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Grace L. Chen 《Virology》2010,398(1):109-9092
We studied the attenuation, immunogenicity and efficacy of the cold-adapted A/Ann Arbor/6/60 (AA ca) (H2N2) virus in mice and ferrets to evaluate its use in the event of an H2 influenza pandemic. The AA ca virus was restricted in replication in the respiratory tract of mice and ferrets. In mice, 2 doses of vaccine elicited a > 4-fold rise in hemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) titer and resulted in complete inhibition of viral replication following lethal homologous wild-type virus challenge. In ferrets, a single dose of the vaccine elicited a > 4-fold rise in HAI titer and conferred complete protection against homologous wild-type virus challenge in the upper respiratory tract. In both mice and ferrets, the AA ca virus provided significant protection from challenge with heterologous H2 virus challenge in the respiratory tract. The AA ca vaccine is safe, immunogenic, and efficacious against homologous and heterologous challenge in mice and ferrets, supporting the evaluation of this vaccine in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences were determined for the RNA segments coding for proteins other than the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of the A/Leningrad/134/57 (H2N2) wild-type (A/Len/wt) virus and its two cold-adapted (ca) and attenuated variants, A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (A/Len/17/ca) and A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (A/Len/47/ca) that are used in the U.S.S.R. in the preparation of reassortant live attenuated vaccines. Ten nucleotide differences were detected between the sequences of the A/Len/wt and A/Len/17/ca viruses; of these, eight were deduced to encode amino acid (aa) substitutions. One aa substitution each was predicted for the PB2, M1, M2, and NS2 proteins, whereas two aa substitutions each were predicted for the PB1, and PA proteins of the A/Len/17/ca virus. Four additional nucleotide changes were found in the genome of the A/Len/47/ca virus; three of these were detected to code for one additional aa substitution each for the PB2, PB1, and NP proteins.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of 6 wild-type influenza A viruses and 21 recombinant strains prepared from wild-type viruses and cold-adapted A/Ann Arbor/6/60 virus for infant rats was determined. Thus, the titers of virus present in the turbinates and lungs of virus-infected animals was measured serially for 5 days after intranasal infection, and the ability of virus strains to promote subsequent systemic bacterial infection by Haemophilus influenzae was measured at 48 h after virus infection. The results obtained were assessed with reference to the genetic constitution of the virus strains and to virus virulence for volunteers. The results showed that virulent viruses grew to relatively high titers in rat turbinates and significantly promoted systemic infection by H. influenzae. In contrast, attenuated strains grew to lower titers and failed to promote systemic H. influenzae infection. For the strains tested, the results showed clear differences for attenuated and virulent strains, and the model was a reliable indication of virulence for humans. Although the virulent strains tended to grow to higher titers in rat lungs than did attenuated strains, exceptions were found, and this measurement could not reliably discriminate virulent and attenuated virus strains. The results suggest that infant rats can be used to assess the virulence of cold-adapted recombinant influenza virus strains, and thus, they can facilitate the development of such strains for vaccine production.  相似文献   

Direct biochemical evidence has been obtained for the existence of mutations in all eight RNA segments of the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 cold-adapted (ca) mutant influenza virus strain as compared with its wild-type (wt) progenitor. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of viral RNA revealed a change in the electrophoretic migration of RNA 2 (PB1). T1 oligonucleotide mapping revealed changes in two polymerase genes (the PB2 and PA genes), the hemagglutinin (HA) gene and the nucleoprotein (NP) gene. Analysis of S1 nuclease-treated RNA hybrids on polyacrylamide gels detected changes in the HA and neuraminidase (NA) genes. Partial DNA sequence analysis demonstrated a base sequence change in the matrix (M) protein gene that predicts an amino acid change in the M2 protein and a silent mutation in the non-structural (NS) protein gene. In addition, analysis of viral polypeptides by PAGE has so far revealed changes in the viral protein, PA. These findings directly demonstrate the existence of multiple mutations in the ca vaccine strain, a property that may provide reliably and stably attenuated vaccines that derive their six internal genes from the ca A/Ann Arbor/6/60 donor strain.  相似文献   

