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Due to global warming and population growth, plants need to rescue themselves, especially in unfavorable environments, to fulfill food requirements because they are sessile organisms. Stress signal sensing is a crucial step that determines the appropriate response which, ultimately, determines the survival of plants. As important signaling modules in eukaryotes, plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play a key role in regulating responses to the following four major environmental stresses: high salinity, drought, extreme temperature and insect and pathogen infections. MAPK cascades are involved in responses to these environmental stresses by regulating the expression of related genes, plant hormone production and crosstalk with other environmental stresses. In this review, we describe recent major studies investigating MAPK-mediated environmental stress responses. We also highlight the diverse function of MAPK cascades in environmental stress. These findings help us understand the regulatory network of MAPKs under environmental stress and provide another strategy to improve stress resistance in crops to ensure food security.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play crucial roles in almost all biological processes in plants. They transduce extracellular cues into cells, typically through linear and sequential phosphorylation and activation of members of the signaling cascades. However, accumulating data suggest various regulatory mechanisms of plant MAPK cascades in addition to the traditional phosphorylation pathway, in concert with their large numbers and coordinated roles in plant responses to complex ectocytic signals. Here, we highlight recent studies that describe the uncanonical mechanism of regulation of MAPK cascades, regarding the activation of each tier of the signaling cascades. More particularly, we discuss the unusual role for MAPK kinase kinases (MAPKKKs) in the regulation of MAPK cascades, as accumulating data suggest the non-MAPKKK function of many MAPKKKs. In addition, future work on the biochemical activation of MAPK members that needs attention will be discussed.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) form tightly controlled signaling cascades that play essential roles in plant growth, development, and defense response. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying MAPK cascades are still very elusive, largely because of our poor understanding of how they relay the signals. The MAPK cascade is composed of MAPK, MAPKK, and MAPKKK. They transfer signals through the phosphorylation of MAPKKK, MAPKK, and MAPK in turn. MAPKs are organized into a complex network for efficient transmission of specific stimuli. This review summarizes the research progress in recent years on the classification and functions of MAPK cascades under various conditions in plants, especially the research status and general methods available for identifying MAPK substrates, and provides suggestions for future research directions.  相似文献   

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that performs important functions in mammals. However, studies on its physiological functions in plants have gradually increased in recent years. Therefore, this review summarizes the regulatory functions of progesterone on plant growth and development, as well as its response to stress. Moreover, the plant metabolic processes of progesterone are also discussed. Overall, progesterone is ubiquitous in plants and can regulate numerous plant physiological processes at low concentrations. Since progesterone shares similar characteristics with plant hormones, it is expected to become a candidate for plant hormone. However, most of the current research on progesterone in plants is limited to the physiological level, and more molecular level research is needed to clarify progesterone signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Environmental or abiotic stresses are a common threat that remains a constant and common challenge to all plants. These threats whether singular or in combination can have devastating effects on plants. As a semiaquatic plant, rice succumbs to the same threats. Here we systematically look into the involvement of salicylic acid (SA) in the regulation of abiotic stress in rice. Studies have shown that the level of endogenous salicylic acid (SA) is high in rice compared to any other plant species. The reason behind this elevated level and the contribution of this molecule towards abiotic stress management and other underlying mechanisms remains poorly understood in rice. In this review we will address various abiotic stresses that affect the biochemistry and physiology of rice and the role played by SA in its regulation. Further, this review will elucidate the potential mechanisms that control SA-mediated stress tolerance in rice, leading to future prospects and direction for investigation.  相似文献   

With the advent of human civilization and anthropogenic activities in the shade of urbanization and global climate change, plants are exposed to a complex set of abiotic stresses. These stresses affect plants’ growth, development, and yield and cause enormous crop losses worldwide. In this alarming scenario of global climate conditions, plants respond to such stresses through a highly balanced and finely tuned interaction between signaling molecules. The abiotic stresses initiate the quick release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as toxic by-products of altered aerobic metabolism during different stress conditions at the cellular level. ROS includes both free oxygen radicals {superoxide (O2•−) and hydroxyl (OH)} as well as non-radicals [hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and singlet oxygen (1O2)]. ROS can be generated and scavenged in different cell organelles and cytoplasm depending on the type of stimulus. At high concentrations, ROS cause lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, protein oxidation, and necrosis, but at low to moderate concentrations, they play a crucial role as secondary messengers in intracellular signaling cascades. Because of their concentration-dependent dual role, a huge number of molecules tightly control the level of ROS in cells. The plants have evolved antioxidants and scavenging machinery equipped with different enzymes to maintain the equilibrium between the production and detoxification of ROS generated during stress. In this present article, we have focused on current insights on generation and scavenging of ROS during abiotic stresses. Moreover, the article will act as a knowledge base for new and pivotal studies on ROS generation and scavenging.  相似文献   

