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Chattonella antiqua was grown in a nitrogen- or phosphorus-limited semicontinuous culture system. Using the cells in steady growth state, the relationship between growth rate and cell quota and effects of growth conditions on nitrate, ammonium and phosphate uptake were examined. Under nitrogen-limited conditions, growth rate as a function of nitrogen cell quota followed the empirical Droop equation and the uptake of nitrate and ammonium was not significantly affected by growth rate. Similarly, under phosphorus-limited conditions, the growth rate as a function of phosphorus cell quota also followed the Droop equation and phosphate uptake was not significantly affected by growth rate.Combining the results obtained in the present study with those from previous studies on nutrient uptake, half saturation constants for growth (K g ) were calculated for nitrate, ammonium and phosphate. Comparisons ofK g with nutrient concentrations in the Seto Inland Sea in summer, where red tides ofC. antiqua often occur, suggest that phosphate is one of the controlling factors for the population ofC. antiqua.  相似文献   

Nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics ofChattonella antiqua were examined under light and dark conditions. The uptake kinetics ofC. antiqua followed the Michaelis-Menten equation. The maximal uptake rates (V max) of nitrate and phosphate in the dark were 86 and 93% of those in the light, respectively. The half-saturation constants (K 8 ) were not significantly affected by illumination and were comparable to those of other phytoplankton. However, specific maximal uptake rates ofC. antiqua for these substrates were much smaller than those of other phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton NH4+ and NO3 uptake was examined along the longitudinal salinity gradient of the Delaware Estuary over several seasonal cycles using 15N-tracer techniques. Saturated nitrogen uptake rates increased directly with water temperature and reached a maximum of 380 nmol Nl−1h−1 during summer. This temperature dependence was related primarily to changes in the rate of maximum chlorophyll specific uptake, which varied exponentially between 2 and 70 nmol N [μg Chl h]−1 over a temperature range of 2–28°C. Despite these high uptake rates, balanced growth (C:N7:1) could be maintained over the diel light cycle only by highly efficient nitrogen uptake at low light intensities and dark uptake below the photic zone and at night (dark UPTAKE=25% maximum uptake).Ammonium fulfilled 82% of the annual phytoplankton nitrogen demand in the estuary despite dominance of NO3 in the ambient dissolved inorganic nitrogen pool. The predominance of NH4+ uptake occurred because of the general suppression of NO3 assimilation at NH4+ concentrations in excess of 2 μ . This suppression, however, was not as universal as has been reported for other systems, and it is suggested that the extremely high NO3 concentrations found in the estuary contribute to this pattern. Nitrate was a significant source of nitrogen only during periods of high phytoplankton production in summer, and when NH4+ concentrations were low towards the end of the spring bloom.  相似文献   

