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用明胶、蛋清、甘草、硅藻土、果胶酶、木瓜蛋白酶等对梅鹿辄红葡萄酒进行澄清。结果表明,这几种澄清剂和酶对葡萄酒都有一定程度的澄清和脱色作用,且随着澄清效果的提高,脱色渐趋严重。兼顾澄清和脱色两方面的因素得出,明胶和木瓜蛋白酶澄清效果好,脱色轻,两者的最佳用量分别为400~500mg/L和50~100mg/L。  相似文献   

赤霞珠和梅鹿辄干红葡萄酒的香气分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以王朝赤霞珠、梅鹿辄两种干红葡萄酒为研究对象,利用液液萃取法提取香气成分,结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术对其进行分析,两种干红葡萄酒中共检出77种香气组分,根据计算机检索定性并利用面积归一化法对组分进行定量,鉴定出70种香气组分。  相似文献   

以晋中南地区梅鹿辄葡萄为试材,探究延迟采收对葡萄酒基本理化指标、酚类物质、花色苷组分和非花色苷酚类物质的影响,以期为改善当地梅鹿辄葡萄酒品质提供理论依据。结果表明,延迟14 d后采收,梅鹿辄葡萄酒中的总花色素、总酚和各花色苷组分含量均有显著提高(P<0.05);延迟7 d后采收,可显著提高葡萄酒中的黄烷醇含量(P<0.05);但延迟采收对葡萄酒中的单宁含量有较显著的降低作用(P<0.05)。因此,延迟14 d采收有利于提高葡萄酒酚类物质的含量,改善葡萄酒的质量。  相似文献   

本文运用模糊数学中的模糊排序方法,对酿制干红葡萄酒品种梅鹿辄进行种植区域的研究,通过对新疆部分地区相似因子的综合排序,结果发现焉者,伊犁等地是合适的地区,哈密为不适宜地区。  相似文献   

以梅鹿辄葡萄为试材,考察浸渍温度、浸渍时间对干红葡萄酒色泽指标及风味特征的影响,并通过主成分分析进行综合评价。结果表明:冷浸渍处理可提高葡萄酒中酚类物质含量,延长浸渍时间可促进总色素的积累,有助于葡萄酒色泽的保持;定量描述分析显示,浸渍温度和时间对葡萄酒香气特征及口感质量有显著影响,其中香气强度与浸渍温度呈正相关,但长时间的浸渍会引起植物味和化学不良气味的出现,酒样苦涩味突出,而低温下短时间浸渍对口感质量改善不明显。综合分析,12℃浸渍5d,酒样色泽品质较高,具有浓郁的果香及花香,酒体丰满,圆润适口,典型性强,可应用于高品质干红葡萄酒的实际生产中。  相似文献   

在对梅鹿辄干红葡萄酒发酵实验数据分析的基础上,系统地研究了发酵过程中4种不同葡萄果梗含量对发酵液比重、pH值以及花色苷含量的影响,确定了酿造梅鹿辄干红葡萄酒的果梗最适宜添加比例为1/6,pH值3.52最适宜葡萄酒发酵,发酵第10天时,比重降至0.996 g/cm3,还原糖含量3.941 g/L,花色苷含量30.046 mg/L,提取充分且葡萄酒发酵稳定。为梅鹿辄干红葡萄酒的酿造和工艺优化提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

张燕 《酿酒科技》2012,(4):56-58
以赤霞珠、梅鹿辄和蛇龙殊干红葡萄酒为研究对象,对其香气成分、多酚物质、有机酸等成分舍量进行差异性分析。结果表明,香气成分总量:赤霞珠〉梅鹿辄〉蛇龙珠;多酚总量:梅鹿辄〉赤霞珠〉蛇龙珠;有机酸总量:赤霞珠〉梅鹿辄〉蛇龙珠。3种葡萄品种在1-丙醇、3-甲基1-丁醇、B-苯乙醇、4-羟基-笨乙醇、丁二酸单乙酯、丁二酸二乙酯、咖啡酸、杨梅素、儿茶素、槲皮素、乳酸、酒石酸等成分含量上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

