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倪公平 《地下水》1990,12(4):226-228
面对西安市城市甩水供需矛盾日益突出的严重局面,本文提出在注重修建引水工程的同时,应大力开展人工回灌,以保证现有的供水能力和缓解地下水严重超采而引起的环境问题。  相似文献   

马存信 《地下水》1989,11(4):226-229
针对太原市地下水开发利用所引起的严重问题,文中提出用人工回灌解决这一问题的设想.并指出汾河泾流和汾河水库汛期弃水有1.77亿m~3,另有兰村以下的各支流洪水、及城市污水和雨水,都可作为回灌水源;作为回灌库址,西山古交区、兰村至三给地垒、三给地垒至小店约有9.12亿m~3的库容。通过拦河闸坝和打回灌孔,便可解决地下水的回灌问题.文中还对回灌涉及到的煤矿突水、水质、下游供水、河道堵塞,含水层泥沙淤积等问题,提出了见解和措施.  相似文献   

人工回灌对地下水水质影响的室内模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工回灌过程中的水岩相互作用机制较为复杂,目前有关评价人工回灌过程对地下水化学场影响范围和影响程度的研究还十分缺乏。以上海市某人工回灌试验场为例,采用室内模拟实验手段,对人工回灌过程中地下水主要溶质组分的变化趋势及其相关水岩反应进行分析。实验结果表明:回灌过程中,地下水的主要离子成分主要受混合作用、阳离子交换吸附作用及含水层矿物相(方解石、白云石、钾长石)溶解作用的影响;受回灌过程中地下厌氧环境向好氧环境发展的影响,含水介质中的As、Cr、Fe等元素存在溶出趋势,回灌后As-Fe元素的变化量表现出较好的相关性;随着回灌时间的增加,地下水水质的影响范围逐渐扩大,其水化学类型由初始的Cl-HCO3-Na型逐步向Cl-HCO3-Na-Ca型转变。  相似文献   

地下水人工回灌堵塞问题研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
地下水人工回灌堵塞问题的产生与回灌水质、入渗介质的矿物成分及颗粒组成特征等多种因素有关,通常根据成因将堵塞分为物理堵塞、化学堵塞和生物堵塞3种类型。大颗粒悬浮物的物理堵塞效应与机理的研究比较成熟,但对于中间颗粒,尤其是胶体颗粒物的堵塞作用机制的研究还相对比较薄弱;化学堵塞的机理复杂,影响因素众多,水文地球化学模拟技术在化学堵塞机理的研究中显示了良好的应用前景;生物堵塞主要由回灌水中细菌和藻类等微生物的繁殖和代谢导致,大量的研究集中在细菌方面,对藻类引起的堵塞问题研究尚不深入;多种堵塞的相互作用过程和作用机理是目前研究的难点问题。堵塞预测的方法主要包括3种:①指标法(如MFI、悬浮物浓度、浊度、AOC、BFR等),简单实用,但不能对堵塞演化过程进行描述或对堵塞程度进行定量表达;②经验公式法,受特定场地的条件限制,难以直接推广和利用;③解析公式法,对堵塞机理的表达更加科学、合理,但模型的建立与求解难度较大。通过合理的水质预处理技术和合理的回灌工艺,可以有效延迟堵塞发生的时间、减缓堵塞累积的程度。开发快速、高效、简单的堵塞处理技术对于延长工程使用寿命和降低经济成本具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

盆地地下水年龄空间分布规律   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地下水年龄蕴含了地下水循环与演化过程的信息,是研究盆地地下水循环规律的重要信息来源。利用实测示踪剂年龄校正地下水模型,是当前国际水文地质学研究的前沿与热点。在数值模拟计算中,地下水年龄有三种确定方法,分别是利用"活塞流"模型计算对流年龄、根据同位素浓度结合半衰期计算浓度模拟年龄和利用地下水年龄控制方程计算直接模拟年龄。利用地下水年龄控制方程计算的直接模拟年龄适合于从理论上分析盆地中的地下水年龄空间分布规律。研究发现,在各级次流动系统内,从补给区到排泄区,地下水年龄有整体上变老的趋势;盆地下游,地下水年龄在垂向上会发生突变,可作为识别不同级次流动系统的实用指标。研究还发现,驻点位置或者附近,地下水年龄存在一个偏大的峰值。这些规律可为利用地下水年龄校正盆地地下水模型提供理论指导。  相似文献   

张院  孙颖  王新娟 《城市地质》2013,8(1):51-53
北京地区开展人工回灌有了近50年的历史,经历了试验和工程实施阶段。试验阶段包括深井、砂石坑、大口井回灌等试验,工程实施包括城市雨洪利用和再生水回灌利用等。  相似文献   

