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This paper comments on the development of the infrastructure of UK building research by reference to political, economic and industrial factors which shape the needs for research. The needs of industry have not been easily met by traditional approaches to the organization of research. As a result, new types of research collaboration and organizations (institutes and clubs) have emerged. There have also been attempts to develop overarching national strategies for research and encourage collaborative academic and industrial projects. The ramifications of the recent privatization of the Building Research Establishment (BRE) are explored with reference to long-term implications for research skills, training and on the international standing of the UK's building research activities. Dans cet article, l'auteur expose ses vues sur le developpement de l'infrastructure de la recherche dans le secteur du batiment en Grande Bretagne; a cet effet, il se refere aux facteurs politiques, economiques et industriels qui faconnent la necessite de la recherche. Les methodes classiques d'organization de la recherche n'ont pas permis de repondre facilement aux besoins de l'industrie. C'est ce qui explique l'apparition de nouveaux types de collaboration et d'organization dans le domaine de la recherche (instituts et clubs). On a egalement tente de developper des strategies nationales de recherche contraignantes et d'encourager des projets academiques et industriels a mener en cooperation. L'auteur examine les ramifications de la privatisation recente du BRE en se referant aux consequences a long terme sur les competences en matiere de recherche et de formation et sur la stature internationale des activites de recherche du Royaume-Uni dans le secteur du batiment.  相似文献   

The pressures for change on National Construction Research Organizations (NCROs) are identified and linked to changes occurring in the construction sector and the role of government support for construction. Reduced government funding for research has meant NCROs are now dependent on both public and private sector funding. The implications are research priorities are shifting to the shorter-term problems confronting industry, NCROs are under pressure to collaborate internationally and to develop narrower expertise to survive. The dangers of globalized research contracts and short-term contracting with an emphasis on price competition would be to add to uncertainty with each NCRO, undermine long-term benefits, reduce the number of NCROs and their overall research quality. The future of NCROs is discussed as being best situated at a national level with a core funding by government. The requirement of stability for a long-term relationship between governments and NCROs is necessary to maintain and develop knowledge, expertise and excellance as well as capabilities for policy related and emerging issues. Far from being a 'mature' industry, construction has a positive and active role to play in presenting the case for significant government support of R&D for improved living standards, economic growth, user needs and responding to a changing agenda. Les pressions qui s'exercent pour qu'evoluent les organisations nationales de recherche sur la construction (NCRO) doivent etre associees aux changements qui se produisent dans le secteur de la construction et qui touchent le soutien que le Gouvernement apporte a ce secteur. En reduisant les credits pour la recherche, le Gouvernement oblige aujourd'hui les NCRO a dependre de financements publics et prives. Il en resulte qu'en matiere de recherche, les priorites sont desormais accordees aux problems que l'industrie doit resoudre a court terme et que les NCRO se trouvent contraintes de cooperer sur le plan international et de specialiser leurs competences pour survivre. La mondialisation des contrats de recherche et la passation de contrats a court terme pour lesquels la concurrence des prix est mise en exergue auraient pour effet pernicieux d'inquieter davantage les NCRO, de saper les benefices a long terme, de reduire le nombre de NCRO et d'abaisser globalement la qualite de leurs recherches. On considere que l'avenir des NCRO devrait se jouer au niveau national et que le Gouvernement devrait assurer un financement de base. Il faut que se maintienne la stabilite des relations de longue duree entre les gouvernements et les NCRO si l'on veut conserver et developper les connaissances acquises, les competences et l'excellence des prestations ainsi que l'aptitude a resoudre des problemes de nature politique et a repondre aux questions nouvelles. Loin d'avoir atteint sa maturie, l'industrie de la construction doit jouer un role positif et actif lorsqu'elle defend le cas du soutien important que le Gouvernement doit apporter en matiere de recherche et developpement l'objectif etant d'ameliorer les conditions de vie et la croissance economique, de mieux repondre aux besions des utilisateurs et de reagir a cette nouvelle donne.  相似文献   