Attempts to immunize susceptible hosts against infection with Trypanosoma cruzi have generally not met with a high degree of success. In the present study, we used the antimetabolite mitomycin C to produce nonreplicating, attenuated culture forms of T. cruzi. Attempts to immunize highly susceptible C3H(He) mice with single or multiple inoculi of mitomycin C-treated trypanosomes 2 weeks before injection of infective blood-form trypomastigotes did not, however, lead to greater longevity in immunized mice over nonimmunized, control mice. It was determined that a single injection of 10(7) attenuated parasites induced a transient suppression of the immune response to sheep erythrocytes which was maximum on day 7, less on day 14, and undetectable by the 21st day after immunization. This immunosuppression to a heterologous antigen did not, however, appear to be the cause of the failure of the vaccination procedure to elicit protective immunity since mice immunized once with 10(7) mitomycin C-treated trypanosomes and challenged 30, 60, or 90 days later exhibited no greater longevity than control mice.  相似文献   

Summary The cold-adapted (ca) influenza A virus A/Ann Arbor/6/60-ca when administered intranasally to mice in two doses 3 weeks apart induces solid immunity to challenge 3 weeks later with heterotypic influenza A wild-type viruses (17). In the present study heterotypic immunity against viruses from different sub-types was shown to be relatively short-lived, having declined significantly 9 weeks after vaccination and being completely absent by 21 weeks. On the other hand, immunity against challenge viruses with surface antigens similar to the ca vaccinating virus or to other H3N2 viruses remained high, even in the absence of detectable serum haem-agglutination-inhibiting antibody. Both short- and long-term immunity induced by ca viruses was unaffected by earlier priming experiences with other wild-type or ca viruses. These results suggest that at least two mechanisms are involved in respiratory immunity to influenza viruses.With 5 FiguresSupported by a grant from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia.  相似文献   

Jin H  Lu B  Zhou H  Ma C  Zhao J  Yang CF  Kemble G  Greenberg H 《Virology》2003,306(1):18-24
FluMist influenza A vaccine strains contain the PB1, PB2, PA, NP, M, and NS gene segments of ca A/AA/6/60, the master donor virus-A strain. These gene segments impart the characteristic cold-adapted (ca), attenuated (att), and temperature-sensitive (ts) phenotypes to the vaccine strains. A plasmid-based reverse genetics system was used to create a series of recombinant hybrids between the isogenic non-ts wt A/Ann Arbor/6/60 and MDV-A strains to characterize the genetic basis of the ts phenotype, a critical, genetically stable, biological trait that contributes to the attenuation and safety of FluMist vaccines. PB1, PB2, and NP derived from MDV-A each expressed determinants of temperature sensitivity and the combination of all three gene segments was synergistic, resulting in expression of the characteristic MDV-A ts phenotype. Site-directed mutagenesis analysis mapped the MDV-A ts phenotype to the following four major loci: PB1(1195) (K391E), PB1(1766) (E581G), PB2(821) (N265S), and NP(146) (D34G). In addition, PB1(2005) (A661T) also contributed to the ts phenotype. The identification of multiple genetic loci that control the MDV-A ts phenotype provides a molecular basis for the observed genetic stability of FluMist vaccines.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Aspelund A  Kemble G  Jin H 《Virology》2006,345(2):416-423
Cold adapted (ca) B/Ann Arbor/1/66 is the master donor virus for the influenza B (MDV-B) vaccine component of the live attenuated influenza vaccine (FluMist). The six internal genes contributed by MDV-B confer the characteristic cold-adapted (ca), temperature-sensitive (ts) and attenuated (att) phenotypes to the vaccine strains. Previously, it has been determined that the PA and NP segments of MDV-B control the ts phenotype while the att phenotype requires the M segment in addition to PA and NP. Here, we show that the PA, NP and PB2 segments are responsible for the ca phenotype of MDV-B when examined in chicken cell lines. Five loci in three RNA segments, R630 in PB2, M431 in PA and A114, H410 and T509 in NP, are sufficient to allow efficient virus growth at 25 degrees C. Substitution of these five amino acids with wt (wild type) residues completely reverted the MDV-B ca phenotype. Conversely, introduction of these five ca amino acids into B/Yamanashi/166/98 imparted the ca phenotype to this heterologous wt virus. In addition, we also found that the MDV-B M1 gene affected virus replication in chicken cells at 33 and 37 degrees C. Recombinant viruses containing the two MDV-B M1 residues (Q159, V183) replicated less efficiently than those containing wt M1 residues (H159, M183) at 33 and 37 degrees C, implicating the role of the MDV-B M segment to the att phenotype. The complexity of the multigenic signatures controlling the ca, ts and att phenotypes of MDV-B provides the molecular basis for the observed genetic stability of the FluMist vaccines.  相似文献   

