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大跨度悬索桥结构轻柔,风致响应明显。借助有限元方法,考虑悬索桥的几何非线性和位移荷载非线性,对非均风攻角来流沿主梁对称分布和非对称分布以及非均匀风速来流沿主梁对称分布和非对称分布时悬索桥的非线性静风稳定性展开研究。结果表明:正攻角来流会降低桥梁的静风失稳临界风速,负攻角来流有利于桥梁抵抗静风失稳,且负攻角来流对桥梁的静风稳定性影响程度比正攻角来流影响程度大;非均匀风攻角来流非对称分布时,可由小风攻角来流确定的静风失稳临界风速作为稳定性判断依据,非均匀风攻角来流对称分布时,可以选择平均攻角来流衡量桥梁的静风稳定性。非均匀风速来流对桥梁的静风稳定性有不利影响,且非均匀风速来流对称分布时的影响比非均匀风速来流非对称分布时的影响更大。在不同初始攻角下,这类来流对桥梁静风稳定性有着相似的影响,桥梁的静风失稳临界风速均随着风速非均匀程度增大而减小。  相似文献   

为了模拟强风对低矮民居围护结构的破坏,采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法,考虑了群体民居围护结构中不同构件之间的相互作用,各构件的物理属性以及不同风向下群体建筑表面风压系数的变化等影响因素,研究了群体民居在不同风向、不同风速强风作用下的损失程度,分析了建筑面积密度及建筑位置的变化对建筑损失程度和分布的影响.结果表明,强风风向垂直或者平行于屋脊时,建筑损失较小;建筑面积密度越大,屋面瓦及屋面板损失越轻,下游房屋门窗破坏越严重.  相似文献   

The aerodynamic performances of a passenger car and a box car with different heights of windbreak walls under strong wind were studied using the numerical simulations, and the changes of aerodynamic side force, lift force and overturning moment with different wind speeds and wall heights were calculated. According to the principle of static moment balance of vehicles, the overturning coefficients of trains with different wind speeds and wall heights were obtained. Based on the influence of wind speed and wall height on the aerodynamic performance and the overturning stability of trains, a method of determination of the load balance ranges for the train operation safety was proposed, which made the overturning coefficient have nearly closed interval. A min(|A1|+|A2|), s.t. |A1|→|A2|(A1 refers to the downwind overturning coefficient and A2 refers to the upwind overturning coefficient)was found. This minimum value helps to lower the wall height as much as possible, and meanwhile, guarantees the operation safety of various types of trains under strong wind. This method has been used for the construction and improvement of the windbreak walls along the Lanzhou–Xinjiang railway(from Lanzhou to Urumqi, China).  相似文献   

考虑风力发电的电力系统小干扰稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了适合小干扰稳定分析的风力发电机组的数学模型,用于研究含风电电力系统的小干扰稳定性,推导了考虑同步发电机励磁调节系统动态行为的全系统状态矩阵公式。利用特征值分析法,分析系统的小干扰稳定性。通过算例分析,表明风电场接入系统时,对系统中同步发电机强相关振荡模式的频率影响不大,但当风电出力增加时,相关振荡模式的阻尼增强,有利于系统小干扰稳定性。风电场接入受电端区域时,区域间振荡模式阻尼特性相对差一些,更容易发生振荡。  相似文献   

大跨度斜拉桥侧风非线性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑静风荷载非线性和结构几何非线性因素的影响,计及风速沿桥梁结构高度变化,采用增量双重迭代搜索法进行了斜拉桥静风非线性稳定分析,并编制了相应的计算程序。以湛江海湾大桥为例,探讨了静风荷载非线性、风速空间分布非均匀性等因素对斜拉桥静风失稳临界速度的影响。分析结果表明,主梁扭转变形、索和塔柱上的静风载荷对斜拉桥的抗静风稳定性影响较大。  相似文献   

考虑输电塔-线体系结构参数的不确定性并进行倒塌分析,能够更准确地描述整体结构的倒塌过程.分析输电塔-线体系在风荷载作用下的倒塌过程对结构的材料和几何不确定性参数的敏感性;建立输电塔-线体系的倒塌准则,提出整体损伤指标,通过拉丁超立方抽样法建立关于结构参数的不确定模型,统计输电塔倒塌发生的节间及其倒塌概率.结果表明,6个...  相似文献   

