive re?ectance fusion model (STARFM) combined with an LAI retrieval radiative transfer model (PROSAIL). Gap-filled Landsat 7, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2A surface reflectance (SR) images were used to generate fine-resolution LAI maps with the PROSAIL look-up table method. Two daily 500 m moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI product-the existing MCD15A3H LAI product and one was generated from the MCD43A4 SR product and the PROSAIL model, were used to provide temporally continuous LAI variations. The STARFM model was then used to fuse the fine-resolution LAI maps with the two 500 m LAI products separately to generate two daily 30 m LAI time series. Both results were assessed for three types of pasture (mowed pasture, grazing pasture, and fenced pasture) using ground measurements from 2014–2015. The results showed that the PROSAIL-generated LAI maps all exhibited a high accuracy, and the root mean squared errors (RMSEs) for the Landsat 7 LAI and Landsat 8 LAI compared to the ground-measured LAI were 0.33 and 0.28 respectively. The Landsat LAI maps also showed good agreement and similar spatial patterns with the Sentinel-2A LAI with mean differences between ± 0.5. The MCD43A4_PROSPECT LAI product exhibited similar seasonal variability to the ground measurements and to the Landsat and Sentinel-2A LAIs, and these data are also smoother and contain fewer noisy points than the gap-filled MCD15A3H LAI product. Compared to the ground measurements, the daily 30 m LAI time series fused from the fine-resolution LAI maps and PROSPECT generated MODIS LAI product demonstrated better performance with an RMSE of 0.44 and a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.34, which is an improvement from the LAI time series fused from the fine-resolution LAI maps and the existing MCD15A3H LAI product (RMSE of 0.56 and MAE of 0.42). The latter dataset also exhibited abnormal temporal fluctuations, which may have been caused by the interpolation method. The results also demonstrated the very good performance of the STARFM model in grazing and mowed pasture with homogeneous surfaces compared to fenced pasture with smaller patch sizes. The Sentinel-2A data offers increased landscape vegetation observation frequency and provides temporal information about canopy changes that occur between Landsat overpass dates. The scheme developed in this study can be used as a reference for regional vegetation dynamic studies and can be applied to larger areas to improve grassland modeling efforts.  相似文献   

The technique described earlier (Goel and Thompson, 1984b) for estimating agronomic parameters from bidirectional crop reflectance data is applied to a fully covered soybean canopy, using data measured in the field. This technique employs the inversion of a canopy reflectance model. It is shown that using the SAIL model one can estimate leaf area index (LAI) as well as average leaf angle (ALA) quite well, provided that the other canopy parameters (leaf reflectance and transmittance, soil reflectance, and fraction of diffused skylight) are known. Some suggestions are made for improving the SAIL model. This should improve the accuracy of estimation of not only LAI and ALA but should also allow the estimation of the complete leaf angle distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract. An analysis of the accuracy in the estimation of agronomic parameters such as leaf area index (LAI) and leaf angle distribution (LAD) from the bidirectional canopy reflectance (BDCR) data is presented. This analysis shows that for a given level of errors in the data, there are certain preferred illumination and viewing directions for which the estimations are most accurate. There are other directions, e.g. nadir viewing, for which estimates can be significantly erroneous. This analysis should be useful in selecting the optimum illumination and viewing directions for off-nadir viewing remote-sensing systems such as the SPOT satellite and the Multispectral Linear Array (MLA) Shuttle.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is an important variable needed by various land surface process models. It has been produced operationally from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data using a look-up table (LUT) method, but the inversion accuracy still needs significant improvements. We propose an alternative method in this study that integrates both the radiative transfer (RT) simulation and nonparametric regression methods. Two nonparametric regression methods (i.e., the neural network [NN] and the projection pursuit regression [PPR]) were examined. An integrated database was constructed from radiative transfer simulations tuned for two broad biome categories (broadleaf and needleleaf vegetations). A new soil reflectance index (SRI) and analytically simulated leaf optical properties were used in the parameterization process. This algorithm was tested in two sites, one at Maryland, USA, a middle latitude temperate agricultural area, and the other at Canada, a boreal forest site, and LAI was accurately estimated. The derived LAI maps were also compared with those from MODIS science team and ETM+ data. The MODIS standard LAI products were found consistent with our results for broadleaf crops, needleleaf forest, and other cover types, but overestimated broadleaf forest by 2.0-3.0 due to the complex biome types.  相似文献   

