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通过对以上虞市盖北镇为主的浙北杭州湾南岸地区巨峰葡萄露地生产栽培现状的调查与分析,阐述了该地区当前巨峰葡萄生产存在的主要问题,提出了该地当前巨峰葡萄优质化生产栽培必须认识的几个关键性问题和技术措施。  相似文献   

巨峰葡萄酒酿造过程中高级醇的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发酵工艺条件影响巨峰葡萄酒中高级醇生成量,主要影响因素有酵母接种量、氨基氮含量等.  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of many edible substances and pure chemicals on chocolate have been studied in relation to the prevention of chocolate blooming. Bile acids, cholesterol, other sterols and choline promoted the blooming of chocolate. Tripalmitin, added in good dispersion, made chocolate very resistant to fat bloom and chocolate had a high gloss. Hydrogenated fats made very difficult temperable chocolate and it had a waxy taste. Only Delft 37 and some Edelfette improved the resistance of chocolate, but they made it waxy. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) has undesirable effects.
Anhydrous glucose added at the rate of 15-20% of the weight of chocolate increased the resistance. Other sugars were either inert or diminished the resistance. Glycerol had a strikingly unfavourable effect on both quality and resistance. Amino acids did not exhibit any special influence on chocolate. Chemical additives and biological treatment also influenced the blooming of milk chocolate. Unusually long bloom crystals were produced on the surface of milk chocolate on special occasions.  相似文献   

巨峰葡萄于60年代引入我国,因其树势健壮、抗逆性强、商品价值高,目前已成为我国葡萄的主栽品种,但由于果农片面追求经济效益,使葡萄负载量过高,加之不合理的施肥,造成树体养分失调,品质低下,在这种情况下,追施有机养分可使树体营养得到及时的补充,在一定程度上提高树势及果实品质。934增产剂是一种从海洋生物中提取的天然有机物质—甲壳素(主要成分为氨基多糖),可被作物直接吸收,在大田作物及蔬菜上应用效果显著,为探讨在巨峰葡萄上的使用效果,于2000~2002年进行了该肥料在巨峰葡萄上的应用试验。1 材料与方法供试葡萄为熊岳胜台村6年生…  相似文献   

The texture of fried potato products depends on the building elements present in the cell walls, which play the structure-forming function, as well as on physical and biochemical changes of those elements which take place in the potato tissue, when it is exposed to blanching or frying. For the research the tubers of four potato varieties (Ekra, Orlik, Sumak, and Bryza) were used, which served as material for the production of French fries. In the samples of potato tubers before and after peeling, as well as in French fries blanched in the solutions of 0.4% CaCl2 and 0.4% MgCl2 salts the contents of pectic substances and their effect on the texture of the final product were determined. The process of peeling potato tubers contributed to the decrease of the content of the pectic substances. On the average 20% of the content of water-soluble pectins and about 5% of protopectins was decreased. Water blanching and frying contributed to a further decrease of the pectic substances in French fries in relation to their content in the raw material. However, potato strips blanching in the solutions of calcium and magnesium salts prevents further loss of those substances in the final product. The presence of calcium and magnesium ions in the solution of the blanching salts caused their partial binding by the pectin substances present in the potato tissue, which resulted in the improvement of the texture of French fries, especially obtained from early potato varieties.  相似文献   

The influence of a number of hydrocolloids on the transit time of digesta, stool weight and colour of stools was investigated in rats. All hydrocolloids tested gave the stools a lighter colour and increased their size and water content. The hydrocolloids could be divided into two groups according to their action on digesta passage: pectin, gum arabic, oxidised starch and barley β-glucan retarded it, while guar gum, carrageenan, tragacanth gum, carob bean gum, sodium alginate and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose accelerated it. After feeding carrageenan for 1 week it took several weeks before water content and transit time returned to normal. Gum arabic was found to cause caecal distension.  相似文献   

有机食品巨峰葡萄栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于辽宁北部的铁岭市是辽宁北部巨峰葡萄的主产区,巨峰葡萄栽培面积已达到6万亩。这里气候冷凉,≥10℃年积温3200~3300℃,无霜期150~155天,年降雨量500~600mm。巨峰果实在本地区于9月中、下旬可完全成熟。近年来由于果农重产轻质,大量使用氮素化肥和生长调节剂,使葡萄品质严重下降。为了提高辽北地区葡萄品质,使果农获得更高的经济效益,我们从1997年开始进行绿色有机食品葡萄基地建设,连续5年施用酵素菌生物有机肥,不使用任何化肥,只对枝叶喷波尔多液和石硫合剂,不使用任何有害农药和各类植物生长调节剂。通过实施一系列有机食品综合配…  相似文献   

以脂氧合酶-2(lipoxygenase2,LOX2)缺失大豆为试材,研究储藏温度对LOX2缺失大豆和正常大豆的脂肪酸氧化代谢及制备的豆浆腥味物质的调控规律。结果表明:温度和LOX2缺失均可有效调控大豆及豆制品呈味物质的量效,在20℃储藏一年后,LOX2缺失大豆的LOX活性较正常大豆降低了84.04%,LOX2缺失大豆所制豆浆较正常大豆挥发性腥味物质降低了28.36%;在0℃储藏一年后,LOX2缺失大豆LOX活性较正常大豆低90.31%,LOX2缺失大豆所制豆浆较正常大豆挥发性腥味物质降低了26.13%。低温储藏可降低大豆中的LOX活性,使得催化氧化反应速度减慢,有效减少了豆腥味物质生成量,在0℃储藏与在20℃储藏相比,LOX2缺失大豆所制豆浆挥发性腥味物质降低了约18.70%,正常大豆所制豆浆挥发性腥味物质降低了约21.67%。  相似文献   

格瑞特酒业有限公司总经理 李振会:为酒痴狂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在格瑞特公司宽大气派的品酒室里,李振会一落座就告诉记者,他不喜欢喝酒。这对于做酒的人来说显得有些特别。  相似文献   

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