在悬索桥有限元模型上加抗风缆,施加风荷载,用二维线性方法计算桥梁临界失稳风速,计算在不同风荷载下跨中节点的横向、竖向和扭转位移.通过比较施加抗风缆前后桥梁跨中的响应表明:侧向位移显著减小,横向屈曲临界风速有所提高,表明侧向刚度增加;但竖向位移增大,通过比较加缆前后跨中节点的位移,加缆后扭转失稳有所提前,扭转发散临界风速有所降低.  相似文献   

为了研究斜拉索在横向风激励下的多模态张弛振荡特性,获得临界风速表达式,建立拉索受风力作用的非线性运动微分方程,基于索纵向运动相对较小而导出关于索横向运动的偏微分振动方程,运用Galerkin法将该方程转化为常微分方程组,用以描述索的多模态自激振动;应用非线性振动的平均法,求解得到该系统的自激振动分析解,确定索张弛振荡及存在性条件,分析计算索前二阶模态张弛振荡的临界风速,并通过数值模拟验证.提出风激拉索多模态张弛振荡及临界风速的分析方法,研究结果表明,拉索张弛振荡的临界风速随结构模态阻尼而提高,并受振动模态、风速变化和风力系数等影响.  相似文献   

为研究网壳结构风振响应的主要贡献模态分布规律及模态耦合效应,有利于提高结构风振响应的计算效率,利用Ritz-POD法,综合考虑各结构振型自身参振能力的强弱及其与脉动风压空间分布模式之间的关系来识别单层球面网壳风振的主要贡献模态;利用模态广义位移协方差矩阵的特性分析其模态耦合效应.结果表明,单层球面网壳存在高阶主要贡献模态,该高阶振型通常处于结构自振频率发生突变的位置;网壳结构的风振响应以模态自相关为主,模态耦合效应相对较弱,对结构动力响应的影响大致为10%.  相似文献   

日益密集的城市高层建筑群使得强风时风掷物造成的建筑覆面破坏风险大大增加,与此相关的连锁损坏问题已引起设计人员日渐重视.连锁损坏是指某一局部区域的小面积损坏导致建筑内压的极大改变,从而引发大面积覆面损坏的现象.为评估在设计过程中忽视连锁损坏现象可能带来的覆面损坏风险,本文采用同步风压时程分析与最佳线性无偏估计方法,首先计算无事故与不同程度事故性损坏下的覆面风压,然后结合超越概率方法计算覆面风压与发生概率之间的函数关系,最后得到设定事故概率下的建筑覆面设计风压.为了具体说明这一方法,本文针对一栋典型高层建筑进行案例研究,以确定考虑连锁损坏概率后的覆面设计风压.结果表明楼角区域的正风压对楼角部位的局部损坏最为敏感,其次是楼角区域的负风压.该方法可用于评估建筑表面事故性损坏对覆面设计风荷载的影响,是精细化设计的一个重要方面,同时也有助于发现对局部损坏较为敏感的区域,以便在设计中采取必要措施控制事故性损坏,从而提高设计的可靠性.  相似文献   

针对微网发电、网络以及负荷的不确定性,研究了一种基于二阶摄动理论的微网小干扰稳定性分析方法。首先建立区间不确定信息下描述微网振荡模式阻尼比分布情况的复模态二阶摄动模型,在此基础上,揭示微网参数在不确定区间内连续变化时,振荡模式阻尼比的运动轨迹,并据此评估系统参数的不确定变化对振荡模式阻尼比的影响,为运行人员提供更加全面的小干扰稳定信息,以改善不确定信息下系统的小干扰稳定性。通过算例验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

以塑性区贯通、位移增量突变、计算不收敛3种边坡失稳判据为依据,采用强度折减有限元法和重度增加有限元法对简单边坡进行了分析。结果表明:以边坡潜在滑动面上某点位移增量突变作为边坡失稳判据是准确的;对于不同土体强度参数下,以位移增量关系曲线突变为判据得到的边坡的安全系数较另外两种方法稳定;对应于塑性区贯通、位移增量曲线突变和计算不收敛的3种判据,边坡潜在滑动面依次向深层发展,边坡的安全系数依次增加。  相似文献   

