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大量生产抗癌新药紫杉醇是目前生物技术的研究热点之一。通过对紫杉醇生物合成途径中关键酶基因的分离、克隆与遗传转化等方面最新研究结果进行评述,指出通过紫杉醇生代谢途径中关键酶的基因改造及遗传转化,构建高效表达紫杉醇或其重要前体紫杉烷的基因工程细胞株,并建立其相应的基因表达调控方法,是解决紫杉醇药源问题的最有前途的方法之一。  相似文献   

喜树碱生物合成途径及其代谢调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关水  安利佳 《高技术通讯》2004,14(5):106-110
喜树碱类抗癌药物的大量生产是目前生物技术研究的热点之一。本文通过对喜树碱的生物合成途径和关键酶及其基因的表达调控等方面的研宽进展进行综述,指出阐明喜树碱的生物合成途径及其代谢调控机制,实施次生代谢工程,是应用生物技求方法大量生产喜树碱及其衍生物的根本途径。  相似文献   

棉纤维细胞次生壁纤维素生物合成的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
棉纤维是由胚珠外珠被表皮单细胞发育而成,细胞的发育几乎同步且伸长迅速,且次生壁增厚期在纤维细胞壁上沉淀的物质基本上为纤维素,棉纤维细胞的上述特点使其成为一种研究植物细胞分化和生长发育以及纤维素生物合成的重要模式材料之一。本文主要介绍了目前国内外在棉纤维细胞次生壁纤维素生物合成分子生物学研究方面的进展。  相似文献   

紫杉醇是从红豆杉属植物树皮中提取的化合物,也是目前惟一可以促进微管聚合和稳定已聚合微管的药物,它的问世被誉为国际抗癌药物的三大成就之一。但其在树皮中含量仅有0.01%~0.06%,目前主要通过化学合成和植物细胞组织培养等途径获得,本文介绍了光学氧传感器InPro 6880i在植物细胞培养生产紫杉醇中的应用。  相似文献   

生物合成纳米晶的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物合成纳米材料具有独特的生物光、电、光化学等性质,为纳米材料的应用开辟了新的应用领域。生物合成主要是利用生物分子、微生物、植物及其提取物的还原特性参与纳米晶的合成,具有原料来源广,反应条件温和,产物纳米颗粒不易团聚,以及过程加入的化学试剂和产生的有毒副产物少等特点。生物合成纳米材料,就是在纳米颗粒的生长环境中加入生物分子化合物(微生物如真菌、酵母菌、细菌、放线菌和植物及其提取物),该化合物一般用作保护剂吸附在纳米颗粒的周围,以防止纳米颗粒的团聚,同样,又赋予生物纳米颗粒生物相容性,增加纳米颗粒在生物医学、食品检测等上面的应用。通过对国内外有关生物纳米晶的合成研究文献的查阅与归纳,本文对微生物、植物及其提取物等生物合成纳米晶的方法进行了综述,并对不同生物还原法所合成的纳米晶的特性进行了归纳和展望,以期对生物合成纳米晶的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

通过PCR技术,从兔肝脏中扩增到兔扩御素NP-1成熟胚编码序列。将该序列替换质粒pB221中的GUS编码序列,构建成植物表达载体pBIC-35SNP1,为将防御素基因用于植物抗病基因工程育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

