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王苹莉  吴志鹏 《新医学》2020,(6):478-481
目的提高临床医师对皮氏罗尔斯顿菌脑膜炎的认识。方法对1例确诊为皮氏罗尔斯顿菌脑膜炎患者的临床资料进行分析,并以"皮氏罗尔斯顿菌""脑膜炎"或"Ralstonia pickettii""meningitis"为检索词对中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台、维普中文科技期刊数据及生物医学文献数据库(PubMed)中的文献进行检索,对相关病例的临床资料进行总结。结果该例患者因发热、头痛伴恶心、呕吐入院,通过宏基因组二代测序(mNGS)明确皮氏罗尔斯顿菌脑膜炎诊断,经美罗培南抗感染治疗有效,其后好转出院,出院后无继续服用药物,出院后3个月随访无复发。在数据库检索到3例皮氏罗尔斯顿菌脑膜炎患者,其中2例有颅内手术史、1例为早产儿,3例经积极的抗感染治疗均痊愈。结论皮氏罗尔斯顿菌作为条件致病菌引起的颅内感染临床少见,mNGS技术的应用可提高该病的确诊水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血液病患者宏基因组二代测序技术在耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎诊断和治疗中的应用价值,为该类感染诊治提供依据。方法 对25例病原宏基因组二代测序检出耶氏肺孢子菌并临床诊断为耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎的病例进行回顾性分析。结果 从2021年1月—2022年5月共25例患者检出耶氏肺孢子菌的同时临床诊断为耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎,其中男性18例(72.0%),女性7例(28.0%),中位年龄为50岁,主要基础疾病为急性淋巴细胞白血病、急性髓系白血病和骨髓增生异常综合征。其中15例(60.0%)患者肺感染发生在造血干细胞移植后,移植后中位时间为189 d。患者的常见临床症状包括发热(88.0%)、低氧血症(68.0%)和咳嗽(44.0%),84.0%的患者在本次感染前有免疫抑制剂的使用史。肺部CT表现包括单纯磨玻璃影型(20.0%)、结节/斑片型(12.0%)、磨玻璃影为主的混合型(68.0%)。血浆是最常见的耶氏肺孢子菌检出的样本类型,其次为肺泡灌洗液和痰液。25例患者均进行了抗肺孢子菌治疗,19例(76.0%)抗感染治疗后治愈,6例(24.0%)死亡。结论 血液病患者耶氏肺孢子菌的临床感染诊断需结合临床症状、...  相似文献   

一位有哮喘病史的老年女性左上肺小细胞癌切除术后4年出现咳嗽咳痰伴胸闷,影像学表现为肺部空洞,反复抗感染治疗效果不佳,空洞逐渐扩大,患者痰宏基因二代测序技术(mNGS)检测出波氏假阿利什霉,与痰培养结果一致,经过伏立康唑单药抗真菌治疗后,肺内病灶呈现好转趋势。  相似文献   

<正>双路普雷沃菌是普雷沃菌属中的重要菌群之一,属于人体的正常菌群,在机体缺氧,免疫力低下或长期服用免疫抑制剂类药物时可引起人体感染,其可在全身各个部位定值,在合适环境下大量繁殖造成组织器官损伤~([1])。双路普雷沃菌是一种专性厌氧菌,由于厌氧菌培养条件特殊,在临床工作中检出率比较低。我科近日从一例阴囊脓肿患者的穿刺脓液标本及一例剖宫产产妇的血液培养中检出了双路普雷沃菌,现报告如下:  相似文献   

