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洪涝灾害的灰色预测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张善余  程胜余 《水文》2000,20(2):23-25
用新安江流域渔梁水文站37年实测年降水资料,以1 850mm为异常指标,建立灰色预测CM(1,1)模型,进行洪涝灾害预测,经残差、后验差、关联度检验,模型精度较高,并对1988、1993、1998年实测资料进行检验,效果比较理想.  相似文献   

A Bayesian procedure for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper, a Bayesian procedure is implemented for the Probability Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA). The approach is general and modular incorporating all significant information relevant for the hazard assessment, such as theoretical and empirical background, analytical or numerical models, instrumental and historical data. The procedure provides the posterior probability distribution that integrates the prior probability distribution based on the physical knowledge of the process and the likelihood based on the historical data. Also, the method deals with aleatory and epistemic uncertainties incorporating in a formal way all sources of relevant uncertainty, from the tsunami generation process to the wave propagation and impact on the coasts. The modular structure of the procedure is flexible and easy to modify and/or update as long as new models and/or information are available. Finally, the procedure is applied to an hypothetical region, Neverland, to clarify the PTHA evaluation in a realistic case.  相似文献   

Beer  Tom 《Natural Hazards》2001,23(2-3):157-169
Meteorological hazards are usually considered to be tropical cyclones, droughts, hail-storms, severe storms and their effects such as tsunamis, storm surges, wildfire, and floods. Urban air pollution is not normally considered to be a meteorological hazard. This view has arisen because the causes of urban air pollution – industrial and motor vehicleemissions – are not meteorological in nature. Air pollution episodes, however, are sporadic in nature and their occurrence depends on a particular combination of meteorological factors. This is true even in megacities such as Mexico City, Manila, and Los Angeles that have acquired a reputation for polluted air. Analyses of air pollution episodes and hospital admissions from many countries indicate that thereis a significant increase in morbidity and mortality as a result of such episodes.Time-series studies undertaken in Sydney have shown that particulate matter, ozone and nitrogen dioxide are the pollutants that are primarily responsible for adverse health effects in that city.Air pollution, and in particular particulate matter, is believed to be responsible for just under 400 premature deaths per year in Sydney alone. This death rate is over twenty times larger than deaths due to other meteorological hazards. Part of the reason for the low death rate for the more traditional meteorological hazards is that the provision of high quality numerical weather prediction, coupled with modern communications technology, has enabled emergency service personnel to take appropriate action.Air quality forecasting systems can play an important role in mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution. The forecasts will affect the behaviour of susceptible individuals, and thus reduce adverse health effects. The outputs from forecasting systems can also be used to provide improved estimates of the total exposure to air pollutants of the inhabitants who areat risk. Such improved estimates can then be used in conjunction with longitudinal studies ofhealth effects to obtain better understanding of the complex interaction between air quality and health.  相似文献   

王子臣 《水文》2001,21(5):52-53
洪水灾害在自然灾害中占有很大比重。形成洪水的诸因素中,森林遭到破坏是重要因素之一。通过对二道白河水文特性的分析,可见森林对调节洪水的重要作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, China has suffered serious geological disasters, most of slope movements due to complex geology, geomorphology, unusual weather conditions, and large-scale land explorations during high speed economic development. According to geological hazard investigations organized by the Ministry of Land and Resources of China, there are 400 towns and more than 10000 villages under the threatening of those landslide hazards. This paper presents the overview landslide hazard assessment in terms of GIS, which aims to evaluate the overview geohazard potentials, vulnerabilities of lives and land resources, and risks in conterminous China on the scale of 1 : 6 000 000. This is the first overview landslide hazard potential map of China.  相似文献   

蓄滞洪区利用与减灾研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
考察了蓄滞洪区管理的复杂性,分析了分洪对蓄滞洪区土地利用的制约作用,讨论了洪灾损失影响因素及估算方法。提出了蓄滞洪区减灾研究的框架和基本内容。介绍了一个应用水文模型、水力学模型和优化模型进行土地利用和减灾研究的实例。  相似文献   


