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<正>3年前,我在墨西哥旅行,第一次见到这种植物,以为它是长得特别大的芦荟。路边到处都是这种植物,大大的叶子向外伸展,看上去既狂野又有些可爱。后来,我在品尝墨西哥国酒——龙舌兰酒时,当地人指着一丛大芦荟告诉我,龙舌兰酒就是以这种植物为原料制成的,这种植物叫龙舌兰。  相似文献   

龙舌兰抗炎作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究龙舌兰抗炎作用。方法 通过观察龙舌兰水提取液对大鼠棉球肉芽增生、醋酸引起小鼠毛细血管通透性增高及醋酸引起小鼠躯体疼痛的影响。结果 龙舌兰对大鼠棉球肉芽增生和小鼠毛细血管通透性增高及醋酸引起躯体疼痛均有显著的抑制作用。结论 龙舌兰具有抗炎作用。  相似文献   

通过对高压脉冲电刺激下龙舌兰(Agave americana)释放负离子的研究,探究光照和CO2对龙舌兰释放负离子的影响,以期为植物源负离子发生器提供理论基础;在密闭玻璃室(2.5 m×2.0 m×3.0 m)内测定和比较了光照和黑暗环境中高压脉冲电刺激下龙舌兰产生的负离子浓度和环境CO2浓度以及不遮光玻璃室中光照强度;结果表明:龙舌兰在高压脉冲电刺激下光照条件下能产生产生较多负离子,且产生的负离子浓度日变化显著;龙舌兰在高压脉冲电刺激下负离子的产生与室内CO2浓度无显著的相关性,与不遮光玻璃室光照强度有显著的二项式相关性。  相似文献   

研究以煤泥为还原剂,印尼某海滨钛磁铁矿在直接还原焙烧过程中,不同焙烧温度下矿物组成变化规律. X射线衍射和扫描电镜分析结果表明,随着焙烧温度的升高,钛磁铁矿逐渐被还原. 其中铁矿物经过浮士体( FeO) ,最终被还原成金属铁;而钛则经过钛尖晶石最终生成钛铁矿和少部分的铁板钛矿. 在整个直接还原焙烧过程中,金属铁颗粒在1100℃左右生成,然后不断长大,在1250℃时金属铁颗粒明显增多,在之后的保温过程中,金属铁颗粒不断长大,并在此过程中将金属铁从中分离出来.  相似文献   

讨论了还原气氧化度(?)与其氧位的关系,导出(?)用 R′来表示气体氧化度,用某厂5m~3竖炉的系统取样分析,结果证实 R′与((%H_2O)/(%H_2))间确实存在线性关系.分析了攀枝花钛磁铁矿中多种含铁矿物还原的热力学条件.将钛磁矿球团还原可能达到的金属化率与还原气的 R′定量地联系起来.试验结果与计算结果一致。  相似文献   

针对攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿进行了金属化还原-选分-电热炉熔分实验,考察了磁场强度、还原温度、还原时间、配碳比、还原煤粒度对金属化还原及磁选分离效果的影响.实验结果表明,当磁场强度50mT、还原温度1350℃、还原时间60min、配碳比10、还原煤粒度为-75μm时,金属化还原后产物及磁选分离磁性物质、非磁性物质的各项指标最佳,进一步进行电热炉熔分可实现铁钒分离.新工艺达到铁钒钛资源高效分离要求,铁钒钛收得率分别为9507%,7160%和8008%.  相似文献   

叙述了新型实验室设备--磁选柱选别各种磁铁矿粗精矿的实验室研究,试验结果表明:磁选柱可作为精选设备代替细筛获得高品位磁铁矿精矿,从而证明,磁选柱是一种高效精选粗磁精矿设备.  相似文献   

