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Natural Hazards - Data from satellites are invaluable for applications including long-term climate studies and engineering design. Most present applications of wind-wave research for coastal...  相似文献   

仇浩淼  夏唐代  郑晴晴  周飞 《岩土力学》2018,39(11):4053-4062
基于Leclaire对饱和双相孔隙弹性介质Biot模型的扩展,研究含有两种不同固相组分的三相多孔弹性介质中体波的传播特性。以饱和冻土为例,分析了各相体积分数、颗粒形状,接触参数等因素对波动方程中惯性参数、黏性参数、刚度参数的影响;对该三相介质模型进行了退化,分析了孔隙中只含液态水或固态冰时体波的特性;以饱和冻土为例,通过数值计算,探讨了饱和冻土中体波的相速度和衰减系数与胶结参数、接触参数、频率、饱和度、孔隙率等参数的关系。结果表明:与一般的饱和土不同,饱和冻土中存在5种体波,即3种纵波和2种横波;5种体波均具有弥散性和衰减性,且P1波、S1波弥散性和衰减性远小于P2、P3、S2波;胶结参数、饱和度、孔隙率对5种体波的传播特性影响显著,接触参数对传播特性影响较小。  相似文献   

基于多孔介质理论和广义的热弹性模型,研究了饱和多孔热弹性介质中Rayleigh波(R波)的传播特性。以考虑流-固耦合的饱和多孔介质波动方程和连续性方程及考虑热-弹耦合的广义热弹性基本方程出发,建立了饱和多孔介质的热-流-固耦合弹性波动模型。通过引入势函数并结合自由透水及绝热的边界条件,经过理论推导最终给出了饱和多孔热弹性介质中R波的弥散特征方程。利用数值算例分析了孔隙率、渗透系数、热膨胀系数、初始温度和松弛时间等热物理参数对R波的波速和特征衰减的影响。结果表明:孔隙率的增加将引起R波的波速下降,但使得R波的特征衰减反而增大;R波的波速随着渗透系数的增大先不变,再急剧增大,最后趋于稳定,其特征衰减随着渗透系数的增加先增大后减小,最后趋于稳定;热膨胀系数的增大将引起R波波速的增大,但对其特征衰减的影响较小;初始温度的增加导致R波波速的小幅上升,而对其特征衰减影响不大;松弛时间对R波波速和特征衰减几乎无影响。  相似文献   

自由状态下层状介质中平面瑞利波相速度与频率及层状介质特性参数有关,表面源激发的瑞利波以柱面波阵面传播,传播速度不仅与频率有关,而且还与传播距离有关,这样,自由状态下层状介质中平面瑞利波传播特性理论不能有效地用于激发瑞利波相速度分析。以薄层法得到的圆盘状表面垂直源激发瑞利波位移响应为基础,导出激发瑞利波相速度,比较激发模态与简正模态相速度差异,分析激发模态空间特性,揭示这种空间特性形成机制。结果表明:源对激发模态传播影响距离不超过一个波长,波场距源越近,激发模态竖直振动传播速度越低;在多模波场,激发模态间相长相干或相消相干导致表观相速度具有较明显的空间特性。该研究可为发展考虑瑞利波频率及空间特性反演数学模型及算法提供指导。  相似文献   

双相多孔介质中体波传播特性影响参数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志军  夏唐代  张琼方  黄博 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3443-3450
基于修正的Biot理论,通过数值计算分别研究了3种体波(P1、P2、S波)的波速和衰减与固体颗粒压缩性、频率、孔隙率、流体黏滞系数、动力渗透系数等参数之间的关系。分析结果表明:(1)P1、P2波的波速和衰减与固体颗粒压缩性之间近似呈线性变化关系,而S波则几乎保持不变,并通过定量比较发现,能否忽略固体颗粒压缩性的影响取决于固体骨架体变模量( )与固体颗粒体变模量( )的比值;(2)孔隙率对P1、S波波速的影响较为显著,并且预测当孔隙率接近于1.0时,P1、P2波之间发生相互转换;(3)3种体波的波速和衰减均随流体黏滞系数和动力渗透系数而变化,且在这两个参数下的变化规律基本相反;(4)3种体波的波速和衰减均随频率的增大而增大,其中,频率对P2波的影响较大。  相似文献   