Phytoalexins are inducible secondary metabolites possessing antimicrobial activity against phytopathogens. Rice produces a wide array of phytoalexins in response to pathogen attacks and environmental stresses. With few exceptions, most phytoalexins identified in rice are diterpenoid compounds. Until very recently, flavonoid sakuranetin was the only known phenolic phytoalexin in rice. However, recent studies have shown that phenylamides are involved in defense against pathogen attacks in rice. Phenylamides are amine-conjugated phenolic acids that are induced by pathogen infections and abiotic stresses including ultra violet (UV) radiation in rice. Stress-induced phenylamides, such as N-trans-cinnamoyltryptamine, N-p-coumaroylserotonin and N-cinnamoyltyramine, have been reported to possess antimicrobial activities against rice bacterial and fungal pathogens, an indication of their direct inhibitory roles against invading pathogens. This finding suggests that phenylamides act as phytoalexins in rice and belong to phenolic phytoalexins along with sakuranetin. Phenylamides also have been implicated in cell wall reinforcement for disease resistance and allelopathy of rice. Synthesis of phenolic phytoalexins is stimulated by phytopathogen attacks and abiotic challenges including UV radiation. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that biosynthetic pathways including the shikimate, phenylpropanoid and arylmonoamine pathways are coordinately activated for phenolic phytoalexin synthesis, and related genes are induced by biotic and abiotic stresses in rice.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) play crucial roles in various biological processes, including plant developmental processes and response to diverse biotic and abiotic stresses. However, no information is currently available about this gene family in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In the present investigation, we identified the BZR gene family in wheat to understand the evolution and their role in diverse developmental processes and under different stress conditions. In this study, we performed the genome-wide analysis of the BZR gene family in the bread wheat and identified 20 TaBZR genes through a homology search and further characterized them to understand their structure, function, and distribution across various tissues. Phylogenetic analyses lead to the classification of TaBZR genes into five different groups or subfamilies, providing evidence of evolutionary relationship with Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, Glycine max, and Oryza sativa. A gene exon/intron structure analysis showed a distinct evolutionary path and predicted the possible gene duplication events. Further, the physical and biochemical properties, conserved motifs, chromosomal, subcellular localization, and cis-acting regulatory elements were also examined using various computational approaches. In addition, an analysis of public RNA-seq data also shows that TaBZR genes may be involved in diverse developmental processes and stress tolerance mechanisms. Moreover, qRT-PCR results also showed similar expression with slight variation. Collectively, these results suggest that TaBZR genes might play an important role in plant developmental processes and various stress conditions. Therefore, this work provides valuable information for further elucidate the precise role of BZR family members in wheat.  相似文献   

Heat stress during the preflowering panicle initiation stage seriously decreases rice grain weight in an invisible way and has not been given enough attention. The current review aims to (i) specify the heat effects on rice grain weight during the panicle initiation stage compared with the most important grain-filling stage; and (ii) discuss the physiological mechanisms of the decreased rice grain weight induced by heat during panicle initiation in terms of assimilate supply and phytohormone regulation, which are key physiological processes directly regulating rice grain weight. We emphasize that the effect of heat during the panicle initiation stage on rice grain weight is more serious than that during the grain-filling stage. Heat stress during the panicle initiation stage induces alterations in endogenous phytohormones, leading to the inhibition of the photosynthesis of functional leaves (source) and the formation of vascular bundles (flow), thus reducing the accumulation and transport of nonstructural carbohydrates and the growth of lemmata and paleae. The disruptions in the “flow” and restrictions in the preanthesis “source” tissue reduce grain size directly and decrease grain plumpness indirectly, resulting in a reduction in the final grain weight, which could be the direct physiological causes of the lower rice grain weight induced by heat during the panicle initiation stage. We highlight the seriousness of preflowering heat stress on rice grain weight, which can be regarded as an invisible disaster. The physiological mechanisms underlying the lower grain weight induced by heat during panicle initiation show a certain novelty because they distinguish this stage from the grain-filling stage. Additionally, a number of genes that control grain size through phytohormones have been summarized, but their functions have not yet been fully tested under heat conditions, except for the Grain Size and Abiotic stress tolerance 1 (GSA1) and BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 (OsBRI1) genes, which are reported to respond rapidly to heat stress. The mechanisms of reduced rice grain weight induced by heat during the panicle initiation stage should be studied in more depth in terms of molecular pathways.  相似文献   