Many coastal urban areas and many coastal facilities must be protected against pluvial and marine floods, as their location near the sea is necessary. As part of the development of a Probabilistic Flood Hazard Approach (PFHA), several flood phenomena have to be modelled at the same time (or with an offset time) to estimate the contribution of each one. Modelling the combination and the dependence of several flooding sources is a key issue in the context of a PFHA. As coastal zones in France are densely populated, marine flooding represents a natural hazard threatening the coastal populations and facilities in several areas along the shore. Indeed, marine flooding is the most important source of coastal lowlands inundations. It is mainly generated by storm action that makes sea level rise above the tide. Furthermore, when combined with rainfall, coastal flooding can be more consequent. While there are several approaches to analyse and characterize marine flooding hazard with either extreme sea levels or intense rainfall, only few studies combine these two phenomena in a PFHA framework. Thus this study aims to develop a method for the analysis of a combined action of rainfall and sea level. This analysis is performed on the city of Le Havre, a French urban city on the English Channel coast, as a case study. In this work, we have used deterministic materials for rainfall and sea level modelling and proposed a new approach for estimating the probabilities of flooding.


Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA) can be used to evaluate and quantify tsunami hazards for planning of integrated community-level preparedness, including mitigation of casualties and dollar losses, and to study resilient solutions for coastal communities. PTHA can provide several outputs such as the intensity measures (IMs) of the hazard quantified as a function of the recurrence interval of a tsunami event. In this paper, PTHA is developed using a logic tree approach based on numerical modeling for tsunami generated along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The PTHA is applied to a community on the US Pacific Northwest Coast located in Newport, Oregon. Results of the PTHA are provided for five IMs: inundation depth, flow speed, specific momentum flux, arrival time, and duration of inundation. The first three IMs are predictors of tsunami impact on the natural and built environment, and the last two are useful for tsunami evacuation and immediate response planning. Results for the five IMs are presented as annual exceedance probability for sites within the community along several transects with varying bathymetric and topographic features. Community-level characteristics of spatial distribution of each IM for three recurrence intervals (500, 1000, 2500 year) are provided. Results highlight the different pattern of IMs between land and river transects, and significant magnitude variation of IMs due to complex bathymetry and topographic conditions at the various recurrence intervals. IMs show relatively higher magnitudes near the coastline, at the low elevation regions, and at the harbor channel. In addition, results indicate a positive correlation between inundation depth and other IMs near the coastline, but a weaker correlation at inland locations. Values of the Froude number ranged 0.1–1.0 over the inland inundation area. In general, the results in this study highlight the spatial differences in IMs and suggest the need to include multiple IMs for resilience planning for a coastal community subjected to tsunami hazards.  相似文献   

Weather as a Chronic Hazard for Road Transportation in Canadian Cities   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Inclement weather creates a chronic hazard for Canadian travellers. Past studies indicate that road collision rates increase during precipitation, although the magnitude of theincrease varies from study to study, partly as a result of variations in weather and driving conditions,but also because of differences in methods. The goal of the current study is to improve ourunderstanding of the links between weather and travel risk in mid-sized Canadian cities by using astandardized method for analyzing data from six cities with different climates: Halifax-Dartmouth,Ottawa, Québec, Hamilton, Waterloo Region, and Regina. The study has four interrelated objectives: (1) Toconduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the extent to which risk estimates vary depending onthe criteria used to define precipitation events and `normal' conditions; (2) To compare therelative risk of collision and injury during precipitation relative to `normal' conditions; (3) Todetermine the extent to which weather-related risks vary fordifferent Canadian cities; and (4) To explore any differences in collision characteristics between events and controls, especially as theyvary from city to city. Results are based on a matched-pair analysis, using six-hour time blocks over afour-year period, 1995 to 1998. Results indicate only modest sensitivity to the criteria used to define precipitation events and `normal' conditions. On average, precipitation is associated with a 75 percentincrease in traffic collisions and a 45 percent increase in related injuries, as compared to `normal'seasonal conditions, but risk levels vary depending on the characteristics of the weather event.Both sensitivity to specific weather conditions and weather-related accident profiles vary from city tocity in ways that are not easily explained.  相似文献   