A linear, continuously stratified ocean model is used to investigate vertical propagation of remotely forced, baroclinic Kelvin waves along the Indian west coast. The extent of vertical propagation over the length of the coast is found to be an increasing function of the forcing frequency. Simulations show that, over the length of the Indian west coast, vertical propagation is limited at annual and semi-annual periods, but significant at periods shorter than about 120 days. This has two major consequences. First, the depth of subsurface currents associated with these frequencies varies substantially along the coast. Second, baroclinic Kelvin waves generated in the Bay of Bengal at periods shorter than about 120 days have negligible influence on surface currents along the north Indian west coast.  相似文献   

基于深部非连续自应力等级块系岩体构造理论,研究冲击载荷在块系岩体中以摆型波形式传播时岩块间黏弹性性质对摆型波传播的影响。当岩块间具有五种不同黏弹性性质时,通过对块系岩体的始端和末端区域中间岩块加速度响应计算及各岩块加速度正负摆幅幅值分析可知:岩块间黏性变化时,对岩块加速度衰减周期没有影响,但黏性增大时各岩块正负摆幅下降幅度比黏性周期增大时大;岩块间弹性变化时岩块加速度衰减周期均发生变化,但弹性减小时正负摆幅值向平衡位置平移,弹性周期减小时块系岩体的前半部分岩块正负摆幅曲线均出现波动且负摆波动较大,岩块间弹性梯级增大时,岩块加速度迅速衰减,同时各岩块加速度的正负摆幅曲线在初始端区域出现波动。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of solar meridional circulation on the propagation of dynamo waves depending on the type of matter motion in a Parker approximation. The meridional circulation can lengthen the solar-activity cycle, with the dynamo-wave behavior depending on the latitude variations in the velocity of the moving material. The results obtained can qualitatively explain the Maunder minimum.  相似文献   

杨多兴  李琦  王舒 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):2047-2056
首次将高精度时空守恒元/解元方法推广到可压缩流体饱和孔隙介质中孔隙压力波传播的数值计算中。将孔隙度梯度从源(汇)项中分离,直接引入流通量,改进了理论模型。通过对孔隙介质激波问题的数值模拟,验证了方法的精度和有效性。在此基础上,提出了孔隙介质中二维黎曼问题,并揭示了孔隙压力波存在接触间断、激波、膨胀波、压缩波等复杂的结构特征。该成果对二氧化碳地质封存、二氧化碳提高石油采收率、页岩气压裂开采以及地震破裂过程的研究具有重要的理论与应用意义。  相似文献   

Summary In the following paper a general relationship between velocity and density in a limestone is established. Statistically significant differences may be found between the equations concerning each one of the four rock types defined on the basis of variations in composition and texture. There is a clear relation between the highest velocities and the existence of pressure-solution evidences. The later are an indication of changes in texture induced by tectonics.  相似文献   

Vieira  F.  Cavalcante  G.  Campos  E. 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):2203-2217
Natural Hazards - This study presents a detailed assessment of wave conditions in the Gulf of Oman based on numerical simulations during the passage of three cyclones that have caused severe...  相似文献   

Han  Linfeng  Wang  Pingyi  Mu  Ping  Ren  Qingyang  Liu  Yun 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(2):1375-1399
Natural Hazards - Propagation and run-up of impulse waves generated by rockslides in curved channels are investigated by carrying out three-dimensional laboratory tests. The objective is to study...  相似文献   

从弹性波在介质中传播的特点和弹性波法在岩体工程中的实际应用情况方面,分析了弹性波在含裂隙岩体介质中的传播特征。将岩体中裂隙呈随机分布的裂隙岩体似为准各向同性裂隙岩体,根据能量平衡原理、岩石断裂力学理论和卡氏最小功能定理(Castiglano’s theorem),确定了准各向同性裂隙岩体的有效动弹性参数( 、 、 )与裂隙密度参数(Xv)的数学关系。在此基础上,根据各向同性介质中传播的弹性波理论,建立了准各向同性裂隙岩体中弹性波速( 、 )和 / 与裂隙密度参数(Xv)之间的关系。理论研究表明,在此裂隙岩体中,有效动弹性参数和弹性波速与裂纹密度参数之间相互的关系均近似成倒数函数的非线性关系;裂隙密度参数增加,有效动弹性模量( )也减少,弹性波速( , )也减小;在裂隙密度参数较小时,此裂隙岩体的有效弹性模量和弹性波速随裂隙密度参数的变化较大,说明裂隙体的有效弹性参数和弹性波速对裂隙体非常敏感。  相似文献   