目的 通过分析10例鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎临床特点,以提高临床医师对该病的诊治水平。方法 收集2019年1月—2021年7月经肺泡灌洗液宏基因组二代测序(mNGS)确诊的鹦鹉热衣原体肺炎10例患者的临床资料,包括临床症状、体征、实验室检查、肺部影像学资料及治疗、转归情况,对其进行回顾性分析。结果 10例患者中男7例、女3例,中位年龄69.5岁。临床主要表现:发热(9/10)、咳嗽(7/10)、咯痰(6/10)、呼吸困难(6/10)、神经系统症状(6/10)、全身酸痛无力(5/10);检验结果多表现为白细胞减少(4/10)或正常(5/10),低蛋白血症(10/10),乳酸脱氢酶升高(9/10);血气分析多表现为低氧血症(9/10);炎症指标多明显升高,C反应蛋白升高(10/10),降钙素原(PCT)升高(8/10);半数患者心电图表现为相对缓脉(5/10);肺部影像学多表现为单侧肺叶受累(8/10),均表现为渗出、实变(10/10)。治疗及预后:多数患者治疗效果良好,其中6例患者经莫西沙星治疗后治愈,2例患者多西环素治疗后治愈,2例重症患者先后给予莫西沙星联合多西环素、替加环素联合莫西沙星治疗...  相似文献   

目的 分析皮疽诺卡菌累及中枢神经系统的临床特征、诊断及治疗,以期提高对该疾病的认识,精准抗感染治疗。方法 报告清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院感染性疾病科收治的1例皮疽诺卡菌感染致多发脑脓肿的病例,并以“Nocardia farcinica”为关键词检索PubMed 1967年1月1日—2022年9月18日的英文文献共433篇,分别以“皮疽奴卡菌”“皮疽诺卡菌”“鼻疽奴卡菌”“鼻疽诺卡菌”为关键词在万方数据库、维普数据库检索1999年10月1日—2022年9月18日的中文文献,共153篇,收集并分析总结70例皮疽诺卡菌中枢神经系统感染的病例资料。结果 该院这例患者以“头痛伴意识障碍”入院,入院后脑脊液宏基因组二代测序(mNGS)提示为皮疽诺卡菌,以复方磺胺甲唑为主联合美罗培南、莫西沙星、阿米卡星为治疗方案,治疗1个月病灶吸收,院外口服复方磺胺甲唑、莫西沙星,总疗程为1年。文献70例皮疽诺卡菌中枢神经系统感染患者男性51例,占72.8%,平均年龄(58.6±15.3)岁,57.1%患者有糖皮质激素使用史,57.1%患者同时合并其他脏器播散,80.0%(56例)的患者通过传统细菌培养明确病原学...  相似文献   

目的评估宏基因组二代测序(mNGS)对异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)患者耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎(PJP)的诊断价值。方法纳入2019年6月至2023年8月南方医科大学南方医院血液科allo-HSCT后疑似肺感染并接受肺泡灌洗液病原学检测的98例患者, 比较mNGS与常规方法、实时定量PCR(RQ-PCR)对PJP的诊断效能。结果 12例患者最终诊断为PJP(确诊11例、临床诊断1例)。确诊患者中1例为常规方法和RQ-PCR检测均阳性, 10例仅RQ-PCR阳性。12例患者mNGS均检出耶氏肺孢子菌。mNGS诊断PJP的敏感性为100%, 高于常规方法(8.3%, P=0.001), 与RQ-PCR(91.6%)相当(P=1.000)。75%的PJP患者为肺混合感染, 合并EB病毒和巨细胞病毒最为常见。mNGS检出混合感染8例, RQ-PCR检出5例, 常规方法未检出(P=0.008)。结论 mNGS在allo-HSCT患者PJP诊断中具有良好的敏感性, 在混合感染病原检测方面具有优势, 可作为常规检测方法及RQ-PCR的有效补充。  相似文献   

周聪  徐茂锁  张慧  沈芳 《检验医学》2020,35(4):387-389
普雷沃菌属是专性厌氧、革兰阴性球杆菌,为条件致病菌,代表菌种为产黑色素普雷沃菌,通常寄生在人和动物口腔及女性生殖道中,与这些部位的内源性感染有关[1-2]。双路普雷沃菌感染相对少见,与女性泌尿生殖道感染有关,如前庭腺炎、尿道旁腺炎、子宫内膜炎或子宫积脓等,并且会引起胎盘早破,导致早产[3-4]。目前,双路普雷沃菌引起血流感染的报道不多,2018年6月,上海市第五人民医院从1例因胎盘早破行剖宫产术的产妇血液中分离出1株双路普雷沃菌。  相似文献   