The elevated levels of primary productivity associated with eastern boundary currents are driven by nutrient- rich waters upwelled from depth, such that these regions are typically characterised by high rates of nitrate-fuelled phytoplankton growth. Production studies from the southern Benguela upwelling system (SBUS) tend to be biased towards the summer upwelling season, yet winter data are required to compute annual budgets and understand seasonal variability. Net primary production (NPP) and nitrate and ammonium uptake were measured concurrently at six stations in the SBUS in early winter. While euphotic zone NPP was highest at the stations nearest to the coast and declined with distance from the shore, a greater proportion was potentially exportable from open-ocean surface waters, as indicated by the higher specific nitrate uptake rates and f-ratios (ratio of nitrate uptake to total nitrogen consumption) at the stations located off the continental shelf. Near the coast, phytoplankton growth was predominantly supported by ammonium despite the high ambient nitrate concentrations. Along with ammonium concentrations as high as 3.6 µmol l–1, this strongly suggests that nitrate uptake in the inshore SBUS, and by extension carbon drawdown, is inhibited by ammonium, at least in winter, although this has also been hypothesised for the summer.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the hypothesis that, under conditions of replete macronutrients and iron in the Southern Ocean, phytoplankton abundance and specific N uptake rates are influenced strongly by the processes of grazing and NH4 regeneration. NH4 and NO3 uptake rates by marine phytoplankton were measured to the northeast and northwest of the island of South Georgia during January-February 1998. Mean specific uptake rate for NO3 (vNO3) was 0.0026 h−1 (range 0.0013-0.0065 h−1) and for NH4 (vNH4) was 0.0097 h−1 (0.0014-0.0376 h−1). vNH4 was related positively with NH4 availability, which ranged from 0.1 to 1.5 mmol m−3 within the upper mixed layer. Ambient NH4 concentrations and vNH4 were both positively related to local krill biomass values, computed from mean values along acoustic transect segments within 2 km of the uptake measurement stations. These biomass values ranged from ∼1 g krill fresh mass m−2 in the northwest to >4 kg krill wet mass m−2 in the northeast. In contrast to the variability found with NH4 concentrations and uptake rates, vNO3 was more uniform across the sampling sites. Under these conditions, increasing NH4 concentration appeared to represent an additional N resource. However, high vNH4 tended to be found for stations with lower phytoplankton standing stocks, across a total range of 0.24-20 mg chlorophyll a m−3. These patterns suggest a coupling between phytoplankton biomass, vNH4 and krill in this region of variable but high krill biomass. Locally high concentrations of krill in parts of the study area appeared to have two opposing effects. On the one hand they could graze down phytoplankton stocks, but on the other hand, their NH4 excretion supported enhanced uptake rates by the remaining, ungrazed cells.  相似文献   

The maximum uptake rate (max) and affinity constant (K s) for nitrate and ammonium were estimated in the surface water of offshore Oyashio in May (spring) and September (summer), 1990. The average max/Chl.a for ammonium was 2.1 times larger than that of nitrate in both seasons. The average max/Chl.a for both nitrogens were 3.5 times larger in summer than in spring. Water temperature and size composition of phytoplankton population were related to the seasonal difference in the max/Chl.a. Phytoplankton population showed high affinity for both nitrogens in the spring and summer. In addition, the contribution of new production to total production was estimated by max[max–No3/(max–NO3+max–NH4)]. The spring value was in the range of 0.26 to 0.45 (mean±SD=0.35±0.092), and the values in spring bloom were especially a little over 0.4. The summer value was in the range of 0.30 to 0.37 (0.34±0.04).  相似文献   

Maps of potential source regions of ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and natural silicates in the surface aerosols in 2002–2005, 2010, and 2012–2015 are obtained based on measurements of the optical depth of 1–2 μm surface aerosol samples and the analysis results of backward trajectories of air parcels at the Zvenigorod scientific station (ZSS) of the A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences. The most likely potential source regions of ammonium nitrate are in western and central Europe; those of ammonium sulfate are in southern Ukraine, southern Russia, and northwest Kazakhstan; and those of natural silicates are in the Caspian and Aral regions. The maps of potential source regions are consistent with EMEP fields of surface concentrations of nitrates and sulfates and natural aerosol concentration in PM2.5.  相似文献   

本研究利用铵锌镉还原法将海水、湖水和自来水水体中硝酸盐转化为N2O气体测试氮、氧同位素, 结果表明当反应体系的pH值在6~8之间, NO3-还原为NO2-的转化率大于95%, NO2-还原为N2O的转化率大于99%。配置5种丰度的硝酸盐氮、氧同位素标样, 将实验结果与理论值绘制校准曲线, 氮同位素校准曲线斜率为0.48, 相关性良好(R2=0.999 8), 5种丰度δ15NN2O标准偏差在0.18‰~0.43‰之间(n=5);氧同位素校准曲线斜率为0.70, 相关性良好(R2=0.999 6), 5种丰度δ18ON2O标准偏差在0.27‰~0.46‰之间(n=5)。铵锌镉还原法与镉柱还原法测定硝酸盐氮、氧同位素结果的精密度和准确度一致, 同时海水、湖水和自来水3种不同类型水样的硝酸盐氮、氧同位素测试数据满足实验要求, 而且在实验流程的简洁性和高效性方面更具优势。  相似文献   

