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Microstructure of NiO-containing Co/Cu/Co spin valves (CCC-SV) annealed at room temperature for nearly four years has been studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction. With the annealing time expanding, the thickness of each sub-layer remains nearly unchanged while the interface roughness varies obviously compared with that of samples without annealing. The roughness at the interface of NiO/Co decreases with the annealing time increasing for both of the samples with NiO layer on the top (TSV) and under the bottom (BSV) of CCC-SV. On the other hand, the roughness at Co/Cu interface increases with the annealing time expanding for BSV while it decreases for TSV. These results indicate that the structure of TSV is more stable than that of BSV.


The spin-transfer effect has been achieved in nanoscale metallic nonlocal spin valves. A magnetic domain (∼70×150 nm2) in an extended wire can be switched by a pure spin current between 4.5 and 200 K. The dipolar coupling between the magnetic spin injector (F1) and spin detector (F2), the surface anisotropy of the thin F2 layer, and the thermal instability of F2 generates complex switching characteristics. Analysis of the results allows for detailed understanding of magnetic configurations during the current-sweep and the field-sweep measurements. The critical current (Ic) for spin-transfer switching gradually decreases as the temperature increases. The Ic+ for the transition from parallel (P) state to antiparallel (AP) state decreases faster than the Ic for the transition from AP to P due to the dipolar coupling. Above 200 K, the dipolar coupling and the thermal instability prevents a stable P state in the absence of an external field.  相似文献   

A temporal evolution of spin signals has been observed in nanoscale Co/Cu nonlocal spin valves. The spin diffusion length of Cu increases from ∼300 to ∼350 nm measured at 295 K over a 50-day period in the ambient environment after the fabrication of the devices. This is attributed to a gradual oxidation in the regions near the side surfaces of the Cu channel, where Co impurities are implanted during the fabrication. An increase of spin injection polarization is also found and attributed to the change of oxidation states at the interfaces.  相似文献   

李润东  蒋占峰  刘伍明 《物理》2005,34(04):274-278
自旋电子学是近年来凝聚态物理研究中的一个热点.文章介绍了量子自旋流的概念,着重论述了一种新近出现的理论,其预言在一大类空穴掺杂的半导体中存在自旋流.计算了自旋流的大小,并论述了它在室温下无耗散的特性,最后给出了两种在实验中探测自旋流的方案.  相似文献   

蒋占峰  李润东  刘伍明 《物理》2005,34(4):274-278
自旋电子学是近年来凝聚态物理研究中的一个热点.文章介绍了量子自旋流的概念,着重论述了一种新近出现的理论,其预言在一大类空穴掺杂的半导体中存在自旋流.计算了自旋流的大小,并论述了它在室温下无耗散的特性,最后给出了两种在实验中探测自旋流的方案.  相似文献   

利用高分辨电子显微学方法(HREM)研究了纳米氧化层镜面反射自旋阀多层结构Ta(35nm)Ni80Fe20(2nm)Ir17Mn83(6nm)Co90Fe10(15nm)NOL1Co90Fe10(2nm)Cu(22nm)Co90Fe10(15nm)NOL2Ta(3nm).该自旋阀的巨磁电阻(GMR)效应高达15%,较无此镜面反射纳米氧化层(NOL)的自旋阀提高近1倍,同时交换偏置场亦有所增强.高分辨显微结构分析表明,介于钉扎层与被钉扎层之间的氧化层(NOL1)并未完全氧化,即除氧化过程生成的CoFe氧化物 关键词: 自旋阀 纳米氧化层 高分辨电子显微学 巨磁电阻效应  相似文献   

运用飞秒时间分辨抽运-探测克尔光谱技术,研究了室温下退火及未退火(Ga,Mn)As的载流子自旋弛豫的激发能量密度依赖性,发现电子自旋弛豫时间随激发能量密度增加而增大,而在同一激发能量密度下,退火样品比未退火样品具有更短的载流子复合时间、电子自旋弛豫时间和更大的克尔转角,显示DP机理是室温下(Ga,Mn)As的电子自旋弛豫的主导机理.退火(Ga,Mn)As的超快克尔增强效应显示其在超高速全光自旋开关方面的潜在应用价值,也为(Ga,Mn)As铁磁性起源的p-d交换机理提供了证据. 关键词: (Ga Mn)As稀磁半导体 时间分辨克尔光谱 电子自旋弛豫 DP机理  相似文献   

张磊  李辉武  胡梁宾 《物理学报》2012,61(17):177203-177203
本文利用半经典的自旋密度矩阵方法对二维自旋轨道耦合电子气中持续自旋螺旋态的稳定性进行了一些研究, 重点研究了自旋螺旋态的寿命与其波矢、载流子迁移率、温度、自旋轨道耦合强度、外电场强度等因素之间的关系, 并将部分理论计算结果与最近的一些相关实验结果进行了比较,发现两者之间大致是符合的.  相似文献   