Effects of calcium compounds on the carbothermic reduction of vanadium titanomagnetite concentrate (VTC) were investigated. It was found that calcium compounds had great effects on the metallization rate of the reduction product, the order of the metallization rate of reduction product being CaCO3 > no additive > CaSO4 > CaCl2, which indicated that the addition of CaCO3 was more conducive to promoting the reduction of iron than other calcium compounds. Gas analysis showed that there were mainly two processes in the carbothermic reduction of VTC, a solid–solid and a solid–gas reaction. The concentrations of CO and CO2 were highest when CaCO3 was added, while that in a roasting system decreased the most when CaCl2 was added. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that calcium compounds could change the reduction process of ilmenite in VTC. The phase compositions of the reduction products were changed from metallic iron (Fe) and anosovite (FeTi2O5) to metallic iron (Fe) and perovekite (CaTiO3) when calcium compounds were added. Additionally, CaSO4 and CaCl2 could significantly promote the growth of metallic iron particles, though the existence of Fe-bearing Mg2TiO4 in reduction products was not conducive to the reduction of iron. The formation of FeS would further hinder the reduction of iron after adding CaSO4.  相似文献   

龙舌兰科属单子叶植物。根状茎、叶厚多肉质,常聚生于茎基部。多分布于热带亚热带干燥半荒漠地区,以美国西南部墨西哥为分布中心。本科植物产优质纤维,可作织物,麻袋,海缆绳索,栽培供观赏。可划为6族:1.丝兰族;2.龙血树族;3.新西兰麻族;4.洛林兰族;5.龙舌兰族;6.晚香玉族。全世界计有20属640种;我国仅有2属6种产南部,引入栽培有4属10种。  相似文献   

Magnesium titanate was prepared directly through external coal reduction of seashore titanomagnetite concentrate and magnesium oxide (MgO). The effects of roasting temperature and the type and dosage of reductants on the purity of generated magnesium titanate particles were systematically investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy analyses were performed to characterize the magnesium titanate particles and observe their purity under different conditions. Results showed that the roasting temperature remarkably influenced the purity of magnesium titanate. At 1200, 1300, and 1400°C, some magnesium ferrite and magnesium aluminate spinel were dissolved in magnesium titanate. However, as the roasting temperature increased to 1500°C, relatively pure magnesium titanate particles were generated because no magnesium ferrite was dissolved in them. The type and dosage of the reductants also remarkably affected the purity of magnesium titanate. The amount of fine metallic iron disseminated in the magnesium titanate particles obviously decreased when lignite was used as a reductant at a dosage of 70wt%. Thus, high-purity magnesium titanate particles formed. At a roasting temperature of 1500°C and with 70wt% lignite, the magnesium titanate product with a yield of 30.63% and an iron content of 3.01wt% was obtained through magnetic separation.  相似文献   

The reduction behavior and metallization degree of magnetite concentrate with agave bagasse were investigated in an inert atmosphere.The effects of temperature, biomass content, and residence time on reduction experiments and metallization degree were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.Compared with other types of biomass, agave bagasse had lower contents of nitrogen,sulfur, and ash.X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the metallization degree improved with increasing temperature and biomass content.Complete metallization was achieved at 1100℃ for 30 min with 65:35 and 50:50 ratios of the magnetite concentrate to the agave bagasse.These results demonstrate that agave bagasse promotes the efficient metallization of magnetite concentrate without the external addition of a reducing agent.Therefore, this biomass is a technical suitable alternative to replace fossil fuels in steelmaking.  相似文献   

研究了铝粉对钒钛磁铁精矿碳热还原及熔分过程的影响。结果表明:添加铝粉能提高钒钛磁铁精矿碳热还原反应速率。铝粉添加量越大,还原反应越快。在还原反应过程中,铝热还原反应的发生放出了大量热量,并在其反应界面周围形成局部高温,从而强化碳热还原反应过程,同时促进新生金属铁聚集长大。添加1%铝粉可稍微改善渣金分离;当铝粉添加量大于2%时,由于TiC的生成,渣的流动性变差,渣铁分离效果恶化。  相似文献   

一步法直接还原新疆磁铁精矿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新疆磁铁精矿为原料,采用“一步法”直接还原,研究粘结剂种类和润磨方式对生球质量的影响,高强度、高还原性预热球团的制备及煤基直接还原的工艺。研究结果表明,对于铁品位为69.21%的新疆磁铁精矿,采用润磨工艺,并添加粘结剂XB能明显改善生球质量;干燥后的生球在800℃预热10 min后,球团抗压强度达到581 N/个,将预热球团在1 050℃还原80 min,得到直接还原铁(DRI)的质量指标为:总Fe含量为90.33%,金属铁含量为85.05%,金属化率达到94.15%。与传统的预热-高温氧化-高温还原煤基回转窑直接还原工艺相比,“一步法”省去了高温氧化这一高能耗(1 150~1 300℃)工序,且还原所得产品结构完整,外表光滑,无裂纹。  相似文献   