In this study we describe measures taken in our laboratory to improve the long-term precision of nitrate and ammonia analysis in seawater using a microflow segmented-flow analyzer. To improve the nitrate reduction efficiency using a flow-through open tube cadmium reactor (OTCR), we compared alternative buffer formulations and regeneration procedures for an OTCR. We improved long-term stability for nitrate with a modified flow scheme and color reagent formulation and for ammonia by isolating samples from the ambient air and purifying the air used for bubble segmentation. We demonstrate the importance of taking into consideration the residual nutrient content of the artificial seawater used for the preparation of calibration standards. We describe how an operating procedure to eliminate errors from that source as well as from the refractive index of the matrix itself can be modified to include the minimization of dynamic refractive index effects resulting from differences between the matrix of the samples, the calibrants, and the wash solution. We compare the data for long-term measurements of certified reference material under two different conditions, using ultrapure water (UPW) and artificial seawater (ASW) for the sampler wash.  相似文献   

Estimating nitrogen transformation rates in aquatic ecosystems by isotope dilution techniques is simplified by directly measuring nitrogen isotopic ratios for NH4+ in the water using high performance cation exchange liquid chromatography (HPLC). Modifications of HPLC conditions and implementation of a median-area method for retention time determination improved and linearized a previously reported sigmoid relationship between the retention time shift (RTshift) of the NH4+ peak and the ratio of [15NH4+]: [Total NH4+] in seawater fortified with 15NH4+. Increasing the temperature of the HPLC column from 47 to 85 °C increased mobile phase buffer flow rate relative to column back pressure, decreased the retention time for NH4+, and allowed the buffer pH to be optimized relative to the pK of NH4+. The use of median-area rather than maximum-height to define the retention time of NH4+ further improved the linearity (r > 0.995) of the relationship between the ratio [15NH4+]: [Total NH4+] and RTshift over the range of isotope ratios. Reduction of NO3 to NH4+ by adding zinc dust to acidified (pH 2) seawater or lakewater samples, followed by pH neutralization, and subsequent analysis of NH4+ isotope ratios by HPLC, extended application of the method to isotope dilution experiments with NO3. Advantages of this direct-injection method over mass-measurement approaches traditionally used for isotope dilution experiments include small sample size and minimal sample preparation.  相似文献   

Estuarine profiles of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium concentration taken over a period of six years were analysed by a statistical procedure. While nitrate profiles indicate conservative mixing, those of nitrite and ammonium exhibit maxima indicative of an estuarine input. Calculations using an advective analogue suggest that production of nitrite by oxidation throughout the water column would require unduly high populations of nitrifying bacteria (>106 cells l−1). Sedimentary production rates required to sustain the observed nitrite maxima are compatible with combined nitrification and denitrification rates observed elsewhere (1–2μmol m−2 d−1). The relative displacement of the nitrite and ammonium maxima and the frequent presence of a turbidity maximum in the Tamar estuary suggest that nitrite production in the sediment is probably augmented by water column nitrification in the region of the freshwater/brackish water interface. Simulations on the advective analogue provide circumstantial support for this suggestion.  相似文献   

南海中部海域铵浓度及其与浮游植物的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨嘉东 《台湾海峡》1993,12(4):369-375
本文根据1983年9月至1985年1月南海中部海域调查的资料,分析了该海区海水中铵浓度的频率分布,垂直分布特征和次表层铵最大值的形成及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,铵浓度变化范围在0-2.71μmol/dm^3之间,铵含量小于0.5μmol/dm^3的样品数约为样品总数的78%,铵最大值出现在表层和次表层机率较大。文中还对该海域表层的铵含量与浮游植物的关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