《中国物理 B》2021,30(10):107501-107501
A multilayered spin valve film with a structure of Ta(5 nm)/Co_(75)Fe_(25)(5 nm)/Cu(2.5 nm)/Co_(75)Fe_(25)(5 nm)/Ir_(20)Mn_(80)(12 nm)/Ta(8 nm) is prepared by the high-vacuum direct current(DC) magnetron sputtering. The effect of temperature on the spin valve structure and the magnetic properties are studied by x-ray diffraction(XRD), atomic force microscopy(AFM), and vibrating sample magnetometry. The effect of temperature on the exchange bias field thermomagnetic properties of multilayered spin valve is studied by the residence time of samples in a reverse saturation field. The results show that as the temperature increases, the Ir Mn(111) texture weakens, surface/interface roughness increases, and the exchange bias field decreases. Below 200℃, the exchange bias field decreases with the residence time increasing, and at the beginning of the negative saturation field, the exchange bias field Hex decreases first quickly and then slowly gradually. When the temperature is greater than 200℃, the exchange bias field is unchanged with the residence time increasing.  相似文献   

用磁控溅射法分别制备了以Mo膜层和Si膜层为顶层的Mo/Si多层膜系列, 利用小角X射线衍射确定了各多层膜的周期厚度。以不同周期数的Mo/Si多层膜的新鲜表面近似等同于同一多层膜的内界面,通过原子力显微镜研究了多层膜界面粗糙度随膜层数的变化规律。并在国家同步辐射实验室测量了各多层膜的软X射线反射率。研究表明:随着膜层数的增加,Mo膜层和Si膜层的界面粗糙度先减小后增加然后再减小,多层膜的峰值反射率先增加后减小。  相似文献   

As an excellent optical or photoelectric material, indium tin oxide (ITO) film was prepared by sol-gel dip-coating and subsequent annealing process. X-ray reflectivity measurement based on the first Born approximation theory was performed for the characterization of surface roughness of ITO film. It is found that the roughness can be described as self-affined over finite length scales and the surface roughness increases with the annealing temperature or holding time. The results were compared with complementary data obtained by atomic force microscope tests and it is found that they match very well. The first Born approximation theory provides a valuable tool for the rough surface characterization of sol-gel films/coating through X-ray reflectivity technique.  相似文献   

在海森堡模型的基础上,采用界面参数化方法,将双层铁磁薄膜中自旋波本征值问题归结为联立求解能量约束方程和界面参数化方程.重点研究了界面各向异性对薄膜中自旋波本征问题的影响.结果表明:界面各向异性使对称模的波形在界面处呈现明显的钉扎现象,且界面模的能量随各向异性场增强而增大.  相似文献   

简要介绍了瞬态光栅系统原理及光路的建设,包括瞬态光栅的产生与探测.采用了外差探测法(heterodyne detection),大大提高了信噪比.利用瞬态自旋光栅系统,研究了(110)方向生长的本征GaAs/AlGaAs单量子阱中自旋输运特性,测得室温下电子自旋的扩散常数Ds=551 cm/s. 关键词: 瞬态自旋光栅 自旋扩散 自旋输运 自旋弛豫  相似文献   

Spin valves having thin oxide layers in the pinned and/or free layers were prepared by sputtering. MR ratios of the spin valves were increased from 8.1 to 11.9% by inserting the oxide layer into the pinned layer in Ta/PtMn/CoFe/Cu/CoFe/Ta spin valves. MR ratio of 13.9% and considerably large sheet ΔR of 2.55 Ω were obtained in the PtMn-based spin valves having the oxide layer in the pinned and free layer. Larger MR ratio of 17.3% and the sheet ΔR of 1.3 Ω were obtained in the PtMn-based dual-type spin valves having the oxide layer in both pinned layers. α-Fe2O3 based spin valves having thin oxide layers were also prepared. MR ratios of the spin valves were increased from 11.9 to 14.3% by inserting the oxide layer into the free layer in α-Fe2O3/CoFe/Cu/CoFe/Ta spin valves. The enhancement of the MR ratios may be attributed to the specular scattering effect of the conduction electrons by the thin oxide layers.  相似文献   