朱菲  吴祖洁  程明辉  管金华  邹龙 《材料导报》2021,35(7):7127-7138
金属纳米颗粒(Metal nanoparticles,MNPs)因具有小尺寸、高比表面积、高反应活性及独特的光学、电学、热力学特性,已成为催化、传感器、临床诊断、医学治疗、抗菌剂、环境修复等众多领域研究的热点材料.MNPs的种类、形貌、尺寸及表面功能修饰决定着其性能及应用范畴,开发绿色、简单、可控的MNPs合成方法是当前重要的研究方向.生物学方法合成MNPs是利用生物体或生物分子对金属离子前体进行还原或者生物矿化,反应条件温和、能耗低,无需昂贵的设备和有害的化学物质,是一种绿色合成方法,已发展为纳米生物技术的一个重要分支.几乎全部类型微生物和各种植物组织均可开发为MNPs合成与加工的"纳米工厂".细菌、放线菌、酵母和霉菌既可以在细胞内又可以在细胞外合成MNPs,MNPs的合成是生物酶催化的还原反应或者矿化过程,与细胞代谢产生的还原力有关.藻类与植物组织合成MNPs类似,通常是利用其组织提取液中的蛋白质等大分子和多酚类等多种小分子活性成分在细胞外合成MNPs.纳米尺度的病毒可作为MNPs合成与组装的特异性模板.近年来,各种各样的单质金属和金属化合物纳米颗粒的生物合成取得了较大进步,所制备的MNPs在抗菌、催化、传感、生物诊断与生物医药、环境污染物去除等方面得到较好的应用.但是生物合成MNPs仍然面临颗粒形貌、尺寸较难控制,产物不易回收和纯化,大规模生产技术欠缺等问题,因而限制了其产业化应用.本文归纳了不同类型微生物和植物组织提取液合成MNPs的最新进展,总结了MNPs的生物合成机理及应用,分析了生物合成方法面临的主要问题并展望了其未来研究方向,以期为低成本、绿色、可控生物合成MNPs的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

HPLC法分析红豆杉中紫杉醇的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SPE固相萃取技术与反相高效液相色谱法相结合对人工栽培的南方红豆杉幼苗中紫杉醇含量的测定,并对人工栽培红豆杉幼苗中紫杉醇的含量进行了比较。  相似文献   

麦角甾醇的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1889年Tanret从燕麦麦角菌中分离到麦角甾醇以来,人们开始对麦角甾醇进行了大量的研究。麦角甾醇(ergostero1)又称麦角固醇,大量存在于酵母中,是一种重要的医药化工原料,可用于"可的松"、"黄体酮"等药物的生产。麦角甾醇受9到紫外线照射时可转化为维生素D2,是维生素D2的前身,也是生产甾体激素药物的重要原料。本文对近十年来麦角甾醇的研究予以综述,旨在为麦角甾醇的进一步应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

SPE固相萃取技术与反相高效液相色谱法相结合对人工栽培的南方红豆杉幼苗中紫杉醇含量的测定,并对人工栽培红豆杉幼苗中紫杉醇的含量进行了比较.  相似文献   

Global demand for vegetable oil is anticipated to double by 2030. The current vegetable oil production platforms, including oil palm and temperate oilseeds, are unlikely to produce such an expansion. Therefore, the exploration of novel vegetable oil sources has become increasingly important in order to make up this future vegetable oil shortfall. Triacylglycerol (TAG), as the dominant form of vegetable oil, has recently attracted immense interest in terms of being produced in plant vegetative tissues via genetic engineering technologies. Multidiscipline-based “-omics” studies are increasingly enhancing our understanding of plant lipid biochemistry and metabolism. As a result, the identification of biochemical pathways and the annotation of key genes contributing to fatty acid biosynthesis and to lipid assembly and turnover have been effectively updated. In recent years, there has been a rapid development in the genetic enhancement of TAG accumulation in high-biomass plant vegetative tissues and oilseeds through the genetic manipulation of the key genes and regulators involved in TAG biosynthesis. In this review, current genetic engineering strategies ranging from single-gene manipulation to multigene stacking aimed at increasing plant biomass TAG accumulation are summarized. New directions and suggestions for plant oil production that may help to further alleviate the potential shortage of edible oil and biodiesel are discussed.  相似文献   