A single gene reassortant (SGR) virus that derived its M gene from the attenuated influenza A/Ann Arbor/6/60 cold-adapted (CA) donor virus and the remaining genes from the A/Korea/82 (H3N2) wild type (WT) virus (designated A/Korea/82 CA M-SGR) was previously shown to be attenuated in mice, hamsters, ferrets, and humans. The attenuation (ATT) phenotype of this SGR virus could result directly from an altered function of the mutant M gene product of the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 CA virus, which differs from the M gene of the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 WT virus at only one amino acid or, indirectly from a gene constellation effect in which ATT results from an inefficient interaction between the products of the M gene of the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 virus and other genes of the A/Korea/82 virus. Several lines of evidence from the present study are consistent with our interpretation that the ATT phenotype of the A/Korea/82 CA M-SGR results from a gene constellation effect. First, the A/Korea/82 CA M-SGR and an A/Korea/82 SGR containing the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 WT M gene were each restricted in replication in the upper and lower respiratory tract of mice compared with the A/Korea/82 WT virus. Second, an A/Udorn/72 CA M-SGR containing the M gene from the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 CA donor virus in a background of other genes derived from the A/Udorn/72 (H3N2) WT virus was not attenuated in the respiratory tract of mice. These data suggest that the change in the amino acid sequence of the M gene product from the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 WT to CA virus is not responsible for the ATT phenotype of the A/Korea/82 CA M-SGR. In addition, evidence of the genetic instability of the A/Korea/82 CA M-SGR is presented, specifically, an extragenic mutation that results in loss of the ATT phenotype. The implications of these findings for the ATT phenotype of the live attenuated reassortant viruses derived from the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 CA donor virus are discussed.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of the Russian cold-adapted (ca) donor stains, A/Leningrad (Len)/134/17/57 and A/Leningrad/134/47/57, and the US strain A/Ann Arbor (AA)/6/60-ca, were compared in BALB/c mice with their respective wild-type parental viruses. Each ca donor strain was less immunogenic than its wild-type parent. The vaccinating dose, when administered twice, which prevented multiplication of a standard challenge of parental wild-type virus in 50% of mice (the 50% protective dose or PD(50)), was shown for A/Len/134/17/57-ca, A/Len/134/47/57-ca, and A/AA/6/60-ca to be 10(3.77), 10(4.32), and 10(4.70), respectively. These findings were extended by measuring the number of antibody secreting cells induced in the lungs and mediastinal lymph nodes of mice infected with the same ca donors using an ELISPOT assay. When each donor strain was administered twice at a dose of 100 PD(50) over a 3-week interval, the overall immunoglobulin isotype antibody secreting cell profiles were shown to be similar. However, A/Len/134/17/57-ca and A/Len/134/47/57-ca induced significantly higher total immunoglobulin responses in the lungs than A/AA/6/60-ca (P < 0.05). A/Len/134/17/57-ca also induced a significantly greater IgA response in the lungs than A/AA/6/60-ca (P < 0.05). These results suggest that A/Len/134/17/57-ca is a superior immunogen to A/Len/134/47/57-ca which in turn is more immunogenic than A/AA/6/60-ca.  相似文献   