The rise of private research institutes linked to Japanese contractors and manufacturers has divided research into either the public or private sector. This paper provides the background history and context to building research in Japan, addresses what suitable strategies exist for the publicly-funded Building Research Institute, what research topics are suitable for government funding and how public and private research organizations might develop strategies of co-operation. La creation d'instituts de recherche prives lies a des entreprises et des fabricants japonais a separe la recherche entre le secteur public et le prive. L'auteur de l'article rappelle les faits et presente le cadre de la recherche dans le secteur du b^ atiment au Japon; il recense les strategies que pourrait adopter l'Institut de recherche sur le batiment a financement public, ainsi que les sujets de recherche qui pourraient beneficier de credits publics et explique comment les organisations de recherche publiques et privees pourraient elaborer des politiques de cooperation.  相似文献   

The implications of proposed radical policy changes to building research in Sweden are examined by Ulf Sandstrom of Linkoping University and Jan Eriksson of the Royal Institute of Technology. The historical context of different funding mechanisms and political expectations provides a background to the current debate in Sweden over the future of the Swedish Building Research Council. The authors question the validity of the radical governmental reduction of R&D funding. Evidence suggests that collaborative funding would not maintain the current wide porfolio of R&D projects nor provide adequate knowledge production.  相似文献   

In response to the UK Government's intention to privatize the Building Research Establishment (BRE), the Construction Industry Council (CIC) became the author and promoter of a concept to establish a National Centre for the construction industry. As the privatization process developed, the National Centre became the potential solution to both the Government's need and the construction industry's aspiration. This paper discusses the National Centre for Construction (NCfC) concept and chronicles its development, Government and industry responses and the eventual rejection by Government of the proposal. The NCfC concept and objectives broke new ground and established a reference for evaluating current and future national construction research and technology policy and implementation strategies. Le Construction Industry Council (Conseil de l'industrie de la construction ou CIC), en repondant a l'intention du Gouvernement de privatiser le Building Research Establishment (Establissement de recherche sur le batiment ou BRE) est devenu l'auteur et l'instigateur d'un concept visant a creer un Centre national de l'industrie de la construction (National Centre for the Construction Industry ou NCfC). A mesure que la procedure de privatisation s'est developpee, le NCfC est apparu comme l'acteur qui pourrait permettre de repondre aux besoins du Gouvernement et aux aspirations de l'industrie. Dans cet article, l'auteur examine le concept de NCfC, le calendrier de son developpement, les reactions du Gouvernement et de l'industrie et enfin le rejet de al proposition par le Gouvernement. Le concept et les objectifs du NCfC ont ouvert de nouveaux horizons et servent d'etalon a l'evaluation de la politique nationale actuelle et future de recherche et de technologie dans le secteur de la construction ainsi que des strategics de mise en oeuvre de cette politique.  相似文献   

The way in which research and technology development in building and construction is conducted in most industrialized countries is changing dramatically. Major changes include a reduced dependence on government support for R&D, the development of a partnership between the construction industry and the research community, internationalization of construction research as a market, the subsequent impact for national research programmes, increased international collaboration between national research organizations, and the impact of electronic communication. The changing role of CIB is discussed as positive response to these challenges, which include the changing composition of CIB's membership (from East Asia and North America), increased participation by industry, more focused CIB programmes which are closely aligned to industry's priorities, and new ways of creating international teams and working methods through the use of electronic participation. La facon de conduire les recherches ainsi que la mise au point des techniques du batiment et de la construction dans la plupart des pays industrialises est en train de changer radicalement. Les principaux changements sont: une moindre dependance vis-a-vis des aides en R&D de l'Etat, l'institution d'un partenariat entre l'industrie de la construction et le monde de la recherche, l'internationalisation du marche des recherches pour la construction, un developpement de la collaboration internationale entre les instituts de recherche nationaux et l'impact des communications electroniques. Les nouvelles missions due CIB s'analysent comme une reaction positive face a ces defis et concernent la modification de la composition des membres du CIB (originaires de l'est de l'Asie et de l'Amerique du Nord), une participation accrue de l'industrie, des programmes du CIB mieux centres et plus proches des preoccupations de l'industrie, de nouvelles methodes de travail et de constitution d'equipes internationales gr^ ace aux outils de communications electroniques.  相似文献   