目的探讨宏基因组二代测序(mNGS)技术在儿童重症肺炎病原学诊断中的价值。方法选取2017年12月至2020年6月武汉儿童医院收治住院治疗的219例社区获得性重症肺炎患儿临床资料,比较肺泡灌洗液mNGS检测与传统实验室病原检测对诊断儿童重症肺炎的诊断价值。结果 219例送检标本中mNGS共检出阳性病例190例(86.76%);而传统实验室病原共检出阳性病例173例(78.99%),两种检测方法比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。mNGS和传统实验室病原病原总检出率在各年龄段之间比较,差异有统计学意义(Χ2=76.488 7,P<0.05)。mNGS与传统实验室病原学检测均阳性患者163例,mNGS与传统实验室病原学检测均阴性患者22例,mNGS阳性而传统实验室病原学检测阴性患者27例,mNGS阴性而传统实验室病原学检测阳性患者7例。mNGS和传统实验室病原诊断儿童重症肺炎病原学灵敏度、特异度比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论二代测序技术较传统实验室病原检测可快速检测重症肺炎患儿病原学诊断,指导临床早期合理用药。  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDChlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci) is a gram-negative intracellular parasitic pathogenic bacterium that can infect avian and mammalian hosts, including humans. The detection of C. psittaci infections typically relies on traditional antigen-based immunoassays or serological testing that often lack sensitivity and/or specificity. Metagenomic next generation sequencing (mNGS) is an emerging tool for diagnosis.AIMTo demonstrate that mNGS represents a valuable tool for rapid, sensitive, and accurate pathogen detection including C. psittaci infections.METHODSFour cases of psittacosis pneumonia and one case of pediatric psittacosis meningitis were diagnosed between December 2019 and May 2020 using mNGS at Changzhou Second People’s Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University. Patients’ clinical characteristics, manifestations, and treatment histories were retrospectively evaluated. RESULTSAll five patients had a history of exposure to wild (psittacine or other birds) or domesticated birds (chickens). All patients had a high fever (> 39℃) and three of them (60%) experienced organ insufficiency during the disease. The laboratory data showed normal to slightly increased leucocyte and neutrophil counts, and elevated procalcitonin levels in all five cases, and very high C-reactive protein levels in psittacosis pneumonia patients. mNGS identified a potential pathogen, C. psittaci, in patients’ bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or cerebrospinal fluid. Computed tomography revealed lung air-space consolidation, pleural thickening, and effusion fluid buildup in psittacosis pneumonia cases, and an arachnoid cyst in the right temporal lobe of the pediatric psittacosis meningitis patient. All patients experienced complete recovery following the administration of targeted anti-chlamydia therapy. CONCLUSIONThis study not only demonstrated that mNGS represents a valuable tool for rapid, sensitive, and accurate pathogen detection, but also raised public health concerns over C. psittaci infections.  相似文献   

We report a case of iliopsoas abscess caused by Aspergillus fumigatus with pulmonary complications. A 60-year-old man was admitted to the Showa University Hospital Department of Gastroenterology with fulminant hepatitis B on April 14, 2010, and treated with steroids. Although fulminant hepatitis B was improved by steroid and symptomatic therapy, he developed a fever on hospital day 39. The chest X-ray film showed a nodular lesion in the right middle-lower lung field, and both the (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan and Candida mannan antigen tests were positive. The β-d-glucan level increased despite treatment with fluconazole and other drugs, including low-dose micafungin. Abdominal computed tomography showed a low-density area in the right iliopsoas muscle. He was then referred to the Department of Clinical Infectious Diseases. A. fumigatus was isolated from the iliopsoas lesion and the pulmonary lesion after specimens were obtained by aspiration and bronchofiberscopy, respectively, leading to a diagnosis of fungal iliopsoas abscess. Steroid therapy was tapered early, the abscess was drained, and the micafungin dose was increased. This treatment led to improvement of the fever, inflammatory reaction, β-d-glucan level, and lesions of the lung and iliopsoas muscle. In preparation for discharge, treatment was changed to voriconazole (parenteral → per oral) followed by itraconazole (per oral). His clinical course was satisfactory, and there was no recurrence after antifungal therapy was stopped. We conclude that after invasive pulmonary aspergillosis developed, A. fumigatus spread hematogenously to create an extremely rare iliopsoas abscess. The β-d-glucan level closely reflected the response to treatment and was useful for follow-up.  相似文献   