We present and discuss the distribution of 3He and its relationship to nutrients in two eddies (cyclone C1 and anticyclone A4) with a view towards examining eddy-related mechanisms whereby nutrients are transported from the upper 200–300 m into the euphotic zone of the Sargasso Sea. The different behavior of these tracers in the euphotic zone results in changes in their distributions and relationships that may provide important clues as to the nature of physical and biological processes involved.The cyclonic eddy (C1) is characterized by substantial 3He excesses within the euphotic zone. The distribution of this excess 3He is strongly suggestive of both past and recent ongoing deep-water injection into the euphotic zone. Crude mass balance calculations suggest that an average of approximately 1.4±0.7 mol m−2 of nitrate has been introduced into the euphotic zone of eddy C1, consistent with the integrated apparent oxygen utilization anomaly in the aphotic zone below. The 3He–NO3 relationship within the eddy deviates substantially from the linear thermocline trend, suggestive of incomplete drawdown of nutrients and/or substantial mixing between euphotic and aphotic zone waters.Anticyclone (A4) displays a simpler 3He–NO3 relationship, but is relatively impoverished in euphotic zone excess 3He. We suggest that because of the relatively strong upwelling and lateral divergence of water the residence time of upwelled 3He is relatively short within the euphotic zone of this eddy. An estimate of the recently upwelled nutrient inventory, based on the excess 3He observed in A4's lower euphotic zone, is stoichiometrically consistent with the oxygen maximum observed in the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

Organic compounds which are chloroform extractible from seawater affect gypsum precipitation by inhibiting the nucleation of crystals. The effect is selective towards calcium-populated crystal habit faces and results in the growth of more tabular, equidimensional crystals. Studies using model organic compounds suggest that the inhibition takes place through an adsorption mechanism and show that longer-chained n-fatty acids are more actively adsorbed. The specific adsorption mechanism (at Ca2+ habit faces) is also supported by the fact that the free-acid (base-soluble) fraction of the chloroform extractibles from seawater is more active than the neutral fraction. The calcium ion complexing ability of model organic compounds is not correlatable with their inhibitory effects on gypsum crystal nucleation.  相似文献   

Cultures of six marine phytoplankton were grown at ammonium concentrations ranging up to 200 μg-atom NH4---N litre−1. Only the growth of dinoflagellates, Gymnodinium splendens and Gonyaulax polyedra was inhibited at the two highest concentrations used. In 3-h photosynthetic 14CO2 uptake experiments, only Gymnodinium was inhibited at concentrations of NH4---N greater than 100 μg-atom litre−1. We conclude that the increased ammonium concentrations found near Southern California sewage outfalls would not be inhibiting to phytoplankton in the vicinity of such outfalls.  相似文献   

菌藻相互作用是海洋生态学领域研究的重要方向之一.海洋微微型蓝藻(Marine picocyanobacteria)是遍布全球海洋的重要初级生产者,在全球碳循环和微食物网中发挥重要作用.原绿球藻属(Prochlorococcus)和聚球藻属(Synechococcus)是海洋微微型蓝藻最重要的两个类群.原位调查和培养实验...  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic interactions between two ships advancing in waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper the hydrodynamic problems between two moving ships in waves are analyzed using a three-dimensional potential-flow theory based on the source distribution technique. The potential is presented by a distribution of source over the ship hull. The corresponding Green functions and their derivatives can be easily solved numerically by using the series expansions of Telste and Noblesse's algorithm for the Cauchy principal value integral of unsteady flow. The numerical solution is evaluated by applying the present method to two pairs of models and compared with experimental data and strip theory. From the comparisons, it shows that the hydrodynamic interactions are generally important. In the resonance region, the hydrodynamic interaction calculated by the 3D method is more reasonable, which is not so significant as that by the 2D method. The technique developed here may serve as a more rigorous tool to analyze the related problems of two ships doing underway replenishment in waves.  相似文献   

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