The history of the changing status and research remits of the Building Research Establishment over 76 years is described as a dynamic response to changing government policies, industry needs and funding arrangements. The recent government decision to change BRE's status to a private sector body is briefly described. The move into the private sector and the creation of the Foundation for the Built Environment has created the opportunity to modify the existing organizational structure of BRE and identify emerging research, products, services and consultancy functions for the future. Il faut considerer le changement de statut et les differents mandats de recherche du Building Research Establishment (BRE) au cours des 76 dernieres annees comme une reaction dynamique aux differentes politiques gouvernementales, aux besoins de l'industrie et aux mecanismes de financement. Dans cet article, l'auteur explique brievement la decision du gouvernement de transformer le BRE en une entite privee. Cette transformation et la creation d'une fondation pour le cadre bati (Foundation of the Built Environment) sont autant d'occasions de modifier l'organisation actuelle du BRE et de recenser les nouveaux axes de recherche, les produits, les services et les fonctions consultatives de l'avenir.  相似文献   

This case study of VTT Building Technology comprehensively describes the reasoning, decisions and effects in the process of change caused by the transformation to improve the applicability of research results and to increase commercial income. The change in culture, management, organizational structure, organizational strategies and research, development and dissemination activities were designed to increase customer orientation, performance quality and effectiveness in all activities. The culture change from a scientific research community to a customer-oriented and flexible commercial organization is detailed. In addition to the deep vertical levels of knowledge gained from research, a horizontal capability is developed and promoted to provide applicable knowledge (know-how) in forms suitable to the Institute's customers. Clear targets for achieving the Institute's mission and financial performance have been established to gauge progress and provide incentive for rewards. VTT Building Technology a mene cette etude de cas qui decrit de maniere exhaustive le raisonnement, les decisions et les effets du processus de changement induits par la transformation visant a ameliorer les applications des resultats de la recherche et a accroitre les recettes commerciales. Les changements qui affectent la culture, la gestion, les structures et les strategies d'organisation, la recherche et le developpement ainsi que les activities de dissemination ont ete penses afin d'orienter davantage le client, et d'ameliorer le niveau de qualite et l'efficacite de toutes les activities, L'auteur etudie en detail le changement de culture provoque par le passage d'une communaute de recherche scientifique a une organisation commerciale souple et orientee "client". Outre les niveaux verticaux profonds de connaissance issus de la recherche, il se developpe une capacite horizontale que l'on encourage pour fournir des connaissances (savoir faire) applicables et presentees dans des formes convenant a la clientele de l'Insitut. Des objectifs financiers et de programme precis ont ete fixes a l'Institut pour que l'on puisse evaluer les progres et motiver les travaux par des recompenses.  相似文献   

The evolution of the governance of China's construction industry is examined. The reasons for uncertainty in governmental management along with its impact on industry performance are considered. Recent changes arising after the 9th National People's Congress, including a series of restructuring of government bodies and changes in responsibilities are discussed. Government intervention is being simplified and reduced, leading to increased stability for the construction industry.  相似文献   

The environment has been perceived as an international issue, and ways of attaining sustainability are becoming important for countries seeking sustainable development. The international community has been active in developing policy frameworks towards achieving the sustainability, such as an ecological modernization approach and environment assessment. Developing countries deserve special attention in the effort to make sustainability an operative criterion in their development activities. Given the difficulties that developing countries are facing, their perceptions of the concept and principles of sustainability differ in various contexts from those of developed countries, and the attainment of sustainability is much more difficult. Therefore, the establishment of a global partnership is important for the vision of sustainability to be realized and operationalized in the world. The current stage of economic development in China provides an opportunity to incorporate environmental provisions into the national development strategies from a relatively early stage, rather than attempt retrofit to strategies. However, at present China's policy initiatives expressed in its Agenda 21 remains only a visionary concept. A comprehensive policy framework and realistic implementation measures are needed. The environmental impacts of the construction industry are extensive, particularly in developing countries. However, as in many developing countries, China's sustainable construction is still at its primary stage and current practice is unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