人工回灌过程中,回灌水的注入使目的含水层地下水环境发生变化,微生物条件也会随之改变,从而影响地下水环境质量及水文地球化学作用。以上海市某人工回灌试验场为例,在分析人工回灌过程中水化学演化特点的基础上,应用DGGE技术对场地回灌过程中地下水中的微生物群落结构变化进行研究,为评价人工回灌对地下水水质安全的影响提供科学的理论依据。结果表明:人工回灌作用使目的含水层地下水中的Eh值及DO质量浓度升高,分别由64.0 mV、1.12 mg/L升至534.4 mV、1.44 mg/L;同一位置处微生物群落结构与原始地下水状态的相似性随时间降低;同一时刻距离回灌井越远的监测井的微生物群落结构越接近于原始地下水状态。随着回灌的进行,目的含水层地下水中优势菌属(种)共有7种,其中Rubrivivax gelatinosusCandidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis clade IIA str.的反硝化能力以及Rhodoferax ferrireducens对Fe3+的还原能力,对地下水水化学组分产生影响。  相似文献   

张志东 《地下水》1993,15(4):179-180
迁安盆地是迁安县富水区,也是全县地下水的集中采区。由于地下水超量开采,引起了地下水水位的下降,本文提出利用滦河水人工回灌补给地下水的措施。  相似文献   

地下水人工回灌可以高效地利用雨季丰沛的水量来缓解地下水过量开采造成的海水入侵、泉水断流等环境水文地质问题,但回灌堵塞一直是制约人工回灌效率的关键问题。针对雨洪水回灌携带的大量气泡问题,设计室内砂柱试验模拟装置,利用曝气水进行人工回灌,定时记录试验过程中测压管读数及出流流量,利用达西定律计算各层渗透系数,研究气相堵塞的发展过程和规律。结果表明:回灌过程中由于气相堵塞导致含水层渗透系数随时间呈指数衰减,气相堵塞主要发生在介质浅表层(0~30 cm),且随时间有向下发展的趋势,堵塞速率随深度的增加逐渐减小,在回灌过程中适时停灌进行排气有利于减小气相堵塞对回灌效率的影响。  相似文献   

The use of infiltration field tests for groundwater artificial recharge   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 When using surface infiltration as a method of recharge, infiltration testing is considered an important additional data input along with other hydrogeologic data into the recharge decision. As part of an investigation into the potential for groundwater recharge, two desert basins in Jordan (Wadi Madoneh and Wadi Butum) were investigated to determine the possibility of recharge using floodwater retention structures. For each area, short-duration (up to 7-h) infiltration tests were conducted to estimate surface infiltration capacity of the upper soil layers in order to present to the authorities preliminary information which could be used along with other factors to aid in the selection of the best site for a pilot recharge project. Given the highly fractured rock formations that constitute the underlying aquifers in the two areas, it was assumed that the upper alluvium layers are the limiting factors in transmitting water to target aquifers. The infiltration tests conducted to estimate the recharge characteristics of the recharge sites yielded test results that indicated a representative infiltration rate of 0.44 m/day for the Wadi Madoneh site and 0.197 m/day for the Wadi Butum site. The data input was used subsequently with other decision factors to select the most promising site for the pilot project. Received: 9 January 1998 · Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

Managed aquifer recharge is one of the most popular methods for dealing with local water shortage issues, and the bacterial community could be a vital factor influencing groundwater quality during this process. In this study, analysis of variations in groundwater components during artificial recharge revealed three stages at a text site in China. During stage I, total iron and dissolved organic carbon levels are stable basically, dissolved oxygen and SO4 2? levels have rising trends, NO3 ? curve varied not obviously. Variation curves show increases in dissolved oxygen, NO3 ?, SO4 2? and stabilization in dissolved organic carbon and total iron at stage II. During stage III, dissolved oxygen and NO3 ? have rising trends, dissolved organic carbon, total iron, and SO4 2? keep stable. At 25 and 70 days the Simpson and Shannon–Wiener indices show that microbial community richness and population diversity underwent a gradual dynamic change after recharge water arrived. Correlation analysis shows that the Simpson index was mainly affected by dissolved oxygen and NO3 ?. PCR-DGGE confirmed these findings. Overall, the results revealed that the main bacterial communities reduce total nitrogen, total phosphorous, and chemical oxygen demand, which corresponded to the calculated correlation index.  相似文献   

试论深层地下水人工补给--SPD人工补给系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种新的深层地下水回灌方式——SPD人工补给系统,并通过室内沙槽浑水模拟试验,对该系统和常规的直接井回灌法作了比较。研究结果表明,利用该系统补给深层地下水,具有回灌水质要求低、补给速度快、补给量多、不易淤堵等特点,是深层地下水人工补给的一条有效的新途径。  相似文献   