Alice strain live attenuated influenza A (H3N2) virus was evaluated in prison volunteers. By random double blind allocation, 94 volunteers received Alice strain vaccine (AS) intranasally and 97 received placebo. The vaccine was well tolerated, and there was no serious morbidity. The number, type, duration, and severity of symptoms was not significantly different between the vaccine and placebo groups. Seventy-five per cent of vaccines with initial HAI titers less than or equal to 1:8 had 4 fold or greater titer responses on day 30. Placebo recipients experienced no titer changes. The GMT among vaccinees increased from 23.5 prior to vaccination 59.7 30 days later. Surveillance activities failed to document influenza A (H3N2) infection in the volunteer population during a 6 month follow-up period. Additional studies on the protective effects of the vaccine are required before efficacy can be determined.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Aspelund A  Kemble G  Jin H 《Virology》2008,380(2):354-362
Cold-adapted (ca) B/Ann Arbor/1/66 is the master donor virus for influenza B (MDV-B) vaccine component of live attenuated influenza FluMist® vaccine. The six internal protein gene segments of MDV-B confer the characteristic cold-adapted (ca), temperature-sensitive (ts) and attenuated (att) phenotypes to the reassortant vaccine strains that contain the HA and NA RNA segments from the circulating wild type strains. Previously, we have mapped the loci in the NP, PA and M genes that determine the ca, ts and att phenotypes of MDV-B. In this report, the ts mechanism of MDV-B was described by comparing replication of MDV-B with its wild type counterpart at permissive and restricted temperatures. We showed that the PA and NP proteins of MDV-B are defective in RNA polymerase function at the restricted temperature of 37 °C resulting in greatly reduced viral RNA and protein synthesis. In addition, the two M1 residues, Q159 and V183 that are unique to MDV-B, contribute to reduced virus replication at temperatures greater than 33 °C, possibly due to the reduced M1 membrane association and its reduced virion M1 incorporation. Thus, the previously identified MDV-B loci not only reduce viral polymerase function at the restricted temperature but also affect virus assembly and release.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the neuraminidase (NA) genes of the A/Leningrad/134/57 (H2N2) wild-type (Len/wt) virus as well as two of its live attenuated, cold-adapted (ca) variants, A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (Len/17) and A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (Len/47), were determined. In comparison with Len/wt, one nucleotide change (C-225 to A) was found in the NA gene of Len/17. This change codes for a Thr-to-Asn substitution at position 69 of NA. The NA gene of the more attenuated Len/47 ca virus has one silent (T-814 to C) and two coding nucleotide substitutions, C-78 to T (Ala-20 to Val) and C-225 to A (Thr-69 to Asn). These sequence data were used to design a PCR-restriction technique to determine the origin of the NA gene in candidate live, attenuated vaccine reassortants made by reassorting these ca strains with current field viruses.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned accession numbers L37329-L37331.  相似文献   