The origins of quality engineering are in manufacturing, where quality engineers apply basic statistical methodologies to improve the quality and productivity of products and processes. In the past decade, people have discovered that these methodologies are effective for improving almost any type of system or process, such as financial, health care, and supply chains. This paper begins with a review of key advances and trends within quality engineering over the past decade. The second part uses the first part as a foundation to outline new application areas for the field. It also discusses how quality engineering needs to evolve in order to make significant contributions to these new areas. © 2015 The Authors Quality and Reliability Engineering International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The 3D bioprinting can controllably deposit bioink containing cells and fabricate complex bionic tissue structures in a fast and scalable way, which is expected to completely change the scenario of clinical organ transplantation. Bioprinting holds broad application prospect in tissue engineering, life sciences, and clinical medicine. In the process of 3D bioprinting, bioink, as the carrier of cells and bioactive substances, influences cell activity and accuracy of organ structure after printing. To better understand and design bioink, in this review, the concept, development, and basic composition of bioink are introduced, while focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of various biomaterials, and the use of common cells and biomolecules that constitute bioink. In addition, the properties and applications of various stimuli-responsive smart materials for 4D bioprinting are mentioned. The challenges and development trends of bioink are also summarized.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of nanotechnology requires scaled‐up production rates to cope with increased nanomaterials demand. However, in many cases, the final uses of nanomaterials impose strict requisites on their physical and chemical characteristics including size, shape, chemical composition and type of functional groups on their surface. Frequently, additional features such as a limited degree of agglomeration are also demanded. These requisites represent a serious challenge to present‐day synthesis methods when nanomaterials must be produced in large amounts. Some of the possible solutions from the reaction engineering perspective are discussed in this work for both gas and liquid phase production processes. Special attention will be devoted to enabling technologies, which allow the production of engineered nanoparticles with limited aggregation and with a good control on their nano‐scale characteristics.  相似文献   

工程哲学是新近发展起来的有别于传统科学技术哲学的新领域。文章结合机电工程教育实践,论述了工程哲学研究的一些最新理念和进展,分析了工程哲学对工程教育的价值意蕴,并提出了将工程哲学思想引入到工程教育中的现实途径。  相似文献   

SolidWorks中二维工程图的标准化实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生产、科研和教学中,二维工程图的标准化是一项基本要求.结合SolidWorks软件自身的特点,运用各种技巧和二次开发,解决了所生成的二维工程图符合标准化的问题,提高了绘图效率和质量.还对国标(GB)的修订进行了思考,并提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

组织工程支架材料生物功能化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织工程的目标之一就是制备出能引导细胞分化并产生具有一定功能再生组织的支架材料,支架材料生物功能化能够有效促进细胞的生物活动,是组织再生的关键。本文从提高支架材料生物功能化入手,说明纳米材料是蛋白和细胞吸附的最佳选择,重点分析了化学改性、引入RGD多肽片断、多肽-聚合物支架及ECM基支架材料四种提高支架材料生物功能化的方法,并对支架材料生物功能化的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new management mode named the persistent integration and innovation management mode to satisfy the requirements by the fast development at oilfields. Taking engineering philosophy as the guidance and technical innovations in petroleum production engineering as the breaking point, the management mode combines long term production practice at oilfields with modern management methods. The management mode integrates intellectuals, techniques, capital, and information and so on to accomplish global optimization of resource configuration. Sets of new techniques, new methods, new technologies and new equipment in petroleum production engineering have been proposed under the guidance of the management mode, achieving great social and economic benefits.  相似文献   

Organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices, which can directly convert absorbed sunlight to electricity, are stacked thin films of tens to hundreds of nanometers. They have emerged as a promising candidate for affordable, clean, and renewable energy. In the past few years, a rapid increase has been seen in the power conversion efficiency of OPV devices toward 10% and above, through comprehensive optimizations via novel photoactive donor and acceptor materials, control of thin‐film morphology on the nanoscale, device structure developments, and interfacial and optical engineering. The intrinsic problems of short exciton diffusion length and low carrier mobility in organic semiconductors creates a challenge for OPV designs for achieving optically thick and electrically thin device structures to achieve sufficient light absorption and efficient electron/hole extraction. Recent advances in the field of OPV devices are reviewed, with a focus on the progress in device architecture and optical engineering approaches that lead to improved electrical and optical characteristics in OPV devices. Successful strategies are highlighted for light wave distribution, modulation, and absorption promotion inside the active layer of OPV devices by incorporating periodic nanopatterns/nanostructures or incorporating metallic nanomaterials and nanostructures.  相似文献   

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