近岸水下扇沉积体系高精度层序地层学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以东营凹陷胜北断层下降盘坨85块沙河街组沙三中亚段近岸水下扇沉积体为例,对近岸水下扇沉积体系下的高精度层序地层学进行了研究。经过分析认为,近岸水下扇沉积体系中的高精度层序地层单元划分为准层序组、准层序、层组、层四级,并对准层序和层组的类型和对比方法进行了总结。将近岸水下扇积体系中的层组类型划分为Fu(Fineup)、Cu(Coareseup)和Hu(Homogenicup)三大类,准层序类型划分为Cu-Fu、Cu-Cu、Cu-Hu三大类,同时总结出了沿物源方向的相序递变和垂直物源方向的侵蚀切割对比2种准层序对比模式和侵蚀叠置、相变对比、薄砂层对比、相似渐变等4种层组对比模式。  相似文献   

The wave propagation in jointed rock mass depends on many factors, in particular the wave frequency, existing stress conditions and the induced strain levels. When the wavelength of the propagating wave is much longer than the spacing of the joints, it is referred to as long-wavelength condition. This is a dominant condition in seismological studies due to the presence of closely spaced joints in rocks. A comprehensive study on long-wavelength propagation of shear and compression waves in very weak rocks has been carried out with the help of a resonant column apparatus using a model material (plaster of Paris) at various strain levels. The working principle and suitability of the apparatus for testing stiff samples are discussed. The velocity reductions of shear and compression waves across joints are obtained. The influence of frictional and filled joints in attenuating stress waves under various strain levels is analysed. Wave velocities are found to be reduced with increasing strain levels and decreasing joint spacing. The joints with gouge material are more efficient at damping the waves. It is recognised that wave velocity reductions and damping across joints are functions of confining stress and strain levels induced in very weak rocks.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲滨海区沉积物的分异特征与规律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据2000年79月黄河三角洲滨海区表层沉积物的分析结果,运用F lem ing的三角图式对沉积环境进行划分,并在此基础上结合沉积物结构、地形和水动力条件,探讨了沉积物的分布规律及其作用机制。结果表明:研究区域可划分为废弃三角洲滨海区、现行河口区和莱州湾滨海区三个沉积环境。对于废弃三角洲沉积区,在早期废弃的湾湾沟海区风浪作用为主,沉积物普遍较粗,抗冲能力较强;废弃不久的飞雁滩海区在波流联合作用下,沉积物粒径由岸向海变细,大致在-5-6m水深处存在一明显的界限,该水深以浅砂含量较高;而该水深以深以粉砂和粘土为主,砂含量较低。现行河口区,由于沙嘴前方强潮流带的作用,沉积物粒径由岸向海表现为粗—细—粗的演变趋势。在莱州湾海区,由于潮流场的影响,以广利河河口为界,以北粒径较细,而以南则较粗。   相似文献   

A state-of-the-art regional climate modelling system, known as PRECIS (Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies) developed by the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, UK is applied over the Indian domain to investigate the impact of global warming on the cyclonic disturbances such as depressions and storms. The PRECIS simulations at 50 × 50 km horizontal resolution are made for two time slices, present (1961–1990) and the future (2071–2100), for two socioeconomic scenarios A2 and B2. The model simulations under the scenarios of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations and sulphate aerosols are analysed to study the likely changes in the frequency, intensity and the tracks of cyclonic disturbances forming over north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) and the Indian landmass during monsoon season. The model overestimates the frequency of cyclonic disturbances over the Indian subcontinent in baseline simulations (1961–1990). The change is evaluated towards the end of present century (2071–2100) with respect to the baseline climate. The present study indicates that the storm tracks simulated by the model are southwards as compared to the observed tracks during the monsoon season, especially for the two main monsoon months, viz., July and August. The analysis suggests that the frequency of cyclonic disturbances forming over north Indian Ocean is likely to reduce by 9% towards the end of the present century in response to the global warming. However, the intensity of cyclonic disturbances is likely to increase by about 11% compared to the present.  相似文献   

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