Karst Hazard Assessment of Eastern Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karst phenomena exist in areas in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia, forming solution features such as sinkholes, collapsed dolines and solution caverns, as a result of the chemical leaching of the carbonate and evaporite formations by percolating water. The instability of these karst phenomena could produce land subsidence problems. This paper reviews the geology of documented karstic rock units in Saudi Arabia and proposes a simple engineering classification of the solution features characteristic of limestone. Two case histories in the Dhahran area, eastern Saudi Arabia, will be used as examples for the application of a modified engineering classification.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative procedure for hazard and risk assessment of large landslides that can develop as rock avalanches is discussed in this paper. Reference is made to the IMIRILAND project, where a multidisciplinary methodology has been developed paying particular attention to the landslide modeling process that leads to the quantification of the hazard, i.e. the prediction of the occurrence probability, the involved area and the run-out velocity. The risk assessment methodology is exemplified in the paper with reference to two cases: the Ceppo Morelli and Rosone landslides, both of which are located in the Italian Western Alps. The results of these applications show that, despite the development of sophisticated 3D numerical methods, many uncertainties still remain in the process of modeling large and complex landslides, related in particular to the definition of the probability of failure and the rheological parameters to be used for the prediction of rock mass behavior. However geo-mechanical models are found to be very valuable tools to verify, from a mechanical point of view, the assumptions introduced through the geo-structural and geo-morphological analyses concerning the volume and the kinematics of the unstable mass, and their role is fundamental for the determination of the involved area when mechanical parameters can be assumed with sufficient reliability. Author’s address: Marta Castelli, Politecnico di Torino – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy  相似文献   

塌岸灾害风险与塌岸灾害特点及人类社会经济活动密切相关,其风险评价涉及诸多因素.将信息量法应用于塌岸灾害风险预测库,建立了相关的信息量模型及评价指标;以重庆万州区和平广场地段为例,在三峡水库蓄水条件下,分别对塌岸灾害的危险性、易损性、风险性进行了综合预测研究.研究结果表明,塌岸评价指标选取合理,塌岸高危险性的单元与不良地质现象、库岸侵蚀和库岸类型密切相关;塌岸灾害易损性与人类社会经济活动及不良地质现象相关;塌岸高风险区主要集中在塌岸高危险性及高易损性单元,或受人口、建筑物分布影响的塌岸中等危险性的单元.  相似文献   

刘兴荣 《西北地质》2016,49(1):257-262
泥石流危险性的研究对于兰州市城区泥石流治理、防灾减灾对策的确定具有重要意义.笔者通过调查的12条典型沟道资料,运用灰色关联分析的方法,取得了评价兰州市城区泥石流灾害的定量指标,并计算了各指标的权重,在此基础上得出了兰州市泥石流危险度评价模型,以此来对兰州市城区泥石流进行危险性评价,并计算出了12条沟道的危险度作为检验,评价结果与实际情况较吻合,结果表明本方法可靠、简便和实用.  相似文献   

Floods are among the most costly natural disasters interms of human sufferings and economic losses inBangladesh. Approximately 20% of the countryexperiences normal annual flooding while all thehistorical catastrophic floods inundated more thanfifty percent of the country's total area. The recentflood in 1998 has been found to be more severe thanall previous floods. During the flooding season of1998, the Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC)of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)prepared daily flood bulletin and incorporatedinformation about rainfall, rise/fall of riverwater, flood forecasting for 24 and 48 hr inadvance and warning messages (if any). The FFWCattempted to provide adequate services to the localand national level decision-making process. Theforecasting procedure adapted by the FFWC was based onhydrological information, forecaster's experience, andmodel simulation. This paper primarily examines therole and activities of the FFWC, especially in floodforecasting and warning. Identification of the causesand consequences of 1998 flood is the other pertinentarea of discussion of the paper.Findings of this research revealed that the flood of1998 was caused by heavy downpour in the upstream thatwas drained out through the major rivers inBangladesh. Three major rivers' peak was synchronizedand characterized it as the most prolonged flood inthe history of Bangladesh. It also revealed that,despite various limitations, the flood forecasts ofthe FFWC were reasonably adequate to meet nationaldemand during the crises of 1998.  相似文献   