Moisture samples obtained from unsaturated-zone profiles in sands from northern Nigeria were used to obtain recharge estimates using the chloride (Cl) mass-balance method and to produce records of past recharge and climatic events. Recharge rates range from 14–49 mm/year, on the basis of unsaturated-zone Cl values and rainfall chemistry measured over eight years at three local stations. The unsaturated-zone results also provide a record of the changing recharge and climatic events of the past 80 years; this record compares quite well with modelling results using precipitation data from Maiduguri, especially for the late 20th-century period of drought. The best fit for the model is made, however, by using a lower mean rainfall Cl (0.65 mg/l) than that obtained from the mean of the field results (1.77 mg/l Cl). This result implies that the measured rainfall Cl probably overestimates the depositional flux of Cl, although the lower value is comparable to the minimum of the measured rainfall Cl values (0.6 mg/l Cl). Recharge estimates made using these lower Cl values range from 16–30 mm/year. The spatial variability was then determined using results from 360 regional shallow wells over 18,000 km2. Using the revised rainfall estimate, the Cl balance indicates a value of 43 mm for the regional recharge, suggesting that either additional preferential flow is taking place over and above that from the vadose one, or that the regional recharge represents inputs from earlier wetter periods. These recharge estimates compare favourably with those from hydraulic modelling in the same area and suggest that the recharge rates are much higher than values previously published for this area. High nitrate (NO3) concentrations (NO3-N>Cl) preserved under aerobic conditions in the vadose zone reflect secondary enrichment from N-fixing vegetation, as occurs elsewhere in the Sahel. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In light of the increasing deterioration of groundwater supplies in Rajasthan, India, rainwater harvesting practices in southern Rajasthan were studied to determine the effects of artificially recharged groundwater on the supply and quality of local groundwater. A physical and geochemical investigation utilizing environmental tracers (δ18O and Cl), groundwater level and groundwater quality measurements, and geological surveys was conducted with two objectives: (1) to quantify the proportion of artificially recharged groundwater in wells located near rainwater harvesting structures and (2) to examine potential effects of artificial recharge on the quality of groundwater in these wells. A geochemical mixing model revealed that the proportion of artificial recharge in these wells ranged from 0 to 75%. Groundwater tracer, water table, and geological data provided evidence of complex groundwater flow and were used to explain the spatial distribution of artificial recharge. Furthermore, wells receiving artificial recharge had improved groundwater quality. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the water quality in these wells and wells determined not to receive artificial recharge, for electrical conductivity and SO 4 . The findings from this study provide quantitative evidence that rainwater harvesting structures in southern Rajasthan influence the groundwater supply and quality of nearby wells by artificially recharging local groundwater.  相似文献   

Theme issue on groundwater recharge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Environmental tracers are used to estimate groundwater ages and travel times, but the strongly heterogeneous nature of many subsurface environments can cause mixing between waters of highly disparate ages, adding additional complexity to the age-estimation process. Mixing may be exacerbated by the presence of wells because long open intervals or long screens with openings at multiple depths can transport water and solutes rapidly over a large vertical distance. The effect of intraborehole flow on groundwater age was examined numerically using direct age transport simulation coupled with the Multi-Node Well Package of MODFLOW. Ages in a homogeneous, anisotropic aquifer reached a predevelopment steady state possessing strong depth dependence. A nonpumping multi-node well was then introduced in one of three locations within the system. In all three cases, vertical transport along the well resulted in substantial changes in age distributions within the system. After a pumping well was added near the nonpumping multi-node well, ages were further perturbed by a flow reversal in the nonpumping multi-node well. Results indicated that intraborehole flow can substantially alter groundwater ages, but the effects are highly dependent on local or regional flow conditions and may change with time.  相似文献   

With the completion of South-North Water Transfer Project in China, plenty of high quality water will be transported to Beijing. To restore the groundwater level in Beijing, part of transferred water is planned to be used for artificial recharge. Clogging is an unavoidable challenge in the artificial recharge process. Therefore, a test is designed to analyse clogging duration and scope of influence and to test the reinjection properties of different recharge media. The test employs the self-designed sand column system with variable spacing and section monitoring, composed of four parts: Sand column, water-supply system, pressure-test system and flow-test system, to simulate the clogging of artificial recharge of sand and gravel pits. The hydraulic conductivity levels of all sand column sections are obtained to analyse the clogging of the injection of different concentrations in media of different particle sizes. In this experiment, two kinds of media are used–round gravel from sand and gravel pit in Xihuang village and the sand from sand and gravel pit by the Yongding River. The concentrations of recharge fluid are respectively 0.5 g/L and 1 g/L. The results show that clogging usually lasts for 20 hrs., and the hydraulic conductivity drops to the original 10%. Clogging usually occurs at 0–12 cm section of the sand column. The scope of influence is 0–60 cm. In column 3 and 4, whose average particle sizes are larger, section 20–50 cm also suffers from clogging, apart from section 0–12 cm. The effective recharge times are respectively 33 hrs. in column 1, 14 hrs. in column 2, 12 hrs. in column 3 and 12 hrs. in column 4. The larger the average particle size is, the quicker the clogging occurs. In media of larger particles, the change in suspension concentration does not have significant influence on the development of clogging. In conclusion, it is suggested that during artificial recharge, the conditions of reinjection medium should be fully considered and effective method of recharge be employed in order to improve effective recharge time.  相似文献   

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