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Subcutaneous Zygomycosis is a rare opportunistic fungal infection caused by Basidiobolus ranarum. Though this entity is endemic in South India, limited numbers of cases have been reported from this part of the country. We report a case of subcutaneous zygomycosis in a 25 year old lady who presented with a nontender, firm to hard swelling over the upper-left arm. Finger was easily inserted below the indurated edge. Histopathology revealed suppurative granuloma with aseptate hyphae. Patient responded excellently to saturated solution of potassium iodide in subsequent visits.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous T-cell lymphoma: report of two cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have seen two patients, a 24-year-old man and a 15-year-old girl, with subcutaneous nodules and fever. The histo-pathological findings in both cases showed a lobular, histiocytic panniculitis with 'bean bag' cells and lymphoid cells identified as immature T-cells. This picture was consistent with subcutaneous T-cell lymphoma associated with cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis. The girl died after 5 months of disease with florid hemophagocytic syndrome; the man was subjected to a course of treatment (CHOP; cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine/prednisone) and after 6 months observation his symptoms of nodules and fever disappeared.  相似文献   

Lipoid proteinosis is an autosomally recessive genodermatosis characterized by widespread deposition of eosinophilic hyaline-like material in the skin, mucous membranes, and other internal organs. Occurrence of lipoid proteinosis in siblings is very rare. We report two siblings from the Indian subcontinent with the classical features of lipoid proteinosis. Both the siblings had had hoarseness of voice and spontaneous vesicular eruptions healing with atrophic scars since their early childhood. They had diffuse waxy thickening of the skin along with beaded papules along the eyelid margin. The tongue was also infiltrated. Skin biopsy demonstrated periodic acid Schiff (PAS) positive eosinophilic material around the blood vessels and appendages.  相似文献   

Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by dematiaceous fungi. The first case, a 67-year-old male farmer, presented with itchy hyperkeratotic, scaly plaques with scarring and black dots on the lateral aspects of his left arm and dorsum of his left hand of 28 years duration. The case was clinically diagnosed as chromoblastomycosis. The second case, a 75-year-old farmer, presented with erythematous, crusted, scaly plaques on the dorsum of the left foot of 30 years duration. Initially, a clinical diagnosis of lupus vulgaris was made, but treatment with anti tuberculosis therapy showed no improvement. On the basis of histopathological examinations of skin biopsies and isolation of fungus on culture, both cases were diagnosed as chromoblastomycosis. To the best of our knowledge, these two cases are the first case reports of chromoblastomycosis from Nepal and are presented for their academic interest.  相似文献   

Circumscribed palmoplantar hypokeratosis is a recently recognized dermatosis andrarely reported. It was first described in 2002 and is characterized by localizedloss of the horny layer in the palmoplantar area. This dermatosis is clinicallypresented with a sharply circumscribed, reddish and asymptomatic plaque with slightlydepressed surface localized on the palms or the soles. The clinical differentialdiagnosis includes mainly porokeratosis and Bowen''s disease. Its pathogenesis remainsunknown, but studies have proposed a human papillomavirus induced disease or alocalized keratinization disorder in the palmoplantar area. We report herein twocases of patients with lesions clinically and microscopically compatible with thediagnosis of circumscribed palmoplantar hypokeratosis. We also present a briefliterature review of the etiopathogenic hyphoteses of this dermatosis.  相似文献   

Ewing's sarcoma is a malignant osseous neoplasm that affects mostly children and young adult males. Clinically, the neoplasm presents with oedema, swelling, and pain of the involved area. Histopathologically, Ewing's sarcoma consists of solid sheets of small round cells, with vesicular nuclei and scant cytoplasm, arranged in irregular masses separated by strands of fibrous tissue, with areas of necrosis en masse intermingled with intratumoural haemorrhage. Ewing's sarcoma is an extremely aggressive neoplasm and metastases to sites such as lung, pleura, other bones, central nervous system, liver, and regional lymph nodes frequently develop in early stages of the disease. Surprisingly, despite the highly aggressive biological behaviour of this neoplasm, cutaneous metastases from Ewing's sarcoma are very uncommon. We report two patients with Ewing's sarcoma of the bone who developed cutaneous metastases. As in other internal malignancies, the onset of cutaneous metastases in patients with Ewing's sarcoma indicates a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