This study presents a method to assimilate leaf area index retrieved from ENVISAT ASAR and MERIS data into CERES-Wheat crop growth model with the objective to improve the accuracy of the wheat yield predictions at catchment scale. The assimilation method consists in re-initialising the model with optimal input parameters allowing a better temporal agreement between the LAI simulated by the model and the LAI estimated by remote sensing data. A variational assimilation algorithm has been applied to minimise the difference between simulated and remotely-sensed LAI and to determine the optimal set of input parameters. After the re-initialisation, the wheat yield maps have been obtained and their accuracy evaluated.The method has been applied over Matera site located in Southern Italy and validated by using the dataset of an experimental campaign carried out during the 2004 wheat growing season.Results indicate that, LAI maps retrieved from MERIS and ASAR data can be effectively assimilated into CERES-Wheat model thus leading to accuracies of the yield maps ranging from 360 kg/ha to 420 kg/ha.  相似文献   

A numerical model for the coupled analysis of cross-sections made of anisotropic materials under general combined loading was formulated in an accompanying paper (1). In this paper, additional aspects concerning its implementation and the scheme for nonlinear analysis are discussed. The model is validated by analyzing several isotropic and anisotropic elastic problems; excellent accuracy was obtained compared to closed-form solutions. Further, the case of a RC section presenting crack-induced anisotropy is investigated. The capability of the model to capture interactions between tangent and normal forces is proved. The conclusion drawn is that the developed model is a suitable sectional constitutive equation for 3D beam elements for realistic structural analysis.  相似文献   

Microwave-based remote sensing algorithms for mapping soil moisture are sensitive to water contained in surface vegetation at moderate levels of canopy cover. Correction schemes require spatially distributed estimates of vegetation water content at scales comparable to that of the microwave sensor footprint (101 to 104 m). This study compares the relative utility of high-resolution (1.5 m) aircraft and coarser-resolution (30 m) Landsat imagery in upscaling an extensive set of ground-based measurements of canopy biophysical properties collected during the Soil Moisture Experiment of 2002 (SMEX02) within the Walnut Creek Watershed. The upscaling was accomplished using expolinear relationships developed between spectral vegetation indices and measurements of leaf area index, canopy height, and vegetation water content. Of the various indices examined, a Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), derived from near- and shortwave-infrared reflectances, was found to be least susceptible to saturation at high levels of leaf area index. With the aircraft data set, which did not include a short-wave infrared water absorption band, the Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (OSAVI) yielded best correlations with observations and highest saturation levels. At the observation scale (10 m), LAI was retrieved from both NDWI and OSAVI imagery with an accuracy of 0.6, vegetation water content at 0.7 kg m−2, and canopy height to within 0.2 m. Both indices were used to estimate field-scale mean canopy properties and variability for each of the intensive soil-moisture-sampling sites within the watershed study area. Results regarding scale invariance over the SMEX02 study area in transformations from band reflectance and vegetation indices to canopy biophysical properties are also presented.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of forest canopy cover has been widely studied recently, but little attention has been paid to the quality of field validation data. Ecological literature has two different coverage metrics. Vertical canopy cover (VCC) is the vertical projection of tree crowns ignoring within-crown gaps. Angular canopy closure (ACC) is the proportion of covered sky at some angular range around the zenith, and can be measured with a field-of-view instrument, such as a camera. We compared field-measured VCC and ACC at 15° and 75° from the zenith to different LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) metrics, using several LiDAR data sets and comprehensive field data. The VCC was estimated to a high precision using a simple proportion of canopy points in first-return data. Confining to a maximum 15° scan zenith angle, the absolute root mean squared error (RMSE) was 3.7-7.0%, with an overestimation of 3.1-4.6%. We showed that grid-based methods are capable of reducing the inherent overestimation of VCC. The low scan angles and low power settings that are typically applied in topographic LiDARs are not suitable for ACC estimation as they measure in wrong geometry and cannot easily detect small within-crown gaps. However, ACC at 0-15° zenith angles could be estimated from LiDAR data with sufficient precision, using also the last returns (RMSE 8.1-11.3%, bias -6.1-+4.6%). The dependency of LiDAR metrics and ACC at 0-75° zenith angles was nonlinear and was modeled from laser pulse proportions with nonlinear regression with a best-case standard error of 4.1%. We also estimated leaf area index from the LiDAR metrics with linear regression with a standard error of 0.38. The results show that correlations between airborne laser metrics and different canopy field characteristics are very high if the field measurements are done with equivalent accuracy.  相似文献   