Two calculation modes for the effect of external load on slope stability, i.e., mode I in which the external load is thought to act on slope surface, and mode II in which the external load is thought to act on slip surface along the force action line, were considered. Meanwhile, four basic distribution patterns of external load were used, of which complex external loads could be composed. In analysis process, several limit equilibrium methods, such as Swedish method, simplified Bishop method, simplified Janbu method, Spencer method, Morgenstern-Price(M-P) method, Sarma method, and unbalanced thrust method, were also adopted to contrast their differences in slope stability under the external load. According to parametric analysis, some conclusions can be obtained as follows:(1) The external load, with the large magnitude, small inclination angle, and acting position close to the slope toe,has more positive effect on slope stability;(2) The results calculated using modes I and II of external load are similar, indicating that the calculation mode of external load has little influence on slope stability;(3) If different patterns of external loads are equivalent to each other, their slope stability under these external loads are the same, and if not, the external load leads to the better slope stability,as action position of the resultant force for external load is closer to the lower sliding point of slip surface.  相似文献   

为对比侧风作用下货车和小汽车的行驶稳定性,基于8自由度驾驶模拟器,构建了侧风作用下山区高速公路桥隧连接段驾驶模拟平台.招募30名驾驶员进行6种侧风工况下的驾驶模拟实验,采集侧风作用下的侧向位移、横摆角速度、侧向加速度等车辆动态响应和驾驶员反应数据,探讨厢式货车和小汽车的侧滑稳定性、横摆稳定性以及侧翻稳定性.并基于静态稳...  相似文献   

In open-pit mines, pit slope as one of the important parameters affects the mine economy and total minable reserve, and it is also affected by different uncertainties which arising from many sources. One of the most critical sources of uncertainty effects on the pit slope design is rock mass geomechanical properties. By comparing the probability of failure resulted from deterministic procedure and probabilistic one, this paper investigated the effects of aforesaid uncertainties on open-pit slope stability in metal mines. In this way, to reduce the effect of variance, it implemented Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) technique. Furthermore, a hypothesis test was exerted to compare the effects on two cases in Middle East. Subsequently, the investigation approved high influence of geomechanical uncertainties on overall pit steepness and stability in both iron and copper mines, though on the first case the effects were just over.  相似文献   

暴雨是引起土质边坡失稳的主要因素,Fredlurid等提出的土的非饱和抗剪强度理论能够很好地描述雨水入渗过程中由于土体内部孔隙水压力的变化而引起土体抗剪强度的变化.现就某变电所外围滑坡的具体实例,利用非饱和渗流软件计算孔隙水压力的变化,根据非饱和抗剪强度理论对滑坡在降雨前后的安全系数变化进行分析,考察降雨前后土条底面孔隙水压力和含水量的变化,最后提出强降雨时该滑坡的加固方案.  相似文献   

为了研究苏北某高速公路旁边坡在降雨条件下的渗流和稳定性,通过Geo-studio软件的seep/w和slope模块,对边坡进行了不同工况(特大暴雨、暴雨、大雨、小雨)条件下的数值模拟,研究不同降雨强度、不同时间下孔隙水压力及安全系数的变化规律.结果表明:孔隙水压力随着降雨时间的增长呈上升趋势,安全系数呈下降趋势;降雨强度越大,孔隙水压力增大的越快,较易饱和形成表面径流;安全系数在降雨前中期降低较快,后期趋于平缓.  相似文献   

以在建1 080 m主跨的三塔双跨悬索桥-泰州长江公路大桥为工程背景,分别试设计了具有空间缆索体系和平行双缆体系的两座方案桥,采用三维非线性空气静力和动力稳定性分析方法,分别对其动力特性、空气静力和动力稳定性进行了分析和比较,并探讨了具有良好抗风稳定性的三塔悬索桥的合理缆索体系.结果表明:三塔悬索桥采用平面双缆体系尤其是空间缆索体系后,结构的刚度明显增强,具有良好的结构动力特性,结构的抗风稳定性显著提高,相比而言采用空间缆索体系则更有利.  相似文献   

The strong radiation source(such as battlefield fire) has become an important factor affecting the infrared imaging quality. First, a feature quantitative model of infrared imaging under strong radiation source disturbance is built based on the imaging signal conversion mechanism and by simultaneously considering the signal response characteristic,dynamic range, automatic gain characteristic(AGC) and gray level quantization and display. Then, a simulation of the output image of the infrared imaging system is performed on the basis of the model mentioned above and the simulation platform developed in our laboratory. Finally, a quantitative analysis of the relationship between the energy of the strong radiation source and the brightness(contrast) of the system's output image is made. The results will be used for providing a theoretical basis and technical support for the research on the infrared imaging system anti-interference ability protection in the battled environment.  相似文献   

Concrete-plate fences have been widely adopted for windblown sand control and mitigation along railways.However,the inclination angles of inserting the concrete...  相似文献   

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