应用美扶R(伊曲康唑胶囊)200mg,每日2次,连服7天治疗手足癣100例及美扶R200mg,每日1次,连服7天治疗体股癣74例,3周后观察疗效。结果显示美扶R治疗手足癣的痊愈率及总有效率分别为49.49%和90.91%;体股癣则分别为73.33%和93.33%。美扶R对体股癣及手足癣的真菌清除率均达到了96%。  相似文献   

Phaeohyphomycosis is an infection caused by a filamentous fungus that contains pigment melanin in its cell wall. We report two cases caused by Exophiala sp. emphasizing the clinical variability of the disease, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties of this opportunistic infection in immunosuppressed patients (kidney transplant).  相似文献   

We present the first Turkish case of skin and nail infection due to Onychocola canadensis in an otherwise healthy farmer who frequently worked barefoot on soil. Cutaneous involvement consisted of scaly and hyperkeratotic lesions resembling tinea pedis, erythematous plaques, and dermal papulonodules of various sizes simulating Majocchi's granuloma. Repeated cultures from nail plates, skin scrapings and needle aspiration materials from papules or nodules all yielded the same mold on Sabouroud dextrose media with and without cycloheximide, trichophyton agar, and potato dextrose agar at 26 degrees C. The causal isolate was identified as Onychocola canadensis Sigler gen. et sp. nov., a slow-growing arthroconidial hyphomycete, on the basis of its colonial and microscopic morphology. While skin lesions were responsive to daily itraconazole in a dose of 200 mg for three months, the onychomycosis was resistant to therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first presentation of O. canadensis as the cause of cutaneous hyalohyphomycosis to date.  相似文献   

报告2例放射性纤维瘤病。2例患者中男女各1例,年龄分别为42岁和64岁。临床上均为放射治疗部位出现质硬罱小结舌。组织病理检查均表现为真皮和皮下组织成纤维细胞增生和纤维化,真皮结缔组织中可见胞核大而畸形的星形成纤维细胞,并可见有丝分裂象,符合放射性纤维瘤病的诊断。临床和组织病理学上该病主要须与瘢痕疙瘩和纤维肉瘤鉴别。  相似文献   

Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis (CHP) was first described in 1980 by Winkelmann as a chronic histiocytic disease of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, which is characterized clinically by tender erythematous nodules, recurrent high fever, malaise, jaundice, organomegaly, serosal effusions, pancytopenia, hepatic dysfunction, and coagulatory abnormalities. CHP may occur either isolated or as part of cutaneous manifestations of hemophagocytic syndrome. Here, we report two different presentations of CHP.  相似文献   

Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) comprises 20 to 30% of all lymphomas. Skin involvement is almost always secondary to visceral or nodal involvement. Secondary cutaneous HL is rare, occurring in only 0.5 to 3.4% of the cases. Herein we report two cases of skin involvement in Hodgkin's disease. One was a 25-year-old female admitted with a draining sinus in the neck. The other was a 19-year-old female admitted with a neck mass and skin papules on her chest and arm. Skin involvement may antecede or can be seen during the course of HL. Better understanding of such cutaneous involvement, which occasionally may be the initial sign of HL, is needed, and a biopsy of any suspicious skin lesion should be considered.  相似文献   

Alopecia syphilitica: report of two cases in Geneva.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two patients with alopecia syphilitica are presented. Moth-eaten alopecia is the most typical look of secondary syphilis on the scalp. With the decrease in syphilis cases in western countries, this rarer clinical manifestation tends to be misdiagnosed.  相似文献   

Chondroid syringoma (CS) is a relatively rare cutaneous tumor arising from sweat glands. It usually presents in the head and neck area as an asymptomatic nodule. Although usually it presents in middle aged or older patients, we here present two much younger patients with CS, located over the nose and cheek areas, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dermatologic conditions are often an early clue to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. As the disease progresses and the host immunity fails, patients may develop a number of skin conditions. At this point, they have a dominant T helper 2 immunologic response. After the initiation of antiretroviral therapy, the T helper 1 response is restored, and some skin problems, paradoxically, make their appearance then. CONCLUSION: Herpes zoster, mucocutaneous herpes, eosinophilic folliculitis, and mycobacterial infections have been known to occur at this stage. This may be because immune restoration of a host's immunity causes recognition of silent or latent infection and results in development of the condition. We report five cases that were seen at our center during a 2-year period.  相似文献   

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