This article addresses the major scaling problems in leaf area index (LAI) retrieval for a heterogeneous surface associated with (1) the nonlinearity in the relationships between remotely sensed reflectances and LAI products, (2) the discontinuity caused by the mixture of contrasting cover types that is categorized as the dominating type within a large-scale pixel, and (3) the algorithm for the dominant cover type being used for the retrieval of the LAI in that large-scale mixed pixel. Through mathematical analysis, two scaling models (a component-based model and a pixel-based model) are proposed on the basis of the Taylor series expansion with the corresponding textural and contextural parameters (i.e. variance–covariance matrices and component fractions) to correct for the scaling effects among LAI products at different scales. These models express the magnitude of the scaling effects for the nonlinear and discontinuous situations as a function of (1) the degree of nonlinearity quantified by the second derivative of the retrieval function, (2) the spatial heterogeneity quantified by variance–covariance matrices, and (3) the component fractions in the large-scale mixed pixel. To evaluate the proposed scaling models, a scaling correction test is performed and analysed on a SPOT (Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre) image for two vegetation types. The component fractions have proven to be the main reason for the scaling effects in a mixed pixel. Compared to the results before scaling, using either of the two proposed models greatly reduces the retrieval errors that the scaling effects cause. The relative scaling effects of the LAI may be up to 55% in an uncorrected, large-scale mixed pixel. However, the relative scaling errors can be as low as 2% with the intra-component textural parameters and about 13% with the intra-pixel textural parameters. Because the scaling effects can be corrected for the spatial heterogeneity caused either by density changes within the same cover or by cover type changes, our work indicates that the proposed scaling models are promising and feasible.  相似文献   

In this study, the consistency of systematic retrievals of surface reflectance and leaf area index was assessed using overlap regions in adjacent Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) scenes. Adjacent scenes were acquired within 7-25 days apart to minimize variations in the land surface reflectance between acquisition dates. Each Landsat ETM+ scene was independently geo-referenced and atmospherically corrected using a variety of standard approaches. Leaf area index (LAI) models were then applied to the surface reflectance data and the difference in LAI between overlapping scenes was evaluated. The results from this analysis show that systematic LAI retrieval from Landsat ETM+ imagery using a baseline atmospheric correction approach that assumes a constant aerosol optical depth equal to 0.06 is consistent to within ±0.61 LAI units. The average absolute difference in LAI retrieval over all 10 image pairs was 26% for a mean LAI of 2.05 and the maximum absolute difference over any one pair was 61% for a mean LAI of 1.13. When no atmospheric correction was performed on the data, the consistency in LAI retrieval was improved by 1%. When a scene-based dense, dark vegetation atmospheric correction algorithm was used, the LAI retrieval differences increased to 28% for a mean LAI of 2.32. This implies that a scene-based atmospheric correction procedure may improve the absolute accuracy of LAI retrieval without having a major impact on retrieval consistency. Such consistency trials provide insight into the current limits concerning surface reflectance and LAI retrieval from fine spatial resolution remote sensing imagery with respect to the variability in clear-sky atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

An approach to structural optimization within the framework of the RIPAK FEM package is presented. Part 2 is devoted to information technologies realized in the RIPAK package for user-system interface improvement. The data base scheme offered integrates design information and allows us to describe structure in a natural way. The expert system helps to tune the algorithm and to reach efficient results in the best way. Numerical tests of aviation structural optimization with aeroelastic constraints are presented.  相似文献   

Through rehabilitation and training, visually impaired people can be placed in types of jobs that are compatible with their abilities. A functional assessment approach should be established to measure the physical ability of handicapped people in response to specific tasks and environmental demands. The objective of this study is to develop an integrated computerized system, entitled VITAL (Vision Impaired Task and Assignment Lexicon), to measure the vision impaired worker's residual capabilities and to provide the necessary recommendations for job accommodations. VITAL includes two major modules: the disability index, and the ergonomics consultation module. A single measure, the Disability Index (DI), which represents capacities of vision impaired individuals through a range of skill tests is developed via Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) procedures. The resulting DI can be used in identifying the functional deficits and limitations of the visually impaired worker, and matching the visually impaired people to appropriate employment. This information is also used in the ergonomic consultation module to provide recommendations regarding job and workplace design for the vision impaired worker.  相似文献   

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