Summary Two surface antigen segregants were prepared by co-infection of chicken embryo kidney cell cultures with reassortants of the cold-adapted influenza A master strain A/Ann Arbor/6/60-ca (H2N2) possessing the surface antigens of A/Queensland/6/72 (H3N2) and A/Hong Kong/123/77 (H1N1) and other genes that were common to the master strain. The segregants were shown by serological tests to possess H3N1 and H1N2 surface antigens but it was not possible to determine the presence of H1 or N1 genes by single-stranded RNA polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The immunogenic properties of A/Queensland/6/72-ca and H3N1 segregant CR6/35/2/9 were compared by immunising mice intranasally with graded doses of each virus twice at an interval of 3 weeks and then challenging with the wild-type A/Queensland/6/72 (H3N2). Clearance of the challenge virus occurred in mice immunised with the same vaccinating dose, indicating that the immunogenicity of both the ca H3N2 and H3N1 viruses was identical and similar findings were obtained for mice immunised with A/Hong Kong/123/77-ca and the H1N2 segregant CR6/35/1/19 and challenged with the wild-type A/Hong Kong/123/77. Therefore, there appears to be a good correlation between immunogenicity and the inheritance of the haemagglutinin gene.  相似文献   

Chan W  Zhou H  Kemble G  Jin H 《Virology》2008,380(2):304-311
We have previously determined that the temperature sensitive (ts) and attenuated (att) phenotypes of the cold adapted influenza A/Ann Arbor/6/60 strain (MDV-A), the master donor virus for the live attenuated influenza A vaccines (FluMist®), are specified by the five amino acids in the PB1, PB2 and NP gene segments. To understand how these loci control the ts phenotype of MDV-A, replication of MDV-A at the non-permissive temperature (39 °C) was compared with recombinant wild-type A/Ann Arbor/6/60 (rWt). The mRNA and protein synthesis of MDV-A in the infected MDCK cells were not significantly reduced at 39 °C during a single-step replication, however, vRNA synthesis was reduced and the nuclear–cytoplasmic export of viral RNP (vRNP) was blocked. In addition, the virions released from MDV-A infected cells at 39 °C exhibited irregular morphology and had a greatly reduced amount of the M1 protein incorporated. The reduced M1 protein incorporation and vRNP export blockage correlated well with the virus ts phenotype because these defects could be partially alleviated by removing the three ts loci from the PB1 gene. The virions and vRNPs isolated from the MDV-A infected cells contained a higher level of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) than those of rWt, however, whether Hsp70 is involved in thermal inhibition of MDV-A replication remains to be determined. Our studies demonstrate that restrictive replication of MDV-A at the non-permissive temperature occurs in multiple steps of the virus replication cycle.  相似文献   

Joseph T  McAuliffe J  Lu B  Vogel L  Swayne D  Jin H  Kemble G  Subbarao K 《Virology》2008,378(1):123-132
The appearance of human infections caused by avian influenza A H7 subtype viruses underscores their pandemic potential and the need to develop vaccines to protect humans from viruses of this subtype. A live attenuated H7N3 virus vaccine was generated by reverse genetics using the HA and NA genes of a low pathogenicity A/chicken/BC/CN-6/04 (H7N3) virus and the six internal protein genes of the cold-adapted A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca (H2N2) virus. The reassortant H7N3 BC 04 ca vaccine virus was temperature sensitive and showed attenuation in mice and ferrets. Intranasal immunization with one dose of the vaccine protected mice and ferrets when challenged with homologous and heterologous H7 viruses. The reassortant H7N3 BC 04 ca vaccine virus showed comparable levels of attenuation, immunogenicity and efficacy in mice and ferret models. The safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of this vaccine in mice and ferrets support the evaluation of this vaccine in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses of both CD4 and CD8 memory/effector T cells were evaluated in healthy young adults who received two doses of live attenuated influenza A (H5N2) vaccine. The vaccine was developed by reassortment of nonpathogenic avian A/Duck/Potsdam/1402-6/68 (H5N2) and cold-adapted A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) viruses. T-cell responses were measured by standard methods of intracellular cytokine staining of gamma interferon (IFN-γ)-producing cells and a novel T-cell recognition of antigen-presenting cells by protein capture (TRAP) assay based on the trogocytosis phenomenon, namely, plasma membrane exchange between interacting immune cells. TRAP enables the detection of activated trogocytosis-positive T cells after virus stimulation. We showed that two doses of live attenuated influenza A (H5N2) vaccine promoted both CD4 and CD8 T-memory-cell responses in peripheral blood of healthy young subjects in the clinical study. Significant differences in geometric mean titers (GMTs) of influenza A (H5N2)-specific IFN-γ(+) cells were observed at day 42 following the second vaccination, while peak levels of trogocytosis(+) T cells were detected earlier, on the 21st day after the second vaccination. The inverse correlation of baseline levels compared to postvaccine fold changes in GMTs of influenza-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells demonstrated that baseline levels of these specific cells could be considered a predictive factor of vaccine immunogenicity.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of several cold-adapted (ca) viruses was compared in CSL mice with that of wild-type parental viruses with similar surface antigens, according to the vaccinating dose required to clear a challenge consisting of 10(4.5) 50% tissue culture infective doses of the wild-type virus. All ca viruses were less immunogenic than their wild-type parental strains by a factor of 10(1.3) to 10(3.4), probably due to the restricted capacity of ca viruses to replicate in the respiratory tracts of mice. However, their immunogenicity was considerably enhanced when two quite small doses were administered 3 weeks apart. The immunogenicity of ca viruses when administered in two doses and wild-type viruses when administered as a single dose varied according to their surface antigens. It was highest for viruses with the H2N2 A/Ann Arbor/6/60 and H3N2 A/Queensland/6/72 surface antigens and lowest for those with H1N1 A/HK/123/77 surface antigens. When two doses consisting of 10(5.0) 50% tissue culture infective doses of A/Ann Arbor/6/60-ca were administered at an interval of 3 weeks, solid immunity was induced against the wild-type A/Ann Arbor/6/60 parental virus, two heterologous H3N2 strains, and an H1N1 strain.  相似文献   