This note is written in response to Seymour, D., Crook, D. and Rooke, J. (1997) Construction Management and Economics, 15 (1), 117-19. We argue against their narrow focus on the interpretative approach. Also, Seymour et al. are incorrect in implying that the ‘rationalist approach’ is necessarily quantitative. Our contention is that the choice of research approach in construction management depends on the nature of the problem. However, whatever choice of approach is adopted, it is important that the problem and associated key concepts are defined clearly and that the methods used, underlying assumptions and limitations are transparent and defensible. It is difficult to argue in favour of any single approach based purely on epistemological grounds as what constitutes knowledge is still an unsolved philosophical issue. Since construction management is a practical subject, we suggest that the choice of approach should be a pragmatic one: the approach that is likely to generate practical solutions should be adopted. Seymour et al.'s suggestion serves only to limit our choice of research tools. Furthermore, a lot of the research issues in construction management are practical problems which involve generalization of experience and formulation of hypothesis that can generate empirically testable implications. For problems of this nature, testability of hypothesis and reproducibility of results are important, and the naturalist approach (which is labelled ‘rationalist paradigm’ in Seymour et al.) of discovering causal relationship is more likely to produce general practical solutions. However, this does not deny the value of the interpretative approach, as it may be more suitable for certain types of problem. Moreover, in practice, an understanding of human behaviour ‘from within’ often provides useful insights for formulation of empirically testable hypotheses, despite the philosophical incompatibility of the interpretative and naturalist approaches.  相似文献   

In the process of urban expansion and development, “asset-heavy and invisible” infrastructure construction is playing an increasingly important role, which also makes people realize the importance of the diffusion of policies that need collective institutional action among Chinese cities. We examine what drives the diffusion of the new underground utility tunnel (UUT) policy with an analysis of 242 prefecture-level cities in China. The results show that horizontal competition, central government pressure and incentives, international resource utilization and image pressure, urban economic development, and administrative rank are positively and significantly associated with policy diffusion, whereas urbanization, population density, and existing underground pipelines are not significant.  相似文献   

We raise a number of questions concerning the theoretical basis of construction management, and enquire into the nature of construction management theory. We highlight the dominant research paradigm in construction management, and call for attention to be paid to alternative research paradigms. We call for a scholarly debate to investigate these issues.  相似文献   

窦汝良  王吉升 《山西建筑》2006,32(1):184-185
以山东鲁西北地区为例,从降低工程建设成本的角度出发,介绍了道路建设半刚性筑路材料的选用,混合料配合比设计、拌和、碾压及近年来出现的新工艺、新技术,为我国平原地区的县乡道路建设提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Based on the concept of construction as a project-based economic activity, Steven Groák offered the idea of a technological paradigm to represent project-based technology fusion that is adaptive to the uncertainties embodied within construction projects. This paper discusses further research topics raised by the idea of the technological paradigm from a Japanese perspective. It verifies the effectiveness of Groák's notion by exemplifying phenomena identified in Japanese construction practices. First, the paper confirms how declining robust technologies are generating innovative activities in construction projects. Second, a ‘horizontal evolution’ case study is presented as evidence that the strategies engendered by the technological paradigm outperform those from the industrial paradigm. Then the paper identifies and focuses on the informality of project-based technology fusion. Relevant research topics are discussed, such as the unpredictability of system configuration, the integration of knowledge and know-how, and the regulatory framework for extending positive informality. It is concluded that the following topics have considerable significance for construction management research: (a) methodology to evaluate ‘robust limits’; (b) the process of project-to-project technology transfer and evolution; (c) organization formation of project-based technology fusion; and (d) regulatory framework that embodies informality to activate project-based technology fusion.  相似文献   

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