以梅鹿辄葡萄为原料,通过发酵前不同时间冷浸渍处理(3、5、7 d),研究冷浸渍时间对葡萄酒酚类物质和色泽品质的影响及其两者之间的联系。测定各处理酒样基本理化指标、酚类物质含量和色泽相关参数,并分析不同指标相关性,利用主成分分析进行综合评价。结果表明,与对照组相比,冷浸渍处理所酿酒样总酸含量均增加,pH值降低;冷浸渍处理能显著提高干红葡萄酒中酚类物质含量(P <0. 05),其中总酚、总单宁、总花色苷、总类黄酮含量随浸渍时间延长呈增加趋势,而总黄烷醇并不随浸渍时间的延长而增加;不同冷浸渍时间均能够提升酒体红色色调(P <0. 05),增强颜色饱和度。主成分分析表明,延长冷浸渍时间有利于花色苷和其他酚类物质的浸出与聚合,进而提高酒体颜色稳定性。综上,发酵前冷浸渍7 d处理工艺能更好地提升干红葡萄酒中酚类物质含量和改善酒体色泽品质,可应用于优质干红葡萄酒的实际生产中。  相似文献   

酚类物质对葡萄酒的感官品质和生理活性功能有重要作用,该研究以梅鹿辄葡萄4个营养系(M-181、M-343、M-346、M-348)为材料评价酚类物质差异。结果表明,不同品系梅鹿辄葡萄可溶性固形物含量无显著差异(P>0.05),M-348平均粒质量高于其他三个营养系,且可滴定酸含量与M-181、M-343无显著差异(P>0.05)。在成熟时,4个营养系果皮和种子总类黄酮含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但M-348果皮中单宁、黄烷醇和原花色素含量显著(P<0.05)高于其他三个营养系;随着果实的发育,4个营养系果皮中花色苷含量逐渐增加,在花后120 d,M-348中花色苷含量为13.48 mg/g。梅鹿辄M-348葡萄果皮酚类物质含量丰富,可作为黄土高原区梅鹿辄种植品系。  相似文献   

选取烟台地区的赤霞珠、梅鹿辄和蛇龙珠葡萄为原料,采用相同的工艺酿造干红葡萄酒,对酒的品质进行对比研究。结果表明,酒中3-甲基-1-丁醇、2-甲基-1-丁醇、1-己醇、β-苯乙醇、4-羟基-苯乙醇、甘油、丁二酸单乙酯、1,4丁内酯和丁二酸二乙酯的含量为赤霞珠>梅鹿辄>蛇龙珠。赤霞珠、梅鹿辄葡萄酒中2-甲基-1-丙醇的含量均高于蛇龙珠葡萄酒。蛇龙珠葡萄酒中丙醇、1-丁醇、丁二醇的含量较高。蛇龙珠葡萄酒中乳酸含量最高,而梅鹿辄葡萄酒中酒石酸含量最高。梅鹿辄、赤霞珠葡萄酒中杨梅素、槲皮素含量分别为蛇龙珠葡萄酒的5.0倍、6.4倍和19.6倍、44.5倍。蛇龙珠葡萄酒中除对香豆酸外,其余酚类物质的含量较少。梅鹿辄和赤霞珠葡萄酒的感官得分高于蛇龙珠葡萄酒。  相似文献   

该实验研究了2015年份美乐干红葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿0、3、6、9、12个月的酒精度、总糖、总酸、pH、挥发酸、干浸出物、色度、色调、单体花色素苷、总花色素苷、总酚等11项指标并结合感官品评分析了样品香气和口感的变化。结果表明,橡木桶陈酿时间对美乐干红葡萄酒的色度、总花色素苷和总酚有显著影响(P<0.05),在陈酿9个月时色度、总花色素苷和总酚均达到最大值,分别为8.86、13.64 mg/L和5 785.78 mg/L,其他5项常规理化指标均符合国标且表现为无差异,香气风味和口感风味也均表现为最好。  相似文献   

利用甲醇和超声波提取酿酒葡萄梅鹿辄和黑比诺中的花色素苷,利用高效液相色谱测定该葡萄中的花色素苷.在梅鹿辄葡萄果实中共检测到9种花色素苷,以二甲花翠素3-O-葡萄糖苷、二甲花翠素3-O-(6-O-乙酰)葡萄糖苷和二甲花翠素3-O-(6-O-对香豆酰)葡萄糖苷为主,这三者占总成分的79.69%,构成了梅鹿辄葡萄果实的主要呈色成分.在黑比诺果实中只检测到5种花色素苷,其中二甲花翠素3-O-葡萄糖苷和甲基花青素3-O-葡萄糖苷构成了黑比诺葡萄果 实的主要呈色物质,占总成分的94.18%.  相似文献   