Spin pumping in yttrium-iron-garnet(YIG)/nonmagnetic-metal(NM) layer systems under ferromagnetic resonance(FMR) conditions is a popular method of generating spin current in the NM layer.A good understanding of the spin current source is essential in extracting spin Hall angle of the NM and in potential spintronics applications.It is widely believed that spin current is pumped from precessing YIG magnetization into NM layer.Here,by combining microwave absorption and DC-voltage measurements on thin YIG/Pt and YIG/NM_1/NM_2(NM_1 =Cu or Al,NM_2 =Pt or Ta),we unambiguously showed that spin current in NM,instead of from the precessing YIG magnetization,came from the magnetized NM surface(in contact with thin YIG),either due to the magnetic proximity effect(MPE) or from the inevitable diffused Fe ions from YIG to NM.This conclusion is reached through analyzing the FMR microwave absorption peaks with the DC-voltage peak from the inverse spin Hall effect(ISHE).The voltage signal is attributed to the magnetized NM surface,hardly observed in the conventional FMR experiments,and was greatly amplified when the electrical detection circuit was switched on.  相似文献   

罗海陆  文双春 《物理》2012,41(6):367-373
光束在经过非均匀介质后,自旋角动量相反(左、右旋圆偏振)的光子在垂直于入射面的横向相互分离,造成光束的自旋分裂,这种现象叫做光自旋霍尔效应.它类似于电子系统中的自旋霍尔效应:自旋光子扮演自旋电子的角色,而折射率梯度则起外场作用.光自旋霍尔效应为操控光子提供了新的途径,在纳米光学、量子信息和半导体物理方面具有重要的应用前景;同时由于它与凝聚态和高能物理中的带电粒子自旋霍尔效应有高度的相似性和共同的拓扑根源,所以又为测量自旋霍尔效应这类弱拓扑现象提供了独特而又方便的机会.文章简单介绍了光自旋霍尔效应,并总结了近几年国内外的研究进展.  相似文献   

李铁  沈鸿烈 《中国物理》2002,11(1):54-57
In this paper,we have obtained and investigated the magnetic behaviours of the ferromagnetic layer in the symmetric spin valves of Co/Cu/NiFe and NiFe/Cu/Co by measuring with a vibrating sample magnetometer and analysing in terms of the multi-domain Ising models.It has been found that some magnetic layer can have quite different magnetic behaviours in different structures of spin valves,depending on the properties of the under-layer.In our investigation,we have found that the magnetic behaviour of a Co layer depends mainly on the magnetization of the under-layer,whereas this is not the case for the NiFe layer.  相似文献   

采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术沉积一系列处于不同生长阶段的微晶硅薄膜.通过同步辐射X射线掠角反射技术研究微晶硅薄膜的表面粗糙度随时间等的演化,探讨微晶硅薄膜的生长动力学过程及其生长机制.研究结果表明,在衬底温度为200 ℃,电极间距为2 cm,沉积气压为6.66×102 Pa,射频功率密度为0.22 W/cm2,氢稀释度分别为99%和98%的沉积条件下,在玻璃衬底上生长的微晶硅薄膜生长指数β分别为0.21±0.01和0.24±0.01.根据KPZ模型,微晶硅薄膜的生长机制为有限扩散生长. 关键词: X射线掠角反射 微晶硅薄膜 表面粗糙度 生长机制  相似文献   

Information concerning the interface structure in filler/polymer composites is of key importance for the rationalization of reaction mechanisms in mechano‐chemical (extrusion, blending, etc.), thermal or radiation induced free radical processes and for elucidating the factors underlying the reinforcing mechanism. The analysis of the chain dynamics is a suitable tool for undertaking such investigations because any reactivity parameter (rate constants, collisional frequencies, activation energies) and bonding interactions are strictly related to the mobility of the interacting centres. EPR spectroscopy coupled with specific spin labelling at the filler/polymer interface is a tool for making such novel perspective available. In this work, a spin labelling study of the molecular motion at the filler–rubber interface in a silica–SBR blend is reported. Spin labels of different length, spanning a 9–11 Å depth and linked to the surface of silica particles, were prepared and used for determining the rotational diffusion tensors, the T50 and order parameter in silica/SBR interfaces. The measurements carried out as a function of the temperature in comparison with unbound spin probes dispersed in the rubber matrix have afforded information consistent with the structure of the interfaces predicted by molecular–level theoretical models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

秦毅  李焱  肖云峰  杨宏  龚旗煌 《物理》2012,41(6):374-381
当宽度有限的实际光束反射和折射时,左旋光和右旋光成分会发生垂直于入射面的空间分离,这一新奇的光自旋霍尔效应近来引起了人们的广泛关注.文章介绍了光自旋霍尔效应的研究进展,特别关注了纳米量级分离的测量方面进展.作者还发现在入射面内也会出现光自旋分离现象,并对这一新现象进行了理论分析和实验研究,实验测量数据和理论计算结果非常符合.  相似文献   

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