Boteler  D. H. 《Natural Hazards》2001,23(2-3):101-120
This paper presents an assessment ofgeomagnetic hazard on the five largest power systemsin Canada. From east to west these are: Nova ScotiaPower, Hydro-Quebec, Ontario Hydro West System, Manitoba Hydro, and the northern B.C. Hydro system. The aim of this study was to determine howfrequently, and where in a system, largegeomagnetically induced currents (GIC) could beexpected. To do this, an analysis was made of thespectral characteristics of the magnetic fieldvariations that cause GIC, and a review was made ofpublished magnetotelluric soundings in order todetermine conductivity models for different parts ofthe country. The magnetic field spectra and theconductivity information were then used to determinethe electric fields produced during geomagneticdisturbances. A relation was determined betweenelectric field magnitudes and the magnetic activityindex, Kp so that statistics for Kp could be used todetermine the occurrence rates of large electricfields. Power system models were used to determinethe GIC produced by the `1-year' and `10-year'electric fields experienced by each power system.  相似文献   

地下水功能评价可视化平台的开发及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为辅助专业人员进行地下水功能评价与区划,以区域地下水功能评价理论为依据,在Visual Basic 6.0环境中,开发研制了地下水功能评价的可视化平台.通过数据输入、数学运算和数据输出等功能模块,实现地下水生态功能、资源功能和地质环境功能评价过程的自动化和可视化,并在华北平原滹沱河流域示范应用.结果表明,软件操作简单,计算结果可靠,可为地下水功能区划提供数据基础.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple and fast method to calculate flow through a dike breach. The approach was based on two-dimensional numerical simulations of idealized dike breakages at straight river-sections. As a result, computation of discharge through a breach can be achieved by use of the new developed formula (denoted as dike break formula). Furthermore, a methodology that combines one-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling, the dike break formula and a simple GIS-based method to estimate inundation areas is described. This fast and easy-to-handle tool can be utilized for near real-time forecasting or evacuation decisions. Detailed predictions were made for a number of flood and dike break scenarios at the River Rhine to prove the accuracy of the new method compared with two-dimensional numerical models.  相似文献   

This study provides a procedure for assessing seismic hazardand uncertainties in regions that are characterised by a large non-instrumental earthquakedatabase and a seismic and tectonic behaviour which doesn't allow an evident seismic zonation.This procedure is a synthesis of the non-zoning or non-parametric methodology (using extremevalues distribution functions as proposed by Epstein and Lomnitz, 1966) and the zoning orparametric methodology (using the theorem of total probability as proposed by Cornell, 1968)via a logic tree procedure taking into consideration the advantages offered by each of these.Taking the area which we shall describe as the east coast of Spain and surrounding inland areas,an application was made and a specific logic tree was developed in order to solve the problems anduncertainties related to the evaluation of the seismic hazard using both methodologies. The use of thelogic tree allowed the systematisation of a large number of solutions obtained. A number of relevantresults were obtained which show that in some cases there are great differences in the seismichazard results provided by the non-zoning and the zoning methodologies. In these cases, mean value andstandard deviation of the obtained results provide an intermediate solution to the over-conservativeestimation provided by the non-zoning methodology and the lowest results provided by the zoningmethodology. In other cases results provided by both methodologies are significantly closer.In any case, synthesis among both methodologies gives a wider knowledge of the uncertaintiesassociated with the seismic hazard results. Finally uncertainties increase with the decreaseof the annual probability of exceedence and in sites with a seismic history of large size earthquakes.  相似文献   

Kijko  A.  Retief  S. J. P.  Graham  G. 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(1):25-41
This is the second part of our study on the assessment of seismic hazard and seismic risk for Tulbagh, the settlement, located about 90 km N-E from Cape Town, where the strongest and most damaging earthquake known in the existing earthquake history of South Africa took place. This part of our study, which can be read independently from Part I, concentrates on the probabilistic seismic risk analysis (PSRA) forTulbagh. The work begins with an introduction and a historical perspective on the estimation of seismic damage to buildings. The methodology for the estimation of expected damage from a probabilistic point of view is then presented. The work closes with an application of the described methodology to a site in the vicinity of Tulbagh.  相似文献   

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