Chamber drying under controlled temperature and humidity conditions of the red grape varieties Merlot and Tempranillo grown in Andalusia (Spain), and the fortification and maceration of the musts in the presence of skin from both types of grapes, to obtain sweet red wines, has been studied. Changes in colour and in monomeric and polymeric phenols during the vinification process were examined. Chamber drying increased the sugar content to about 31.4 °Brix within 48 h in Merlot grapes and 72 h in Tempranillo grapes. This drying process also causes skin rupture, facilitating the access of phenolic compounds to the pulp. The resulting musts exhibited slight browning and increased red hues, due to a high concentration of anthocyanins; maceration in the presence of grape skins for 24 h provided the best results. The end-product contained highly acceptable tannin, colour and phenolic compounds for marketing as a high quality sweet red wine, in comparison with other commercial sweet red wines.  相似文献   

美乐葡萄汁和发酵醪中香气成分的GC/MS分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用顶空固相微萃取技术萃取富集美乐葡萄汁和发酵醪中的挥发性香气成分,结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术对其进行分离定性,应用峰面积归一化法分析各组分相对含量。葡萄汁和发酵醪中共分离出66种物质,初步定性的有58种,二者共有组分有28种。葡萄汁中初步定性组分占色谱流出组分总量的94.58%,相对含量较高的组分包括己二醇(13.24%)、正己醇(12.82%)、正戊烷(12.39%)、(E)-2-己烯-1-醇(9.39%)、丙酮(8.75%);发酵醪中初步定性组分占色谱流出组分总量的96.72%,相对含量较高的组分有异戊醇(64.17%)、异丁醇(5.62%)、氯仿(4.56%)、乙酸乙酯(4.30%)、癸酸乙酯(2.47%)。   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study compares the volatile composition between wines obtained from vinification carried out by the traditional method or using a new method of vinification (so‐called Ganimede). For this, Shiraz, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon musts were fermented by both vinification methods. RESULTS: The volatile compounds that were above their threshold of perception in the wines were practically the same, irrespective of the vinification method used. Most of the compounds studied did not present significant differences in their concentrations between the wines obtained from the traditional and the new vinification methods. When there were significant differences, the concentration of alcohols and acids was higher in the wines vinificated by the traditional method rather than in the wines vinificated by the Ganimede method, whereas for esters, the concentration in the wines depended on the grape variety. CONCLUSION: The Ganimede method favoured polyphenol extraction without greatly affecting the studied volatile composition of the wines. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present work, 3 different yeast strains (1, 2, and 3) were used to elaborate white wines using Albariño must. The concentration of polymeric mannose was determined using a method based on the mannoprotein precipitation, hydrolysis and analysis of sylylated mannose derivatives by gas chromatography. Wines elaborated with the strain 1 (W1) presented a higher mannoprotein concentration than the other wines. The analysis of the volatile composition of wines showed significant differences (P < 0.05) among them, being W1 which presented the highest concentration of aroma compounds, mainly terpens and norisoprenoids. The sensorial analysis of wines also showed that W1 had the best quality. The results obtained from this work demonstrate that mannoproteins could be involved in the behavior observed. Some evidences were obtained using a model wine, where 2 major terpens in W1 were preferentially retained by the colloids rich in mannoproteins released by strain 1. Practical Application: White wines elaborated with yeast strains overproducing mannoproteins could have better quality than others. Mannoproteins could contribute to aroma enhancement of Albariño white wines  相似文献   

The effect of different cold maceration times on Syrah red wines from warm climate has been evaluated. Differential colorimetry and tristimulus colorimetry were applied to colour data at different points of the vinification stage. Virtually, all the phenolic compounds showed significantly higher content in cold macerated wines, even more when longer contact time was used. Long cold macerated (LCM) wines had the significantly (< 0.05) highest chroma values (C*ab) and lowest of lightness (L*) and hue (hab). Unexpectedly, wines submitted to short‐time cold maceration (SCM) presented the lowest chroma values, even significantly inferior to that observed in traditional macerated (TM) wines. Moreover, colour changes (ΔE*ab) between TM and SCM were mainly quantitative (%Δ2L and %Δ2C), whereas they were also qualitative when compared TM with LCM (%Δ2C and %Δ2H). Cold maceration in warm climates characterised by common colour losses must be carefully employed because undesirable consequences on colour may occur.  相似文献   

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