以铁品位为69.21%(质量分数)的磁铁精矿为原料,采用预热球团"一步法"煤基直接还原工艺制取直接还原铁。为了降低该精矿成球时产生过多粉末,采用润磨工艺来预处理混合料,并在最优条件下进行了扩大型全流程试验。研究结果表明:在磁铁精矿配加1.0%复合粘结剂及润磨4 min的条件下,生球落下强度由未润磨时的3.8次/(0.5 m)提高到13.7次/(0.5 m);润磨后干球(<1 mm=粉末率由未润磨时的10.98%降低到2.98%;在预热温度为800℃和预热时间为10 min时,预热球团抗压强度由未润磨时的466 N/个提高到581 N/个。预热球团直接还原时,采用润磨预处理方案球团的金属化率与无润磨工艺球团的金属化率相差不大,但金属化球团抗压强度远远大于未润磨时的金属化球团抗压强度,且几乎不产生磁性粉末。通过链箅机-回转窑直接还原扩大试验,所得直接还原球团铁品位达93.43%,金属化率达95.88%,含硫量低于0.01%,磁性粉率为0.75%~0.96%,每吨直接还原铁所耗还原煤为808.5~859.3 kg。  相似文献   

Natural magnetite formed by the isomorphism substitutions of transition metals, including Fe, Ti, Co, etc., was activated by mechanical grinding followed by H2 reduction. The temperature-programmed reduction of hydrogen (H2-TPR) and temperature-programmed surface reaction of carbon dioxide (CO2-TPSR) were carried out to investigate the processes of oxygen loss and CO2 reduction. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed that the stability of spinel phases and oxygen-deficient degree significantly increased after natural magnetite was mechanically milled and reduced in H2 atmosphere. Meanwhile, the activity and selectivity of CO2 reduction into carbon were enhanced. The deposited carbon on the activated natural magnetite was confirmed as amorphous. The amount of carbon after CO2 reduction at 300°C for 90 min over the activated natural magnetite was 2.87wt% higher than that over the natural magnetite.  相似文献   

A water cooling treatment was applied in the coal-based reduction of high-chromium vanadium and titanium (V–Ti–Cr) iron ore from the Hongge region of Panzhihua, China. Its effects on the metallization ratio (η), S removal ratio (RS), and P removal ratio (RP) were studied and analyzed on the basis of chemical composition determined via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The metallic iron particle size and the element distribution of Fe, V, Cr, and Ti in a reduced briquette after water cooling treatment at 1350°C were determined and observed via scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the water cooling treatment improved the η, RS, and RP in the coal-based reduction of V–Ti–Cr iron ore compared to those obtained with a furnace cooling treatment. Meanwhile, the particle size of metallic iron obtained via the water cooling treatment was smaller than that of metallic iron obtained via the furnace cooling treatment; however, the particle size reached 70 μm at 1350°C, which is substantially larger than the minimum particle size required (20 μm) for magnetic separation. Therefore, the water cooling treatment described in this work is a good method for improving the quality of metallic iron in coal-based reduction and it could be applied in the coal-based reduction of V–Ti–Cr iron ore followed by magnetic separation.  相似文献   

钒钛铁精矿内配碳球团高温快速直接还原历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高温实验炉,在1 350℃,氮气保护气氛条件下对钒钛磁铁精矿内配碳球团进行了阶段还原试验,通过TG-DSC、XRD、SEM等检测方法对不同时间内配碳球团还原的组织成分、显微结构等进行研究。结果表明,钒钛铁精矿的还原历程依次为Fe2TiO4和Fe3O4、3(Fe3O4).Fe2TiO4、Fe3O4.Fe2TiO4、Fe2TiO4和FeO、Fe和FeTi2O5;在磁铁矿大量还原生成浮士体的阶段,钛铁矿与新生成的浮士体发生钛铁晶石化,最终还原转变为单质铁和含铁黑钛石。  相似文献   

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