Wild-type influenza A viruses can be attenuated for humans by the acquisition of genes from the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 cold-adapted (ca) donor virus. Six-gene reassortants, that is, viruses containing the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase surface glycoprotein genes of the wild-type virus and the six remaining RNA segments of the ca donor virus, are consistently attenuated for humans. During the production of a six-gene reassortant virus containing the surface glycoproteins of the A/Washington/897/80 (H3N2) wild-type virus, a reassortant virus was isolated that contained RNA segments 3 (coding for the polymerase PA protein) and 7 (coding for matrix [M] proteins) from the ca parent and all other genes from the wild-type virus. This reassortant virus is referred to as a two-gene reassortant. Because the gene or set of genes responsible for the attenuation of ca reassortant viruses has not been defined, we evaluated the two-gene reassortant for level of replication and level of virulence in ferrets and in humans, and we compared its characteristics to those of a six-gene reassortant virus derived from the same two parents. The two-gene reassortant virus infected each of 14 adult seronegative (serum hemagglutination inhibition titer of less than or equal to 1:8) volunteers when administered intranasally at a dose of 10(7) 50% tissue culture infectious doses, yet it did not produce illness. The level of replication of the two-gene reassortant virus in the upper respiratory tract was equivalent to that of the six-gene reassortant virus. This demonstrates that transfer of the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca PA polymerase and M genes is sufficient to confer the attenuation phenotype on wild-type influenza A viruses. In the context of previous observations, these results suggest that the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca donor virus PA polymerase gene plays a major role in the attenuation of ca reassortant viruses.  相似文献   

The A/Ann Arbor/6/60 cold-adapted (ca) donor virus had a 38 degrees C shutoff temperature when tested in MDCK tissue culture. ca recombinant viruses bearing all six "internal genes" of the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca donor virus and the surface antigens of wild-type virus can manifest a 1,000-fold difference in plaquing efficiency at 38 degrees C. These observations suggest that the A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca donor genes that specify the temperature sensitive phenotype of the ca recombinants can undergo genetic modification during the production and passage of the recombinants. The NS gene in the ca recombinant virus could be inherited from either parent without influencing the level of temperature sensitivity of the ca recombinant.  相似文献   

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