A 79-year-old man consulted us because of left chest pain and fever ranging from 38.0 to 38.9°C. A chest computed tomography scan showed a mass lesion (φ40 mm) in the left lingular segment, and inflammatory markers were elevated. He was admitted with a diagnosis of lung abscess, and panipenem/betamipron was administered at a dose of 2 g/day, after which the symptoms showed slight transient resolution. However, his body temperature increased again, to more than 39.0°C, on the eighth day of hospitalization, and a chest radiograph suggested pleuritis as a complication. The antibiotics were changed to teicoplanin (TEIC; 400 mg/day) and meropenem (2.0 g/day). Thoracic drainage and pleural lavage were initiated at the same time. Lactobacillus spp. was detected from the pleural effusion by culture and was considered to be the causative organism, and it was resistant to TEIC. Therefore, the antibiotic was changed, to clindamycin, to which the bacteria was susceptible. No subsequent fever or pleural fluid retention was observed. The patient’s course was good, and he was discharged on day 45 of hospitalization. Subsequently, the causative organism was identified as Lactobacillus rhamnosus by the 16s rRNA sequence. Lactobacillus rhamnosus is rarely pathogenic in humans. Lactobacillus rhamnosus infection mostly occurs in immunosuppressed patients, and only a few cases have been reported in immunocompetent patients. In the present case, the patient was not immunodeficient; however, his lung had an impaired local immunosystem, due to emphysema.  相似文献   

 We describe a case of vertebral osteomyelitis caused by Prevotella intermedia, which is an extremely unusual cause of vertebral osteomyelitis. The organism was isolated from vertebral biopsies and the patient was treated successfully with intravenous ampicillin-sulbactam and clindamycin. Diagnosis and management of this condition are described, and the importance of anaerobic bacteria in the pathogenesis of vertebral osteomyelitis is discussed. Received: August 27, 2001 / Accepted: February 22, 2002  相似文献   

Infection of urachal remnant may cause recurrent abscesses. In the current case report, we describe a urachal remnant infection leading to a retroperitoneal abscess, which is an extremely rare condition. In such cases, the recommended treatment is urachal remnant resection.  相似文献   

Splenic abscess is relatively uncommon. Infections caused by lactobacilli, which are usually one of the constituents of normal flora of human gut and vagina, are also very uncommon. Here we report a case of splenic abscess caused by Lactobacillus paracasei. We performed a literature review for this rare entity. Immunocompromised status of the patient, who had uncontrolled diabetes, could have contributed to the pathogenesis of this rare disease.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old male was admitted with persistent fever, diarrhea, and anorexia 8 days after the diagnosis of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Radiological examination of the lungs showed a cavitary lesion with an air-fluid level, but no apparent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia. The lesion was diagnosed as a lung abscess after COVID-19. Treatment with antimicrobials was initiated, which attenuated symptoms and the lung lesion. Specific pathogens were not detected despite repeated sputum cultures, which suggested that lung abscess was caused by oral bacteria as a secondary infection of COVID-19. To date, several cases of lung abscess as a complication of COVID-19 have been reported. However, the majority of cases occurred after intubation to treat COVID-19, and there have been no cases involving young adults. This healthy young patient may have developed lung abscess due to COVID-19.  相似文献   

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