Parasitic angiosperms, comprising a diverse group of flowering plants, are partially or fully dependent on their hosts to acquire water, mineral nutrients and organic compounds. Some have detrimental effects on agriculturally important crop plants. They are also intriguing model systems to study adaptive mechanisms required for the transition from an autotrophic to a heterotrophic metabolism. No less than any other plant, parasitic plants are affected by abiotic stress factors such as drought and changes in temperature, saline soils or contamination with metals or herbicides. These effects may be attributed to the direct influence of the stress, but also to diminished host availability and suitability. Although several studies on abiotic stress response of parasitic plants are available, still little is known about how abiotic factors affect host preferences, defense mechanisms of both hosts and parasites and the effects of combinations of abiotic and biotic stress experienced by the host plants. The latter effects are of specific interest as parasitic plants pose additional pressure on contemporary agriculture in times of climate change. This review summarizes the existing literature on abiotic stress response of parasitic plants, highlighting knowledge gaps and discussing perspectives for future research and potential agricultural applications.  相似文献   

The importance of lymphatic vessels in a myriad of human diseases is rapidly gaining recognition; lymphatic vessel dysfunction is a feature of disorders including congenital lymphatic anomalies, primary lymphoedema and obesity, while improved lymphatic vessel function increases the efficacy of immunotherapy for cancer and neurological disease and promotes cardiac repair following myocardial infarction. Understanding how the growth and function of lymphatic vessels is precisely regulated therefore stands to inform the development of novel therapeutics applicable to a wide range of human diseases. Lymphatic vascular development is initiated during embryogenesis following establishment of the major blood vessels and the onset of blood flow. Lymphatic endothelial progenitor cells arise from a combination of venous and non-venous sources to generate the initial lymphatic vascular structures in the vertebrate embryo, which are then further ramified and remodelled to elaborate an extensive lymphatic vascular network. Signalling mediated via vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family members and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinases is crucial for development of both the blood and lymphatic vascular networks, though distinct components are utilised to different degrees in each vascular compartment. Although much is known about the regulation of VEGFA/VEGFR2 signalling in the blood vasculature, less is understood regarding the mechanisms by which VEGFC/VEGFD/VEGFR3 signalling is regulated during lymphatic vascular development. This review will focus on recent advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating VEGFA-, VEGFC- and VEGFD-mediated signalling via VEGFRs which are important for driving the construction of lymphatic vessels during development and disease.  相似文献   

With a little kelp from my friends : In response to biotic and abiotic stress, the brown algal kelp Laminaria digitata releases volatile fatty acid aldehydes under laboratory conditions and in its natural environment (red). In response to 4‐HHE treatment, L. digitata releases (13S)‐HOTrE (green). These results support the hypothesis that these compounds may mediate kelp responses to stress.


Plant sterols are important components of the cell membrane and lipid rafts, which play a crucial role in various physiological and biochemical processes during development and stress resistance in plants. In recent years, many studies in higher plants have been reported in the biosynthesis pathway of plant sterols, whereas the knowledge about the regulation and accumulation of sterols is not well understood. In this review, we summarize and discuss the recent findings in the field of plant sterols, including their biosynthesis, regulation, functions, as well as the mechanism involved in abiotic stress responses. These studies provide better knowledge on the synthesis and regulation of sterols, and the review also aimed to provide new insights for the global role of sterols, which is liable to benefit future research on the development and abiotic stress tolerance in plant.  相似文献   

In isotope separation pulse cascades are non-conventional and transient processes take place at each stage and in the whole cascade. A numerical method is developed to study the transient process of reaching steady state and applied to square pulse cascades to identify the majors of influence. Without feed and withdrawals, the main factors influencing the transient process are the cascade length and the ratio of the centrifuge holdup to the pipe holdup. With feed and withdrawals, the factors influencing the transient process include the feed, the centrifuge holdup, the pipe holdup, and the cascade length.  相似文献   

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